Installing Programs DLL Files

Mar 19, 2012

I've mad a program that produces barcodes using crystal reports and I'm having trouble trying to get the dll file for the barcode to be moved into the folder where crystal reports looks for this.I'm using a development project to create an installer for the program in vb 2010.i have tried just copying the dll file during the program start up if its not in the correct location but get the error saying that i dont have a high enough permission level to do this, would registering the dll file work seeing as its a 3rd party file and crystal reports expects it in a specific location?

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Installing App To CD And Including Resource Files?

Jan 3, 2011

I have written a simple app that allows our clients to access documents they might need throughout their time of doing business with us. They access these document via a button click event. First off I'd like to publish this program and install it onto a CD so that the end user does not have to install anything on their machine. They just simply pop the CD in and the program runs and they can click on whatever document they need. I'm having to trouble figuring out how to install it on a CD. I am also pretty sure i've done my mouse click events incorrectly because i have the exact path to the documents in my resources file.

i'm currently using the "System.dianogistics...process"(i'm not sure if thats the exact syntax and i forgot a couple of the words) function(i'm not sure if this is a function or not. i'm not super familar with VB). but when i use this method it requires the exact path for the file. which doesn't make sense if i want it on a CD which would change the location of the file for my C: to E:.

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VS 2010 : Installing Encrypted Pfx Files Using X509certificate2?

Feb 9, 2010

I have an encrypted pfx certificate (for testing purposes the cert is "c:1.pfx" and the password is "Popcorn")and I have been trying to figure a programmatic way of installing this file to my personal store using the System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates import.

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VS 2010 Installing Encrypted Pfx Files Using X509certificate2

Jul 1, 2010

I have an encrypted pfx certificate (for testing purposes the cert is "c:1.pfx" and the password is "Popcorn")and I have been trying to figure a programmatic way of installing this file to my personal store using the System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates import.

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Install .rtf Files In Folders When Building/publishing/installing Program?

Oct 18, 2010

I could not figure out the key to installing folders/subfolders/.rtf files during deployment/installation. The key here is to 'add' folders and subfolders to the project in solution explorer, then adding existing item (.text (.rtf files in my case) files) then selecting the .rtf file in solution explorer.go to its properties and under 'Build Action' select 'Content' (very Important!). Then under 'Copy to Output' select 'Copy if newer'!Then in code to access these files you use the following code:

Me.RichTextBoxDisplay.LoadFile(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "KJV BibleOTExodusExodus KJV.rtf"))

Finally after 3 days of research and 2 days at the msdn forum picking peoples minds (smarter than mine) and lots of prayer, I got it!

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How To Publish A Program Which On Installing On A Computer Asks For The Drive For Installing?

Sep 9, 2009

I created a program and published it using the wizard through the "Property" in menu.

When I used the Published program to Install it in my same computer it got installed in "StartMenu".

I didn't get the option to select the Drive for Installing it like what we get when installing other program.

how to make that option to appear on installing the program?

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Compile Basic Programs To Dll Files?

Jun 26, 2009

i want to know how to compile my basic programs to (.dll) files i want to do that to save my code i want that with all ways to do that.iam using vb

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Opening Files With Alternate Programs?

Dec 4, 2009

I am writing a program that stores filenames, along with a lot of information about the files in a database. I need to be able to open these files in three different programs from my application. One of these programs, AutoCAD is the default program for the files, but the other two are more difficult. These two need to open the file in a program that is not the default for the file type. Eventually, I'd also like to allow users to point the application to the instance of AutoCAD, MasterWorks, or FeatureCAM that they want to open. I have found articles that explain how to open a file in a default application and articles that tell me how to open any application with a file name, but only 1 suggestion of how to control the program used to open the file. For some reason I cannot get AutoCAD to recognize the file I feed in if I use this method though, so I think it's wrong. This is the method I found that doesn't work:

Start("D:Program Files (x86)AutoCAD 2007acad.exe", file)file is a variable that contains my file name. Since this works fine when I take the program path out, I know the filename is correct, but AutoCAD says it is not.

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VS 2010 Write Config Files For Vb Programs?

