Opening Files With Alternate Programs?

Dec 4, 2009

I am writing a program that stores filenames, along with a lot of information about the files in a database. I need to be able to open these files in three different programs from my application. One of these programs, AutoCAD is the default program for the files, but the other two are more difficult. These two need to open the file in a program that is not the default for the file type. Eventually, I'd also like to allow users to point the application to the instance of AutoCAD, MasterWorks, or FeatureCAM that they want to open. I have found articles that explain how to open a file in a default application and articles that tell me how to open any application with a file name, but only 1 suggestion of how to control the program used to open the file. For some reason I cannot get AutoCAD to recognize the file I feed in if I use this method though, so I think it's wrong. This is the method I found that doesn't work:

Start("D:Program Files (x86)AutoCAD 2007acad.exe", file)file is a variable that contains my file name. Since this works fine when I take the program path out, I know the filename is correct, but AutoCAD says it is not.

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Opening A File With Programs?

Oct 19, 2010

I am trying to make a tabbed notepad in vb.netWhat I want to do is associate .txt, .rtf, .html, ect. so that when you double click on them, the notepad starts up and loads the text file in one of the tabs. So far I can only get the files to open by using an openfiledialouge

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Opening Programs In Form?

Nov 13, 2010

i want to open progream in my Form,like:(The picture edited in Photoshop)

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Alternate Method To Copy Files To UNC Path?

May 7, 2009

I created a VB.NET Winforms app a while ago that printed drawings. The way it did this was to copy files from a network share to the folder for a plotter's que. This plotter would automatically just print anything that was dropped into this folder, which was specified with a path like \Btltmkeng_plt_q. I would do this by using the System.IO.File.Copy method. This worked well, until the company switched to a new printer. When my app copies the file, the printer only prints blank pages.

However, if I open two Windows Explorer apps, and manually drag the file from the network folder to the printer que folder, it works! This proves that the printer can handle these files if they are properly copied. Therefore, I was wondering if there were "alternate" methods for copying files in VB. I tried using the My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile method, but that just error out saying it could not find the target folder. Is there another method that more closely resembles what happens when files are copied using Windows Explorer?

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Opening/closing External Programs?

Jun 15, 2009

I want to make a program where I can open a program, and my vb program starts with it. My VB program will then use a timer to count to an hour, and then close out of both programs. So i started experementing with things and this is what i came up with:Dim myprocess As Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe")

That opens my program fine, but I dont know how to close it from there. Also I want my vb program to start automaticaly, not hit a button and my other program shows up.

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How To Create A Simple Program That Monitors What Programs Are Opening

Nov 10, 2010

I am wanting to create a simple program that monitors what programs are opening and if necessary close one or two. I would also like to know if it is possible to get the window title (using a simple function/sub) and check with a stored list of programs,

whether that particular program is allowed to be open and if so before the program can be opened a password dialog will appear asking the user to enter the defined password in order to continue opening the program. Is this possible? Also should the password entered not match up, the program/process will not be allowed to open and will be closed/cancelled.

some code or point to the part of the microsoft site that has information on getting window titles and how to close current programs open etc

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Forms :: Opening Files - Allows Users To Select Picture Files And Then Categorize Them Into Folders

Jul 9, 2009

I'm currently working on an application that allows users to select picture files and then categorize them into folders. Now I'm having two issues that are probably simple to fix but I only have a year of experience with vb so I just don't know how to fix them. The first and biggest issue is that once the user has selected and categorized a file, I want the program to select the next file in the folder that the first file was moved from. This way the number of clicks required is minimized. However I have no clue what I would need to do in order to accomplish this. Also, my other problem is that I want to be able to find the indexof a quotation mark but whenever I put it in the parameter it just reads it as a quote.

