How To Update Database Using Variable

Aug 31, 2009

i have information.mdb database. i have bind it to the datagrid view in now i want to update the database using a button. for e.g. when user click 'save' button, the text on 'textbox1' will be the data to be insert into the 'textboxvalue' row in my information.mdb database. 'textboxvalue' row is in 'table1' table.

Can i do like this ? this code belong to save button click event.
stitle = Me.TextBox1.Text
Dim con As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection


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DataBase Connection Update Record Or Update Database?

Jun 23, 2009

I am fresher in but I have experience in vb 6.0. But I want to connect database in sql server through sql connection. In that case how to create connection with window or sqlserver authintication mode and how to add or update new record in data base in batch transaction. Please help me with sample code.
So that I can understand eassily.

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Syntax Error On Update STATEMENT - Update A Row Within A Access 2007 Database

Nov 15, 2011

update statement, i am trying to update a row within a access 2007 database here is my code.


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Sql Update - Update Database With The Value 40'6"(Feet And Inches Values)

Apr 15, 2012

I am using with access database. I am using sql. How can i update database with the value 40'6"(Feet and inches values)

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DataRow Update - Does Not Update The Access Database And No Error

Jun 26, 2009

What is wrong with this code. It does not update the access database and no error.

Dim conn As New OleDbConnection

Dim sqlQRY As String = "SELECT * FROM StdMaster WHERE StuNo = " & txtStudentNo.Text & " ORDER BY StuNo"


View 10 Replies - Update Linq To Sql With Variable Names?

Apr 15, 2012

im pretty much a beginner to using and linq to sql but what im trying to do is update a column of a table based on a variable. at the momment i have

Dim db As New sqldcDataContext Dim update As tableName = (From i in db.tableNames _ Select i)

i think this selects everything, how could i have two variables, one to store what table to update and the other what column. is this possible?edit: sorry for being unclear im trying to make this as dynamic as possible so i dont have to type in the exact table/col names. something like this but in the linq to sql syntax.

mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ". $table ." WHERE `" . $column . "` = "" . $data ."");

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SQL Update Error - Must Declare Scalar Variable

Nov 8, 2009

I am trying to update a table. I am trying to add the value 1 to the cells the user querys, i.e.,
user enters 1124
I want to add 1 to all of the cells the AccntRep = 1124

I am receiving this error
"Additional information: Must declare the scalar variable "@RepNo""
I get the the value the user enters and store it in the variable RepNo

'Query to return tuples of AccntRep
Me.CustomerContactsTableAdapter.Search(Me.CompanyDatabaseDataSet.CustomerContacts, New System.Nullable(Of Double)(CType(RepNoToolStripTextBox.Text, Double)))
'Get value from Query Box
Dim RepNo As String
RepNo = RepNoToolStripTextBox.Text
[Code] .....

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Update Variable Form Background Worker?

Nov 22, 2009

[code]...Update variable form background worker?

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Variable For "Where" Modifier Of Update Routine For SqlCeCommand

Mar 8, 2011

with the following code:


I am looking for the correct configuration to allow a variable for the Where modifier of the SqlCeCommand(Update) routine. Within the database, T01 is a bigint field, and T02 and T03 are nvarchar fields. A literal coding such as Where T01=2 works fine, but an attempted variable configuration such as above produces the error The column name is not valid. [ Node name (if any) = ,Column name = T03Ctr ] at the ExecuteNonQuery() line.

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Update A Database Row With The Update Command?

