Made A Small Program Displaying A String Value Coming From A Serial Device?
May 7, 2009
I have made a small program displaying a string value coming from a serial device. When I run this on my laptop, then everything is just fine (VISTA OS), but when I run the same program on another computer (XP OS), then it shows some strange chars (Squares in distance number).
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Mar 17, 2012
Using open source code and trying to modify to parse data out into 6 different text boxes. Sample string expected in looks like this, "01+11111 02+22222 03+33333 04+44444 05+55555 06+66666" Main receive box shows all of it but when I try to work with it the data cuts off at 16 characters. I've tried many ideas without luck. Some of my code will show this. [code]...
View 7 Replies
Aug 27, 2010
I need to make a small programm for ticketing on a parking for a small hotel.So i have 2 Printers pariking In (for delivery of the tickets) and 2 Readers PArking Out.Both Printers and REaders are working Serial.So i need to poll the serial ports of the printers and readers every second.The data is stored on a SQL database so i need to read and write in the database.Can i do this with 1 PC and 1 programm or 1 PC and 4 programms that are runnning at the same time ?
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May 5, 2010
how can i make my program feel if any device or usb device plugged into the computer or unplugged.url...
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Sep 20, 2010
In VB6, I use CHR$(&H00) to create a Null Character. In VB.Net VS2008 CHR(&H00) creats a Null. I'm trying to send a Hex(00) to a serial device, but the VB.Net function only sends a null, not a null character. How can I accomplish this with VB.Net?
View 5 Replies
Sep 20, 2010
In VB6, I use CHR$(&H00) to create a Null Character. In VB.Net VS2008 CHR(&H00) creats a Null. I'm trying to send a Hex(00) to a serial device, but the VB.Net function only sends a null, not a null character. How can I accomplish this with VB.Net?
View 1 Replies
Feb 19, 2010
I am communicating to a device using a USB to serial port (VCP). I am having a problem with the usb failing. When the usb fails my app will lock up and the com port is lost. I have seen a post about this but cannot find it.
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May 13, 2011
My current program can read in a continuous stream of data when initialized and I can send a command to retrieve the devices stored data, I also have within the same program code that will read an XML file and populate from controls.
I have two separate idea's right now that I'm trying to merge into one
I want to read in XML and populate my controls. I'm aware of delegate and Invoke but I'm having a hard time working them into my XML portion or the opposite "working my XML into my serial port class".
View 14 Replies
Jul 14, 2011
I am currently having an issue finding information on how to develop a simple application that a user can run to find out which COM port ie. COM1, COM2, ect is assined to the Belkin USB to Serial Adapters we use in the company.
To anyones knowledge is this possible and how would I implement it in a Windows Form Application.
View 15 Replies
Jul 24, 2009
I want to get the hardwired serial number from the hard disk but NOT using WMI. I tried using WMI code, and it doesn't work on my machine for sure. So is there any alternative in .NET for finding the Serial Number of a physical hard disk?
View 8 Replies
May 25, 2010
I'm trying to connect to an external device using a serial port. I found a couple of tutorials with demo code and tried these. Unfortunately they all return the same gibberish unreadible result.[code]I'm sure my port settings are correct (I have the communication protocol of the device.)
View 20 Replies
Jul 24, 2011
I have a windows form in in my form have a combobox. I want in combo box show only all com ports that exist and available in device manager. How to do it?
View 5 Replies
Oct 15, 2010
I will be using .Net to communicate with a small unit that outputs data via a serial port. I have used an application that monitors the data between an application and this little box. What I see is functions such as IRP_MJ_CREATE, IRP_MJ_READ, etc. At first I thought I needed to build functions and I would send these via the serial port (a novice thought) now I see that the above functions are part of the Windows Driver Kit. So is it true that I call these functions in my code and then the underlying drivers communicate to the serial port and the approppriate data is seen at the serial port. So for .Net (VB) I need to find and use the appropriate functions and communicate to the serial port.
View 1 Replies
Dec 3, 2011
I am attempting to communicate with set of scales with a vb application that i have written using the comm control. The scales are a Kelba KHX-30 I can read the data from the scales but i have to manually press a button on the scale.
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Oct 1, 2009
There seems to be a lot of discussion around about handling exeptions when a USB serial port device gets unplugged. What I want to know is how can one re-attach to it once it is plugged back in. The problem is that if you unplug a USB serial port device the app doesn't know it has gone and remains convinced it is still open. I have to close the app completely before I can re-attach to the device. I need a way to force it to close/go away.
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Aug 31, 2011
Using visual studio 2010 on a PC running Windows XP SP3 (32bit) I am trying to read the output from a serial device but only get timed out error?If I open hyper terminal I can see the output, so the hardware and connections are good and the command to send data is working as well?When debugging I have no errors, when the program is run (in debugging mode) I get a timed out error from after the do loop (test=2) All I want to do is have my device output printed to TextBoxLockOut.Text? Note "comstring" grabs my com port the serial device is using - on this computer it is com4, it is a public string
Dim inputline As
String = ""
Dim command As
String = ""
View 1 Replies
Nov 5, 2010
I know this is not the right place for this question but still I would like to create in Visual Studio a small site with related links based on what the current page is displaying, from what I understand it's about MVP/MVC
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Jan 8, 2011
The following string could be: dsafk$asdlfdl or odldl$ldlkfjdsljfdslkjfdslkjf I need to do the following. Select everything to the rigt of the dollar sign, move it to the left of the dollar sign, and then put a second string that is coming into this function to the right of the dollar sign where the old string was.
