Make It In Vb Langugae N Its Backend In MySQL?

Jul 13, 2011

m a final year bsc.IT student.i need your help can u suggest me some topics for my project.

i want to make it in vb langugae n its backend in MySQL

but m not finding any suitable topic.

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Make A Login System Mysql Try To Connect To A Mysql Database?

May 3, 2010

I am trying to make a login system mysql try to connect to a mysql database.

Here is my code:

Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Public Class LoginForm1
Dim MySqlConnection As MySqlConnection
Private Sub OK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OK.Click
MySqlConnection = New MySqlConnection()


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Make Connection Between Mysql And VB 2008?

Jan 15, 2012

regarding vb 2008 as below to make connection between mysql and visual basic 2008. to write insert the query.

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VS 2008 - How To Make MySQL Reader

Aug 9, 2009

How can I make mysql reader? That it will get charatername from row that has the username they entered.

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Make A Auto Mysql Backup For Vb Program?

Feb 23, 2012

im trying to make a auto mysql backup for my vb program. this code is working but i want to hide the console window so the user will never notice that something happened.

Process.Start("C:/wamp/bin/mysql/mysql5.5.16/bin/mysqldump.exe", "-uroot coop usertrails --skip-add-drop-table -r ""C:ackup.sql")

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Make A Chat Application In Vb What Uses MySQL Database

Dec 14, 2010

I'm trying to make a chat application in Vb what uses MySQL database.

Here is the code for the UpdateChat()sub

Public Sub UpdateChat()
' MySQL Adapter
Dim MySQLAdapter As New MySqlDataAdapter


Now it gives me there error that a connection is allready open with the Datareader (I havea timer running this sub once in a while).

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Make Module To Net 2008 And Using Mysql Database?

Jun 22, 2010

How to make module to 2008 and using mysql database

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Frequency - Connect To Mysql And Make Order And Close

Jun 13, 2012

iam working to develop a CMMS software for my company this software will connect to MySQL over LAN or WAN and i will update and view data from MySQL many times in software (to insert, delete, update,...) now i code every time i use the data , i connect to mysql and make my order and close. as the following code


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How To Make Login Screen Connect To MySQL Database

Jun 11, 2012

I am trying to make a login screen that is connected to a mysql database. I cant seem to get it to work it keeps giving me an error that says ("there is already an open datareader associated with this connection which must be closed first")

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Public Class SalePersonLogIn
Dim con As MySqlConnection = New MySqlConnection("Data Source=localhost;Database=testdatabase;User ID=fvfvxcv;Password=cxxvx;")
[Code] .....

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Make A Very Simple Program That Connects To A MySQL Database Using .NET?

Feb 27, 2011

I am trying to make a very simple program that connects to a MySQL database using VB.NET. My program only has one form and one label. I setup my MySQL database to have a table and one field (a VARCHAR)called "Tab1". I manually inserted the value "CLOSED" into the Tab1 field using PHPMyAdmin. I want my program to change the value of the field to OPEN/CLOSED and I also want the label text on my form to change too when it's clicked.


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Make Login For Vbulletin Through Windows Application Using Mysql

Jul 17, 2011

I am trying to make a login for vbulletin through a windows application using mysql but whatever i tried has failed, i can connect with the database but i cannot find the password table, since vbulletin has md5 on their passwords.

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Mysql Functions - SELECT Statement And Make A Function ?

Jul 12, 2010

I am trying to clean up my code a bit.

I made the following function:

Public Sub sqlUpdate(ByVal table As String, ByVal column As String, ByVal var1 As String, ByVal column1 As String, ByVal var2 As String)
Public CN As New MySqlConnection
Public cmd As New MySqlCommand


Which is fine, if I want to use mysql update all I have to do is call something like: sqlUpdate("test", "test", 0, "test", test) I was wondering if I could do the same with the SELECT statement and make a function. I cant think of a way to do it though...

Dim cmd As New MySqlCommand
With cmd
.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=""" & lblAccountName.Text & """"


The data I would want to extract would be different every time.

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Use AJAX With Aspx Backend?