Feb 11, 2010

is there a way to update a database row with the update command by first defining all parameters and then all values just like you can in the insert command? "insert into table1 (parameter1,parameter2,....) values (value1, value2,....)"something like "set table1 (parameter1, parameter2) values (value1,value 2,...) where ...."?because I only know the syntax to define each parameters value "set table parameter1=value, parameter2=value2... where"

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MS Access Database To Make Program Interactive But Cannot Get The Database To Update With The Entered Data

Apr 20, 2010

This program is very difficult for me, but I must get threw it or I cannot finish... What I am doing is making a Database of foreign Languages with the spelling of the words and the pronounciation inside the database... The USER enters a paragraph of words into the translator textbox and pushed translate. The program has a DATABANK of words with the phonetic spellings and matches the word, then translates to phonetics. The problem is that new words keep appearing inside the language. So I incorporated a Database of 2 fields


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Database Update - Using OleDbDataAdapter To Insert New Values To Access Database

Jun 6, 2010

I created a dataset and i am using OleDbDataAdapter to insert new values to access database. But when i close the program and after open it, values are not in the database. How can i solve this problem? Also, i have another problem. When i write codes that


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Update An Inventory Table In Database From Another Database Name?

Aug 11, 2009

i want to update my inventory table in database from another database name. Example: In VB, i had a form named Orderform. User need to select e product that they want and key in the quantity. all these information are able to store inside my database named ORDERTAB. but now the problem is i wanted to update another field in my database named INVENTORY by minus the quantity tat the user had key previously. i totally had no idea how it going to works.

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Insert, Delete, Update The Data Into Database And The Data From Database Will Be Display Using Datagrid?

Sep 17, 2010

I got a system which i want to insert, delete, update the data into my database and the data from database will be display using datagrid. The below is the coding for one of my button, delete.

Private Sub btnDelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click
btnSearchEmpNo.Enabled = False[code].....

Now I wanna set when user click on this button to delete a employee (for example) then the datagrid that i have in my application will not show the data of the deleted employee but in the background, the employee haven't been deleted from database.The employee only will be deleted from database when the user click on SAVE button.I know this application have to use RowState but how?

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VS 2008 Will Not Need To Update Each Component Variable Of Products List When Components List Changes

Sep 21, 2010

I think (?) this is about object design, and perhaps about structural and/or creational patterns. But a bit hard to say when I only know a couple of patterns yet.[code]But... what if we INSTEAD want each Product instance only to (in some way) refer to one instance of a specific list of Components. So we wan't to save the products list to one file, and the components list to another file. Then would I build the objects the same way, or different? So let's then say we have now Class B as below. [code]

1. Will not need to update each component variable of the products list when the components list changes.

2. If the Product object shall be shown in a DataGridView, for editing properties, it seems easier to implement the selection of the component property.

Is this wrong approach? Is it suitable in some cases, and if so, when? Are there other solutions I perhaps am not aware of that would be appropriate? Is this about structural design patterns? and if so, can the alternatives above be catagorized to some pattern type? I don't really know exactly what I'm looking for.. But I think probably I'm looking to understand whether the object design will be determined by the way the objects are saved.. And if i shall save the objects by serializing to file, vs saving to a database, would I create the business objects differently?

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Failed To Update Database "path" Because The Database Is Read-only

Jan 13, 2011

I figure why this happens, and is because of Windows 7 and its permissions. Now I'm trying to fix this. but the code for this is a bit complicated for me. I found on this website an example on how to set the permissions on files. ([URL])


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Extracting Database Value To A Variable?

Nov 6, 2010

I am trying to write a fairly basic program that uses a database of English words and their German equivalentsto be a sort of quiz. In the database i have three collums, ID, English and German. I want to use a random number to select the word, show the english word and then ask for the german - it is then checked against the database value to see if it has been done correctly.

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How To Compare Variable To Value In Database

Apr 3, 2009

I'm a little brain dead at the moment and was wondering if someone could help me out with some code.I am pretty new to using databases in vb and what I want to do is to match a variable with a value in a database field and when it finds it, it will store the row count into another variable. I know I have to use a counting loop, I'm not sure how to compare the variable to the value in the database.[code]

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Passing Value From Database To A Variable?

Nov 15, 2011

how to pass value from database to a variable.

This is my query:
Dim it As String = "Mouse"
Dim itNo As String
SELECT * FROM tblITEquipmentName WHERE equipmentName LIKE '" & it & "%'"

I would like to get the ItEquipmentNo and pass it to variable itNo

View 7 Replies

Seach For A Variable In My Database?

