Create A Simple Times Table Program Which Will Allow User To Enter An Integer Value

Jan 22, 2010

could anyone please help me with this1.Create a simple Times Table program which will allow the user to enter an integer value n (between 1 and 20) into a textbox. On the click of a button output to a label the n times tables. Use a For Next loop to perform the repetition.i can output them to a list box but only last one to a label ive been stuck for 3 days.

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Create A Program Which Will Allow The User Enter Ten Numbers?

Nov 5, 2009

5. Create a program which will allow the user enter ten numbers. The program is to count how many numbers were above 50?

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Create A Program That Ask The User To Enter The Amount Of Hours Work?

Sep 22, 2009

I have to create a program that ask the user to enter the amount of hours work for 5 diferent projects in textboxes. The user have to enter the time he worked in minutes. Ex: 153, 280, 600, 130, 20... The total then is out putted into a textbox in this format "13 Hours and 35 Minutes" I'm having dificulties making the conversion and the separation from hours and minutes. I understand that the total is divided by 60, but if we fallow the above numbers the total hours comes out to 1183 / 60 = 19.71. So I'm having problems with the .71 mnts or digits... so from this total I have to output the total of in this particular format: "19 Hours and ?

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VS 2010 : Create A Program That Rolls A Dice A User Generated Number Of Times And Give The Frequencies Of The Numbers That Come Up?

Oct 26, 2010

I need to create a program that rolls a dice a user generated number of times and give the frequencies of the numbers that come up.I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the frequencies?

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Create A Program Which Promps The User To Enter An Unlimited Number Of Test Scores

Jul 7, 2011

Create a program which promps the user to enter an unlimited number of test scores. The program should show the high score and the low score. You should use a loop of your choice within this program. The program should look similar to the one below:

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Forms :: Times Table Program?

Jan 21, 2010

Create a simple Times Table program which will allow the user to enter an integer value n (between 1 and 20) into a textbox. On the click of a button output to a label the n times tables. Use a For�Next loop to perform the repetition.

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Very Simple Database Interaction - Using Textbox To Pull User ID From The Table

Jun 25, 2010

I have one table here with a list of UserIDs, Users, and ClientCodes. Each user can be assigned a client code to view that client's data elsewhere. Right now I have to change it for everyone via SQL Server and actually going into the table manually, but I'm trying to make a simple little program that will let the user change it themselves. All I need is a textbox that pulls the user based on a certain UserID from the table, and a drop down list that will not only show the current ClientCode they're set to, but allow me to change it and save that change to the table in the database.

What's the best way to go about this? I tried using the wizards but I guess that's not the best way to go about it. I have it displaying the correct user and their current ClientCode but that's about it.

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Multiplication Table In VB - Popup Input Box To Ask The User To Enter A Number

Mar 21, 2010

I need to code a basic multiplication table in VB. I need a popup input box to ask the user to enter a number, then a label to display the multiplication table for that number from 1 to 9.


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Integer Arrays - User Enter In Big Integers Using - Two Parallel Arrays

Dec 10, 2009

My assignment is to have a user enter in big integers using what i think is two parallel arrays. I got this far but now im stuck. I think i need to actually convert the text box input into an array but i do not know how to do that. I am all over the place in this project.

'Created/ Revised by: Jessica Falcetta
'Cap 204 Final Project: Big Integer Project
'Project Purpose: To calculate large integers through parallel arrays


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Create A Simple User Tracking System?

Nov 17, 2010

I'm trying to create a simple user tracking system so whoever has the program open can see who else has the program open. I know how to retrieve the username and everything. What I was doing was updating (loading and saving) a listbox with a text file on the network with the usernames in it. I can't get it to work right and I think its because the simultaneous opening and saving of the same text file by multiple users. I know this isn't technically the best way to go about doing this but it seemed like it should be the easiest. I don't want to make a huge project out of this because it isn't that important, it would just be nice.

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Create Simple User Control + Click Action?

