Ide - Ctrl-Break Suspends Code On "Partial Class FrmMain"?

Feb 1, 2012

This is an IDE question for VB Express 2008. It might be a bug in the IDE, or maybe it's my fault somehow?

My main form is named FrmMain and in my application's properties I have set frmMain as my startup object. All of that seems like what a lot of coders do.

But while debugging I hit Ctrl-Break, as I have done for years, and I get an behavior in the IDE that I wasn't expecting. Upon doing so, I get the green background text and the green arrow indicating in a tooltip: "This is the next statement to execute when this thread returns from the current function." Even if I didn't have the designer document open, it automatically opens frmMain.Designer.vb in the editor and hihglights line in green. The line is of course: Partial Class frmMain which is line 2 of the file. (Yes, it's highlighting the second line of the designer-generated code.)

The thing is, frmMain seems to have fully loaded and it's my startup object. As far as I know there shouldn't be a "next statement to execute" at all because code should be idle. I don't want to see the Designer.vb document... I want to edit my own code. Even though my form is behaving just fine, could there somehow be an unfinished aspect of loading the form such that it is "not returning" from a function?

Edit: In response to a couple comments, I'm adding three screen shots:

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Partial Entity Class With Shared Extension Not Associated With 'other' Partial Class In Client Using RIA Services?

Apr 21, 2011

I have extended an Entity Framework 4 entity class with a calculated property in a partial class. This member is not available on the client to which the entities are exposed via WCF RIA Services.when using C# appears to be changing the extension of the partial class file from .cs to .shared.cs. I tried this with my VB.Net solution (.vb to .shared.vb) and got a long list of errors. I believe what happened is that the partial class lost its association with the entity on the client - it inherited from object rather than EntityObject.

My best guess is that this is related to the way that VB.Net handles namespaces.Each project has a 'Root Namespace' which is prepended to anything that is defined within a code file. C# has a 'Default Namespace'which is the namespace into which new types are placed by default - via a namespace statement within the file.The partial class is probably having the client namespace prepended to it which puts it into a different namespace than the entity with which it is associated on the server.Is there any means of extending an entity in such a way that those extensions are available on the client via WCF RIA Services and VB.Net?

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Get Ctrl+Break On Laptop Without A Break Key?

Nov 12, 2009

-new Dell laptop without a Break key.

-VB6 and VS2008 IDEs use Ctrl+Break to pause execution for debugging.

-I need a way to map another key combination to trigger a Ctrl+Break

My setup may make this easier or harder but to be clear I am running Kubuntu 9.10 (latest stable) and WinXP in a VirtualBox VM. Obviously all VB6/VS2008 dev is taking place in the virtual machine.So maybe it's possible to have the linux host send through Ctrl+Break based on a key mapping, or maybe it's possible to remap directly in WinXP. I'd settle for any solution as atm I need to use the XP On-Screen keyboard to send a Ctrl+Break.

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IDE :: Partial Class Code Behind A Dataset Object / Is It Running In A Separate Thread

Jan 27, 2010

I am instantiating a form object in my code behind the dataset just to access some form level variables and to occasionally set a label in the navigator bar. Recently in the b2 Team version of VS2010 there are some strange errors thrown in the immediate window and then I'm tossed out of debug mode and back into the IDE. This code has been operating for some time in this project without this behavior. A team member has just reproduced the behavior in his development machine also.The error that starts the shutdown of the debug instance is this: Control accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

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IDE :: Can't Use Ctrl + Break In VS 2008

Dec 24, 2009

I am new to VS 2008 but have used VB6 for years. I want to be able to run my program in the IDE but when a Msgbox displays a message I want to stop the program and see the MsgBcode. I am using Windows 7 and VS 2008 professional on a 64 bit machine. How can I do this? Do I have to install a 32 bit version of VS 2008?

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Press Ctrl+Break To Pause The Execution To Change A Value?

Mar 17, 2012

When i test a project i usually press Ctrl+Break to pause the execution to change a value here or there, but unfortunately VB opens a new tab titled "No Source Available" and it become difficult to back to the tab that i was working with specially when there are a lot of opening tabs.

Is there any option to stay on the current tab when pressing Ctrl+Break?

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Declare Main Class On FrmMain - Working With Classes?

Jun 3, 2009

Currently I declare my main class on frmMain. as public MyClass as new clsMyClass Thus anywhere in the application I would address it as: frmMain.MyClass.Function(MyParam) This does not look as neat as I would like it. Where can I load this Class so that I can address it as: MyClass.Function(MyParam) from anywhere inside the application.

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Threading Class FrmMain To A Module And Modifying UI Thread Values?

