Inserting Data But Getting "duplicate Values" Error?

Oct 1, 2009

I am attempting inserting into an Access database, and the insert is successful (when I open the database the data is there), but I'm getting an error: "The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. Change the data in the field or fields that contain duplicate data, remove the index, or redefine the index to permit duplicate entries and

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ADVERTISEMENT - Inserting Data But Getting "duplicate Values" Error

Jan 15, 2011

I am attempting inserting into an Access database, and the insert is successful (when I open the database the data is there), but I'm getting an error: "The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. Change the data in the field or fields that contain duplicate data, remove the index, or redefine the index to permit duplicate entries and try again."

This is really confusing me. No matter what I insert, it still gives me the same error. And I don't understand why it's giving me an error even though it's working. Here's my codebehind:

Protected Sub Wizard1_FinishButtonClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.WizardNavigationEventArgs) Handles Wizard1.FinishButtonClick


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Error - Create Duplicate Values In The Index - Primary Key Or Relationship

Apr 4, 2011

I had restart my program for 5 times, and i still can get through it. the due date just around the corner.

"The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. Change the data in the field or fields that contain duplicate data, remove the index, or redefine the index to permit duplicate entries and try again."

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Looping Through Data Grid View And Inserting Values Into Database?

Apr 5, 2011

Currently I have a problem with updating my database with values in my Data Grid View.

On my form I have a "Populate" button and "Submit Details" button.

The "Populate" button fills my Data Grid with numerous lines of data.

On the click event for "Submit Details" I want this data to be inserted into a table in my DataBase by looping through each record.

For Each dgi As DataGridView In DataGridView1.Rows

Dim productCode As String = DirectCast(dgi.FindControl("product"), Label).Text
Dim description As String = DirectCast(dgi.FindControl("description"), Label).Text
Dim quantity As String = DirectCast(dgi.FindControl("order_qty"), Label).Text


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Inserting Data To SQL With The Error In Syntax?

Aug 27, 2009

debug this code(especially on the highlighted one, it is where the bug occur)

Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
Dim myConnection As SqlConnection
Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand
Dim ra As String


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While Inserting Data Generate An Error

Mar 11, 2010

I am using 6 textboxes and three button one for insert data second for update and third for delete the data while inserting and updating the record it generate an error i.e. "Data type mismatch in criteria expression" in the backend i.e in MS Access I am using this column[code]...

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Checking For A Duplicate On Table Before Inserting The Field?

Dec 22, 2009

I need to check if a Commodity entered into (TextBox1.Text) already exists on my table before i insert it. I'm having issues checking if the number of rows returned from my Select is equal 0? Also i'm wondering should i be checking for an exception and open/closing my connections each time i make a call to my DB or is the way i have it coded below OK?

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
myConnection = New SqlConnection("server=localSQLEXPRESS;uid=sa;password=12345;database=My DB")


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Inserting A Duplicate Record In A (Access) Database?

Sep 24, 2009

For some reason my code is executing the INSERT query twice and putting duplicate records in my table. If I put a primary key on one of the fields I get a runtime error and it complains about the fact it can't add the record twice.The part of the code that INSERTs is near the bottom, bolded and italicized. I put the entire IF statement of code incase my logic is wrong.This is what's being executed when a user clicks a button

If listOfCompanies.Contains(cbx_Company.Text) Then
'If the list contains the company, UPDATE the record
If LaborChecked Then


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Validating Duplicate Record Of SQL Database Before Inserting & Upd?

Dec 2, 2011

how to validate the Duplicate record before Inserting and Updating Command is Trigered from VB.Net Form. I am new to VB.

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Catch Error While Inserting Data With SqlDataSource

Oct 30, 2011

I have a SqlDataSource and a GridView.

What I want to do is, while the query is executed (i.e. for inserting a data), then after the data has inserted successfully, it should appear a message sounds: "The data deleted successfully". I've solved it by using GridView1_RowDeleted method.

Now the problem is, I want to catch the error while the query is failed to executed. If the query has failed to execute, then it should appear a message: "The data failed to insert."

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Error While Inserting Data In The Sql Server Database

Oct 9, 2011

I'm using the following code to insert the data in a table and i am getting the error at cmd.executenonquery()....The exception is labelled as SQL exception and the underlying message says "String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated." [code]

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Inserting Error - Insert Data Into Database?

Apr 4, 2010

I am trying to insert data into my database but because i have relationships in the database, i can't enter data into one unless the other has been entered but i can't also do all that at the same time.This is the error i get: You cannot change values of this column because it is related to another table, what do i do and what is the next best option if i don't want to use "autonumber" but want to make sure i don't repeat numbers. How do i implement that?

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VS 2005 Inserting Data To Ms Access Error

Feb 18, 2010

i'm new to i'm using visual studio 2005 windows application language. i'm doing a company project and using MS access database. i want the user to add data about the new customer and save it to the database.i used the followinf


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VS 2010 Error When Inserting Data Into Two Table

Apr 7, 2011

i having a syntax error when im inserting data to two table.i check all the spelling and also i put [] in my reserved word.. by the way here's the code..[code]

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When Inserting Data Into A Database Get A Conversion Error

Sep 2, 2010

I'm working on a form that allows to add new users to a users table in my Access database. The table only has 3 fields: user (string), password (string) and admin (boolean). user is the primary key. But when I run it and try to add, I get an error when casting the query to Double (?). I don't have any double variables or table fields, and I'm not trying to cast anything from or to double. So I have no clue about how to fix this. The code I'm using to insert (and it's working correctly on other forms and tables I have) is:


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VS 2008 Inserting A Duplicate Record In A (Access) Database?