Apr 5, 2011

I have to use VB.Net. Microsoft provides black magic tools (in the Visual Studio IDE) for making AJAX work, but using these seems hopelessly complicated and documentation for these tools covers only the simplest examples. By contrast, writing the scripts myself seems much easier, and I will understand what is going on.

So my question is, is it possible to write my own AJAX javascript (creating the XMLHttpRequest object, etc.), and have the server-side function be written in VB.Net instead of PHP?

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Make A Program That Takes Old Records From Access And Moves Them To MySQL?

Feb 2, 2012

I'm trying to make a program that takes my old records from Access and moves them to MySQL. Its supposed to take records from 3 different tables in Access to 3 different tables in MySQL. The first table is "Orders" and it sorts the ones to pull to the dataset, taxDS, by "Where Status = 'Waiting Payment' OR 'Cancelled'". Then the second table pulls its info(this is where i'm having trouble) by the "Control_Number" in the "Orders" table, so basically if the control number isnt already in the dataset its not going to pull the data into the new table "FNF Taxes".

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Public Class Backup


So now after my 3rd edit and no answers, I'm finally at the point where I'm only stuck on my For..Next statement not working, How can i get this statement to run for each 24,000 controlnumbers?

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VS 2005 - Make Mysql Connection For A Test Before Releasing The Project?

May 28, 2010

I have some questions about mysql database; I have set up columns and rows on mysql database and I would like to make mysql connection for a test before I would release the project in the near future, but my doubts is that how would I be able to keep mysql admin username and password details secure in the project without anyone could find out??Secondly, I don't want anyone to crack my project to get the details, which it will put me and other clients at risks.

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VS 2008 Make MySQL/DataTable Handle Norwegian Characters?

Oct 4, 2009

I'm populating a DataTable from a MySQL-server. One of the columns contains norwegian characters (�, �, �), but they don't display correct in my datatable. I've been searching google for some answer, but I haven't found any. I've never had this problem before. Actually I'm not quite sure exactly where the problem is. It's either in the datatable or in the MySQL .NET-connector as far as I can tell. If I do the same query in the MySQL Query Browser, the characters are shown correctly, so it can't be the server.

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Can't Send Cookies From Page To Php Backend

May 16, 2011

I'm trying to create a proxy for cross-domain AJAX POST queries and, in order to do that, I need to be adding the cookies from my client (browser)'s request into the POST request I send to the PHP backend, which is using HttpWebRequest. In order to do this, I'm adding each of the Request.Cookie into the HttpWebRequest.CookieContainer object. For some reason, none of the cookies I add to it ever get to my PHP backend.

I understand from some searches that the CookieContainer object is URI-dependent (I'm not sure how to even explain it!), so perhaps that's the cause of my issues. However, I've tried setting the domain on my cookie to different things and it doesn't seem to affect it. So maybe URI means something different than the Cookie's Domain parameter. If that's the case, I'm stuck.


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Connection String For Teradata Backend

Jan 11, 2011

I'm really struggling here - I'm trying to create a connection string to my TD backend and this is not working unless I create a data source in the project and enter my username & password. (to be stored in the config file?) I just want a simple connection string that will allow me to perform updates - furthermore i would like it to prompt the user for a password initially. I keep receiving the error:"No error message available, result code: DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED(0x80040E21)" [code]

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Create The .exe Of .net Project With Sql Server In Backend?

Aug 11, 2011

i was create the .exe of project with sql server in backend. when i install it any other computer that time it is not connect to the data base. whta i do for that.

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Ms Access - One In Fetching A Data From Backend In .net?

Nov 20, 2010

i have two item in form it is---1 is textbox and 2nd is combo i have single value in textbox but there is a multiple value for a combobox with is totally depend on a value of textbox.*i am already add data to the backend files ... in which 1 columns that is called column A it's value is for textbox and 2 column that is called column B it's value for combo box When i write in textbox it's dependent ALL value can be get in the combo box.Can any one solve my problem..

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Send Data To .vb File In Backend?

Dec 17, 2010

i am using thickbox in and everything works fine. I load it, have textboxes and dropdowns in it. I also made modal=true, so it only closes when i click the "Thank you" button. The problem is that behind in the aspx.vb file, i need the data from the thick box, so i can insert, update in my database. How can i do that? Right now all that is happening is that onclicking the button the thickbox closes, but how do i send data to .vb file in backend?