Jan 8, 2011

How do you write config files for vb programs? Like .xml files, Seen some examples but didn't fully grasp them. Say I had a program that launched programs and I wanted it to save the:Program Name, Program Location, Program Site, etc..So I am guessing the xml would looking something like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


how to load the settings from these configs. The reason I want to write it to an external config is because I plan to add an updating feature and I want the configs outside of the program.

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Changing Username - Make Programs Not Be Able To Find Certain Files?

May 25, 2009

I know this probably doesn't belong here, but on my computer, most of my stuff is on a user that is not my name. I got the computer from my friend named John and the user I have all of my stuff on is john. If I change the username is it possible that things coulds get messed up? Like could it make programs not be able to find certain files?

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Program Which Opens Files/programs That Have Selected And Checked With Checkbox1, 2 And 3

Jun 13, 2011

I'm developing the program which opens files/programs that I have selected and checked with checkbox1, 2 and 3(i haven't coded the tihrd one yet, but it doesn't affect). The first program runs instantly and others run after X interval if it's wrote in textbox4 and checked by checkbox4. So Checkbox is like an activator for this interval. If checkbox4 isn't checked then every program should run instantly. The problem is that checkbox4 isn't doing a job. Program activates the interval if there are somekind of numbers in textbox4. It doen't matter that is the checkbox4 checked or not.

Here is the

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


And here is the screen of the program:

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VS 2010 Create User Controls / Save Them As .ocx Files / Use .ocx's In Other Programs On Html Pages

Apr 25, 2011

I've been programming in VB6 for years, I have decided to take the plunge into and C# 2010 but having a little problem understanding the big picture.In VB6 I could create user controls and save them as .ocx files, then use those .ocx's in other programs or on html pages. I am sure the same idea is present in VS 2010, I'm just not seeing it.Can anyone recommend a book or tutorial that will show me the big picture of all the aspects of the .net environment?

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Build A Class Or A Part Of A Program That Can Be Add Into Other Programs To Be Used In That Programs?

May 27, 2011

I am sure this can be done, as Visual Studio is basically built this way. What I want to do is simply make a class that my other workmates can use. But rather than have it in a code form, I want to build it (partially), and then my workmate can add it into their programs (sort of, like the add reference for the .NET stuff).

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Find All The "About" Files Of All Programs Stored On Hard Drive?

Jun 22, 2010

I would like to find all the "About" files of all programs stored on my hard drive. If you open a program, click on help and select "About". It provides the name, version and date written etc. I would like to extract and store in DB. The store in DB part, I have no issues.

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Program Files Are All Mixed Up - In Class Saved Program In With Load Of Other Test Programs For The Same Assignment

Jan 8, 2010

In class i saved my program in with load of other test programs for the same assignment and got everything mixed up i finally figured out what was what and loaded the program in Visual Basic. Now my program doesn't recognize one of my forms when i try to access the design view of it. I hit run for the hell of it and the program runs with errors of course but the form1 "the missing one" shows up with all the buttons etc and i can use it.

Heres the link to the files. [URL]

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Add All Files From A List To Programs Resource.folder Instead Of A Seperate Folder

Apr 14, 2009

I have made this installation program and everything work just fine, but I wish to improve it a little. Atm. all the files being installed is in a seperate folder, and the installation program simply move them to the right location.There is a builder program too.I would like it to add all files from a list to the programs resource.folder instead of a seperate folder.Atm I add the installation file to the destination folder with the following line. [code]

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Coding Programs That Interacted With Other Programs?

Feb 2, 2010

I started with VB 6.0 back when i was 14, I was mostly into coding programs that interacted with other programs. Recently I installed 2005 pro i got from school, and i grabbed few source codes that teach show interaction, I feel so dumb, i dont remember anything lol. It be great if you guys can share some source codes and other stuff in this field. also other day i was in dream spark and i am able to get copy of 2010 ultimate edition, are there a lot of major changes, cause i got 2 thick book for 2005..

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Distributing Programs: Getting Programs To Users Who Might Want Them?

Feb 23, 2009

When you've finished a program and you're trying to distribute it to the mass public. How is the best way to go about doing this? What sites would you post your program on and getting the word out that there is a new program on the block and it does xyz. This is directed to freeware so there wouldn't be any advertising.

Sorry for not explaining it very well the first time.

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Error While Installing App

Jan 7, 2012

While installing the application that i build on Visual Basic VS 2010, the following error occurs.