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Installing Programs DLL Files

Mar 19, 2012

I've mad a program that produces barcodes using crystal reports and I'm having trouble trying to get the dll file for the barcode to be moved into the folder where crystal reports looks for this.I'm using a development project to create an installer for the program in vb 2010.i have tried just copying the dll file during the program start up if its not in the correct location but get the error saying that i dont have a high enough permission level to do this, would registering the dll file work seeing as its a 3rd party file and crystal reports expects it in a specific location?

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Compile Basic Programs To Dll Files?

Jun 26, 2009

i want to know how to compile my basic programs to (.dll) files i want to do that to save my code i want that with all ways to do that.iam using vb

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VS 2010 Write Config Files For Vb Programs?

Jan 8, 2011

How do you write config files for vb programs? Like .xml files, Seen some examples but didn't fully grasp them. Say I had a program that launched programs and I wanted it to save the:Program Name, Program Location, Program Site, etc..So I am guessing the xml would looking something like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


how to load the settings from these configs. The reason I want to write it to an external config is because I plan to add an updating feature and I want the configs outside of the program.

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Changing Username - Make Programs Not Be Able To Find Certain Files?

May 25, 2009

I know this probably doesn't belong here, but on my computer, most of my stuff is on a user that is not my name. I got the computer from my friend named John and the user I have all of my stuff on is john. If I change the username is it possible that things coulds get messed up? Like could it make programs not be able to find certain files?

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Program Which Opens Files/programs That Have Selected And Checked With Checkbox1, 2 And 3

Jun 13, 2011

I'm developing the program which opens files/programs that I have selected and checked with checkbox1, 2 and 3(i haven't coded the tihrd one yet, but it doesn't affect). The first program runs instantly and others run after X interval if it's wrote in textbox4 and checked by checkbox4. So Checkbox is like an activator for this interval. If checkbox4 isn't checked then every program should run instantly. The problem is that checkbox4 isn't doing a job. Program activates the interval if there are somekind of numbers in textbox4. It doen't matter that is the checkbox4 checked or not.

Here is the

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


And here is the screen of the program:

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VS 2010 Create User Controls / Save Them As .ocx Files / Use .ocx's In Other Programs On Html Pages

Apr 25, 2011

I've been programming in VB6 for years, I have decided to take the plunge into and C# 2010 but having a little problem understanding the big picture.In VB6 I could create user controls and save them as .ocx files, then use those .ocx's in other programs or on html pages. I am sure the same idea is present in VS 2010, I'm just not seeing it.Can anyone recommend a book or tutorial that will show me the big picture of all the aspects of the .net environment?

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Opening CSV Files From Code?

Sep 20, 2010

I have 19 .CSV files that hold engineering data in single and multiple Arrays.I would like to loop through the Directory that contains the files and open each file, fill the array and close the file and continue to the next in Alphabetical order.

This code tells me how many files I have now and will update if I add more.

Dim FolderPath As String = IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "DATACSV Files")
Dim TestFolder As New IO.DirectoryInfo(FolderPath)
Dim FileCount As Integer = TestFolder.GetFiles().Count

FileCount give me my number of files but not sure how to continue. I have the code to open and read the file but not how to keep changing the file name for each new file name base on the number of files that exist.

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Opening Files With Program?

Apr 4, 2011

I'm making a flash player and I've been trying to figure this out for months now and have posted several different topics but none of the answers fixed my problem. I already know how to set my program to the default program for flash files on the computer, but I can't actually open files with my program without having my program open and loading it from the open file dialog in my program.

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Opening Up Files From The Resource?

Mar 4, 2011

how do i open a .exe file from inside the resource by click a button which will open a .exe file in the resource folder, which will work on any pc. The .exe will be like a installer or something. so basicy Click the button it will launch the installer and this will with on any pc?How do i do this?

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VS 2008unable To Opening Files?

Sep 18, 2011

Was Woundering ..... I dont have code to help the question. Id like to open a File Inbuttun Event. Sorry i don't no much on this Topic. It Could be just as Easy as clicking on file exe but.

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Download Files But Without Opening Browser?

Mar 19, 2009

Download files but without opening browser?