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UI(Front End) Be Joined With Java Backend?

Apr 17, 2011

I have a User interface in a desktop application). And i want the backend to be in Java. How to connect them . Example: I want to have the search box functionality to be wriiten in Java.

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Admin Backend Approve / Reject Content

Mar 7, 2009

I'm creating an admin backend on my site. All the user content that goes on the site will be stored in a database table called Pending. There are other tables where the content will go once approved (Guestbook, Quotes) but if the content is rejected, it'll just be deleted.I know how to delete the content from the database, but I'm having problems will the approval system.On the approval screen, the admin will see a DataGrid that's databound to the Pending table. There's a button that the admin will click to approve the content (based on a checkbox selection or input of a uniqueidentifier entered into a textbox.Can anyone give me an idea on how to move the content from one table to another? Some sample code would be very nice.I'm using VS2005 with SQL Server 2005 Express.

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Backend Server Detection After Project Deployment?

Mar 30, 2010

I have recently learnt vs '05 and am creating a project in ' question is-During project development, we connect it to MS SqL server 2005 express installed on my system and it works.( I use add datasource wizard,add sqldataadapter,add gridview control,generate dataset,connect dataset to gridview method). But after the project is finished and we create its executable, the project will be run on adiffrent machine with a different server name and hence a new connection string will be required.

How can i make my project detect server details and connect to it, at runtime ? because the user is only expexted to start the server and open my application.the app must connect to the new server on its own. If anybody has an answer or if you know some resource where i can find it, please post here. Any suggestions are welcome.

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Connect A VB Frontend With A Python Backend Using Sockets?

Oct 26, 2009

I have some really nice Python code to do what I need to do.I don't particularly like any of the Python GUI choices though. wxPython is nice, but for what I need, the speed on resizing,refreshing and dynamically adding controls just isn't there. I would like to create the GUI in VB.NET.I imagine I could use IronPython to link the two,but that creates a dependency on a rather large third-party product. I was perusing the MSDN documentation on Windows IPC and got the idea to use sockets. I copied the Python echo server code from the Python documentation and in under 5 minutes was able to create a client in VB.NET without even reading the System.Net.Sockets documentation, so this certainly doesn't seem too hard.

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Delete A Record In Access Backend Table?

Apr 6, 2010

trying to delete a record in access backend table...

The form shows the record being deleted..

But the records in the table never get deleted. ?????

Sub btnDelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click


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Excel As A Database Backend To Load Into A Datagridview

Mar 8, 2011

I'm using Excel as a database backend to load into a datagridview.

This is how I connect and bind to the dgv: Dim sFileName = filelocation & "checks.xls"
Dim connectionStringTemplate As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source={0};Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1"""


It connects and populates fine. I have a button for the user to "refresh" the datagridview. I cannot get it to correctly refill the dgv. I have tried setting the bindsource.datasource to Nothing along with the datagridview datasource, but I get an error that brings up the Visual Studio debugger with no real error message...

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Locking Tables In A Backend Access Database?

Dec 14, 2011

My problem is that I need to use a access database as a backend for my visual program.

The database will be accessed by a maximum of 10 users but I want to lock tables when a user is updating a record.

I am unable to use the SQL server at the company due to it storing sensitive information.

I have some basic knowledge of

I have read many articles but I can't find any articles that say how to lock a access .mdb file using Visual

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Use A PASSWORD Protected ACCESS Database As A Backend?

Nov 16, 2010

I has a Access database ...that is password protected.... i am connecting in this manner given as follow .......(Without password protection)

cn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=D:My Documentsdb2.mdb")

how can i edit that can use for access those password protected Access database

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Using SQL Express 2005 As Backend Database On VB6(front End)

Mar 9, 2010

I've been using ms access bfore but want to upgrade coz the company im working in is getting bigger. With almost 10,000 new clients added every week. Im afraid access can't handle it anymore. So im planning to create a new database. Im really new to this SQL Express but have knowledge in sql using vb codes. Is it easy to be used as backend database?

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