How To Format Double Value

Mar 15, 2012

iam reading scale values from a scale in now iam getting values like 33333kg and 55555kg and I want to format it such that I get values like 33.333kg and 55.555kg

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How To Format A Date Column In A Datgridview Where Data Is Double Format

Aug 3, 2009

I have a DGV that is getting data from a sql db. The dates in this db are stored as doubles ie 40025.708681

How do I format this column as Date/Time?

I tried but this doesn't seem to work.

how to do this? DGV1.Columns("HostDate").DefaultCellStyle.Format = "d"

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Format Double To String

Jan 28, 2011

I would like to format double number like below;[code]Is this possible?

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Double - Money Format Number .NET?

Feb 13, 2012

I'm trying to convert a mathematical result of money format example:

Dim num1 As Integer = 2000
Dim num2 As Integer = 500
msgbox(cDbl(num1 + num2))

It only returns 2500, which I need to return my 2,500.00?

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VS 2008 Double To A Specific Format String

Oct 2, 2010

I am making a program that shows a data of azimuth and elevation of a radar. Example:

Azimuth = 203.40
Elevation = 3.52

I need that the data will always be two number after the point. Even when the number ends with zero (203.40).But the Double by default removes the zero from the end of the number.

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VS 2008 Format Double Number Like Integer?

Aug 2, 2011

How can i format a double number to be like a integer?

for example:

i want to 12.34 to be rounded and displayed like 12 not 12.0.

because when i do String.Format("{0:n0}", 12.34) the number will be displayed as 12.0

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What String Format Use For The Double Or Integer Number

Feb 7, 2012

The problem i m facing is that i m getting all numbers in this format

1- if it is double then 123.45

2- if it is integer then 123.00 which is wrong

how to format a number wether it is in decimal or integer.if it is decimal then something like 123.56 or if it is integer then 123 not 123.00.Tell me the generalized string function and how to use it..

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C# - Double ParseDouble - Input String Was Not In A Correct Format?

Mar 11, 2011

I keep receiving this same error about 3-4 times a day and have had no luck tracking down how to resolve this issue. According to the stack trace, the error is occurring within the Microsoft.VisualBasic library so how exactly would I go about fixing this issue? Here's the report I send to myself and what gets generated by the server. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Update: I understand what the error is and what would cause the error to occur. The problem I'm running into is finding out where exactly this error is coming from within code. The stack trace tells me its coming from Visual Basic but there's nothing else. No line numbers, no other info about what function caused this error to occur, there's zilch to go on so I'm left scratching my head trying to diagnose something, that looks to be wrapped up in a .dll probably.

We're running Ektron 7.6.6 sp2 if that sheds any light onto the subject. Is there any way to get a more robust stack trace? I checked the event viewer on the server and the info i posted earlier is all that's displayed in the event viewer. Which is none to helpful.

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C# - Format Double As String With Positive / Negative Symbol?

Aug 25, 2011

I'm outputting a Double that can be either (+) or negative (-). If the number is a negative the symbol (-) is included automatically, is there a way to do this for positive numbers as well?

The only (horrible) way I can do this is :

If MyNumber <= 0 then
string.Format("{0:0.00}", MyNumber)
string.Format("+{0:0.00}", MyNumber)
End If

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Double.Parse % Percent - Input String Was Not In A Correct Format

Jan 19, 2010

I have a DGV with a column bound to a Double. When I enter "1%" I get:

System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.

I then try: MsgBox(System.Double.Parse("1%")) and get essentially the same error. (same for "$")

Is there a setting that will allow "$" & "%" as not only valid Double input but also do the correct adjustment for "%"?

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Reading Data From Serial Port And Converting To Double Format?

Apr 3, 2012

I am using a VB.NET(VS2010) to read data from serial port. I have 8-bit data to collect through rs232. This data is represented numbers. What reading method should I use and how to convert it to double format?

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Intercept Single Or Double Mouse Click - Only Execute Double Click Code On Double Click?

Jan 27, 2011

I have a situation where I am handling both single & double mouse click events on a form. In both cases something has to be loaded, however when a double click occurs, I do not wish to execute the code attached to the single click event.Is there a way to intercept the mouse click's and check if double or single and then execute the right event appropriately?

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Flickering - Double Buffered Picturebox - Not Double Buffere - Black Screen With The White Lines

Nov 17, 2010

I have a htpc project that I am working on. The main program loads dll plugins which are basically other win forms. On each of these forms, including the main program, I use a picturebox (a double buffered picturebox) for the background image and then draw everything on it by hand. Whenever I load the form from the dll and show it, I get a weird flicker. It looks like it is the previously used double buffer. Is there any way to clear the background double buffer before the flicker? Or am I going in the wrong direction?

Here's a couple of videos of the problem:

Notice the black screen with the white lines on it or the flash of the desktop after I click "Movies." How do I get rid of that?

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Use A Decimal Instead Of A Double (why Then Do Microsoft Use A Double For Most Math Class Functions)

Aug 15, 2011

For greater accuracy I should use a Decimal instead of a Double ( so I've been told ). Why then have Microsoft chosen to use DOUBLE for most of the functions that return a floating point value in the Math Class?


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VS 2008 : Double Quotes Inside A Double Quote?

Apr 4, 2009

In, im using objWriter.Write("playerA= "x"")as you can see im using double quotes inside double quotes, how do i skip it so the error doesnt show up?in php you make an "" to skip the string like ("playerA = "x" ")

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Vb6 Double Versus .Net Double Data Type?