Jan 15, 2010

In frmMain:

Private Sub DBReadAccountInfo(ByVal strAccountID As String)
Dim tmpaccountInfo As New PublicFunctions.clsAccountInfo
tmpAccountInfo.strAccountID = strAccountID
Dim ReadAccountInfo_Thread As New Thread(AddressOf tmpAccountInfo.DBLookupAccount)
ReadAccountInfo_Thread.IsBackground = True


In "sub UpdateAccount", frmMain.InvokeRequired is always false. There's a MenuStrip control I'd like to update the .Text on.

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C# - ASP.NET Partial Page Class Names?

Mar 29, 2009

When you create a new page in VS 2008 and choose code behind, it also creates the typical aspx.vb or aspx.cs file to go along with it.

At the top of those files, VS names the 'Partial Class' name the file structure and/or name of the aspx file.

The question: Is there a best practice for this? Can I just use a single class name for all the pages in my application or perhaps a single directory instead of having to give each one a unique name?

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Creating A Partial Class For A Form?

Nov 30, 2010

I would like to create a partial class for my form. I have a lot of events, and it gets messy, so I would like to break up sections into their own files. The problem: When I create a partial class of my form, say:

Partial Public Class Form1
End Class

Visual Studio decides I need another form for this partial class.

1. How do I create a partial class for a form?

2. If I cant do that, how can I break up all the events in my form into different files?

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Insert the Partial Class to Be Correct?

Apr 21, 2010

How do I insert the partial class to be correct?

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Partial Class


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Interface Implementation In Partial Class?

Jul 16, 2009

I am reading a book (ASP.NET 3.5 Enterprise Application Development with Visual Studio 2008: Problem Design Solution, WROX)The source code is written in C#, but I am a VB guy, so I am giving it a try. Somewhere in the 2nd chapter, there is a Linq to Sql file used that is generated by drag&dropping the DB tables from the Database Explorer. Because some tables have the same type of fields, there is an interface generated called IENTBaseEntity. The writer says its a good practice to implement this interface in another partial class (not the designer.vb file!). The reason for this is that when the LinqToSql file is modified (and regenerated) the changes wont be lost.

In C# this solution is easy to do (i think), but in VB.Net I get an error, because the concerning properties in the LinqToSql file do not append the 'Implement IENTBaseEntity.Property' line. When I press [Enter] after the interface implementation line, VS generates other properties like this

Partial Public Class ENTUserAccount
Implements IENTBaseEntity '--->This line results in the error

' This is not the way it should be

Public Property InsertDate1() As Date Implements IENTBaseEntity.InsertDate
End Get


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Accessing Variables In Partial Public Class?

Apr 10, 2009

I am currently working on a project of "interpreting" C# into VB. The project involves adding images to a database, retrieving images from the database and presenting them in thumbnails. Right now I have the following Public Class with the Variable that needs to be assigned:

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.IO


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Allow Only Numeric Values In Dataset Partial Class?

Aug 5, 2009

I have a textbox which is bounded to the typed dataset. If the user in the textbox &hit keydown, it should allow only numeric values with 2 decimal points and also it should not allow more than one "."(dot). I found many but all thats are using textbox event

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Partial Class Custom Data Validation

Sep 29, 2011

I am testing custom data validation with partial classes. It is a Windows Form Entity Framework application .In the partial class file (time.vb) the code is:[code]What is wrong with my code? How can I handle the exception message in the main form (thrwon by the OnDataFundChanging event)?

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Partial Mock Of A Class With Private Constructor

Sep 9, 2011

I am trying to write some unit tests on a class that looks like this, using Moq [code] the parameterized constructor is private or internal one of the two methods relies on the result of the other.I want to check that when GetThisOrThat is called with a value, it actually calls GetThis. But I also want to mock GetThis so that it returns a specific well-known value.To me this is an example of Partial Mocking, where we create a Mock based on a class, passing the parameters for the constructor. The problem here is that there is no public constructor, and therefore, Moq can not call it..I tried using the Accessors generated by Visual Studio for MSTest, and use those accessors for the mocking, and this is what I came up with [code]

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Transactions - Expose Private Fields Using A Partial Class?

Nov 12, 2010

I am trying to implement transactions across multiple TableAdapters in VB.NET (using Visual Studio 2010) by extending the partial class as described in the following examples:

However, when I attempt to expose any of the private fields created by the designer they are underlined in the editor with the following error:

'_adapter' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection

Searching this site as well as google has not revealed anything useful, but perhpas I'm searching the wrong keywords.

Here is the code in MyDataset.vb

Partial Public Class MyTableAdapter
Public Property MyTransaction() As SqlTransaction


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Possible To Override An Autogenerated Property In Designer File Using A Partial Class?

