Miniproject In .net Based On Database?

Jun 22, 2010

miniproject in based on database?

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Searching For Miniproject In .net?

Jul 21, 2009

[font=Arial Black][size=5]I am final year MCA student. I am searching for doing mini project in Please sugget me some topics for mini project, which should have some new features in it?

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VS 2008 Local Database Versus Service-based Database?

Jul 5, 2009

What is the difference between a local database and a Service-based database? I read the MSDN and searched the Inet.

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Database (access Database) Should Be Stored On A Web Based Server?

Aug 10, 2010

I have developed some software( that records fees paid by the students. The purpose is that the database should be stored in a server, which can be accessed from any stations linked with it.This is working fine with a network of 10 computers. I need to publish it over the net so people could do this job logging in over internet. Database (access database) should be stored on a web based server.

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DB/Reporting :: Using Service-based Database As Remote Database?

Sep 20, 2011

Recently working in vb 2010 express. I'm using service-based database which is based on SQL Server. This database will be deployed at the server. Is it possible that multiple programs, which are installed in remote computers or client computers in the same network, connect to this database simultaneously? Does the service-based database support multiple connections?

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How To Create A Database Based On SQL

Mar 30, 2011

I have the following problem. I try to create a Database based on SQL. But i have problems to get the connection open! I have following code:[code...]

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How To Make .txt Based Database

Jan 20, 2012

my project needs to store data online, and since i have no experience with databases ( aside from .txt base ones ) i wanted to know if it is possible ( and secure ) to save a database online and allow the program to write data to it and to read data of it. if this is possible could any body hint me in the right wa

View 6 Replies - Update Database Based On Gridview Value?

Mar 13, 2012

I have a grid view which uses SQL to calculate information that I need! I want to put this calculated total into another table in database.

SELECT StaffDetails.StaffID, SUM(HolidayRequests.RequestTotalDays) AS Expr1
FROM HolidayRequests INNER JOIN StaffDetails ON HolidayRequests.Username = StaffDetails.UserName


It basically calculates the total number of approved holiday requests for a staff member which is correct. I want this number to then update the HolidayTaken field in another table each time a holiday is approved.

I have tried an update however you cannot use an aggregate in an update as I have found.

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Color Datagridview Based On Database?

May 15, 2009

i have a datagridview which has a datasource of a SQL database. In this database i have a column which has a boolean value, and in my form, it is used to specify whether a checkbox is ticked or not. What i need my program to do is color the cells of the datagridview based on if the checkbox is ticked or not for the particular rows which have it ticked in the database. Here is what i have, but it doesnt work:


Dim count As Integer = 0
While DataGridView1.CurrentCell.RowIndex <= DataGridView1.RowCount
If CellIDCheckBox1.Checked Then


what im trying to do here is loop through the datagridview and see if the checkbox is ticked or not and coloring it based on that.i have also been messing around with some LINQ code, but that doesnt seem to work either..

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Create A New Database Based On An Existing One?

Feb 1, 2011

I am working on a database application for my Class Reunion in and VS 2008, My problem is when i build the program it will only work with 1 Database For my Class year, I would like the ability to be able to create a new database for a different classyear than the 1 i build and pre-Populate, so the person using it can do more than 1 year and keep the databases seperate.

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Creating Objects Based On Database?

Jun 9, 2011

I have decided I would start small and make a program that would create a "receipt" list in a listbox and a total. Now, I would like the user to be able to add their own "menu" items. I'm assuming the best way to go about this would be to have them actually add it to a database and then a function in the program will refresh the dataset with the new list. However, this is where my problem lies. How can I tell VB .net 2010 that I want to create a new button (or buttons) on the fly, in an orderly pattern on the form, based on the input from a DB?

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Get The User Name Based On Login Id From The Same Database?

Apr 10, 2012

how to display the user name based on successful login id i have one database table name: UserMark in the table:


i have login.aspx page which required me to enter login id and password, if sql success, it will redirect the page to home.aspx however, at the home. aspx page required to display the full name based on login id.i place the code on login button

Private Sub btnLogin_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLogin.Click
strSQL = "SELECT LoginID FROM UserMark WHERE LoginID='" & oCommon.FixSingleQuotes(txtEmail.Text) & "' AND Pwd='" & oCommon.FixSingleQuotes(txtPassword.Text) & "'"


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How To Add Service-based Database Application?

