Color Datagridview Based On Database?

May 15, 2009

i have a datagridview which has a datasource of a SQL database. In this database i have a column which has a boolean value, and in my form, it is used to specify whether a checkbox is ticked or not. What i need my program to do is color the cells of the datagridview based on if the checkbox is ticked or not for the particular rows which have it ticked in the database. Here is what i have, but it doesnt work:


Dim count As Integer = 0
While DataGridView1.CurrentCell.RowIndex <= DataGridView1.RowCount
If CellIDCheckBox1.Checked Then


what im trying to do here is loop through the datagridview and see if the checkbox is ticked or not and coloring it based on that.i have also been messing around with some LINQ code, but that doesnt seem to work either..

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DB/Reporting :: Color Datagridview Based On Database?

May 15, 2009

i have a datagridview which has a datasource of a SQL database. In this database i have a column which has a boolean value, and in my form, it is used to specify whether a checkbox is ticked or not.

What i need my program to do is color the cells of the datagridview based on if the checkbox is ticked or not for the particular rows which have it ticked in the database. Here is what i have, but it doesnt work:


Dim count As Integer = 0
While DataGridView1.CurrentCell.RowIndex <= DataGridView1.RowCount
If CellIDCheckBox1.Checked Then


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DataGridView Color Change Based On Condition?

Jun 5, 2011

I'm working with a DataGridView that I want to format based on the condition of whether or not a date has passed. For example: If the date in a cell is past the current date, that cell and its row are formatted with the forecolor red. My current code is below, and while it doesn't present me with any errors, it just plain doesn't do anything.

Private Sub dataGridView1_CellFormatting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellFormatting
If Me.DataGridView1.Columns(e.ColumnIndex).Name = "Due Date" Then


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Change DataGridView Cell Color Based On Other Columns?

Apr 25, 2007

I have a DataGridView that has been dragged over from the DataSource Tab. All works good.I need to have the background color of some of the cells changed based on other columns in that same row. Such as, have the background color of a cell Red if the Status column (not shown) relates to 90 days overdue. The next row may be different.

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Change Datagridview Row Color Based On Grid Checkbox Value?

Jul 3, 2011

How to change vb .net datagridview row color based on grid checkbox value. Having bound DataGridView. BindingSource as data source. called DGV. I m using this code under cell_formatting event


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Color A Datagridview Cell Based On Data From Another Table?

May 18, 2012

I am having a loading problem, the problem is my formating code takes way to long to load.

What I have is a datagridview that is loaded by one table and I want to format the cells based on data from another table, the following code works, but it gets slower and slower as I add more records to the data.[code]...

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Change The Background Color Of The Entire DataGridView Row Based On Cell Value?

Jan 9, 2011

how I can change the back color of a row based on a cell value using CellFormating event. The cell visible property is set to false.

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Update Database Based On Datagridview Checkbox Value?

Sep 15, 2011

i am working on a window based student registration project using vs2008 and ms access database.what i have to do is to register students for main or comptt. exam according to the course they are in.The students are shown in a datagridview as per the course generated by populating comboboxes.i have checkboxes for main and comptt exam on the form.i want checkbox column in datagridview to select students either for main exam or comptt exam It means when i check say main exam checkbox and check some students or use "select all" checkbox to select them all,those students must be registered for main exam by updating the field "status" in database table by clicking a button.The updated value should be 1 for main exam and 2 for comptt. exam.i have generated the grid but now unable to register

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Update Database With Datagridview Based On Own Data-collection

Apr 17, 2010

I am populating a datagridview not with a datatable but with a list of instances of a class I created. The data for the instances is read from a database.

Looks like this:

Public Function GetSecurities() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Security)
Dim com As New SqlCommand
Dim rdr As SqlDataReader


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Change Color Of Row Based On Value Of A Column In The Row?

Jan 19, 2011

I have an sqldatasource that loads, data from my server and puts it in a datagrid.

