Page Start Up In Windows Application Like Web Application?

Jul 15, 2010

I have one doubt. I told yesterday that i am new for windows application. I am using web application. In our web application, we can use multiple files and what files we want to run that we give page start up options. But in windows application where is it? I am using two files in single application. I want to change default start up page.

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C# - Detect If Application Start Using A Manual Handling (Pressing An Icon) Or Start When Windows Start?

Feb 28, 2011

I have made my application to start automaticly when windows start (registry ../currentversion/run/appname + path). In this mode the application start minimized and an little icon appear in the notification icon area. With this icon you can maximize the app or exit it.If you exit the app and start it again using the Menu (Start/programs etc) than the application start in minimized mode (and in this case I would like to have it in normal mode) because the setting autostart is still true.Is there a way you can detect when the application start when windows startup using the above registry or when people click on an icon in the programs menu (or desktop)?

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Use Process.Start To Start An Application Without Administrator Privileges On Windows 7

Feb 24, 2012

Visual Basic 2010 - Net Framework 4.0 Client

I have an application (application #1) running with Administrator privileges on Windows 7.

I want application # 1 to start another application (application #2) without Administrator privileges so application #2 is running as a standard user.

Is there a way to do this? I have been using Process.Start.

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Add Command Line Switching - Start The Application In XX Mode - Start Application With 30 Second Delay?

Mar 27, 2009

My intentions are to add command line switching. I am trying to see if i could run my application in varoius ways i.e.

App.exe -S - Start the application in XX Mode

app.exe -T30 - Start application with 30 second delay

and that kinda switching.

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C# - Make Start Page For Application Like Visual Studio?

Aug 15, 2009

everyone know the start page of Visual studio it seems to be a web page, how I can make like it in my applications?

Edit, Add more details:

let us say that I want to show the recently opened forms or the Tip of this day, who I can do that, where to store the data and how to generate the HTML file?

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Start/End A Windows Application?

May 26, 2010

I am concerned that I may not be allowing applications to clear out of memory before they close.I normally start a new application with a start-up form and set the application's shutdown mode to "When last form closes".

I have noticed that any application that loads a class does not close when the last Form closes. I have tested this by creating a new project with a single Form and single Class (newly created and empty). When I declare this class in the Form's Load event then the application does not close when the form is unloaded.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim MyNewClass As New Class1
MyNewClass = Nothing
End Sub

In order to get the application to close I need to add Application.Exit in the Form's FormClosed event.

Private Sub Form1_FormClosed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosedEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosed


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Starting Application At Windows Start

Jun 26, 2008

I've made a windows service for the purpose of creating backup's of certain files and directories automatically each day. The service is installed as automatic (so it starts after win startup) and i have an application which monitors the service through a system tray icon (so right-click on it you can start/stop/pause the service, change settings, etc).


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Automatically Start Application On Windows Startup Or Load?

Sep 7, 2009

How can i automatically start a application on windows startup or load?

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Start MS Word From Inside VB Windows Application Written In VB 9.0

Aug 2, 2009

I need to start MS Word 2003 from Inside VB Windows Application and Load a specific Word Document.

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Access Is Denied While Trying To Start/stop A Windows Service From Within An Application

Mar 30, 2009

I get the following error in Vista while trying to start/stop a Windows Service that I created.

Cannot open ServiceName service on computer '.'.

The same code works for XP.

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C# - How To Print Html Page In Windows Application?

Feb 14, 2012

I am developing a windows application using, I have a simple html page with place holders in it, I load the page into a stream reader, replace the place holders and then I need to print the html content, anybody have any idea how to print the html content as html and not source.P.S. code in or c# is ok.

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Print HTML Page In VB Windows Application

Feb 14, 2012

I have a simple html page with place holders in it, when the user fill some info i replace these info in the html page and then print this page, my question is how to print an html page with its embedded format?

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Access A Windows Application Form From An ASPX Page?

Aug 2, 2010

I have an aspx page and I want to access an application on the client after seeking user permission. Both the windows application and the website are to be made in VB.NET.

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Wait Until Page Loading Finishes - Windows Form Application?

Oct 6, 2010

I navigate the webbrowser in my application with

Private Sub wb_DocumentCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles wb.DocumentCompleted

But I need to navigate to another page after Logging in to the website How can I wait the first page to be loaded fully then navigate to another page?

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Deploying Winforms Application To Client Machines Application Failing On Start?

Jul 2, 2009

Deploying Winforms Application to Client Machines Application Failing on start

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Application Has Failed To Start Because The Application Configuration Is Incorrect?

Apr 22, 2008

I have seen a similar post under C++ but after reading that post and many others I have been unable to find a solution for VB VS2008.I have just ported one solution withseven projects from VS2005to VS2008. All seemed fine at compile time but when I attempted to step into the code in the debugger I received the following error:

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Cannot Start Application Error - Application Validation Did Not Succeed

Oct 21, 2006

I am installing an app I built in VB, and am getting the error "Application validation did not succeed. Unable to continue." I have successfully built and installed this app previously. What I think caused the issue is I attached the .mdf file I have referenced in my application to my SQL Server. I then detached the database in SQL Server, opened my VB app and re-built the app. When I tried to install the app, I received the error. Attached are the details of the error message.


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Using Process.Start Method To Launch Another Application From Application?

Feb 27, 2010

I'm using Process.Start method to launch another application from my application. Until today, there was no problem. But I have tested my application in a different OS, Windows XP (SP3), and my application didn't work right on that. I'm also using arguments to run that application. I guess for some reason my application couldn't send arguments to other application correctly under Windows XP. Maybe it is related to my code. But you should know, it works great on Windows 7.


