Make A A Form When Send Items In Form As Like As Desktop

Nov 24, 2009

i want to make a a form when i send items in form as like as my desktop

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How To Make A Form Like A Desktop

Jul 25, 2009

i have two forms one is a text editer and the secone one is a big form and i want to save a file form the text editor to the secone form just like on a desktop would.

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VS 2008 How To Make A Form Like A Desktop

Jul 24, 2009

can some one so me an example of how i can make a form to a desktop that will let me save files to the form and duble click the file and it open a program to view that file in,

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Make A Desktop Sticky Form, Always On The Back Not On Top?

Feb 17, 2010

make a desktop sticky form, always on the back not on top.

I try to search on internet but I did not find anything.

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Make A Form With Icons That Have Labels Are Like Desktop Icons On Your Desktop?

Mar 20, 2010

I would like to make a image in the form representing the icon and a label below it to represent name but is there a easy way to do this.

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Combo Box Items Send To New Form ListBox?

May 9, 2011

Our chapter is all on printing, but the teachers example sends the data to a new form, into a listbox. How do I take the contents of a ComboBox from one form and input it into the ListBox on another form, first adding the line "High School List".

I have this much, but then don't know how to read fromt he ComboBox. Not what is highlighted, but the full contents.

FrmPrint.LstPrint.Items.Add("High School List")

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Make A Button To Send You To 1 Form If You Have A File And Another Form If You Dont Have That File?

Mar 9, 2012

i have my code until now,like a set-up file.First when i click on my button it sends me to the form with the setup steps,when in setups it is copying a identical file into the startup menu.I want my button to check if i have that file into the startup folder,if i dont have it to send me to the setup if i have it to send me to the form with the program.I must mention that there are 2 forms,the setup form and the form with the program.Until now i tried this,but it dosent work so well...

Public Class Form1
Dim OS() As String
Dim UserName() As String[code]....

Checks,if i dont have the copy-cat of this file it sends me to the setup where it is copying the file.And if i have the copy-cat in the startup folder then send me to the other form:).

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Make A Form And It Send To Email And Get The Responses?

May 19, 2009

im trying to make a project its a form and it send what u filled out to my email how do i make that?

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Make A Form That Send Text To DataGrid?

Feb 17, 2011

How do i make like 3 textboxes and 2 checkboxes work together with a datagrid so if u filled them out and u click add it adds them to the datagrid and it stays like that?

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Send Data From A Windows Form To An Aspx Page And Send Back A Response - Request.Form Vs Request.BinaryRead?

Mar 29, 2012

Im trying to send data from a Windows Form to an aspx page and send back a response. Im running around in circles trying to make this work. The data im trying to send is 4 strings. So fare I have this in my code, using the build-in webclient in visual studio 2010, in the windows form sending to the aspx


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[2008] Make A Form Invisible But Not The Items On It?

Jan 16, 2009

How can I make a form invisable but not the items on it?

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Open A Second Independent Form /Non MDI And Send Data From Form1 To Form 2?

Jun 10, 2009

Private Sub Button3_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
'Para abrir un formulario independiente /Open independent form


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VS 2010 Child Form Tell Parent Form It Is Closing And Send ID?

Apr 2, 2012

I have a parent form that has a list of items and each item has a unique ID. The user can open one or many of the items in a child form (it is set up in a tabbed MDI), but it can only open one instance of each item at a time.

In the parent form, I was going to make a collection (or something like that, maybe there is a better way) to keep track of which items are open in the child forms. I need to know when each child is closed so that it can be removed from the collection and reopened at a later time. I was thinking that when the child form closes, it somehow does something (like raise an event) that tells the parent form to remove the unique ID from the list of current open child forms.

My questions are, is this a good way to do this and I am pretty sure I would use the form closed event in the child form to update that parent form, but as well, I didn't know if this is the best way of handling it.

If raising the event is a good way, are some examples on how to do it out there? I found some for controls, but not while the form is closing/closed.

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Setup A Form Using VB That Will Take Information And Send It To The Server And Then Send A Recipient An Email?

