Pass Information To A Form?

Sep 28, 2011

i have a form that I need to do two separate functions, however about 95% of the code is the same it's just that last 5% so I don't want to create two forms. What I would like to do is when I click on a button to open the form pass it a variable or something so I can determine which of the two buttons were used to open the form.

Basically if Button1 is clicked do this if button2 was clicked do that...

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VS2010 MySqlException Was Unhandled - Pass Information From A VB Form To MySQL Database

Jun 8, 2011

I am trying to pass some information from a VB form to my MySQL database. i have named all the textbox's the same as the field in the database and checked all my database fields and textbox names which are all correct. When i try to enter information into a form I sometimes get an error at the .executeNonQuery section of the code.

To test, I outputted the SQLStatement string to a textbox ( which pulled through all the fields from the textboxes correctly) then manually inputted the completed SQL query into the database and it worked. But when I try to do this in one go it seems to fail if there is too much text ( if i enter 'a' into each field it works). Are they limits to the size of the SQL query that can be passed from VB?? all the MySql database fields are set to text with no size limits.


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Html - Pass Information To VB Program

Mar 5, 2012

I am making a download manager in VB 2010. I need to be able to pass the download link from an HTML page to the VB Application. This is what i think i need to do in the HTML:


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Pass Information From Textbox In Program To The Username Box?

Jun 13, 2010

How can I pass information from my textbox in my program to the username box on [URL] as well as password, and then execute log in?

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Pass The Information To The Specific Label In The Tab Control?

May 8, 2012

I'm just starting out with vb and am working on a single form project.

Basically I'm trying to take information entered in a textbox on the main forum, Appear in a tab control at the bottom of the forum through the use of a button.

As far as I can tell, I need to code the onclick button portion of it but am unsure about how to pass the information to the specific label in the tab control.

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Creating Temp File To Hold And Pass Information?

Dec 15, 2009

I'm creating temp file to hold and pass information. What is prefered, XML or text files, and why?

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Using Delegates To Pass Information Back To UI From Custom Socket Class?

Oct 6, 2010

I am in the process of prototyping a small sockets application, which monitors IT infrastructure (due to in-house financial and deployment restrictions, I am unable to utilise an existing commercial or open-source solution). Basically, I have a server application and associated agent process for communicating heart-beat data to the server. The server application implements a TCP socket class (TCPDevice), which is called from a WinForm. I am aware of the restriction on updating the UI from processes running on separate threads, and that the preferred technique for acheiving this is via the use of Delegates in conjunction with the Invoke method. Having had very little need previously for using Delegates (apart from of course std windows events and the BackGroundWorker control), I am at a loss as to how to do this in the context of my application, and would appreciate some assistance, although it has occurred to me that I could use the backgroundworker for marshalling updates to the UI.

Eventually the application will need to update a grid of devices via feeds from the defined agents, however for the purpose of this exercise simply updating a status bar on the UI will suffice. The section of the code which I believe is relevant to propogating the code to the form is contained in the OnDataReceived method.Below is a code excerpt from the protoype app which should put the above into appropriate context:

Code from the form:


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Pass Level Information To This Graphical Subroutine Without Receive Cross - Thread Error?

Apr 18, 2011

1)Send a request to an external hardware by SerialPort1.write.

2)Receive this information in SerialPort1_DataReceived.

3)Set this information (integer from 0 to 31) on UserInterface (like cell phone signal level....)

How to pass level information to this graphical subroutine without receive cross - thread error?

Serial request
Private Sub Timer_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer_Livello_Segnale.Tick
SerialPort1.Write("AT+CSQ" & vbCrLf)


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Forms :: Pass Value From One Form To Another Form In .net Windows Form?

Jan 22, 2011

how to pass value from one form into another form...? for example if i have 1 mdiform and 2 form (form1, and form2) for load form1 i'm using system.reflection.assembly here is the code for load form1 :

Imports System.Reflection
Private Asm As Assembly
Private FrmNama As Form
Public Function GetForm(ByVal FormName As String) As Form


after form1 load i call form2 from form1 and from form2 i want pass value, here is the code from form2 to pass value into form1 :

form1.textbox1.text = textform2.text

why value from form2 can't fill into textbox1 in form1?

View 15 Replies

One Form Information To Be Transferred To Second Form Code Becomes Invalid After Validation Error

Dec 18, 2010

using one form information to be transferred to a second form the code becomes invalid after an validation error has arisen from the first form (ie no adult passengers was selected and the error message was displayed) when corrected the information to be transferred become incorrect as the information is transferred without the correction. [code]

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VS 2005 Pass A Value From An Independent Form To A Child Form?

Nov 24, 2009

how to pass a value from an Independent form to a Child form...

here whis is the data from..

the indenpendent data is selected from the datagridview by just double clicking the cell the selected data will pass into the combox of child form (Note: this is combobox not textbox)...

i'm done with textbox it work fine..


Independent form when user duble click the datagridview

Private BoxToUpdate As TextBox
Public Sub Start(ByRef DescItem As TextBox)
' Me.Close()


how could i able the value into combobox from independent form into child form...

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VS 2008 Pass A Variable From One Form To Another Form's Timer In VB?

Jun 10, 2011

I have one form, which the user enters upto 5 websites then clicks go - I have on the second form, the one with the webbrowser. timer which checks if the web browser is busy then either a green light or black image will be shown along side the assocaited input box on the first form. I am finding it impossible to feed variables into the clock through ByVal, like I would a subroutine or function.