"Unable to install or run the application. The application requires that assembly stdole Version 7.0.3300.0 be installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) first. "

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Installing A Sql File

Nov 13, 2010

I have a sql file that i need to use with Visual Basic, im assuming i have to install it as i had to do that with a different sql file, the only difference between the sql file i have now and the other one i had is that the one i need to use with VB has only an sql file and does not have a database file that goes with it, this one is only an sql file. I have opened the file in SQL server management studio express and executed it over and over and it says (1 row(s) affected) (I have attached a screenshot) but nothing happens. If you look in the screenshot, on the left hand side you can see the "Pubs" database, that was the other sql file i had that had a database with it and it installed fine. Im really not sure what else to do with this.


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Installing App On A Different Domain?

Jun 9, 2011

I have an app that I've developed that has a front end and a SQL Server 2000 database backend. I currently have it running fine on my machine and it also installs fine on all the users that are inside the domain that the app was written in. When I try to install my application on another domain it hangs and doesn't even run the install script.

Has anyone ever experienced problems installing an app accross domains?

Is there something that I need to code differently to make it non-domain specific?

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Installing On New Client

Jan 31, 2011

I get the following message when trying to install on some computers:


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Installing Application After Publishing

May 30, 2009

i can publish my app creates the setup and the rest of the files, whatever they are.on my operating system, the setup runs fine.when trying to install it on another system, it asks for the microsoft update can take quite a can i publish my app, in such a way that it can run from the files in the setup and not have to have any other addons, as .net framework. i know it's possible, since i was able to install other software before i had the .net framework.

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.net Windows Service Not Installing?

Aug 27, 2009

I have created a Windows Service in for building xML from a database. I need to install it in my machine. I have followed all the steps as shown in [URL] When I right click on setup project and click install it opens the installation wizard and after hitting the next buttons it promptly says that the Service is installed successfully.When I go to Services I don't see the service. I refreshed the list and rebooted my machine n times.

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Add A Folder When Installing Programme

Nov 6, 2009

When I test run my programme (F5) it automatically saves files in a folder that is within the test project.I'd like to create a folder that is created when the programme is first installed (My Documents or in within the programme folder). How do I do this? I also want to give it a specific name instead of a name being given to it automatically. I know how to create a folder and save files in it during the test runs when I press F5 (If directory.exists etc etc etc) but that is during the runtime - how do I make a folder already available that is created during installtion.

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Cannot Save In Access After Installing Sp1 Of Win 7

Jul 27, 2011

I have a vb script in access 2007 and there I read some text documents and save them as record in the database. This is on a machine with windows 7. When I do this without sp1 for windows 7 it all works. When i install sp1 on windows 7 then I get the error massage cannot save with the code 2147286781 (80030103). In the VB code I use I put a example of the code below. Here i created a new DB and want to save 1 record. I got the same error back.[code]

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Distribute DLL Without Installing Net Framework

May 21, 2009

I create Win32 DLL using (VS2005), for later use in vb6 application. I've try and it's workout (on my pc). I'm wondering if theres a way to distribute that dll files with my vb6 application, without installing net framwework on target pc.

If you wonder why i'm doing this, the answer The current application on target computer still using application that i've develop with vb6. My company have a plan to migrate to so i have to update a litle by litle so the old application still running until the new one (which i developed using is ready to lunch. By the time new application running, my plan/target is i only update a minor change/installation.

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IDE :: Getting Error Message When Installing App

Mar 15, 2009

The message is "System Update Required"Unable to install or run the application. The application requires that assembly Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs Version be installed in the Global Assembly Cache(GAC) First. It is not completely clear to me if this is something that I have to 'include' in my application, or something I have to direct my friend to install in his computer. (Or how he can get it?)

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Installing A Program From A Combobox?

Dec 15, 2010

how I would install a program from a combobox, for example, I select an option inside a combobox like 'adobe reader', click the install button, and it installs the selected option? (all programs will be stored in a share or directory).

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Installing Application Published In .net?

Jun 9, 2009

i built a very simple application in, installed it, it worked. then i did some very slight updates, build it, tried to install it but got the following errors. i restarted computer, uninstalled app for the uninstall menu, and tried to run setup.exe and still have been getting this error.

Windows : 5.1.2600.196608 (Win32NT)
Common Language Runtime : 2.0.50727.3053


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