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Error Opening Files (overflow) In VB 6.0?

Jul 2, 2010

I cannot open and read files larger than 32k. This sub is used by both user-dialog and drag-drop operations. Files smaller than 32k are processed without error. Files greater than 32k result in the ErrorOpenFile warning with "Overflow" as the err.Description being displayed.

Public Sub SendFile(ByVal sendFileName As String, terminalWindow As Form)
Const MSG_TITLE = "Send File"
Dim asciiCode As Byte


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Opening And Writing To Files In VB 2010

Jun 24, 2011

Am writing a simple application which can write a to pdf,doc,xls and access files. so far it can write to word.i also want it to be able to navigate a hard disk and open these files using filters. i was using this code to write to the files


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Opening Local Files In Webkit .NET?

Jan 5, 2011

A simple WebKitBrowser1.Navigate(localfilehere) doesn't work for some reason.

I tried adding "file://" to the URL but that didn't work either.

This seems ridiculous but is this functionality really not present?

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Opening Password Protected Files?

Jun 18, 2009

I am programming using VB-2005 on a Vista Based machine. I am trying programmatically to open a PDF file that is Password Protected. I have worked out the steps required to open a non-protected PDF. Adobe tells me that it is not possible to pass a password to the PDF using the objects that come with the PDF Control. My question is can this be done in some other way, e.g. with WinExist etc.? Is WinExist and other such commands even available in Visual Basic?

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Opening Up Files Displayed In ListBox?

Jan 6, 2010

How do I open up the files displayed in the Listbox with an external text app.

I coded this :
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Collections
Public Class RinexHeader
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
' Clear the list box and the picture box.
[Code] .....

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Opening Word And Excel Files?

Apr 12, 2012

I've looked through some of the related topics to this newly created thread but none have answered my question. Refer to the following code below:

Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop
Public Class Form1
'declares the following Word and Excel variables as public


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Read Text From PDF Files Without Opening It?

Jun 8, 2010

Is there any means to locate a specific text inside a pdf file?

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VS 2008 Debug Opening C# Files?

Mar 17, 2010

Ok hard to explain this one, it may be the codeproject addin i added recently or its a setting i have changed somewhere but when i'm debugging my app opens up many .cs files, kind of interesting but when i want to step through my code it goes into these files and when it errors it has no reference to where the error actually is. sometimes these files being opened have errors on them which i have had to correct for the code to work.

Has anyone seen this before and what could i do to stop it, i wish to confirm that it is this addon before i remove it (which i will do if it is this addon causing this).

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VS 2010 Opening And Saving .txt Files?

Sep 1, 2010

First time user on here, basically have been teaching myself VB and I enjoy it quite a bit! Basically I have a program now that has the File Drop-Down Menu with Open and Save options. I want to open and save in a .txt format. The open command will need to place the text in TextBox1 ; and the Save command will need to take the text from TextBox2 and save it as a .txt. I have gotten to the point where it will save it to a specified .txt file, but I would like the user to be able to "browse" the computer for where to open from and save files to.

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Build A Class Or A Part Of A Program That Can Be Add Into Other Programs To Be Used In That Programs?

May 27, 2011

I am sure this can be done, as Visual Studio is basically built this way. What I want to do is simply make a class that my other workmates can use. But rather than have it in a code form, I want to build it (partially), and then my workmate can add it into their programs (sort of, like the add reference for the .NET stuff).

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Forms :: VB Web Browser Opening .html Files

Jan 20, 2011

i have my web browser made by visual basic have some futeurs like history , bookmarks , downloader, HTML Editor, Source, etc i make my it my default web browser but when i open .html or .htm files how can i make it navigate to the HTML File (and please without using open folder browser) i wanna make it like mozilla or internet explorer navigate to the site i have saved befor or make it

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How To Know If MS Word Running And Write In Opening Files

Apr 12, 2010

I need to know Is MS WORD running now? And how to write in opening files? In VB.NET.

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