Inheritance - Spot The With .Net Code?

Sep 12, 2010

I'm writing some code in VB.Net which I hope demonstrate to colleagues (not to say familiarise myself a little more) with various design patterns - and I'm having an issue with the FactoryMethod Pattern.


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Can't Spot The 'Overflow Exception'

Aug 27, 2011

I get an 'overflow exception was unhandled' error in the following code.

It is a function to combine 2 bytes into a 16 bit integer.

Private Function MakeInt16(HiVal As Byte, LoVal As Byte) As Short
Dim h As UInt32 = HiVal * CUInt(256) + LoVal
Return CShort(h)
End Function

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Cant Seem To Spot Regex Miss

Oct 20, 2011

I cant seem to spot my regex miss take(always been poor at RX). Is only passing the first expression. I assume it's because i am passing both expressions with "text". [code]

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Click A Certain Color Spot?

Nov 15, 2011

Could it so when the timer is ticking that it will move the mouse over to a certain color and click the spot once? For example if it finds on the screen a "green" spot or "hue:79 ; Sat:224" that it will click the spot once?

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Spot The Regex Misstake?

Oct 17, 2010

Can any one spot the miss takePrivate firstRegex As String = [wd]+.json?mbed_type=website_unknown"

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Copy Array At Specific Spot

Jun 5, 2011

I'm trying to copy an array starting at a specific based on the number of variables I have. I have the program give me the number of variables. What I need is to copy the original array, UnsortedArray, start at the index of var + 1. I have tried the Array.Copy and Array.CopyTo, but I get the error that my new array, UnsortedNumArray, is used before it has a value.I know I've mostly overlooked something. Could you please point me in the right direction? [code]

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Making A Piece Move From One Spot To The Next?

Sep 21, 2010

TI have a picturebox on top of another picturebox, like a smaller square perfectly in the middle of a lil bigger square picturebox, if you click on the smaller one inside the slightly bigger one, it checks to see what the color is of the picturebox "under.It", or the Picturebox thats bigger than it, and is like sourounding the smaller one in the middle of it... If when you click the small one, and the BG Color of the one that's under it is Black, change it to white, "my forms bg color is also black" the highlighted pictureboxes will seem more like they get highlighted, ya know...

Here's the code, after you've looked at those pictures, you can probably imagine what I want this code to do, and it's really Guiness really, because when I program in VB.NET, and before I go to YouTube to teach others how to do different things with VB.NET,I like to make sure that my program is very simple, but very effective, and does the job.When I click two pictureboxes, and when my app knows that I have clicked 2 of em, which I had no problem being able to do, I want the FIRST PictureBox To Switch With The Second One That Gets Clicked, It's CHESS....It Seems So Damn SImple, BUT I'M STUCK AGAIN, AND I WANT TO MAKE A CHESS BOARD IN VB.NET.

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VS 2008 Add Text In A Specific Spot

Dec 7, 2010

I have kind of a wierd situation: To start out, I have a list of strings. Then the user will give input and add list items. I have this^ part done. What I need to do now is the following: There are two buttons; button1 and button2 There is also something else that I still need to decide on (maybe a dropdown menu) I want to show openfiledialogue1, the user will pick a text file from their computer (I also need to know how to make the only file they can select text files) and then save the file's text to a string. The text will be made up of multiple lines of an unknown number.


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Click Specific Spot In Browser Using Coordinated?

Jun 9, 2012

so i have came so far by now :

Public Class Form1
Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(sender As Object, e As WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted


anyways, i want to simulate a click in a specific spot of this browser ... lets say i want to click the upper part of the webpage . how will i do that ? i actually searched but i found only click given the coordinates of the desktop or things like this but nothing for giving coordinated to your program and that will click INSIDE your browser

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Create In Specific Spot - Text Box In The Top Left Corner

Mar 4, 2012

I had this code


That creates a text box in the top left corner. Is there a way to tell were it will be made?

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VS 2010 Filestream.position Lands In Wrong Spot

May 26, 2011

I am trying to read a file and note the last position in the file. The next time I look at it, I want to pick up where I left off. What I'm finding is that sometimes when it comes back to the file it is 2 characters further in than it should be. The code I am using is:

Private Sub Read_Log(ByVal skip As Boolean, ByVal recursive As Boolean)
Dim logfilestream As FileStream
Dim logreader As StreamReader


I'm thinking about backing up to check previous characters - but I'd rather not hack over the problem if there is an actual fix to it.

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Add A String Item, Returned From Another Form To A List Box At A Specific Spot In Place Of Another?

Nov 22, 2010

there's a list-box with items, and say you want to modify an item in the middle of the list. You select that item and click "Modify" button and a new form appears with the previously selected item data from first form ready to be modified in a text-box. After modifying and clicking Ok the second form suppose to return that modified string to the first form and insert the modified string into the same spot instead of the originally selected item, so it looks like it was edited to the user.

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Insert Some Html Into A String's Spot So Can Find That Text In A RichTextBox And Replace It?

Mar 14, 2012

I have this code attached to a button

If htmlText.Contains("<frame src='demo.html'/>") Then
htmlText = htmlText.Text.Replace("<frame src="demo.html/>", "<frame src='" &


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Make The Http "POST" Request To The Specific Spot?

Mar 18, 2011

I am trying to write this program that logs into this website. Now I figured out how to make the http "POST" request to the specific spot on the page which returns a "Successfully logged in" afterwards but once I make a request to another part of the page, it asks me to login (I look at the source code). I have been messing with Fiddler and I compared the a POST from my webbrowser to a POST from my program. I found the following lines to be in my browser POST and not in my program post:


I am assuming this has something to do with the cookie that I am suppose to get to be able to tell the website that I am logged in. If someone could point me in the right direction that would be great. I dont use XMLHTTPREQUEST in my program. I found it earlier on the msdn website but now I cant find a reference to it.I am also not good with term names and I just started learning VB and don't know much about cookies/HTTP requests and such, but that is why I am trying to learn.

