Make A Form Keep The Same Windowstate When Switching?

Mar 11, 2011

Well, I develop a web browser called "Telecom". Instead of using a tabbed browser control, I use multiple forms for tab switching, and most of the tab switches look like

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Windowstate = Maximized Make The Taskbar On Top Of Form?

Feb 11, 2011

The problem I am having now is, the form size is exactly the size of my screen resolution. This makes the bottom scrollbar cover up by the taskbar. If the taskbar is hidden then it could solve the problem but I cannot set all PC to hide the taskbar

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Form Forgetting Its Windowstate

Apr 8, 2010


I have an mdi form where the child forms need to maintain aspect ratio in normal state and have resize procedures that work well except with one form that appears to have a bug.

This form is the first child form opened, it is set as maximised in design and looks ok. If I then open another form on top, this maximised form, with a size of 1920x942, goes through my control resize code insisting it is in normal state and has a size of 1428x822. Obviously, when I close the other form the controls are wrongly resized/positioned.

I thought I might check the eventargs to test if the controlbox has actually been used and ignore otherwise but debug always reports that as empty. Lostfocus, deactivate etc don't trigger before resize so can't set a flag there.

why just this one form appears to be insane, or how I can distinguish between an intended resize and one just due to hiding by another form?

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MDIParent And Child Form Windowstate

Aug 22, 2009

Has anyone had any luck with having different window states with multiple open child forms?for example if you have a single child form opened and say it is maximized.then open a second child form as normal, the first form will then be set to normal.all the open child forms will mimic the newly opened forms state.and i believe they will mimic when making some changes to one forms state.the others will follow.i have not had luck keeping this from happening in most situations.

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MDIParent And Child Form Windowstate?

Dec 14, 2010

having different window states with multiple open child forms? for example if you have a single child form opened and say it is maximized. then open a second child form as normal, the first form will then be set to normal. all the open child forms will mimic the newly opened forms state. and i believe they will mimic when making some changes to one forms state. the others will follow.

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VS 2008 Form.Show / Form.WindowState?

Oct 26, 2010

I have a dual monitor setup on my computer. My program has multiple forms. I've designed the program to check which monitor the main form is currently on and to open the secondary forms on the current monitor. When the main form is on the primary monitor the secondary forms open as FormWindowState.Normal which is the design-time setting for the secondary forms. If the main form is on the secondary monitor and I click to open a secondary form then the secondary form is to be displayed as FormWindowState.Maximised.


So I moved the Form.Show line to after the Form.WindowState line. This works fine when the Form.Show process is very quick. The problem is that one of the secondary forms downloads some information from the internet so it takes about a second to finish the Form_Load process. When I had Form.Show first the form would not appear on screen until the Form_Load process is complete, so the delay was in the form appearing at all which is how I prefer it. With Form.Show last the form appears on screen immediately but appears mostly blank and unresponsive until the Form_Load process completes.

I would prefer that the form not appear at all until the Form_Load process is complete but I would like it to appear in an already Maximised state. Is this achieveable? It doesn't seem that complicated but I just can't figure it out.

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VS 2008 Changing Form Title With WindowState?

Aug 5, 2009

Below is a short section of code from an application I am working on. What I am trying to do is to get a counter value to show when the application is minimized. When restored back to normal state, the name string is applied. It works, but it takes several minutes to change, and then never updates again. Not sure what the issue is.


I also tried a direct string conversion in the "elseif" part. No difference.

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VS 2008 [PropertyBinding] Store Form Size And WindowState - Giant Bug - Videos?

Jun 14, 2009

I need to store the Location, Size and WindowState of my application when it is closed, so that it can be re-opened in the same state later. I thought I could use simple coding and the Settings to achieve this, but I noticed the PropertyBinding of the Form in a tutorial and decided to see if I could use it.


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Webpage The Tab Name Will Be The Websites Title - Make The Adress Bar URL Change When Switching Tabs?