Feb 25, 2012

I,ve been workin with vb application forms connected with ms access database i used ms access 2003 for my database with connection string


was trying seach for a variable in my database. what codes can i use for my search. I'm currently using vb 2010

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Could Not Update Database?

Nov 15, 2011

i am just developing a library management system as one of my project. i using 2010 and the MS Access 2007 as back end. when i save some records into my database through my application it is correctly saved and i confirmed it through opening the relevant table in the database. but when i restart the application all the entered data were missing..

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Get Database To Update

Mar 17, 2011

i have the connection to the database.i have a datatable that stores the info from the database.i just cant seem to get the database to update. the program is a website and when the user clicks submits his account is created. if all the data is verified and the screen name doesnt already exist,a new row in the datatable is created and the info is stored in the correct columns. this is where im stuck. whats the next step for getting the data from the datatable to the database. do i have to insert a row to the dataset and accept again, and then with the database?

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How To Update Database

Sep 5, 2009

I want to update data in Province table in eUnion.mdb using Form2.

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Update A Database With A New Row?

Jul 8, 2011

Ill start this by saying im still very new to VB, ive had some programming expereice here and there since high school, but never really did much with it till now.Ive got a small app that im working on for a side project, i want to add the details of a given days records from a simple POS system i have built up so far. At this point i have all of the information generated and i cant seem to get the app to commit it to the database. I have seen tons of posts on this, and i have followed a bunch of them to no avail. Im sure this problem is because i have the code written wrong, and i cant get it figured out. Here is the code that im using to try to save the data:

Dim hoursworked As TimeSpan = dtpEndTime.Value.Subtract(dtpStartTime.Value)
hours As Double = Math.Round(hoursworked.Hours + (hoursworked.Minutes / 60), 2)


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Update Database Using SQL Through VB?

Jun 12, 2011

I'm currently working on my A2 computing project, and I am having slight difficulties updating and saving the data in my database when it is entered on a form in VB. I cannot find any reason why it wouldn't work, but if someone could suggest a better way to do it, it would be great as everything else works. It's in the btnsave at the bottom, and when you click the button on the form it come up with a very unuseful error, which is no help to anyone.

This is the code for the edit details form, where on loading, the customers details which are currently in the database are already there, and they can change things on it and save it to update their details if anything changes.

Public Class EditMyDetails
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbProvider As String


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Create Database Table With Name From Variable?

Mar 16, 2012

i am trying to create a table in a access 2007 database with the name stored in a variable wich the user inputs. For example, if the username entered by someone is "John", i want to create a table in the database also named "John". I have tryed this:

Dim mypath = Application.StartupPath & "\mydb.mdb"
Dim mypassword = ""
Di Cmd As OleDbCommand


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Forms Authentication Add SQL Database Variable

Aug 29, 2010

I am using Forms Based Authentication I have extended the Forms Authentication Tables creating a custom table called Profile_Contact that holds the user's GUID, username, email address, and other information. I have another table called Profile_Account which holds company account information such as Company Name, address info, phone numbers etc. This table has a Key Field called IDProfileAccount.


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Formula String With Variable From Database

Jun 16, 2010

I have a question about storing formulas on a database and bringing them back in as a string. I want to have the user enter in a width and that number will be passed to intWidth. Lets say a user enters 8 into txtWidth, strRange will = "Less Than 10" and in the database I will have a Width_Range column with "Less Than 10" and a corresponding Equation column to go with it. If I have a formula such as (1800 * 1.8) saved in that database column, the code I have works and does the calculation.


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Getting A Variable String From Online Database?

Jun 15, 2010

sqlquary2 = "GET Status from Members
WHERE Username='" & UsernameTextBox.Text &


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Read Field From Database Into Variable?

Feb 27, 2010

I simply wont to read one field in a databasetable into a variable.[code]....

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