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Create Pass Value From 1 Form To A Database In Another Form?

Sep 20, 2011

i had no idea how to pass a value from one form to a database in another form...i was using the vb 2008...

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Pass Value From Independent Form To Child Form?

Jun 3, 2009

how could i pass the value from Independent form to a child my declaration from MDIParent form i declared child form as frmSMRP then in the frmSMRP i have declare one new form as form1

here is my code below.declaring child form under MDIParent form


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VS 2008 Pass Variable From Form To Form?

Aug 26, 2009

Is it possible to pass a variable set in one form to another?

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VS 2010 VB 2010 With SQL 2008 Server Report - Pass Login Information And Selection Parameters To The Report

Apr 13, 2011

I just got into VB 2010 with SQL 2008 Server Report. I was able to create a report as my wish and it's vieable via direct url (URL). But I want to pass login Information and Selection parameters to the report. But I don't want to pass them thru URL, So I want to load them from the application (winform) and launch the report in iexplorer.

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Closing A Form But Keeping The Information In The Form?

Apr 28, 2010

I am working on a project that has the user building scrapbook pages through several different forms. When the user selects something a presses a button I have the information about the selection load to a list box which is on a CheckoutForm. One of the options I have is for the user to save what they have made (this includes the information in the list boxes) and return to a previous form to build another page. I have been trying to use the Me.Close() but it does not save the information and using Me.Hide() displays the wrong elements on the forms.

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Get Information From A Child Form To A Parent Form?

Aug 1, 2011

I have a main form and I've created another small form.In the main form I show the small form when they click a button, like this:

Button_Click Function
Private Sub AddButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles AddButton.Click


then the LicenseNewForm appears. The problem the I stumble upon is how I get the information from the license form to the main form when they click a button in the license form or close the license form. The information is more then just a simple input, so I can't use a InputBox call because the license form has 3 comboboxes and a textbox to get the input from the user and then I need to send that input to the main form.

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Getting Information From A Child Form To A Parent Form

Feb 27, 2009

I have a main form and I've created another small form. In the main form I show the small form when they click a button, like this: [Code]. then the LicenseNewForm appears. The problem the I stumble upon is how I get the information from the license form to the main form when they click a button in the license form or close the license form. The information is more then just a simple input, so I can't use a InputBox call because the license form has 3 comboboxes and a textbox to get the input from the user and then I need to send that input to the main form.

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Transferring Multiple Information From Form To Form?

Nov 3, 2011

So my question is that I have 2 list boxes in two forms aside from the main one. and I am trying to transfer what I choose in the side form to transfer to the list box.

several questions: Why does the blank list form I have in the main form create a problem when I enter a name for the list box and why does it appear in the box when I put it there? As you can see in my errors. It doesn't seem to recognize the listbox that I wanted to leave empty in the main form.

Second question is how do I get names to add in the main form list box. I believe I have the right code but I seem to be missing something else as well. I want the names to display in the main list box and the integers to add up together so I can separately figure the tax and shipping myself.

Here are some pictures and codes




Public Class MainForm
Dim frmAudioBooks As New AudioBooks
Dim frmPrintedBooks As New PrintedBooks


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Pass A Value From One Form To Another?

Sep 15, 2009

Assuming that I have a datagridview or a listview populated by value (form 1), then here I have a command button to edit (form 2, details in text boxes) a selected record from the grid or listview, now, the edit process is done, how can I then, pass these values to datagridview from the other form (form 1) and update or refresh the grid then close the form 2 as if it is not been opened?

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Pass Value From A Form To Another?

Apr 27, 2009

I have a problem with passing the value from a Form that "user should choose a start date and end date" to a Form that display the result in a Crystal Report Form[code]...

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Pass Value From One Form To Another?

Feb 23, 2009

How to pass a textbox value in one form to a variable in another form. i want to store "UserName"(textbox value) from the "UserAccount" Table to a variable in the "invoice" form.

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Pass A Value From One Form To Another Already Open Form?

Mar 17, 2009

I have one form Form1, which opens another form Form2 from within one of its procedures.Now Form2 needs to do some processing of data, and populate a list. The user selects a value in this listthe value back to the already open Form1 (not to a new instance of Form1). How do I accomplish this?I think I will need to define and raise events for this, but I don't know how to go about it.

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Pass The Value From Current Form To Another Form

Sep 3, 2009

"how to pass the value from current form to another form"

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Pass Values Form To Form?

Sep 11, 2010

I know this has been asked, but can someone look this over. I have been going over and over this for about 3 days now. In my main form(frmBuildings) I pass a value to frmCustomerInformation like this.[code]...

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Pass Variables From Form To Form?

May 27, 2009

When working with a collection of forms that the user must step through, is it better to pass the data foward when creating a new instance of that form, or is it better to call a function from the previous form? I have some code written that calls the previous routine, and it looks ugly, and I can't quite think of a reason why it was done that way. The only reason I could come up with was if the data was large, and there was a good chance that the user wouldn't use the data except in a special case.

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Get Information From One Form To Other?

Jan 7, 2010

Get information from one form to the other ?

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Go To The Next Form Only If All Information Is Given?

Feb 23, 2010

I made up Form where you need to fill in information like Name, Surename and Group. And when I press Next (button) I want it to check first if all information is given and in case its not, then you cant go to the next form before filling all information.

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Take Information From FORM To Another One?

Dec 23, 2011

i would ask if i can take information from FORM to another one?like user enter his name in form1 and i need to use it in another form "form2"

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