Send Item In One Form To Another Form?

Apr 7, 2010

im doing a project in vb 2008 with 5 forms. i need form 2, 3, and 4 to send an item that is doubleclick in a listbox in those forms to a listbox in form 5.

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Send Data From A Windows Form To An Aspx Page And Send Back A Response - Request.Form Vs Request.BinaryRead?

Mar 29, 2012

Im trying to send data from a Windows Form to an aspx page and send back a response. Im running around in circles trying to make this work. The data im trying to send is 4 strings. So fare I have this in my code, using the build-in webclient in visual studio 2010, in the windows form sending to the aspx


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Reciept Printing - Form Which Consist - Item Code , Item Name , Item Price , Quantity Of Item

May 25, 2012

Regarding my college project. i'm working on a sales system . i have a form which consist of all the following information( item code , item name , item price , quantity of item ) which is display using a data grid . data input by user using text box and all this information will be stored in a database(sales database) i'm using ms access 2007. the grand total will be displayed in a text box . and amount paid will be input in a text box too , my major problem now is how to i create a reciept that will have all this information of the purcase. i have a reciept button . what the next step ? i dont have any idea how to get the reciept done.

Imports System.Data.OleDb

Public Class Form5
Dim con As New OleDbConnection


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Open A Second Independent Form /Non MDI And Send Data From Form1 To Form 2?

Jun 10, 2009

Private Sub Button3_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
'Para abrir un formulario independiente /Open independent form


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VS 2010 Child Form Tell Parent Form It Is Closing And Send ID?

Apr 2, 2012

I have a parent form that has a list of items and each item has a unique ID. The user can open one or many of the items in a child form (it is set up in a tabbed MDI), but it can only open one instance of each item at a time.

In the parent form, I was going to make a collection (or something like that, maybe there is a better way) to keep track of which items are open in the child forms. I need to know when each child is closed so that it can be removed from the collection and reopened at a later time. I was thinking that when the child form closes, it somehow does something (like raise an event) that tells the parent form to remove the unique ID from the list of current open child forms.

My questions are, is this a good way to do this and I am pretty sure I would use the form closed event in the child form to update that parent form, but as well, I didn't know if this is the best way of handling it.

If raising the event is a good way, are some examples on how to do it out there? I found some for controls, but not while the form is closing/closed.

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Make A A Form When Send Items In Form As Like As Desktop

Nov 24, 2009

i want to make a a form when i send items in form as like as my desktop

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Forms :: [2005] Form-To-Form ComboBox Item Defaulting?

Jan 18, 2011

I have been creating a call management application and I am having a problem with something that I have spent weeks on trying to get working and nothing I try is working for me. My application is an MDI application written in VB.NET 2005 Professional, using .NET Framework 2.0. It uses a back end database using Microsoft SQL Server 2005.When the MDI application launches, a form is displayed to the end user asking for phone number (MaskedTextBox) and a partner name. The partner names are within a ComboBox.

When the end user types in the phone number and selects a value from within the ComboBox, s/he clicks on the start button. This then opens a second form. The phone number from the MaskedTextBox is to default in a second MaskedTextBox (this I am able to get working without issue.) The partner name selected from the ComboBox is to default on the second ComboBox. This is the part where I have been working on it for weeks and not able to get it to function.

The second form has many ComboBoxes, all of which pull down items from a particular table within the database. Some of them are editable and some are not. The ones that are editable are also auto complete Suggest/Append on the ListItems.I wrote a sub to handle the population of these ComboBoxes and also to handle if they are editable or not. All of this is working. However, my main issue is that I can't get the value on the second form to default to what ever was selected on the first form. I do not get any errors but regardless of what I do, the second form always stays as the first item in the list regardless.

The code I am using is as follows:

<CLSCompliant(True)> Public Sub PopulateDropDownListFromDB(ByVal cboName As Elegant.Ui.ComboBox, _
ByVal TableName As String, ByVal ColumnName As String, _
ByVal UseAutoComplete As Boolean, _
ByVal UseSQLDistinct As Boolean)


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Setup A Form Using VB That Will Take Information And Send It To The Server And Then Send A Recipient An Email?