Apr 17, 2009

I have a web browser with tabs, and I wanted to know the following:

1. When yougo to a webpage the Tab name will be the websites title, if the title is over

2 5 characters, then it ends with a "..."

2. how do I make the adress bar URL change when switching tabs?

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Keeping Form Visible While Switching To Another Program?

Apr 14, 2009

I have a program that shows a small form appearing at the top of the right hand corner of the screen. When I switch to another opened program, the form disappears. How can I keep this form visible when I switch to another program? I set the TopMost property to true but it doesn't work.

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Keep All Windows Same Windowstate?

Apr 1, 2010

I've been trying to sort this issue out for a while now, dont really know how to move forward.What i've done in the meanwhile is to have a global variable ie "VBState As String" and then on the form resize call to make it change the Variable accordingly ie[code]....

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VS 2008 : If Disable The Formborderstyle And Set The WindowState To Maximized It Goes Over The Taskbar?

Jun 20, 2010

If I disable the formborderstyle and set the WindowState to maximized it goes over the can I have to program to be maximized, but the taskbar remains?

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.net - Switching From C# To VB?

Aug 10, 2010

I came across this Switching from VB.NET to C#?I would be moving from C# to VB.Net. To be more precise, I would be moving from C# 3.0 to VB 10.0 (.Net 3.5 to .Net 4.0). I am initially planning to use a C# to VB converter to cope up with the syntax.

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Switching From GDI To WPF?

Jul 10, 2009

I have the following code, which works fine most of the time:

Private Function NormalizeTexture(ByVal Texture As Bitmap) As Bitmap
Dim Out As New Bitmap(2048, 2048, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
Dim Gra As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(Out)


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Switching Between Different Forms

May 2, 2012

I have some forms in my application and need to switch between them. I dont want to open another form over other form, in short I want the user to get a feel that he is working on one form only. Right now I am doing something like this but this is not what I want


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Switching Between Forms In VB?

Aug 16, 2011

In my project, I want the abiliity to switch between forms without closing them. What is the best way to do this? I have a "Login Splash Form" that you sign into, and then a Main Menu Form opens in Full Screen. I want this form always to stay open with the ability to open up other forms from this main menu screen as needed.

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Switching Between Listbox's?

Jul 18, 2010

I have 2 listbox's, same locations/sizes (one behind the other). I have 2 buttons, and they just switch the views between the listbox's by changing their visibility propertyThe problem is listbox1, which gets populated first, displays just fine. No code in the program touches listbox2, except for 1 button that adds items. When switching to listbox2 to see the added items, the items are there (verified by debugging and hovering over the added variable), but the text that is displayed won't update. The text that is displayed is the text from listbox1.

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Switching Between Windows With Vba?

Jan 8, 2012

I am currently working on transferring data between minitab and excel and have everything working out fairly well. I am having trouble getting back to minitab (I can get the initial program to run with the shell commmand). I have tried appactivate, and windows commands but I am not having any luck.

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Switching From 32 To 64 Bit Windows 7?

Sep 6, 2010

Having had to replace my old computer, one can virtually only get 64 bit Win7 in UK.All my old Visual Studio 2008 + other components installed OK but when I tried to build and run a prgramme that still runs happily on the old machine, I get the following error message

System.TypeInitializationException was unhandled
Message=The type initializer for 'mydata.Colin' threw an exception.


The programme is called mydata and Colin is my User name. Anybody got any idea what is wrong and how to correct it. I have tried to run it in Visual Basic 2010 Express and get the same error.

Hopefully VB2012 will have Gigs of error messages that mere mortals can understand!

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Switching From ADO.NET To LINQ?