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VS 2010 Create An Exe "on The Spot"?

Oct 4, 2009

I'd like to know if it's possible to create an .exe file "on the spot."Meaning, somebody enters information...Say, a password field,and they enter, say, "1234".Then they click "Compile". It builds an exe file out of Visual Basic (It takes 2 files, the orm1.Designer.vb and Form1.vb that were just created with the string "Dim password as string = "1234" "), then it compiles it into an .exe.

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How To Apply Inheritance

Apr 22, 2012

i am just trying to apply inheritance ..Below is my Code ... on which i am not getting the output on my Text_Box ... when in write it in a Child Class

Imports System
Imports System.Windows
Imports System.Windows.Forms


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Oop - Inheritance And Interfaces ?

Jul 14, 2011

Has someone a hint what I'm doing wrong in VB.Net?

Module Module1

Interface ISearch(Of T As ISearchResult)
Function ids() As List(Of T)
End Interface


The third cast isn't working. Why? did I miss a oop lesson?

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Why Only One Parent In Inheritance

Mar 2, 2011

What's the choice design that microsoft do that? Of course, as of me, I don't use inheritance a lot, or at all.

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.net - Inheritance And Collection Of Objects?

Oct 21, 2011

we have 3 classes:Class S, class A, class B / A and B inherits S.A has a property A1 and B has a property B1.we also have a collection of objects that has A and B objects.ex.

Dim c as Collection = new Collection
c.add(new A)
c.add(new B)

Now we want to make a general object that will read from the collection.

ex .
Dim obj as S

how can we cast obj in order to see properties A1 or B1 according to the class;

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.net - Inheritance Works For First Descendant But Not Next?

Apr 20, 2011

Public Class Form1
Private Sub But_Bell_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles But_Bell.Click
MessageBox.Show("Ding a ling")
End Sub


Where has the whistle button gone? The class part of the inheritance has works because you can access it via code.

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.NET Constructor With Parameters And Inheritance?

Jun 29, 2010

Why VB.NET (vs C#) does not "inherit" the constructors with parameters?

Public Class StopLine
Inherits Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.LineShape
Public Sub New()


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.net Multiple Inheritance In An Interface?

Apr 15, 2011

I'm facing a problem regarding multiple inheritance in far as I know does not support multiple inheritance in general but you can reach a kind of multiple inheritance by working with interfaces (using "Implements" instead of "Inherits"):

Public Class ClassName
Implements BaseInterface1, BaseInterface2
End Class

That works fine for classes but I'd like to have an interface inheriting some base interfaces. Something like that:


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C# - Appropriate To Use Generics Versus Inheritance?

Apr 28, 2009

What are the situations and their associated benefits of using Generics over Inheritance and vice-versa, and how should they be best combined?I'm going to try to state the motivation for this question as best I can:I have a class as shown below:


Now suppose I have a repository that takes an InformationReturn argument, that has to strore different fields in a DB depending on the type of Info object T is. Is it better to create different repositories each for the type T is; one repository that uses reflection to determine the type; or is there a better way using inheritance capabilities over/with generics?

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C# - Serialization Across Projects With Inheritance?

Jul 19, 2010

I have a base class ("MyBaseClass") in a project called "BaseFramework" which is included in several solutions within the company. There are several derived class's in various projects throughout the company that inherit from "MyBaseClass". If I then create a List and add derived class's to it, it will not serialize. I realise that if I were attempting to serialize this list, and the base class and derived class were in the same project, I could simply apply the "XmlInclude" attribute to the base class and include all of the derived class's. This is however not possible across projects, because that would require a circular dependency.

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Constructor With Parameters And Inheritance?

Jun 23, 2011

I searched quickly and not find an explicit answer at the following question:Why VB.NET (vs C#) does not "inherit" the constructors with parameters?

Public Class StopLine
Inherits Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.LineShape
Public Sub New()


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Convert Inheritance With Interface From C# To VB?

Jan 6, 2012

How can I convert following code to VB.NET?

class A
public int NumberA { get; set; }


In VB.NET there is problem with Implements keyword after property declaration. So I need to do something like this:

Class B
Inherits A
Implements IC


But there is duplicit misleading property NumberA1.

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DataBinding Inheritance And Typeconverters?

Jan 19, 2010

I have the following code; now i set a propertygrid.selectedobject to the Square object, and start changing the Squares properties. If i change the [Position.x] or [position.y] values in the propertygrid the [Position] and [center] properties update correctly, however when i change the [Center] property, neither [Position] or [Position.x] or [Position.y] update. Is there something else i must do to get this to work both ways. Maybe something is lacking in PointFConverter?

Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Drawing


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FAKE Inheritance In C# / Program?

Dec 14, 2011

Suppose I want to inherit from System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction which is sealed. Supose I want to just put a wrapper around SqlTransaction and always use MyTransaction instead of SqlTransaction. Is there a way I could potentially cast MyTransaction to SqlTransaction using an Implicit/Widening operator?

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Generic Collections And Inheritance?

Aug 24, 2009

I have a parent class and many children class, right now it look like this:

Public Class Parent
Public Property ID as String
End Class


What I need is a strongly type list List(Of Child) that Inherits from ListOfParent (I need the FindByID method) but I can't find the right syntax.

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Get Around Lack Of Multiple Inheritance?

Nov 5, 2009

get around lack of multiple inheritance

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