Make A Program Where It Copies Files To A Certain External Drive?
Jan 8, 2011
i am trying to make a program where it copies files to a certain external drive, but i cant figure out how to make it to where you enter your drive letter for the external drive and it copies it.
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Dec 18, 2010
The drive is connected via USB and the problem I'm having is that, periodically, while my code is executing, the usb drive seems to disconnect and reconnect. (Nothing to do with the program, but the drive itself).I want to find a way to prevent these temporary drive reconnects from interrupting my code. IE, i want to insure that whatever read or write that is requested is actually executed even in the case of a temporary drive interruption.
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Jul 8, 2011
I'm working on an app that should be able to read files from an External Hard Drive or even an iPhone or iPod. I'm a beginner so it would be great to keep it simple :) I suppose I should use the SerialPort class? But I'm not sure and I couldn't make it work.
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May 23, 2011
The VB.Net program in question creates several files, adds them into a zip file (using DotNetZip), and saves the zip file into a given directory (which the user chooses). This comes out just fine. But when I use it to save directly to my USB flash drive, I can't eject the drive without shutting down the program first.I've tried disposing the zip object (from the DotNetZip library), doesn't work. I also tried setting FileIO.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory to somewhere else on the machine, still no.
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Sep 25, 2011
application i'm developing in school.I am trying to make the program detect when the user copies new content to the clipboard,when this happens I want the program to check the data type,
I want text content to be written to a text file.Images can be left alone.if a file or folder is copied, i want the location of the copied file and the file name to be written to a text file.
I only really need help in getting the program to detect a clipboard modification, preferably with the AddHandler statement.
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Jun 8, 2009
So, I'm using shell to start up an external application at the press of a button, but the application requires several other external files with it in order for it to work. How could I make it work? Note: I'm a newbie
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Sep 21, 2009
I currently have a program that I made which opens other apps packaged with an installer. I have set the installer to install everything to the Program Files folder. However, not all computers have a C: hard drive. I have a way in which they can enter their drive letter in one form then in the next form it remembers the drive and will take them to the program. The problem is my program stores the drive letter in an xml file. On the startup of the program it looks in the xml file to find the drive letter, if there is no drive letter the form opens then lets the user set his drive letter. The xml file is stored in the folder "Math Wizard" in the Program Files folder. But if not all computers have C:Program Files I need a shortcut to the program files folder. I have been trying to use %ProgramFiles% (%Program Files% + "Math Wizardconfig.xml") but vb is saying that the % is an invalid character. Here's my code:
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Jan 21, 2010
I am trying to write a program that deletes temp files from my entire c drive. windows 7 will not allow any file manipulation. access denied . everything works fine in windows xp. what needs to be changed in my code to allow anyone to install this program on their computer and run it without errors like this. I need to change my code to correct this not windows 7, as other people will be installing this on their systems and they can't be setting their c drives. every answer i've found online is either to change c drive to have no security or set the code to demand uac to run as administrator(which doesn't work )
View 7 Replies
Feb 26, 2011
Question 1: How to make 'Button1' open a external program of there choice using the File Browser.
Question 2: How to send 'TextBox1.Text' to an external process
Question 3: How to save data in a .dll file made from Visual Basic
If anyone has source codes that I code edit for Visual Basic 10/08,And If you could sort of walk me through what I would need to edit to make it work for my programs
View 3 Replies
Aug 29, 2009
I am working with VB2008 sp1 and I want to use some of the Windows API calls. I need a copy of header files so that I can set certain constants to their correct values. Do I have to install sdk 6.1 and will this damage the sdk 6.0A that is already installed. I only use VB and I do not have any other language such as C+ or C# installed
View 6 Replies
Jun 21, 2010
i have 2 listviews in which folder and files are loaded. i'm trying to make a function that, when "Copy" button is pressed copies files/ folders between listviews (between folders "ex: from "D:path" to "E:pathsubpath"). the codes of file copy and folder copy both work but not if add the file.exists / folder.exists lines. if i put a msgbox instead of the filecopy/ foldercopy it displays "file exists" or "folder exist" etc. .. but if add the file copy / folder copy line doens't do nothing.
View 3 Replies
Apr 7, 2009
I am doing a little project to get better at my Vb while I am outside of class and I am making a launcher that lanuches my games from my external harddrive. Now I want it to auto find what the Harddrive is mounted to Like in my Code below this is what I have so far:
If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then
ElseIf CheckBox3.Checked = True Then
Process.Start("u:\Games\Counter-Strike Source\Launcher.exe")
ElseIf CheckBox5.Checked = True Then
[Code] .....
But Instead of having to go into ym actual Code and Changing it from U: to what ever my drive has mounted to on another computer and have it automaticly find what its mounted to and update my code accordingly.
View 1 Replies
Mar 11, 2010
I am presently using VB2010 to develop charting application. I have noticed that whent he applications are developed on my hp dv7-2270us notebook and stored on an external harddrive, if these same applications are then opened on my dell latitude d610, i will recieve a corrupted external harddrive error. Usually this can be repaired with check disk.
View 1 Replies
Oct 27, 2010
I'm interested in password protecting my external hard-drive. i know there is already programs that can do this but i want to make my own.
make a program that would at start-up pop up and make the user put the password if not then the partition will be set to hidden. also would be a good idea to set the partition hidden until user puts password.