Apr 17, 2010

I'm developing a program working with database. Id like to use the Service base database but it gives me an error when I try to add it in my project Project > Add new Item > Service-based database

I wanted to use this database so I could make a table in it.


Connections to SQL Server Files (*.mdf) requires SQL Server Express 2005 to function properly. Pls verify of the component or download from the URL

But when i go to that site its just the vs express websites.

Im using VS2008 Pro. I also installed other files like SQLEXPRADV_x64_ENU

Am I missing something that i need to install?

I already have "SQL Server Management Studio" listed in All Programs> Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Even the SQL Server Compact 3.5 is already installed

How will I know if I properly installed the required components or application?

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Limiting ComboBox Based On Database

Mar 30, 2012

I want to limit the number of students (60) that will be enrolled in one section and prompt a message that it surpass the limit. I inserted it in my combobox1

Here's my code :
strsql = "select * from Schedulings where Sections = '" & ComboBox1.Text & "'"
Dim acscmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand
acscmd.CommandText = strsql
acscmd.Connection = asconn
acsdr = acscmd.ExecuteReader()
It doesn't work. How should I do it?

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Query Database Based On A Value In A Label

Mar 11, 2010

i have a problem trying to query my database based on a value in a label. Here is the code for the query,


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Refresh The Databounds Based On Database Changes?

Feb 28, 2011

With the code attacehd I would like to print the resulting queires on a winform, wich is happening now but only at the form load time.What I'm looking for is a way to have these databounds updated automaticaly everytime date changes on the database or timely every xxsecs or manually via a refresh buttom.

Public Class Form1
Public Function MyTime() As String
' Changes Today's Date into the DD-MM-YY format


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DB/Reporting :: Color Datagridview Based On Database?

May 15, 2009

i have a datagridview which has a datasource of a SQL database. In this database i have a column which has a boolean value, and in my form, it is used to specify whether a checkbox is ticked or not.

What i need my program to do is color the cells of the datagridview based on if the checkbox is ticked or not for the particular rows which have it ticked in the database. Here is what i have, but it doesnt work:


Dim count As Integer = 0
While DataGridView1.CurrentCell.RowIndex <= DataGridView1.RowCount
If CellIDCheckBox1.Checked Then


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Learn To Control Database Based On VB2010?

Nov 6, 2011

Recently, I've changed my job to a biological company, they have huge data but managed by Excel, only by Excel. For example, they have hundreds of orders every month, but they just simply record them by Excel. No database concept is used in this company. Excel to manage this is nightmare, only one person can write the file, others can only read the file by ReadOnly. And these data is very easy to be mistakenly modified.

So, since I come to the above Excel-managed company about one month ago, I cannot stop myself thinking apply database.But I have no programming background at all, only used VB6.0 to create some tiny program in High School. Now I started to think whether I can use VB2010 to do this.First of all, I turn this problem to Access, and I learned a lot database design theory from getting to know Access. However, I finally find out that Access can hardly freely create Form like VB (maybe I didn't find out how)

Anyway, I started to study VB2010, to add DataSet to my Form1, and use DataGridView to display data, and to use TableAdapter to modify data. However, it is quite hard to learn, without any systematic books. For example, I am confused about TableAdapter and TableManger, and I don't know how to simply display a modified DataTable by DataGridView control. And SQL search language is new to me as well.

So, I'm wondering if anyone could recommend me any books based on what I would like to learn? Or any tips and reviews?

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Update Database Based On Datagridview Checkbox Value?

Sep 15, 2011

i am working on a window based student registration project using vs2008 and ms access database.what i have to do is to register students for main or comptt. exam according to the course they are in.The students are shown in a datagridview as per the course generated by populating comboboxes.i have checkboxes for main and comptt exam on the form.i want checkbox column in datagridview to select students either for main exam or comptt exam It means when i check say main exam checkbox and check some students or use "select all" checkbox to select them all,those students must be registered for main exam by updating the field "status" in database table by clicking a button.The updated value should be 1 for main exam and 2 for comptt. exam.i have generated the grid but now unable to register

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Using Service-based Database In A .NET 2010 Project?

Nov 18, 2010

If I add a service-based database to my VB.NET (2010) Winforms solution, is there a way to connect to this database from SQL Server Express Management Studio on the same computer?