Sep 24, 2009

For some reason my code is executing the INSERT query twice and putting duplicate records in my table. If I put a primary key on one of the fields I get a runtime error and it complains about the fact it can't add the record twice.

The part of the code that INSERTs is near the bottom, bolded and italicized. I put the entire IF statement of code incase my logic is wrong.

This is what's being executed when a user clicks a button

If listOfCompanies.Contains(cbx_Company.Text) Then
'If the list contains the company, UPDATE the record
If LaborChecked Then


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Inserting Record - Overflow Runtime Error With Data Reader

Jan 28, 2011

I am new to VB. I was trying to insert a record into access database with data reader. I was getting OVERFLOW error at runtime. My understanding is that overflow error occurs when we assign values that to variables that exceeds the maximum size of the data type.

Following is my code
Private Sub InsertRecord(ByVal CustomerID As Integer)
Dim RowArray() As String = Split(Me.lblRow.Text)
Dim intPrice As Integer
Dim decTotalPrice As Decimal
Dim mySQL As String
[Code] .....

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Inserting New DWord Values And Chnages Values Using 2008?

Apr 13, 2010

Am New To This Fourm So Forgive Me If I Have Put This In The Worng Place I HAve Been Programming For 3 Years And Need A Project I Am Doing.I Am Using Visual Basic 2008 Express EditionOutlineI Want To Be Able To Add A Dword Value To A Exsisting Location and add a value to that Dword Value

Example: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList and then Add a new Dword Value that is not there such as Administrator


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Duplicate Values In A Datagrid?

Feb 26, 2012

I'm using an unbound data grid in Visual Basic. I made the following loop for the purpose of searching each cell and each column for a duplicate value. But for some reason I get a "InvalidCastException" when I try to add a second row.

Private Sub AddJudgeBtn_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles AddJudgeBtn.Click
Dim exists As Boolean
' ToDo: If the value entered is already on the list, don't add again.
If JudgeList.Rows.Count() > 0 Then


EDIT: Adding the entire click event.

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Get Duplicate Values From Dgv Into A Combo?

Dec 14, 2011

I am trying to get duplicate values from dgv into a combo:


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.net - Linq OrderBy On Duplicate Values?

Oct 20, 2011

m_ListOfsAllFields.OrderBy(Function(x) x.DisplayOrder)

here I have DisplayOrder = 0 for 2 fields, so orderby is messing up and not ordering properly. How can I use orderby to order this collection?

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Avoid The Duplicate Values In The DataBase?

Jan 29, 2011

How can i avoid the duplicate values in the Access Database?? I am working in VB.NET, to create DataEntry Form. I have Combobox. When enter the value on Combobox and press OK button then the value should check on the database , if the value is not there then it should save on the db. else the Missage will give "It is Saved".

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Avoiding Duplicate Values In Database?

Jun 21, 2010

I want to insert number for City_Id and City_name , i wrote a query for auto generate number for City_Id,working fine but in the city name i want to avoid inserting duplicate value like if Mumbai is a City ihave already saved then system should not allow that name again. neither in small or in capital or mixed letter.

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Checking For Duplicate Values In Strings?

Aug 5, 2009

am new to VB.NET and i was wondering if anyone here knows how to check for duplicate values in strings?

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DataGrid Validation For Duplicate Values

Dec 15, 2011

I need to validate a particular coloumn in datagrid for duplicate values before inserting into database. I am using datatable.

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Random Numbers With Duplicate Values

Mar 9, 2010

Get Random value with no duplicate


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[2005] Drop Down Duplicate Values?

Jan 20, 2009

I have a fairly large Drop down menu:

<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList8" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" OnSelectedIndexChanged="DropDownList8_SelectedIndexChanged">
<asp:ListItem Value="" Selected="True"></asp:ListItem>


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Avoid Duplicate Values In Datagride View?

Nov 7, 2010

How can I avoid Duplicate values in Datagrideview. When I am putting Product Id in Invoice which is adding in datagrideview if it is exist in datagrideview it will Highlight with deferent color and give me massage that this Id is existent in datagrideview

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Checking For Duplicate Values Before Attempting Insert?

Apr 14, 2011

I have a form where two fields on the first page of the form make up the primary key. I want to check for duplicate values before attempting to insert the record, since I don't want the user to go all the way through the form only to find out they can't submit it. So I'm trying to check for duplicate values when the user tries to go to the next page of the form. I wasn't quite sure how to do it, and sure enough I'm getting an error. ("Object reference not set to an instance of an object.") The problem is apparently in my if statement, "If myValue.Length > 0 Then", but I'm not sure what needs to be in place of that.

Protected Sub CustomValidator1_ServerValidate(ByVal source As Object, ByVal args As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ServerValidateEventArgs) Handles CustomValidator1.ServerValidate
'get values


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Delete Excel Columns And Duplicate Values

Jul 5, 2011

I am trying to create a .Net application to edit a excel file by deleting some columns and keeping the columns which we need and then removing the duplicate values based on the first column which is going to be the Serial no. which should have a check to have 6 digits by default like 2563 should be displayed as 002563.

Public Function GetAllFileContents(ByVal path As String, ByRef errorMessage As String) As IList(Of String)
Dim contents = New List(Of String)
Dim files = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.xls")
If (files.Length = 0) Then errorMessage = "Please select the files"
For Each file In files
[Code] .....

I am trying to create something different by not only letting me do it for excel files but for say txt and csv files along with it. Removing all the values which I dont want and removing the duplicates and then if possible putting a check on the first column of data that the serial number number should have minimum of 6 characters and then The output file should have all the details in Uppercase

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