View 1 Replies
Oct 13, 2009
I want to make a tool that will assign a USB pen drive a drive letter, I am using WMI to acknowledge the device being plugged in, I can pull the deviceID, name, etc now I just need to work out how to assign the device to a drive and I just cant figure it out
View 4 Replies
May 7, 2012
I'm trying to get a progress bar to work while it copies all files in a folder to another. I've gotten the progress bar to show and display the progress, but during the copying process the app stops displaying anything if I click away and won't display anything until it finishes copying everything. It just freezes with a ghost image in the form while it's copying. How do I prevent the app from freezing during the copying process? I can't even minimize it or move the window around. I hope I made sense. Here's my code.
Dim Files = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(.SelectedPath, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly, "*.*")
Dim i As Integer
View 5 Replies
Oct 28, 2009
I want to convert documents to PDF by "printing" them on a "virtual" printer (which produces PDF files instead of paper copies). My code looks like this:
View 7 Replies
Nov 3, 2011
I wrote an application that copies files from Folder(A) into Folder (B) First it checks if the files exists if yes it will copy them and it will over write the them in fodler (B) and is working great , but if I have a file in Folder(B)that is located in a subfolder the file inFolder (A) will not be copied to the new location.
belwo is the code to copy the files if they exist :[code..]
View 2 Replies
Apr 9, 2009
My app is designed to work on XP & Vista but I get an error on Vista but not XP When I want to kill/delete or move a file from an external drive I get an external error message System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path is denied.
full error text:
************** Exception Text **************
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path is denied.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
View 15 Replies
Jul 14, 2011
What I mean is, I would like to make an exclusive program, but I don't want it falling into the hands of someone I didn't give permission to.Or perhaps make it require a password to function, and be able to change that password for all copies whenever I want.
View 14 Replies
Mar 5, 2009
I have 1 picturebox load with the form, it is possible to make copies of the pixture box, but not like clone so its mirroring the same thing?
View 4 Replies
Jul 14, 2011
I have a VB.NET project in Visual Studio 2008 that I created a specialized addin for. The addin prompts the user to select a database table, takes a template form class's files, copies them to another directory within the project, and renames the form class within the copied files. It then opens the new form and adds controls to it based on the fields in the database table.
The copying of the template form causes the background compiler to give 'duplicate member' errors, such as "Private Sub InitializeComponents(...) has multiple definitions with identical signatures," even though I renamed the files of the new form and the class name within them. Sometimes these errors go away before the new form is opened, but when they stick around the new form doesn't open correctly, and it throws an error instead. I implemented some code to wait until there are zero errors in the error list before trying to open the new form. This has helped sometimes, but for some reason sometimes the errors don't go away at all until the addin is closed.
How to copy the template form and rename the copy without the background compiler ever noticing duplicate members. If that's not possible, then perhaps someone has an alternative?
Here is my code that copies and renames the template form:
Private Sub CreateDataForm(ByVal tableName As String, ByVal displayName As String) ', ByVal subDataForms As IList(Of Object))
Dim dataFormClassName As String = "frm" & MakeValidName(displayName)
Dim dataFormFileName As String = dataFormClassName & cVBSuffix
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Jun 9, 2011
Im having kind of trouble looking for this info, but i created a POS program that when i install it, it install under Local SettingsApps2.0labla
So what i want to know if how can i make my system install like any other program, "Under Program Files/POSystem/" like so
View 2 Replies
Feb 4, 2009
What I'm trying to do is write a small program that copies a file from a USB to another directory so a program already installed on the computer can load this data.Usually copying files from one directory into another wouldn't be an issue.
If possible i would also like to change the code i have written so it just loads January2009.txt from the "root directory" of the USB rather than having to specify H: because if i put the USB in someone elses computer this could change to G: and then it wouldn't work.
View 4 Replies
Aug 17, 2010
i have this right now:
Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo(TextBox1.Text)
Dim aryFi As IO.FileInfo() = di.GetFiles("*.*")[code]......
and that displays only the file name, like text.txt but i want it to display C:/Text.txt and all the files in the subfolders too, like C:/Program Files/Test2.txt but i just get test.txt from only the c:/ .
View 2 Replies
Jul 8, 2011
I want to make recovery app to recover my files?
View 3 Replies
Dec 2, 2011
How can i make so .avi (and other files) defaults to my program?I have some of it ready (i can right click open with my program) but not the rest.
View 11 Replies
Apr 11, 2009
i am trying to make a small program to encrypt files using AES, and then have the password from the AES encrypted using RSA for its use of public keys. i've got the AES part working fine and i found a good RSA tutorial here url....but after i encrypt the AES password (which is saved in a .txt file) using RSA, then i try to decrypt it again, it comes out as an empty .txt file!
View 4 Replies
Feb 13, 2008
How do i make a program that can compress files, just like programs like winrar do? Every time i try via something as simple as text editor changing something, then changing it back, then it wont work anymore. Any suggestions on how i can make one of these kinds of compression programs?
View 9 Replies
Jun 28, 2010
I've a small home network and i want to make a program that's transforming files between two computer and make me chat with all computers.
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