Aug 11, 2010

When i use VB6 i get the following outputs

961.605 * 100 = 96161
936.495 * 100 = 93650
929.295 * 100 = 92929

NOW..... When i do the above in 2005 i get the following

961.605 * 100 = 96160
936.495 * 100 = 93650
929.295 * 100 = 92930

How can i get the same output as the VB results. And i have tired it ! Type conversions, math functions, everything i can think of to get the same VB6 output !

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Vb6 Double Vs Double Data Type

Aug 11, 2010

When i use VB6 i get the following outputs


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Forms :: Double Buffer A Form, Aside From Setting "Double Bufferd" To True

Oct 27, 2009

I've asked this question before, and so have many before me, i have done extensive research on the topic and stil no help. Maybe this is some kind of secret info. shared only amongst top programmers. Bt how do you really, trully double buffer a form, aside from setting "Double Bufferd" to true, which doesn't work in most cases, I want to know how do companies lyk Microsoft and Symantec, prevent flashes on big applications such Word and Norton.

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VS 2005 Display A Command Line Argument That Has Double Quotes Around, The Double Quotes Are Always Stripped Off?

Feb 23, 2010

If I try to display a command line argument that has double quotes around, the double quotes are always stripped off. How can I avoid this?

for example, the argument is "c:xx.txt" and this displays c:xx.txt instead Console.WriteLine((My.Application.CommandLineArgs(4)))

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CSV File Parse - Double Quote Comma Double Quote

Mar 25, 2009

I have a CSV file where the values are in double quotes and seperated by a comma. I'm getting incorrect data if I try to seperate the string with my Split function. How do I do it?


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Double If Statement - Getting Error "Conversion From String "frog1" To Type 'Double' Is Not Valid."?

Apr 12, 2011

I've been just making random programs trying to get the hang of the new language this time I was making a leap frog game where it switches back and forth beetween frogs every time a button is pressed. It also checks if the frog can land in the text box above the button pressed, if there is another frog there a message box will pop up saying sorry space is filled other wise the frog should land there.


The error message says "Conversion from string "frog1" to type 'Double' is not valid." I understand what a double is but I've tried And If and that causes a bunch of errors.My Question is whats wrong with this cod and how can I make a double if statement???PS I did try to make an array to shorten this but thats in a different fourm will post URL later

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ChartAreas(0).AxisX.LabelStyle.Format Is Changing Axis Label Text Instead Of Format?

Feb 1, 2011

I'm returning a database query into a List object and using that list object to fill the X and Y axes of my chart as seen below. (_runData is a "List(of DatabaseTableName)" style Object filled with the results of my query.

Primary_Chart.Series(0).Points.DataBindXY(_runData, "DateTime", _runData, "UPPER_PRESSURE")
My Datetime field is returning as a Serial Number (i.e. 40116.76111) so I want to format the X Axis to display the field more readably. Enter my problem code.


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Convert A Black And White Image In JPEG Format To A Grayscale TIFF Format?

Jun 5, 2011

Im looking for a class or code in VB.NET that can convert a black and white image in JPEG format to a grayscale TIFF format.

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Converting JD Edwards Date (6-digit Julian Format) To MMDDYY Format In UltraGrid

Jun 7, 2011

I'm creating a VB app that uses the Infragistics UltraGrid to display data from 2 JD Edwards files. Before the data is displayed, first I need to convert 2 date fields that are in JD Edwards Julian date format (i.e., 111158 for 6/07/11....the 158th day of this year) to mmddyy format.

MCTS: Web Apps, MCTS: Windows Apps, MCTS: SQL Server 2005, MCP: Windows XP Professional, A+, Network+, Linux+, Security+, Master CIW Designer, SCJP

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Format The DataGridView DefaultCellStyle Format Property (Zip Code And Phone Number)?

Jan 5, 2010

I am using VS 2005 pro and VB.NET. How do you format the DataGridView.DefaultCellStyle.format property for zip codes and phone numbers. I have a zip code and phone number column(s) that I want to be formatted. I have tried a lot of different things:

Zip code: "99999-0000" or "Phone Number: "(999)000-0000" or "(000)000-0000" and the like So far nothing has worked. I can get my date columns formatted correctly, but not these. Can any one give me some examples that work?

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Date Format - Take A String Formatted Like '010711' (DDMMYY) And Put It Into Format '01-Jul-11'?

Jul 1, 2011

I need to take a string formatted like '010711' (DDMMYY) and put it into format '01-Jul-11'. Ive thought about doing something like string.toArray and then having some conditionals that format from there but am looking for an easier way.

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Format Function Date / When Region New Zealand And Time Format A.m

May 17, 2012

When retrieving rows from an SQL Server table I use the following code select mydate, Customer, Details from sales where mydatetime >= '" & format (somedate, "MMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt") & "'"This works fine unless the clients computers windows Region setting is 'English (New Zealand)'The default time format in windows Region and Language for New Zealand is [code]On computers with this region setting I get an SQL Error 'Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string'..If I manually select the other option for AM symbol, PM symbol in Region and Language i.e AM PM the all works fine again..What format string can I use so that above code always works, even if the Region time format is a.m. / p.m.

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Format Gridview Unbound Column In 12hr Time Format

Jan 31, 2011

format Gridview's unbound column in 12hr format? i tried the following code, it didnt work.


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DateTimePickers With Custom Format Shows Other Format On Dropdown?

Jan 8, 2010

The bottom line on a dropped-down datetimepicker shows the date different then in the text-part.In my case, the text-part format was yyyy/mm/dd, but the bottom part of the dropped down part stated Today: dd/mm/yyyy, what is probably the format set in the regional settings.

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Change The Format Of The Total Into A Money Format?

May 13, 2009

i just started usign Vb two days ago, as it was required for work and i just wondered how to change the format of the total into a money format

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