I have a Column named clnumber that has, the numbers 1,2,3

What I want is that each row have a different color depending on which number is in that datarow column



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Change Cell In Datagrid Color Based On Value?

May 20, 2011

I have a datagrid that will get built at runtime. So i don't now how many columns I may have.I know I can do a column count, and get a list of the names. So don't think that will be a problem.What I'm trying to do is change only the CELL color, not the row, or the column, based on the value of the cell.Below is something I started with, but it clearly doesn't work.

' For Each row As DataGridViewRow In Me.QDGV.Rows
' ' Get the READY value from each row as we loop
' strExt = CStr(row.Cells.Item(4).Value)


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Changing Band Color In DGV Based On Column Value?

Aug 29, 2011

Attempting to set a color on a data row in my DGV if the value is True. As of now it changes all rows.


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Displaying Text On Label Based On Color?

Dec 9, 2011

my code below, though it didnt work. i want to display text on label if the colors of label on anoda form is orange.correct me where am wrong. or advice better way to do this.

If Main1.Label15.BackColor = Color.Orange Then
Label2.Text = "1" And Label4.Text = "N5,000"
ElseIf Main1.Label14.BackColor = Color.Orange Then


View 2 Replies - Change Gridview Row Color Based On Templatefields Without Controls?

Feb 25, 2011

My gridview does not use controls, because it is populated using expressions

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="As Of Sales">


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Change Button Color Based On Query Results?

Aug 18, 2010

In an application for a Storage company, I have a form with 107 buttons in five Group Boxes. Each Group Box represents a Building and each Button represents a Storage Unit. They are layered in Table Layout Panels, bottom TLP has 5 columns, one for each Group Box, each Group Box has a TLP with 2 columns and 10 rows, where each button is located. What I would like to do is change the color of any button based on the results of a query.

Buttons are called btn1, btn2, btn3..... Text on the buttons is 1, 2, 3, 4,.... I have a table for the buildings and one of the properties is "Available" set as an intger and is either 0(No) or 1(Yes). I have a query that I run on form load that returns the correct results, to test I put a DGV on a form and set the DataSource to the DataSet returned. Returned is the "Available" Buldings Number(1-107)[code]...

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Set The Background Color Of A Label Based On The Value Of A Vertical Scrollbar

Apr 6, 2011

I need to set the background color of a label based on the value of a vertical scrollbar. i.e, if the user click the vScrollBar the background color of label must change like from 0 to 255.if it reaches to 255 again initialise to 0. I tried color.FromARGB function but it is not working.

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Using An Array To Print Out Test Results Based On Background Color?

May 12, 2011

I've created a program that requires students to answer addition questions.I have the code so that it calculates if the answer is correct, along with outputing the correct answer into a textbox.If the answer is correct the textbox background colour changes to green.If the answer is inocrrect the textbox background colour changes to red.I've done this using an array, and I want to use this array to calculate how many questions the students have answered correctly, and output them onto another page.I'm not sure is something like this would work:I was thinking about giving the textbox that outputs the grade score a value of 10. For every red box that is highlighted, 1 is taken away from the texbox value, outputting the amount of questions the user has answered correctly.Here is my array so far, not including the ability to output how many answers the student has answered correctly.

Public Num1(10), Num2(10) As Integer
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


View 7 Replies - Change The Font Color Gridview Row Based On A Columns Value - Can't Index Gridviewrow?

Feb 1, 2011

i am getting a syntax error at drr(5) which 5 is the column i want to base the color change on. this method works when i am using a dataset

Dim Land As String = "Land"
Dim Air As String = "Air"
Dim Cruise As String = "Cruise"


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Interface And Graphics :: Get The General Color Based On What Is Returned From Bitmap.GetPixel()?