May 28, 2009

Are there any good books out there that will show someone how to set up a form using Visual basic that will take information and send it to the server and then send a recipient an Email?

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Send Keys To A Control On My Form - SendKeys.Send NullReferenceException

May 9, 2012

I am trying to send keys to a control on my form. But I am getting a NullReferenceException and I don't know why. The code is about as basic as it gets: [Code] The error reported is object reference not set to an instance of an object but Send is a shared method so doesn't need an instance. Strangely if I ignore the error it works fine and F4 is passed to the control. I know there was an issue with sendkeys and UAC but I thought this had been solved (I am using 4.0 framework).

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Select An Item In One Listbox On One Form And Then Click A Button And It Show Up In A Listbox On Another Form?

Apr 27, 2010

I have a multiple form application with a listbox on each form. I want to be able to select an item in one listbox on one form and then click a button and it show up in a listbox on another form.

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Make A Button To Send You To 1 Form If You Have A File And Another Form If You Dont Have That File?

Mar 9, 2012

i have my code until now,like a set-up file.First when i click on my button it sends me to the form with the setup steps,when in setups it is copying a identical file into the startup menu.I want my button to check if i have that file into the startup folder,if i dont have it to send me to the setup if i have it to send me to the form with the program.I must mention that there are 2 forms,the setup form and the form with the program.Until now i tried this,but it dosent work so well...

Public Class Form1
Dim OS() As String
Dim UserName() As String[code]....

Checks,if i dont have the copy-cat of this file it sends me to the setup where it is copying the file.And if i have the copy-cat in the startup folder then send me to the other form:).

View 2 Replies - Get Request.Form.Item By Matching Request.Form.Key?

Jul 6, 2010

My Request.Form keys are all prefixed with ctl00$container name$ and then the key I want.How can I get the regular key name working?

Visual example from the immediate window:I want to use:

? request.Form.Item("stationIdea")

but it won't work because the key is:


as retrieved by

? request.Form.Keys("4")

so only this works:

? request.Form("ctl00$content_innovation_body$stationIdea")

View 1 Replies - How To Send Form Using SMTP And .NET?

Jan 18, 2011

My code was But it only send one field value to email .... I want multiple values to be send as it is in mail

Category :
Your name :
Email ID
Mobile no. etc..

All form values will be transferred to mail ID


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Add A New Item To The Form?

Nov 10, 2009

I would to add a new Item in the form like this picture [URL] how can i do it?I am using vb2008?

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.net - Send Keystrokes Only To The Form And Not Other Window?

Mar 13, 2011

How do I make the form send keystrokes such as Tab, Enter, Left Arrow etc to itself without interfering with other programs? If I use the SendKeys.Send method, it would send it to whatever window is opened. Is there a way to only work with the form? Very quick random example: Let's say I have 5 textBoxs and I click the 'Tab' button 5 times. What would happen ?

It would change the focus from one textbox to another right? Can I make this happen automatically ... like make it happen in the background and only to the form itself. So If I'm typing something on Notepad, I don't want to receive those 5 tabs. By the way I know I can use this code to change the fofucs, but remember its only an example.


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C# :: Send KeyEvent From A Form To A Control?

Jun 18, 2009

I have a Windows.Worms application. In one of my forms I display a DataGridView with a ContextMenu (not ContextMenuStrip) associated to it. The MenuItems in the ContextMenu have Shortcuts defined.This is how the ContextMenu is created:

Private _contextMenu As _
New ContextMenu( _
New MenuItem() { _


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Send Filepath To Textbox On Other Form

Oct 19, 2011

In my class i want to return the filepath into a tectbox on an other form, but it won't return the filepath after saving. Probally because it is a sub an't won't return a value am i correct? But what is the right way to fix this?


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Send Parameters To Exe And Don't Show The Form?

Feb 24, 2011

I have an application with forms (VS2008) that prints a document, well, if I pass parameters in the command line like "C:MyApp.Exe Param1 Param2 Param3" I don't want the application to show the forms, this is:

-When passing parameters run as hidden

-When not passing parameters (like click with the mouse on the desktop) then show the forms

I've tried to use Sub Main but it just doesn't work

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Send User's Particulars From One Form To Another?

