Make .net Run In Compile Time?

Oct 12, 2011

Basically I am creating a program and would like it to run in compile time as opposed to the standard run time?

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Make Property Required / Catch At Compile Time?

Sep 2, 2011

[code] i get an app error when running the app, because i didn't set the ID.I was wondering if there's a way to make sure the programmer assigns all properties in the class,and fail at COMPILE TIME rather than have to catch the error at runtime...

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Variable Declared Inside A For Loop - Make This To A Compile Time Error?

Mar 27, 2012

Today I investigated a logical bug in our software and figured out that this is related to the way VB.NET thread variables inside a loop.Let's say I have the following code:

Dim numbers As New List(Of Integer) From {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
For Each number As Integer In numbers
Dim isEven As Boolean


The problem is that isEven is declared but not assigned.In this specific case, it would be correct to write dim isEven as Boolean = false but I haven't done this.In VB.NET, a variable that is declared inside a for loop keeps its value for the next itaration. This is by design: [URL]but this is also dangerous pitfall for programmers.

However, until now, I haven't been aware of this problem/behaviour. Until now.Most of our code base is C# anyway, which doesn't allow the use of an uninitialized variable, so there is no problem. But we have some legacy code that is written in VB.NET that we have to support. So the best thing would be to generate a warning or even an error in this specific case.But even with Option Explicit / Option Strict this does not generate a warning / an error.Is there a way make this a compile time error or maybe a way to check this with FxCop?

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IDE :: Linq Causing Run-time Compile Error But No Compile Error In VS2008?

Apr 20, 2009

I have a Linq-to-SQL class diagram in my web application containing the two tables in my database (held in a DBPro database project in the same solution). All was working fine yesterday. I start doing some work tonight and note that the solution compiles fine in Visual Studio, but when I run the web app I get a compilation error:

Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.
Compiler Error Message: BC30002: Type 'FrostAlertDatabaseDataContext' is not defined.


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C# - Compile Date And Time?

Aug 14, 2009

Is there some clever way of getting the date and time of when the dll was built/compiled?

I'm using the assembly version numbering and reflection to retrieve and display this info when the app is deployed. But in some scenarios it would be more convenient to know when then dll was actually compiled rather than the auto incrementing version number. I don't think the modified date on the dll file itself is reliable due to the way the app is deployed.

Dim assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies
Dim assemblyName As String
Dim assemblyVersion As String


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How To Compile Time Error

Aug 27, 2010

I am having a problem while compiling one of my projects in I have a solution consisting of multiple project,one of which is the exe. Now when i am trying to compile that project i get an error which states

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.net - Design UI Dynamically Or At Compile Time?

Nov 28, 2011

I want to have a bunch of different screens, yet I don't want to have to use 20 different forms (I'm pretty sure that's bad practice anyways), and I don't want to lay down all the controls at once in the designer because then things get messy. I had an idea of running a sub on startup that would dynamically generate all the controls I need with all the right coordinates and settings, and then dump al the ones needed for a specific screen into a Panel. Then I return an ArrayList of panels, and pull out the correct panel to attach to the form when I need that screen. The only problem is that my form will not have any implicit knowledge of its controls, so I'm assuming I wouldn't be able to use the WithEvents / Handles. keywords to declare handlers in the form class (which is what I'd rather do).

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VS 2005 Run Code At Compile Time?

Oct 13, 2010

I've been building tools for ArcGIS. Part of ArcGIS is toolboxes which is basically a collection of tools bundled together. I know how to make toolboxes, but the code I have runs within Arc itself - ie. currently it only runs when you actually start Arc up and run a tool which makes the toolbox.

In theory the code should be able to run outside of Arc and ideally I want it to run at compile time. I know you can run executables as pre and post build events when building the installer so I was thinking I could make it build the toolbox as part of one of these. Catch is, the executable code would need to have access to the compiled files of my project (it needs a link to each tool to build the toolbox) so I can't make the executable in a seperate project. The current project is a class library. Is there a way to run code within my project when building the installer?

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C# - Conditionally Hide Properties At Compile Time In .Net?

Oct 14, 2010

Depending on a preprocessor directive, I want to set all properties in a class to EditorBrowsableAttribute.Never.

I thought about creating a custom attribute, derived from EditorBrowsableAttribute, but unfortunately that class is sealed.

I've had a look at ICustomTypeDescriptor, but in the GetProperties method, I can get hold of each property descriptor, but the attributes collection is readonly.

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Detect The Type Of A Generic At Compile Time Using Attributes

Nov 21, 2009

I may have a difficult question here. I am working on a Generic class that is meant to work specifically with Enum's. Right now, I get the type of the Generic on instantiation and make sure that it is an Enum and throw an exception if it is not. So:


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Performance :: SLOW Compile Time - No Disk Or CPU Activity?

Aug 12, 2009

We have a project for a client that is written in VB.NET. In one of the projects, we have about 100 modules, which are all VERY simple. They're extension methods that convert between object types. Here is a small snippet:

Public Module ScheduleExtensions
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Function ToServicesData(ByVal source As Schedule) As ScheduleServicesData


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Create Expression Where Delegate Type Is Unknown At Compile Time?

Sep 21, 2011

I have a code below to make collection that bind to a gridview able to sort by clicking on the column header. The problem here is "IPerson" is unknown at compile time. I want the delegate type able to decide by getting from gridview datasource.[code]....

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Force A Compile-time Warning / When Using An Unassigned Local Variable?