Aug 28, 2009

how can i get the general color based on what is returned from Bitmap.GetPixel()? Like i want all shades of blue to just be blue, and so on

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Winforms - Color Code Rows In A Data Grid Based On A Gradient In Forms

Apr 20, 2010

I have a grid containing rows flagged with different priorities. I want to color the high priority rows red, low ones blue, etc. I'd like to set the shade based on a mathmatically calculated gradient rather than arbitrarily assigning colors to specific priorities. How can I extract a single color from a single point along gradient?

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VS 2008 Differentiate Processes - Change The Color Of Rows Based On Whether The Process Is Owned By The User

Oct 13, 2009

I have populated a ListView with currently running processes and with the help of JMC, been able to highlight specific rows based on memory consumption. However, I've decided to change it up a little bit and change the color of rows based on whether the process is owned by the User, if it's a System process, or if is a Service. I've already been able to determine if the process is a User process by utilizing the OpenProcessToken.


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Control Datagridview Selected Row Color And Selected Cell Color?

Jan 16, 2010

I want to have my current row stand out as the current row by virtue of the background color.I also want my current cell stand out from the row color.

in other words i want to controll the background of the current cell as well as the current row, and have these colors different from each other as wel as the background from the non current cells.

I am getting confused with the notion of the current row vs the selected row.I have tried messing with the default row style.selectedbackgroungcolor as well as the same for the default cell style, but cant get it to work the way i want.

i can almost get it if i set the selection mode to full row, but then cannot get the current cell to have a different background color.

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VS 2008 Local Database Versus Service-based Database?

Jul 5, 2009

What is the difference between a local database and a Service-based database? I read the MSDN and searched the Inet.

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Database (access Database) Should Be Stored On A Web Based Server?

Aug 10, 2010

I have developed some software( that records fees paid by the students. The purpose is that the database should be stored in a server, which can be accessed from any stations linked with it.This is working fine with a network of 10 computers. I need to publish it over the net so people could do this job logging in over internet. Database (access database) should be stored on a web based server.

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DB/Reporting :: Using Service-based Database As Remote Database?

Sep 20, 2011

Recently working in vb 2010 express. I'm using service-based database which is based on SQL Server. This database will be deployed at the server. Is it possible that multiple programs, which are installed in remote computers or client computers in the same network, connect to this database simultaneously? Does the service-based database support multiple connections?

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DataGridView Based On 2 Tables In A TableAdapter?

Mar 17, 2012

so ai have created this new TableADAPTER in my dataset, and it pulls data from two different tables namely card and transaction. I have created a datagridview to see the result, however when I try to filter the result, nothing is returned to fatagridview.


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Change Box Color In Datagridview?

Aug 9, 2010

i have to do a system that will trigger an alert. i need to change the color of the box in datagrid view to certain color, according to it's condition.

as example, the first alert will be trigger if there is any values that are below 5. so all box in the datagridview that contains value less than 5 will change to red color.

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Change The Row Color In Datagridview?

Mar 12, 2011

When I bind the data to Gridview after that i want change the Datagridview content color

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Color Selected Row In A Datagridview?

Dec 16, 2009

I build an agenda in access on the left you have column year and then the month an then you have columns from monday to satrday

what i would like to see is when i select a year in the combox all the rows in datagrid of the selected year to have the same color also i would like to do that with the selected month

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DataGridView Color-Coding?

Jun 5, 2011

I'm working on a program that does a bit of color-coding in a datagridview. My problem is that when a row is selected, the color-coding goes away since the normal behavior for the datagridview is to change the back-color to blue and fore-color to white. What I want it to do though is keep the fore-color that is being set through my code. I guess what I'm trying to find out is if there is an event that happens when a row is selected that I can modify to run my own color-coding. I posted a link below to an image of my program that what I'm talking about. My color-coding code is below that (if anyone would want to know what that looks like). gets solved I'll be sure to post the code solution!
For i As Integer = 0 To Me.dgvOne.Rows.Count - 1
If Me.dgvOne.Rows(i).Cells("SCHFINISH").Value < CDate(Now) Then


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