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Process.Start To Start An External Command Line Application

Aug 4, 2009

I'm using Process.Start to start an external command line application and using the StartInfo.Arguments method to send parameters to the application. I imagine I'll need to use a loop... but I can't figure out exactly how yet.I need to send anywhere from 1 - an infinite number of files names to this application. Each file has to be sent one after the other. So once the first one is done, I need to loop back around and past the second one.I can probably use the Directory.GetFiles method to get all of the files, but I don't know how to assign them.

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Developing Messaging Framework For Windows Application That Sends Messages To Java Application

Feb 9, 2009

I am in the process of developing a messaging framework for a windows application that sends messages to a java application. To be precise when the win app wants to send a message it simply drops the message in a common database table which will be picked up by the java app. The windows application is deployed across 10 application servers (10 instances) over citrix for load balancing.Each instance of the application is capable of sending a message to the java application and each of these messages should have a unique id. From my end I need to make sure every message generated has to carry a unique id so that they can be identified when necessary. All the messages can be cleared every day or two.i am not quite sure about a best method of achieving this. Initially I wanted to create a static method that serves the next available id (incrementing the last id by 1). But this approach willn't guarantee unique number as the application starts only when at least one user is logged on. For e.g .On one server the app starts when a user logs in, he then sends a message and then the application stops when that user logs off. So when a next request for the app comes to that server a new instance will be started.

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2005 : Crystal Reports Application Or Windows Application To Generate Pdfs?

Apr 13, 2011

I currently have a simple crystal reports application which generates a crystal report and in the built in viewer provided by VS2005. There is a drop down where you can select options to change the criteria of the report. I wish to convert this app to a windows executable which will take all those select options and generates pdfs based on the crystal report. the executable will be triggered by windows task scheduler...or maybe command line app?

Obviously this will be somewhat of a re-write. What would be the best way to start this as? a crystal report application or a windows application.

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Application Does Not Return From Call To System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents?

Aug 2, 2011

I have a windows forms application written in VB.NET which scrapes information from serveral web pages (who doesn't right)? Anyway, I am having problem with one particular site where partway through the page navigation my application hangs. When I press pause (or break) in the debugger, it stops on a call to System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents.

Resuming execution shows that it really is stuck on this line (it does not reach the next line of code). It also hangs about the same point each time I run it (at least its consistent). Since System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents yields to other threads on the same processor and then resumes execution of the current thread, I think the problem is that some other thread is not behaving well (not returning from some event handling code). I thought Windows 7 was pre-emptive, which makes me
doubt that theory but I really don't know.


The program scrapes somewhere between 12 and 14 pages before it gets stuck on the call to DoEvents. Does anyone have a clue why this would happen? Why would any call to DoEvents hang?

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Application.DoEvents() Function Halt And Crash Application In Windows Vista

Jul 18, 2011

i made an application for serial communication. for this application i need to set delay time. during this delay time i m doing some other task. So for those task i need to take back control from delay function, for this purpose i am unsing Doevents() function.Its work fine On other OS (XP, Windows7 32/64-bit). But Application.DoEvents() function halt and crash in windows vista.

Private Sub TimeDelay(ByVal DT As Integer)
Dim StartTick As Integer
StartTick = Environment.TickCount()


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Create Uninstall Command For A Windows-based Application In The Application Folder?

May 27, 2009

how to create a uninstall command for a Windows-based application in the Application Folder when creating a new setup project in visual studio 2008.

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Re-direct Output From A Console Application To A Textbox In A Windows Forms Application?

Sep 14, 2010

I am trying to use the System.Diagnostics.Process class.I have the following Windows Forms application. It consists of 1 Button and 1 TextBox. The only code is for the button click event as follows.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim myProcess As New Process()


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Convert A VB2008 Console Application To Windows Forms Application

Feb 7, 2010

I have a fully functional multi-threaded VB2008 console application that I need to convert to a windows forms application. I am doing this to add additional functionality at a later time. How would I go about doing this?

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Converting My Windows Form Application In VS 2010 Into A Run In The Background Application

Jan 17, 2012

Final step in my application. I finally got all the requirements working, but now I need to have the application run in the background.

The application was written in Visual Studio 2010 VB, Win form app.

The requirements are as follows:

1.) run the application at start up

2.) no icon

3.) always in focas

4.) always runs in the background.

Here's the full code I have right now (working! whahoooo)

Public Class Form1

Private Property count As Integer
Private s As New Stopwatch


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Pass Current Web Credentials From Web Application To Windows Client Application

Nov 20, 2011

I'm developing a web application that requires the user to log in using forms authentication. inside the webpage you need to download a desktop application that requires to login to the same system too. Is there a way to transfer the current logged credentials from the web application to the windows desktop application without need to login again?. Both applications shares a Login object from an interface.I tried to save the IP address in the Database but that don't work for me because the website needs to be accessed inside and/or outside of the company and the user cannot login twice in different machines.

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Call External Windows Application Form From Application?

Aug 17, 2011

I Have one Windows Application in which i have one MDI Form (Say App1). And I too have another Windows Application in which I have a Child Form (Say App2). So now i want to Call App2 from App1 .. And want to Display App2 form As MDIChild in App1 MDI Form . I am Able to open the Form of App2 , But how to set It As App1' Child .

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Convert A Console Application To A Windows Form Application?

Apr 13, 2012

I have a console application code below. I am trying to convert this to a windows based form application but I don't know where to start. This code asks you to input a website and then it gives you the IP address for that particular website the user enters. All the code works fine but I want this in a windows form application.

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
class GTest


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