Pass The Information To The Specific Label In The Tab Control?

May 8, 2012

I'm just starting out with vb and am working on a single form project.

Basically I'm trying to take information entered in a textbox on the main forum, Appear in a tab control at the bottom of the forum through the use of a button.

As far as I can tell, I need to code the onclick button portion of it but am unsure about how to pass the information to the specific label in the tab control.

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Use ToolTip To Show Some Specific Information About Specific Locations Of A Drawing?

Oct 27, 2009

The below picture is generated by the following code:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object , ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles Me .Paint


What I want to do is when I click on each grid on the form (Touch Screen), a tooltip of some stored information about the grid appears on screen. For example, if I click my mouse on square 6,8 then some stored information such as grid number, grid name, level...etc appears on the tooltip on the screen.

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Pass Information To A Form?

Sep 28, 2011

i have a form that I need to do two separate functions, however about 95% of the code is the same it's just that last 5% so I don't want to create two forms. What I would like to do is when I click on a button to open the form pass it a variable or something so I can determine which of the two buttons were used to open the form.

Basically if Button1 is clicked do this if button2 was clicked do that...

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Html - Pass Information To VB Program

Mar 5, 2012

I am making a download manager in VB 2010. I need to be able to pass the download link from an HTML page to the VB Application. This is what i think i need to do in the HTML:


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Pass Information From Textbox In Program To The Username Box?

Jun 13, 2010

How can I pass information from my textbox in my program to the username box on [URL] as well as password, and then execute log in?

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Creating Temp File To Hold And Pass Information?

Dec 15, 2009

I'm creating temp file to hold and pass information. What is prefered, XML or text files, and why?

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Label Size - Drag The Label Object From The Toolbox And Drop In The Tab Control Container

Feb 4, 2007

I have been using vb6 for a while, I am following a tutorial by MS to develop a basic application and a simple task cannot be completed for whatever reasons! The tutorial asks to drag the label object from the toolbox and drop in the tab control container. Then, go to the label size property and adjust the size to some different dimansion. Basic stuff, right? It won't let me do it! After I enter the new dimensions (which by the way are not large or very small), the label size (both width and height) resets back to its original dimensions! I have the sp1 installed.

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Pass Label Name To Sub For Further Action?

Jul 16, 2009

I have a large number of labels which will be handling similar events and I don't want to have the redundancy of putting the same chunk of code into each sub. What I was wondering is if it's possible to pass the name of my label(s) to another sub that can use this label name to change the forecolor of the respective label based on its value. If so, I would would I go about setting up the sub?

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Using Delegates To Pass Information Back To UI From Custom Socket Class?

Oct 6, 2010

I am in the process of prototyping a small sockets application, which monitors IT infrastructure (due to in-house financial and deployment restrictions, I am unable to utilise an existing commercial or open-source solution). Basically, I have a server application and associated agent process for communicating heart-beat data to the server. The server application implements a TCP socket class (TCPDevice), which is called from a WinForm. I am aware of the restriction on updating the UI from processes running on separate threads, and that the preferred technique for acheiving this is via the use of Delegates in conjunction with the Invoke method. Having had very little need previously for using Delegates (apart from of course std windows events and the BackGroundWorker control), I am at a loss as to how to do this in the context of my application, and would appreciate some assistance, although it has occurred to me that I could use the backgroundworker for marshalling updates to the UI.

Eventually the application will need to update a grid of devices via feeds from the defined agents, however for the purpose of this exercise simply updating a status bar on the UI will suffice. The section of the code which I believe is relevant to propogating the code to the form is contained in the OnDataReceived method.Below is a code excerpt from the protoype app which should put the above into appropriate context:

Code from the form:


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[2008] WMI - Getting Information Into A Label

Feb 27, 2009

I want to (for an example) find out the computername of a specific computer. Now I already know the computers name, so I will test the result with the actual computer name, just to see if I am using the WMI properly. This is at the moment only for learning, in the future I want to be able to find out the Current User, How much memory, what applications are installed, what applications are running etc.

Here is my code
Dim Options As New ConnectionOptions
Options.Username = "***********"


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Extracting Specific Information From A Webpage

Feb 25, 2009

I want to extract a specific information from a webpage.For example:url...So can I make the software see what's between "<h1>Your IP address is<BR>", to "</h1>"?And doing all this by using the webbrowser form in Visual basic studio 2008.

