Get Copies Of Header Files?
Aug 29, 2009
I am working with VB2008 sp1 and I want to use some of the Windows API calls. I need a copy of header files so that I can set certain constants to their correct values. Do I have to install sdk 6.1 and will this damage the sdk 6.0A that is already installed. I only use VB and I do not have any other language such as C+ or C# installed
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Jun 21, 2010
i have 2 listviews in which folder and files are loaded. i'm trying to make a function that, when "Copy" button is pressed copies files/ folders between listviews (between folders "ex: from "D:path" to "E:pathsubpath"). the codes of file copy and folder copy both work but not if add the file.exists / folder.exists lines. if i put a msgbox instead of the filecopy/ foldercopy it displays "file exists" or "folder exist" etc. .. but if add the file copy / folder copy line doens't do nothing.
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May 7, 2012
I'm trying to get a progress bar to work while it copies all files in a folder to another. I've gotten the progress bar to show and display the progress, but during the copying process the app stops displaying anything if I click away and won't display anything until it finishes copying everything. It just freezes with a ghost image in the form while it's copying. How do I prevent the app from freezing during the copying process? I can't even minimize it or move the window around. I hope I made sense. Here's my code.
Dim Files = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(.SelectedPath, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly, "*.*")
Dim i As Integer
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Jan 8, 2011
i am trying to make a program where it copies files to a certain external drive, but i cant figure out how to make it to where you enter your drive letter for the external drive and it copies it.
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Oct 28, 2009
I want to convert documents to PDF by "printing" them on a "virtual" printer (which produces PDF files instead of paper copies). My code looks like this:
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Nov 3, 2011
I wrote an application that copies files from Folder(A) into Folder (B) First it checks if the files exists if yes it will copy them and it will over write the them in fodler (B) and is working great , but if I have a file in Folder(B)that is located in a subfolder the file inFolder (A) will not be copied to the new location.
belwo is the code to copy the files if they exist :[code..]
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Dec 11, 2011
I wrote a program to download and play AVI files the files are large in size and long time wise. I have the files playing as they are being downloaded but i can't see how long the file is or seek reliably. i was reading that the AVI headers are in the last 512kb of the AVI file *why would't they put it at the start* lol so my question is is there a way to download the last 512Kb of the file i'm downloading. i have the Bytes Read and Length of the file while its downlaoding i'm just not sure where to go from there, or how to do it atleast. If i had the length in time of the Avi file i could set the trackbar to be able to seek properly. or if someone has an idea how i could get the time of the video by using fps and some math i could prob do it that way too but idk how i would tell how i can find how many kb are in the fps i'm sure it changes so think that way is't going to be reliable. how to get the last 512kb would be the best option not sure if it can be done even.
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Jul 14, 2011
I have a VB.NET project in Visual Studio 2008 that I created a specialized addin for. The addin prompts the user to select a database table, takes a template form class's files, copies them to another directory within the project, and renames the form class within the copied files. It then opens the new form and adds controls to it based on the fields in the database table.
The copying of the template form causes the background compiler to give 'duplicate member' errors, such as "Private Sub InitializeComponents(...) has multiple definitions with identical signatures," even though I renamed the files of the new form and the class name within them. Sometimes these errors go away before the new form is opened, but when they stick around the new form doesn't open correctly, and it throws an error instead. I implemented some code to wait until there are zero errors in the error list before trying to open the new form. This has helped sometimes, but for some reason sometimes the errors don't go away at all until the addin is closed.
How to copy the template form and rename the copy without the background compiler ever noticing duplicate members. If that's not possible, then perhaps someone has an alternative?
Here is my code that copies and renames the template form:
Private Sub CreateDataForm(ByVal tableName As String, ByVal displayName As String) ', ByVal subDataForms As IList(Of Object))
Dim dataFormClassName As String = "frm" & MakeValidName(displayName)
Dim dataFormFileName As String = dataFormClassName & cVBSuffix
View 1 Replies
Oct 3, 2011
I'm trying to parse through a large file which I know contains the raw data for numerous jpg files. I need to start by identifying the location of header for each jpg image and then carve out the image.The header in this case is as follows;
hxFF hxD8 hxFF hxE0 hx00 hx10 hx4A hx46 hx49 hx46
View 2 Replies
Aug 14, 2010
Where should I write the header file - Using System.Configuration and others? When I write it after the Inherit line in the form code (not the HTML one), it gives a redline under it. I want to start making a website.
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Nov 15, 2011
I am currently creating a merging program which is processing multiple text files with header. I've manage to merge the text files but I'm stuck with the header that needs computation.
path of input files and header explanation: Input Files
After merging, I need to put back the header, adding up each values, which I explained in the path above. How can I do that?
Here's my current code:
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Dim openFolder As New FolderBrowserDialog
'The routines must be
[Code] .....
View 13 Replies
Sep 24, 2009
Is there a way to access the field header name of a databound repeater within the header template. So insted of this....
<table >
<th ></th>
<th >Forename</th>
View 3 Replies
Oct 21, 2009
I'm using the following code to populate a DataGridView with a worksheet. This is working fine, however, I'm unsure how I can get the Text from the page header. (not to be confused with the column header). Later in my code when I am exporting into an existing workbook with a new worksheet, I'm wanting to use the header text as the tab name. The header text being "September 2009" so that when I import/manipulate/export october, the new tab will be "October 2009" etc. [Code]
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May 3, 2012
in my application i created table called houseloading which has field called housename.which is inserted into the sqlserver database. my table will look like this
///column name house
values red
what i want now is i want to display the values red green as column header in datagridview
which will look exactly like this
red green
View 1 Replies
Jul 21, 2011
how do I get the Header text of the header the user clicked in the datagridview.I know I have to use the column header click event but I can't work out or find away to extract the clicked header data?