Feb 9, 2011

create a simple control. The control have 1 label and 2 panels with images. The control needs to be clicked, the problem is i can create the click action for the control, i can only use internal click events. how to use it out of the control.

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Create A Program That Can Search Files And Display The Amount Of Times?

Apr 20, 2011

Im trying to create a program that can search files and display the amount of times that it has been encountered, for example it will show the number 4 because it will run into four instances of the word. Im kinda stuck on how to do this,

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Create A Program With A Simple Gui?

Jan 4, 2012

Im trying to create a program with a simple gui that enables me to search for and select parent folders containing child folders containing multiple files and then validate those files based off of constants i set per child folder and file.


User selects Parent FolderX
Parent FolderX > (ChildFolder1 ( Constant for ChildFolder1 says open file 4 ) > File 4

Compare multiple strings of text in a specific order based off of file name to constants i have set for that named file Then continue to ChildFolder2 ( Constant for ChildFolder2 says open file 16 ) > File 16 Compare multiple strings of text in a specific order based off of file name to constants i have set for that named file If there is any constants not read in one of the files after all have been checked, return msgbox with a notification and write .txt log with child folder and file names to specified directory?

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Create A Small Application That Will Force User To Enter An Even Number?

Oct 5, 2011

I need to create a small application that will force a user to enter an even number but i MUST use a loop. Here's what i've come up with:


Dim bynombrepair As Byte
bynombrepair = InputBox("Entrez un nombre pair")
If bynombrepair Mod 2 = 0 Then


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Create An Application That Allows A User To Enter Three Test Scores Each For Three Students?

Sep 30, 2009

I am a new user to VB and I am having difficulty with one of my assignments. The assignment states that to create an application that allows a user to enter three test scores each for three students. The application should calculate each student's average test score and assign a letter grade. The application should prompt the user for each student's name and three test scores.


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Create An Application That Allows User To Enter Number Of Tickets Sold

Apr 16, 2012

i'm having a bit of a hard time on setting up the calculations.There are three seating categories at a stadium. For a baseball game, Class A seats cost $15, Class B seats cost $12, and Class C seats cost $9. Create an application that allows the user to enter the number of tickets sold for each class and the total revenue.

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Create Form Where End User Enter Folder Location For Download?

Aug 5, 2009

I currently have a program that allows users to download files into a folder of there choice. I currently have 10 different forms all with a text box to show folder location and a browse button for user to find it, but what I want to do is create a form that will appear at the start where the end user can enter the folder location so that they don't have to enter the folder path for every download they want to do. How would I go about doing this I have a textbox, browse button and an OK button but have no idea what to do next.

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VS 2010 Create An Application That Lets A User Enter As Much Grades He Wants?

Oct 5, 2011

I have to create an application that lets a user enter as much grades he wants. The grades are between 0 and 100 and they can't be negative. Whenever the user type -1, the application is done and it shows the average of the grades, the lowest and the highest grades.I absolutly have no idea where to start but i must be using loop/do/while.

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Make A Simple Program That When For Eg A User Enters 4 It Gives This Figure ****?

Mar 1, 2009

i was wondering how i can make a simple program that when for eg a user enters 4 it gives this figure **** and so i want that if the user enters 5 it gives ***** etc.

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Simple Looping - Create Multiple Form Fields For Each Entry In Underlying Database Table

Nov 24, 2009

I am trying to create a form which will be fed by an underlying database to create multiple form fields for each entry in an underlying database table. This is for a program to monitor patients under anesthesia, and prior to surgery, the doctor will choose which monitors they will be using. Then, on the actual monitor screen which will pop up every X minutes, there will be a text box and a check box for each chosen monitor. I am relatively new to VB, so I have tried to illustrate what I am needing but using the logic that I know from my previous life in PHP.

I am using DevExpress's layout control to place the form fields, so that is the code in the middle of the first loop (on_load), and I know that part works, I just need to know how to name the fields and then recover those fields and commit the values to the database. (the text boxes are added to the database, the check boxes are used to determine if an entry is made for that monitor- i.e. at the end of surgery if a monitor is turned off). I know that my syntax for naming the fields is no where close to correct, and it probably would not work in PHP, but I remember doing something like this in a PHP application I built long ago. [Code]

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Create A Simple DVD Player With Program?