May 28, 2009

Are there any good books out there that will show someone how to set up a form using Visual basic that will take information and send it to the server and then send a recipient an Email?

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Send Keys To A Control On My Form - SendKeys.Send NullReferenceException

May 9, 2012

I am trying to send keys to a control on my form. But I am getting a NullReferenceException and I don't know why. The code is about as basic as it gets: [Code] The error reported is object reference not set to an instance of an object but Send is a shared method so doesn't need an instance. Strangely if I ignore the error it works fine and F4 is passed to the control. I know there was an issue with sendkeys and UAC but I thought this had been solved (I am using 4.0 framework).

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Send Item In One Form To Another Form?

Apr 7, 2010

im doing a project in vb 2008 with 5 forms. i need form 2, 3, and 4 to send an item that is doubleclick in a listbox in those forms to a listbox in form 5.

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Set A Form On Desktop?

Dec 8, 2009

In my application, when the main form loads, it also loads a second form.

This form has it's ShowInTaskBar property set to False, has no control box, and is not movable by the user.

This form is only used to show information about the PC, to the User.

I need a way to make the form pretty much completely inaccessible and appear beneath all windows. When the application loads, the second form loads above other windows and you can Alt+Tab to that form.

I was wondering if there was a way to get it to"set" itself on the desktop and no appear in the application list when you Alt+Tab.

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.Net Form As Part Of Desktop?

Oct 1, 2011

I've spent a while searching around and I can't find a solution to this:I have a transparent, borderless form that displays a clock. I can load this just fine, but I want the clock to be part of the desktop, so it cannot take focus, is behind other applications, and is not hidden with Win+D (similar to applications like RainMeter).

I need the solution to work with VB.Net (I'm using 2010)

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Docking Form To Desktop

Oct 15, 2009

Is there anyway to "dock" a form to the desktop? I have a "child" form that will display info when the main form loads. This form is not meant for the User to interact with it. When I load the form and other windows are open, it displays over those windows until I minimize and then restore the windows. So I want to be able to dock it to the desktop.

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Minimize A Form To The Top Of The Desktop?

Feb 18, 2011

I created an app that allows the user to look up pricing and search for items, to help speed up dealing with customer asking for pricing and what not. The form stays atop all windows at the top of the desktop, and is setup, currently, to shrink down (or up in this case) by double clicking on the title bar; I've disabled the minimize and maximize buttons.

How it is setup now is okay, but not as sleek as I want it to be. Is there any way to minimize the form to just the caption bar, like what happens with a command window; it minimizes to the a title bar above the start menu, but I want it to minimize to the top of the screen, almost blending into the title bar of the other open windows. Right now, the form is out of the clients way when minimized, or shrunk up, but it looks kind of lame, with a thin strip of the gray part the form still showing.

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Tool Strip Items Do Not Merge With The ToolStrip Items On Parent Form

Dec 19, 2009

Okay I have this two Forms.. one for the parent and one for the mdichild. I have a toolstrip menu in the parent with a button(with a pic) named close document.

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Form Height Limit, Make The Form Larger Than The Screen And Allow For Scrolling Down?

Nov 17, 2011

I have read that VB .NET in earlier versions limited the FORM size to that of the development machine screen resolution.I am hoping that there is a way in the current VB 2010 to get around that.However in my attempts to make the form larger, it always resets itself to the screen height on my develoment machine.Is there a way to get around this and have the person be able to use a scroll bar to move down?The data I wish to show actually has two screens worth of information but the stuff in the scroll down section would be used on a limitied basis so scrolling will be useful rather than having to recreat the screen to show less data at one time.

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Make The Main Form Grey Out/translucent Black When A New Form Opens On Top?

Jul 9, 2010

How can I make the main form grey out/translucent black when a new form opens on top?

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Make The Width Of The Textbox Relative To The Form Size When The Form Is Resized

Oct 24, 2009

I have a form with a text box in a toolstrip. I would like to make the width of the textbox relative to the form size when the form is resized. The following code works fine except when you click the restore button from a maximized state.


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Desktop Showing Through Picture Box On Second Form?