May 31, 2012

I am using Linq to Sql that generated a data contract for a table. I have a date field in that table which is a non-nullable field. I need to override the auto generated property of the date field to return a specific value, something like [code]Is it possible to override an autogenerated property in the designer.vb file using a partial class? I dont want to create a new property as it is currently being accessed in n number of places and I dont want to change it in every place.

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VB - Create The Simplest Partial Class In Order To Access A Table Property

Nov 23, 2010

I'm stuck when trying to create the simplest partial class in order to access a table property. I have a LINQ auto generated DataContext with:


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Bar Code Printing With Page Break After Each Bar Code

Feb 24, 2009

i'd like to print bar codes with page break after each bar code, below is my current codes.


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VS 2008 Best Way To Break Class Up Into Managable Chunks?

Mar 23, 2010

I have a class with a lot of methods. This class and methods are in one file. These methods can be put into 3 groups based on the things that they can be used for. What would be a good way to break these methods up into the 3 groups? I was thinking about doing a partial class definition and breaking up these methods into 3 files.

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.net - Write A .NETCF Partial Class To Extend System.Windows.Forms.UserControl?

May 28, 2010

I'm writing a .NET CF (VBNET 2008 3.5 SP1) application, which has one master form, and it dynamically loads specific UserControls based on menu click, in a sort of framework idea. There are certain methods and properties these controls all need to work within the app. Right now I am doing this as an Interface, but this is aggravating as all get up, because some of the methods are optional, and yet I MUST implement them by the nature of interfaces.


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Loop Inside Every Tables/columns In A Dbml File To Create New Partial Class?

Aug 6, 2009

I have a class that add extra information about a column for linq2sql (see code below) right now, I have to explicitly tell what column I want that info on, how would you put that code with a loop on every column in every table from a dbml file? I was doing my test on a very very small DB, now I have to implement it on a much more bigger database and I really don't want to do it manually for every tables/columns it will take hours.

how it's being used:

Partial Class Contact ''contact is a table inside a dbml file.

Private _ContactIDColumn As ExtraColumnInfo
Private _ContactNameColumn As ExtraColumnInfo
Private _ContactEmailColumn As ExtraColumnInfo


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VS 2008 Partial Class Files For Windows Forms Or Any Other Designer-generated Control?

Sep 24, 2009

I have cooked up my first iteration of a code generator which creates the basic Entity models from a SQL Database Schema. Currently, It will scan a SQL Db Schema, and create .vb code files complete with private members and Public property declarations for every User table in the Database. My next step is having it add the basic CRUD procedures as well. Are we mere mortals able to access whatever technology allows the Partial class files created by vs to be hidden/Linked to their "parent" files, such as the Partial Class files for Windows forms or any other designer-generated control? My thinking is that it would be handy to be able to re-generate code files from the database if necessary to reflect changes in the schema, without overwriting any other properties or methods added to a class in addition to those derived from the database. SO I am hoing I can have the Auto-generated output go to a Partial Class file, and then use a regular class file of the same name for the rest of the code. My Concern is the multiplicity of files that might result, so I was hoping it is possible to "tuck them in" to the parent code file in the Class View.

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What Is The Code Of Break

Oct 26, 2009

I need a code wich break

x = DialogResult.Cancel Then
x = DialogResult.Yes Then


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.net - Results Different When Break Into The Code?

Nov 21, 2011

I created a small console app in visual studio 2008 trying to learn .net but my results show differently when I break in the code and press F11 to step through. If I do it this way, the results I expect to get show but if I don't break into the code the results aren't what I'm expecting.

Basically everytime I click a button i want to write four numbers that are random. If I break into the code, these show random numbers i.e. 1 3 4 3 but if i don't break into the code. my numbers are all the same i.e.1 1 1 1. Here is my code, like I said I'm still learning so the logic is probably not correct.


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Add A Line Break To Code?

May 21, 2010

I want to do this:

lblQuestion.Text = "Text (insert line break) More Text"

View 8 Replies Mvc - OnValidate .Net Partial Method Won't Fire For NerdDinner Sample Code

Apr 28, 2009

I want to create business rules that are separated from the DAL code that is generated by my L2S model. Per the NerdDinner example (which is written in C#) this code needs to be in a partial class like mine is below.

<HandleError()> _
Public Class PreOrderController
Inherits System.Web.Mvc.Controller


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Break Whenever Any Line Of Code Executes?

Apr 1, 2010

We can reproduce it to the point it happens whenever we click Tab, but short of putting a break point at the beginning of every method in the project to find out what is executing.

Is there a way to set visual studio to break whenever anything executes?

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Flag The VB Folks At MS About Code That's About To Break?

Nov 4, 2011

I am writing a Direct Sound application and I am getting a warning that the functionality that I am using is obsolete and to use different functionality. However, when I try it, I get a compile error.

I am using VB on Visual Studio 2008 and .Net 3.5 .


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