Nov 15, 2010

Today I discovered that something I had assumed about VB.NET for many years was not true (worrying!). I assumed that a variable declared within a loop had a lifetime of the iteration it was declared in, but in fact it seems it has a lifetime of the whole procedure.[code]I had assumed an output of False, True, False, True but instead it is actually False, True, True, True..In C# the equivalent code would not compile as you would get a compile time error of Error "Use of unassigned local variable 'var1'".I realise there are many ways to fix this and that best practice would be to declare the variable outside of the loop and reset it at the beginning of every loop through.I find this behaviour so counter-intuitive to me that I would like at least a compile time warning in VB.NET when/if I do this. (I could also then set this on any projects I already have and get warning that would allow me to check that my assumptions aren't causing errors).Does anyone know how/if I can get this to generate a compile time warning in VB.NET? Am I the only one that finds this counter-intuitive?

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Compile The 2nd Form And Make EXE Out Of It?

Jan 1, 2010

My project has 2 forms, is it possible for the program (at runtime) to compile the 2nd form and make a EXE out of it?

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Make The App Load And Compile Local Dll?

Oct 7, 2010

is there any way to make the app load and compile local dll?

an exemple:

All process over visual studio 2010

i made an app on win7 that uses shell32.dll but the way that win7 compile his own interlog.shell32.dll it makes the app don't work in XP. But if after i finish the app on win7 send the code to a xp machine and set the shell32.dll on XP the app will work fine.

so... if there was a way to make the app, at his first load, do search from needed dll to compile them for his needs, it will was fantastic.

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.net : "Statement Lambdas Cannot Be Converted To Expression Trees" Compile Time Error

Feb 18, 2011

Why can I do the following :

Dim qNodes As IQueryable(Of XmlNode) = xDoc.ChildNodes.AsQueryable()
Dim test = qNodes.Where(Function(node) True)

although the following gives the error I stated in the title :

Dim qNodes As IQueryable(Of XmlNode) = xDoc.ChildNodes.AsQueryable()
Dim test = qNodes.Where(Function(node)
Return True
End Function)

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Protected Error In Compile Time, When No Protected Class Is Used?

Nov 10, 2011

Dim box As MultiTextBox = New MultiTextBox

Dim i As Integer
for i = 1 to 3 Step 1
lengthWidthHeight = MultiTextBox.GetItemValues()
Next i

This excerpt of code is using the NXOpen API. In the NXOpen API, the MultiTextBox class is public. However, when I compile the code I get the message:

'NXOpen.UIStyler.MultiTextBox.Protected Sub New(ptr As System.IntPtr)' is not accessible >in this context because it is 'Protected'

My question is, how am I getting an error about protected scope? Could it also be that the API documentation is incorrect?

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How To Make Autosubmit Button From Time To Time

Nov 5, 2011

I need some code that will trigger button1 automatically every 1 minute. Is it possible to make in Visual Basic .NET ???

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Make The Grid View Button(Time In) Invisible Until The User Press Time Out Button - ASP.NET

Mar 20, 2009

i want to make the Grid view Button(Time In) invisible until the User press Time Out Button. Once the user press the Time Out Button,Time in Button must be shown

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Make App Only Do Something The First Time That It's Run?

Feb 2, 2010

okay, so i'm making a program in visual basic, and I have multiple forms. I want one of them to be the startup form, but ONLY the startup form, the FIRST TIME it is run on that computer. The next time, and the rest of the times the startup form is my login form.

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Make A Time Server Using Vb 6.0?

Sep 19, 2009

i need to make a time server using visual basic 6.0 but i don't have

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Make Multi-selection Each Time?

Jul 7, 2011


now I wanna know how to make multi selection each time

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Make My Function Pause For A Certain Time?

Mar 8, 2012

I am facing an issue. Actually what i am doing is that i am tryin to store certain values in a database. A function is such that it calculates 5 values and stores them in a database. While storing them in the database it displays them in a textbox on the form. Now i want to display them one by one which it does. But it does it so fast that i can only see the last value that it enters in the database inside the textboxes.[code]...

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Make ONLY One Selection Possible From The Checkedlistbox At A Time?

Oct 29, 2009

How can i make ONLY one selection possible from the checkedlistbox at a time? If i have already selected one and if i select another item the previous item should be deselected.

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Make Real Time Chart?

Feb 22, 2011

Make real time chart?

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Make The Game Tick Over In Time?

Feb 4, 2011

I'm in the process of designing a game, how can i make the game tick over in time?

First thought would be a timer but is this the correct way?

Also I'm looking at building this game in WPF, By memory WPF does not have the timer control, what would you do then?

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VS 2008 Make A Message Appear On The First Time?

Sep 12, 2009

I was wondering whether it was possible for a message to show up only on the first time the user runs the program.

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Forms :: How To Make Form To Wait For Some Time

Nov 9, 2010

I am trying to fetch some specific data from a file which is updated frequently. So, i am trying to make my form wait till i get a particular data. i am using Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000)to wait and again check the data.

but form is getting hanged (showing NOT RESPONDING)

How can i make my form to wait for some time?

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How To Make .exe Run At Specific Time Besides Using Task Scheduler

Jun 8, 2011

I'm wanting to create a small application that will allow me to schedule a machine to shutdown at a specific time. Any suggestions on how I can make this .exe run at a specific time besides using the Task Scheduler?

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How To Make Only One Windows Form Show At A Time

Feb 16, 2012

i have a combobox that has 3 cases. case "0" opens a dialog saying, "Not a valid choice"but case "1" and case"2" open up there own separate forms. (FormMain and Form3)How do i make it so if Form3 is open FormMain Can not be opened, And a messagebox appear saying so. I do not just want the ".hide" function. I already have that set.I have tried a few differant things, none of which worked. And i tried them in the formload and in the combobox selected index

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