Nov 10, 2011

I'm new to .net programming, but I do have some experience programming. I've used a picture box to make a custom button. It works on the main form, but when I open a dialog form with the same image the transparent areas shows the desktop and not the dialog. Thishappened for images with an alpha channel and also images that used the transparency key. I tried it with a winform instead and the images with an alpha channel worked fine, but the transparency keyed images showed the screen. All

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Determine Form Inside Desktop?

Dec 29, 2009

How to determine whether form is it inside the desktop?

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Opening Form Causes Another Desktop App To Come To The Front?

Jul 25, 2011

I had started a similar thread http:[url].... in May but got side tracked, tried to resurrect it by posting back to it but not getting any response so I am starting anew.I have a .net 2.0, VS2010 application. I have users that occasionaly have the following occur:

Open my application, do some work, leave it open go to another application, excel, IE, Firefox, outlook come back to my application, open a new form My application form opens but instead of it being on top with the focus some other application that was previously opened (the excel, IE, etc.) pops up the user can minimize the offending application and there is my form or go to the taskbar and select my application and there is the form

This post echos my problem: http:[url]....Although my app is a windows form app.The issue arises if I had been checking my email for example in outlook or I may have had IE open for example, so the other aplications on on the desktop not minimized. Both my app and the Outlook(the other application is not important it happens with any open application) are open on the desktop. I finish checking email, I click on my app to bring it to the foreground. I then click on a button that results in opening another form. My "I am working" form pops up. The main app now ready to display the new form closes the"I am working" form, outlook comes to the foreground and I can then see the new form in my app get displayed behind outlook.

The code flow is my app is opened, a midi child is created in the main app window.a double click on a contol causes a background worker to be started. That background worker opens a form that just shows a spinning ajax control with the words "working" in it. Meanwhile the app is busy prepping a form for display.When the form is ready to be displayed the background worker is cancelled which removes the popup form and then the newly constructed form is displayed.

At first I thought this had something to do with the background worker and a different thread being created but that is not the case.I can replace the background worker with a simple popup of a modeless dialog. Of course any work done in the background worker is not done but the modeless dialog will not block the main app. And when the main app closes the modeless dialog I get the same behavior with the last opened desktop app coming to the foreground and I can see my newly created form popup behind it.

I can of course just as soon as return from the call to close the working form give my app focus but that still results in the other desktop app coming to the foreground briefly and then my app coming to the foreground, not really a solution. With that bit of info it seems that my application is for some reason giving up focus between the time the working form is closed and the main app new form pops up.My code is way to big to post and it involves DB reads so it is just not feasible to post it.I tried recreating the scenario in a much smaller project that really did not represent much of the complexity of my application and could not get the issue reproduced.

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Placing A Form Above Desktop, But Below All Other Windows?

Aug 26, 2009

I'm new at the forums but not to .net development. I'm trying to make an application, which stays above the Dektop level but ALWAYS below any opened window. This application cannot be minimized, it has to be visible as a desktop background (just for getting you the main idea). As I was reading, I found that the way to make the form not to minimize is by using the WndProc function, and intercepting the Minimize message. My question is.. which of all the available messages is the correct for this case?.

P.D.3 (And last one I hope): See, the main reason of this application, is to make some kind of an "Active Desktop" function, which is not supported by Windows XP 64-bit. As XP64 doens't come with Active Desktop to use Web Pages as Desktop backgrounds, my idea is to make an application which loads certain web page and put's it on the desktop background.

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VS 2010 : Make A Form With Multiple Buttons Opening Different Things Than Having A Form That Has Lots Group Boxes For Each Tab?

Jul 25, 2011

Is there a better way to make a form with multiple buttons opening different things than having a form that has lots group boxes for each tab. So in the begining each box will be invisible and when you click the button the corresponding group box will become visible. Is there any other way?It will be like a background image and it'll have buttons that will mask it with invisible buttons. when the button is clicked it will open the corresponding group box.

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Forms :: Make A Model Form, And Copy That Form As Many Times?

Mar 28, 2009

I'm making a program like PostIt! Well, i want to make a model form, and copy that form as many times i want.I think it works with something like frmPostit1 = frmModel.clone()

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