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Apr 12, 2009
I can read data from the serial port (GPS receiver). Its just 2 lines of data every 0.5 seconds. Whats the best method to read the data and display it in a TextBox?
If I use:
DLdate = SerialPort1.Readline()
Then I don't get the new line character, and it just over writes on just one line of the TextBox.
Also, should I time the grab of data, or is there a better way? Should I create a buffer, and when the buffer is full then do a write?
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May 24, 2010
I'm having a bit of an issue receiving a stream of serial data and displaying the data real-time in my GUI. I am fairly new to VB.Here's what I'm trying to achieve: I have an I2C device (bank of LED's) connected to my Arduino. Using the VB.NET (2010) GUI I request which LED I want on (via buttons) and the I2C device then sends a reply confirming which LED actually turned on (basic feedback). Ok, sounds great right? Here's where I get issues. Well when I try to read the serial data sent to VB and display the real-time stream on the GUI, a) I get a bit of a mess as an output (values are ok, just spewn across GUI) and b) when I select a new LED to turn on, the GUI data does not refresh to this change. The stream being sent from the Arduino is ok, I looked at the data in a serial monitor.
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May 24, 2010
connected to my Arduino. Using the VB.NET (2010) GUI I request which LED I want on (via buttons) and the I2C device then sends a reply confirming which LED actually turned on (basic feedback). Ok, sounds great right? Here's where I get issues. Well when I try to read the serial data sent to VB and display the real-time stream on the GUI, a) I get a bit of a mess as an output (values are ok, just spewn across GUI) and b) when I select a new LED to turn on, the GUI data does not refresh to this change. The stream being sent from the Arduino is ok, I looked at the data in a serial monitor.
Public Class Form1
Dim ticktock As Integer
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
View 4 Replies
Sep 20, 2009
I know how to cut off characters at the end of a string using vb script, which uses the LEFT(string, #) syntax, however, how do i do this using
and my second question, I have a string being sent into a drop down menu that gets the data pulled from an access database using a data source control. How do I format it so say, it only shows the first 100 characters of that string in the dropdown?
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Jun 24, 2010
i'm currently making an app that needs to run a query between two dates. this app will run automatically, so i need to put the dates as today and yesterday, essentially.
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Apr 27, 2011
Is there a way to get to display the sound coming in the microphone as a graph on the screen? for example it would show the frequency and intensity of the waves.
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Nov 10, 2009
I'm currently working on a project where I am transmitting data from a comm device via the serial port and resorting the raw data (in binary) to its respective ascii values. The problem I'm facing is determining the most efficient method to accomplish my goal. Essentially, I have 68 bytes coming in, the first and second bytes represent the page and packet number and the data itself ranges from 3 to 64, the remaining for my checksum.
What I am needing to do is, grab 50 consecutive bytes per variable in my array, and that is where I'm confused. I have easily pulled my 3-64 bytes and stored that data to a string. I just don't know the most efficient method to accomplish my goal. Should I write directly to file all my data, as there are like 8 pages, of 128 packet data. [Code] I can capture the the first 50 by using a for-loop easily, but what would be the preferred method to track what data chunk I've taken? The more I think about it, I think I may just want to write to file, all my data, and then just take them back to back in 50 byte chunks. Is that the most efficient method?
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Jul 25, 2011
I have a Windows windows form have a combo box that give me a list of available port serial with it code (Dim ports As String() =SerialPort.GetPortNames())for example( Com1,Com8,Com15,...).but I want to give me fullname of serial port in device manager for example in dvice manager is these (Comunication Port(COM1) - Printer Port(LPT1) And USB Serial Port(COM8)).how to Get it?
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Oct 15, 2011
My some problem for vs 2008 in mobile applications How to learn mobile device board serial number in vb 2008?
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May 17, 2010
I've been hired at a company to fix some bugs and make some improvements to their in house programs. The program I am currently working has been written in Visual Studio 2005, in Visual Basic specifically. The program is used to connect to a database on a server and provide various information. However, I have run into a snag where the program will refuse to connect to the database when it using a user account and password that has been set up on the database. When I look at the logs i see it is giving the error as stated above, however, I have double and triple checked the password both on the database and the one hardcoded into the program and they are identical yet it still logs that there is a password mismatch. Has anyone run into this problem or figured out a solution towards fixing it, I will be much obliged.
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Jun 22, 2010
I was wondering can you get a program made w/ vb to click on a certain part of the screen outside of the program? and also, can you copy information from outside the program in another window and store it in the program as a variable.
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Feb 5, 2009
Anyone ever try and create a program in visual basic that interfaced with an USB device? For example say I want to build a clock but I want to have the software to control this through usb. I want to write the clock setting program that tells the clock what to set for time and date and things like that.
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