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VS 2008 - Fetching From A Text Based Database

May 8, 2009

i have a database file in .txt its a regional dictionary file released under GPL. [Code] How do u i fetch a word from it? Like if any one type abbey in a textbox, the first word in this sample, it should return the meanings numbered 1,2 & 3. How can it be done? can any one give me a sample code? Its for making a free software.

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Display Hyperlink Field On Rows Based On Value From The Database?

May 29, 2012

How do I dynamically display the 'Edit' on the hyperlink field based on the values on the rows, generated from the database. the gridview automatically generates rows.

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ASP.NET Creating Dynamic Order Reference Based On Database Id?

Aug 5, 2011

I am looking to create an order reference which is something like this


Where the 1 would be my order id

but lets say it gets to 100 would like


In VB.NET how could I build up a string like where i know i.e.

the starting part = PLC
Ending part = Order ID
middle = fill in 0's

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Cannot Create Visual Basic Service-based Database

Aug 13, 2011

When ever I try to add Service-based Database in Visual Basic 2010 Express Edition it just prompts me a message.

And if it means anything this error started showing right after I installed
Visual Studio 201 Professional test.

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IDE :: Create Classes And Forms Based On A Database Structure?

May 10, 2010

I am creating an Add-In that I want to create classes and forms based on a database structure. I can't find any information anywhere on how to programatically add code to classes. I know I can write out the files and add them to a project, but that would limit what I can do in the future. I would like the possibility to update a function in the future which would be impossible writing out a file and loading the whole thing back in. It would destroy any modifications made to the class, and since this Add-In will only be creating a framework, there will usually be modifications.

I got this line from the macro recorder:DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.text = strDACode

But I like to keep Option Strict on, and this is late bound according to the IDE. There seems to be very little help on the IDE and how to use it creating Add-Ins. If I overlooked something please point me there, but I can find nothing. I don't know if it can be done, but I was able to do it in an Add-In for VB6.I would also like to add controls to a form, so if anyone can point me somewhere where it explains

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Open Access Database Based On User Input?

Dec 3, 2009

I've been working on an application for awhile that, basically, allows the viewing and printing of a maintenance database. It allows the user to view basic information for the object and then view the maintenance history. My approach for the maintenance history is simply to have unique tables per object since a history has to be kept for each, however, I'm running into a problem in the application that allows the user to view the general information from one DB and the Maintenance history from the other DB.

Say you have Object ID BG1. I can enter the object ID into a search field, pull the data from the general DB and display the data, but I also need it to pull the information from the maintenance history and display. If maintenance history for this object is not found, then create a new table within the DB, fill the columns with the required fields and allow for the user to edit the history.

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Update Database With Datagridview Based On Own Data-collection

Apr 17, 2010

I am populating a datagridview not with a datatable but with a list of instances of a class I created. The data for the instances is read from a database.

Looks like this:

Public Function GetSecurities() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Security)
Dim com As New SqlCommand
Dim rdr As SqlDataReader


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Create A Login Screen Based On A Table In An Access Database?

Jan 23, 2011

I have made an Access database complete with a report/form UI, however I am now looking to take this further to Visual Basic. In my Access database I have a log-in form to access some secure reports. I am now trying to do the same thing in Visual Basic, with no luck. I have created the UI elements i.e. buttons and text boxes, but am now stuck at how to implement the code.What I want to do is make the login button check what's in the username/password boxes with a table in my Access database.

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Creating That Displays Pump Information Based On Customers In A Database?

Feb 26, 2010

I have an application I am creating that displays pump information based on customers in a database. I am using VB2008 .NET3.5.I have a combobox that has a selection for a unit of measure. What I want to happen is when that is changes the labels that have a unit of measure change to reflect the change. There are 15 labels total that need to be changed and all there names are the only ones in the project that start with a X if that helps at all.

I would like to avoid creating a bunch of labels and changing the visible property and just change the text value of each one. I have just started learning VB.NET

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Disable MenuStrip Items Based On A UserAccess Table From Database?

Feb 15, 2011

each of the ToolStripMenuItems has more than 20 ChildItems and each of these ChildItems have more than 30 ChildItems.In my form I havea login form and each user must log in.I want to know that how can I check my UserAccess Table with these MenuItems and ChildItems names and if the user does not have the MenuItem or ChildItem name in UserAccess Table, the MenuItem or ChildItem must be disabled.

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