Mar 15, 2010

I have an application I wrote that is in VB.NET 2.0. Works great, but I'd like to switch this application to Linq. I use ADO.NET to load XML into a datatable. The XML file has about 90,000 records in it. I then use the Datatable.Select to perform searches against that Datatable. The search control is a free form textbox. So if the user types in terms it searches instantly. Any further terms that are typed in continue to restrict the results. So you can type in Bob, or type in Bob Barker. Or type in Bob Barker Price is Right. The more criteria typed in the more narrowed your result. I bind the results to a gridview.

1) Go to Project Properties --> Advanced Compiler Settings and change the Target framework to 3.5 from 2.0.

2) Add the reference to System.XML.Linq, Add the Imports statement to the classes.

So I'm not sure what the best approach is going forward after that. I assume I use XDocument.Load, then my search subroutine runs against the XDocument. Do I just do the standard Linq query for this sort of repeated search? Like so:

Dim people =
from phonebook in doc.Root.Elements("phonebook")
where phonebook.Element("userid") = "whatever"
select phonebook

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.net - Switching Visual Studio To C#?

Aug 9, 2009

trying to get my first windows form running with controls. I havent been able to figure anything out. . . and then i realized duh, it's all in VB. How do I switch the generated files to C#? Am I confused? This is what I'm getting when I try to add my first control for Button_Start:


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DB/Reporting :: Switching From VB6 To VB2008?

Sep 28, 2009

I'm starting to play around some with VB2008.

In VB6, I would write something like this:"SELECT * FROM Contacts", cn1)
strFirstName = rs!FirstName

In VB2008, line 2 does not work. How do get to the fields in the recordset?

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Quickly Switching Through Languages?

Sep 22, 2009

I am currently writing a program and I have all the windows in three languages. Is there any way of quickly changing through the languages? I mean, I can do it manually but the list has like 500+ languages and I was wondering if there was any keyboard shortcut to switch between the used languages, or any way to put a buttom on the toolbar.

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Speed Up The Switching On Of The Web Cam The First Time?

Nov 6, 2010

Ther time necessary to programmatically switching the cam on for the first time is very long while the next calls are normally much faster.Is there a way to speed up the switching on of the web cam the first time?

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Switching Between SQL 2008 And SQL 2000 In VB

Jun 18, 2009

I have written a VB 2008 Standard Edition program using a SQL 2008 Epress database in my development environment. When I point my program to the production SQL 2000 database it blows up. With the following error:

Microsoft Visual Studio
GentranDataSet.Document_tb.Fill,GetData () could not be previewed.

The text, ntext, and image data types cannot be compared or sorted, except when using IS NULL or LIKE operator.

OK Help

The tables are "exactly" the same in the two databases... I think.

I have done some reading and wonder if this could be a unicode and non-unicode issue. Is 2000 non-unicode and 2008 unicode?

Can I "refresh" my data enviroment without having to re-create all my data objects in my VB code?

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Switching From Listview To Datagrid

Nov 2, 2010

I am switching from listviews to datagrids and one of my listviews uses a sort in it. How can I sort in code using a datagrid?

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Switching Selected Row In A Database

Nov 21, 2009

I'm writing a flash cards program to help myself and others study. When the user presses the "New Card" button, I've been able to make it create the new card and jump to edit it, but the dataset/binding source/table adapter is not switching with it, so when you deselect the text box, it switches back to whatever was selected before the new card was made.[code]

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Switching Studio From C+ To Vb Mode

Nov 17, 2011

I set up studio 2010 to work with c and now want to change it back to but can't remember how I did that. It seems like it was through the tools menu but seem to have forgotten how.

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Updating Url When Switching Tabs?

Aug 15, 2011

I am building a webbrowser using VB.Net 2010, and I am having trouble updating the url when I switch between open tabs using tabcontrol. I am also using a textbox for the address bar.

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Avoid Tab Switching Using The Mouse (TabControl)?

May 4, 2009

is there a way to prevent the user for changing the Tabs using the mouse?since i want the user to follow a determined path, so i advance in the tabs using a buttom which forwards trought tabs.

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