Oct 2, 2010

I made a secondary form for my application in which the user can specify his First Name, Last name etc and his picture.Now, on this Form2, after the user presses OK button, I want to send the user's particulars to Form 1 and open it up.How is the data sent form one form to another?

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Send Values From A Form To An Access Db?

Mar 16, 2009

i'm trying to send values from a form to an access db. the db has an auto gen primary key field. the problem im having is i get an error when sending.

if i have a db and autoId is primary key:

memberTable(autoId,Name,Addy) from vb i have in the sql: insert into memberTable values (xxx, 'joe', 'dave');

also tried insert into memberTable(autoID,Name,Addy) values (xxx, 'joe', 'dave'); & tried it with and without autoID?

where 'xxx' is what value, if any, should go there to send it to the db?

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.net - Send Form Information To Email Address?

Dec 23, 2011

how can i send the content of any form to specify email address on submit button. For example if anyone fill the contact form the on submission all the form data will be send to particular email address which we can specify in coding.

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Combo Box Items Send To New Form ListBox?

May 9, 2011

Our chapter is all on printing, but the teachers example sends the data to a new form, into a listbox. How do I take the contents of a ComboBox from one form and input it into the ListBox on another form, first adding the line "High School List".

I have this much, but then don't know how to read fromt he ComboBox. Not what is highlighted, but the full contents.

FrmPrint.LstPrint.Items.Add("High School List")

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Crystal Reports To Send Data From Form

Aug 31, 2009

I am new to crystal reports and i need some help in sending data from form to Crystal report.

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Make A Form And It Send To Email And Get The Responses?

May 19, 2009

im trying to make a project its a form and it send what u filled out to my email how do i make that?

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Make A Form That Send Text To DataGrid?

Feb 17, 2011

How do i make like 3 textboxes and 2 checkboxes work together with a datagrid so if u filled them out and u click add it adds them to the datagrid and it stays like that?

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Send Data From Windows Form To Console App?

Jun 23, 2009

I'm making program that will copy one file and over-write another to purge data.I have a windows form interface where the files can be selected and want a console application to run this process so it can be put into the PC's startup folder to run on each startup.

The problem is I need to send the file location data to the console app when I choose a save button on the form. Both are part of the same project and referenced but I can't seem to reference any variable from the win form to console app.Also will I see the Console app as a seperate icon in the program files so I can put it on the PC startup?

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Send String From Windows Form To ASPX?

Mar 30, 2012

Im tring to send 4 strings from a windows form to a webpage (aspx)I need to be able to send special chars, like æ ø å, from win form to aspx,process string, and send back a response.I also need to be able to store that string in a readable format so i can see the special characters.The win form only needs to receive a string and not a complete html page with body and stuff, only the string.Likewise the aspx page only need to receive the string maybe formated like var1=string1&var2=string2 etc.I have tried so many diff things and apparently im missing something.

I have tried with webclient.request, webclient.uploadvalues, webclient.uploadstring, streamwriter and it always get mixed up so my specialcharactes end up like ??? or some boxes.How would i do this? What do i need to declare and how, both on the client windows from and aspx.

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Vb08 Web Application How To Send Text From 1 Form To Other

Apr 6, 2011

i want to send data from abc.aspx textbox1.text to cde.aspx.textbox1.text.I try to use same method in what i done in windows application.. but i can't success but i can't make it..

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
cde.textbox1.text = abc.TextBox1.Text


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Add Item To Listbox In Form Load?

Dec 26, 2009

I want Add Item to Listbox in Form Load, I Mean Before I Start The Program It Already Shows Items in The Listbox also i want to know how to create a search button so that when i click the search button it search from the items in the listbox if it available it say found it if not it say error !

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Adding An Item To A Database In A Form?

Jan 7, 2011

I'm new to databasing. How do you make it so you can add an item to a database on a form, Then follow a link to another form which has the database on, then what you put in on the previous form will be there?

How's it done? Sorry - Haven't been using VB very long >.<

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