Apr 26, 2012

I am trying to create a simple DVD Player with Visual Basic 2008 (Express). But I am trying to find this item for the Toolbox-"MSWebDVD".

Does anybody have, like a download link to get it for VB 2008? If you do provide me with a download link, then I would kindly ask to tell me on how to apply it.

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Create A Simple Shortcut To A Specified Program?

Mar 5, 2012

I would like to create a simply shortcut to a specified program. All of the codes I've tried use the WshRunTime library and it seem to throw an exception every time.

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Program That Allows The User To Enter A Month And A Number Of Years?

Jun 10, 2011

program that allows the user to enter a month and a number of years. (e.g March and 10 years) The program then displays all the months of the year from the entered month in a loop that runs as many times as the number of years.(e.g March April May.....December January February March....)

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Create An Application That Prompts The User To Enter Today's Sales For Five Stores?

Feb 18, 2009

I have to create an application that prompts the user to enter today's sales for five stores. The program should then display a simple bar graph comparing each store's sales. Create each bar in the bar graph by displaying a row of asterisks (*) in a list box. Each asterisk in a bar represents $100 in sales. I have to make two different versions of this program. One using a "do while ... loop" and the other using a "for ... next loop". Could someone give me a hint on how to do this. I the "do while ... loop" version and I have had some problems, especially with converting the numbers to asterisks.

Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDisplay.Click
'Clear everything


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Create An Application That Prompts The User To Enter Today's Sales For Five Stores?

Jun 5, 2011

this is my first vb. and i have assignment and i have been trying for hours but i couldn't do it right I have to create an application that prompts the user to enter today's sales for five stores. Create a loop to prompt for an amount for the first store using an inputbox and do not exit until you have good data. The inputs cannot be negative or greater than 5000, but may contain decimal values. The program should then display a simple bar graph corresponding to the amount of sales using a row of asterisks (*) in a listbox. Each asterisk represents $100 in sales. Display the total of all the stores by looping this process for each store.


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How To Create A Simple Program That Monitors What Programs Are Opening

Nov 10, 2010

I am wanting to create a simple program that monitors what programs are opening and if necessary close one or two. I would also like to know if it is possible to get the window title (using a simple function/sub) and check with a stored list of programs,

whether that particular program is allowed to be open and if so before the program can be opened a password dialog will appear asking the user to enter the defined password in order to continue opening the program. Is this possible? Also should the password entered not match up, the program/process will not be allowed to open and will be closed/cancelled.

some code or point to the part of the microsoft site that has information on getting window titles and how to close current programs open etc

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Designing A Windows Based Computer Program That Will Allow A User To Enter Some Number (n)?

Dec 10, 2010

I need designing a Windows based computer program that will allow a user to enter some number (n) and a choice of a count up or count down for that many numbers. So for example, the user enters 5 as their number and selects the count down option, the message box displayed would contain the message: "Here are your numbers: 5,4,3,2,1,0"

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Write A Program In 2008 That Allows The User To Enter In Information About A Video Into Textboxes?

Apr 30, 2009

I need to write a program in visual basic 2008 that allows the user to enter in information about a video into textboxes and from there it needs to be sved to a file. The user also has the option to search for a video in the collection by name and the info for that video should go to the textboxes. how i can do this?

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Create A Console Application That Lets A User Enter 20 Names And Then It Sorts Them Out Alphabetically In Order?

Mar 25, 2012

I need to create a console application that lets a user enter 20 names and then it sorts them out alphabetically in order and then displays them.

Module Module1
Sub Main()
Const names As Integer = 20
Dim index As Integer


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Create A Simple Program That Send String Data Through Winsock

Sep 3, 2010

im trying to create a simple program that send string data through winsock, there are hundresd of tutorials allover the web, but non of them seem to work! I am fairly new to visual basics but i undersatnd the consept of winsock and 'all that stuff'. [code]

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