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Dec 16, 2009
how to make bigger tabpage page headers without changing tabpage or its contents font size. i just need to change tabpage header to make it look bigger with different font.
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Nov 22, 2011
I would like to get the number of copies of a job, in the que and limit the users if they print more than selected copies the the queue should pause it. not the number of pages in a job, the number of copies, and the second thing is , this code works on the local machine, how if a print is sent from the network, is there any way that I can pause that print wich is coming from the network or another machine, on the network, most of my printers are connected through ip, and some are shared printers.
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Jan 9, 2011
An interesting feature, I have seen in jDownloader software is any links I copy in the browser window (i.e., Ctrl+c), the copied content links automatically appears ( i.e., with out me actually pasting it) in their UI and starts downloading the content from the links, if they are valid.I would like to program the same but am puzzled as how to access the variable to which OS copies.
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Aug 26, 2010
I'm looking for a way to have my code build two copies of itself at once.The program has an "A" and a "B" configuration that need to be compiled as Prog-A.exe and Prog-B.exe every time the code is compiled. I can do this manually, but I assume there's some way to do it in code? What I'd like is to use conditional compilation to have the A configuration compile so that it runs a "setup as A"-type method on load, and the B likewise, and then have it compile both versions each time.
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Jul 14, 2011
What I mean is, I would like to make an exclusive program, but I don't want it falling into the hands of someone I didn't give permission to.Or perhaps make it require a password to function, and be able to change that password for all copies whenever I want.
View 14 Replies
Apr 2, 2009
i want to write a program to get nuimber of pages printed from a specific printer. i spent a lot of time for googling and i finally managed to get acode that is posted in this link given below [URl]..the problem with above code is its getting no. of pages printed but not getting no. of copies printed for eg: if no. of pages to print is 2 and no. of copies is 3 the total no. of pages printed will be 6. but im gettin total pages printed is 2 ie no. of copies is not getting
View 5 Replies
Nov 15, 2010
I already have barcode created for each stock. And when user click on the print button, it will prompt user how many copies to be printed out.How to do the print out of barcode?
Question Two How to code something to check how many copies of the current barcode size can fit in A4 paper?
I want to fully utilise an A4 paper size before a new A4 paper is used.
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Oct 9, 2011
I've a Crystal Report of one page. Only one.
I want to clone that page, so when you print that report, you get 2 copies with the same data.
I know can be done manually, but i want to avoid of setting up the printer and write "Yes!, i want 2 copies of this".
Timelines ->
NOW ->
Use software, generate Crystal, go to in-built crystal viewer print button, write '2' in copies, print.
Use softwre, generate Crystal, print dialog come up (this is done), you hit 'Enter' and 2 copies will be printed (a.k.a 2 pages which are the sames)
I looked up for sub.reports but i don't want them in the same page.
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May 3, 2012
I have what I think is impossible to achieve. I am printing labels to a zebra printer. Each label is to be attached to an individual item in a batch. The client wants a separate serial number on each label.
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Sep 7, 2010
In VB .NET, how can I have two copies of an executable communicate with each other over the internet? For example... similar to how and instant messenger might work.
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Mar 17, 2010
Basically the assignment says:Create an array that accepts user input. When the user inputs -1, stop the entering process.Check user input to circumvent bad numbers (numbers less than -1)Make two copies of the array (making sure the two new arrays are only as big as the amount of numbers the user input, might need a counter)Sort the first copy using any algorithmSort the second copy using standard array.sort method.Display all three arrays in a form.I have this so far, and I'm stumped as to where to go next.
Public Class SortingForm
Establishing Module-Level Variables
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Jan 12, 2012
I'm developing an application to monitor print queue and pause it to check some conditions, then resume or cancel print job. I can get total pages for printing document but can't get number of copies, how can i get this parameter.
Ex. If someone print 5 pages document for 2 copies, the total pages i got is 5 not 10 pages. (how can i get the real total pages)
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Nov 29, 2011
I am Trying to get the exact number of copies of a print job but I can't here is my code, any ref,its urgent. the bellow code returns only one all the time. I am not sure weather is it the correct code I am using or may be something else.
NumericUpDown3.Value = defaultPrintQueue2.UserPrintTicket.CopyCount
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Sep 19, 2011
I have a loop that copies a file from the internet and writes it to disk (using a WebRequest and Response with a Stream and FileStream).Once in the loop if the internet connection breaks, the loop continues but without downloading any content (even if the internet connection is back up). I cant seem to catch this exception. If i check for a valid internet connection within the loop then the speed to download the file is way too slow
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Jan 15, 2012
I have an external harddrive and I usually backup my desktop with a cleanup folder which I usually move to the external harddrive.
The problem is: when I search for a file (i.e. example.mp3) I will find multiple copies which are taking up way too much space.
Is there an app or some code that can search for an extension (i.e. .mp3) and if it finds more than one copy of the same file, it can delete the extra file?
The reason I ask is: I have around 1300 different mp3s on my external harddrive and most of them are extra copies of the same mp3. When I search for the extension mp3 and I want to move all of the mp3s to a single folder I am prompted way too many times for overwriting or keeping the same mp3 file.
I need an app that can force the move without prompting and delete the extra copies; so, I am left with only one copy of each.
mp3 files on external hard drive for backup:
song.mp3 > in one folder
song.mp3 > in another folder
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