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Program Is Not Stopping When Hit The Specific Information

Jul 21, 2009

Why this program is not stopping when I hit the specific information it needs to stop?I get everything to work the way I want it to,


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Using Search Specific Information On A Website?

Apr 11, 2009

Not sure if this is possible at all. I was hoping somebody could help point me in the right direction. Right now im not quite sure what to search for or what this would be called. Basicly I was wondering if it is possible to design a application in 2008 that could search a website for specific information.

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Web Browser Finding Specific Information?

Aug 26, 2009

I really have some question regrading web browser, and i don't understand why am i getting this error

"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

This is the page source

<a name="profile-comment-username" href="/user/one4one" style="font-size: 12px;"><b>one4one</b></a>
you see the (one4one )

I want my program to go and search on the website, and if it founds it then i just show a message box ("Found")

here is my code

For Each DivTag As HtmlElement In Webbrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("a")
Dim s = DivTag.GetAttribute("profile-comment-username")
If DivTag.Parent.OuterText.Contains("one4one") = True Then


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VS2010 MySqlException Was Unhandled - Pass Information From A VB Form To MySQL Database

Jun 8, 2011

I am trying to pass some information from a VB form to my MySQL database. i have named all the textbox's the same as the field in the database and checked all my database fields and textbox names which are all correct. When i try to enter information into a form I sometimes get an error at the .executeNonQuery section of the code.

To test, I outputted the SQLStatement string to a textbox ( which pulled through all the fields from the textboxes correctly) then manually inputted the completed SQL query into the database and it worked. But when I try to do this in one go it seems to fail if there is too much text ( if i enter 'a' into each field it works). Are they limits to the size of the SQL query that can be passed from VB?? all the MySql database fields are set to text with no size limits.


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Show Information From Database In Label?

Apr 3, 2011

i just want to ask how can i show information from my database into label..

Im using Visual Basic 2010 and . Net connector..

this is my sample codes and i dont know how to put it..

CN.ConnectionString = "Server=localhost; database=libsysdb; Uid= root; pwd=dbpass; Port=3306"
Dim myCommand As New MySqlCommand


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Pass Content To Specific Record In XML Using LINQ?

Nov 14, 2009

I am using the following line of LINQ to drill down into an element. Is it possible to expands this code to drill further down so that I can add content to the <population> element in "Test2". I want to be able to do somthing like element.SetValue(1000000). However I need to expand the code below so that I can pass the entire query results into the variable called "element"'

Dim eles = From c In doc.Descendants("File") _
Where c.Attribute("Name").Value = "Test2" _
Select c


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Pass Level Information To This Graphical Subroutine Without Receive Cross - Thread Error?

Apr 18, 2011

1)Send a request to an external hardware by SerialPort1.write.

2)Receive this information in SerialPort1_DataReceived.

3)Set this information (integer from 0 to 31) on UserInterface (like cell phone signal level....)

How to pass level information to this graphical subroutine without receive cross - thread error?

Serial request
Private Sub Timer_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer_Livello_Segnale.Tick
SerialPort1.Write("AT+CSQ" & vbCrLf)


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Do Until Loop - Input Specific Information On A Form

May 7, 2009

I am trying to input specific information on a form. I have created an sql statement from a table that will out put 18 rows of data. I have opened a recordset and instituted a do until loop. I need for the program to look at each row and if the Standard Score = the value of a field I have on the form it takes the value of the other three columns in updates it on the form. I have created the code and it works for upto 3 (Do Until loops)records, but when I try to add a 4th in the SQL statement and put in another do loop my computer runs it but it acts as if it freezes up.


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Enter New Information In A Specific Node In A Xml File?

Feb 25, 2010

I'm trying to enter new information in a specific node in a xml file. This is the structure of the xml file:

<Root><Title 1><Title 2></Title 2></Title 1></Root>

How would I update <Title 2></Title 2> field?

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Login And Read Information Off Of Specific Webpages

Sep 5, 2008

I am very new at this, but I am writing a program to log in and read information off of specific web pages. I have gotten serveral working already, but I'm having a problem with this one. Here is the code in question:


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Specify Which Information To Insert Into The Specific Column Of A Listview?

Jun 22, 2009

txtMsg.Text = "Message from " & e.MSISDN & " . Message - " & e.TextMessage &ControlChars.CrLfand i want to change it to insert into a listview instead.Eg inserting the e.MSISDN information into a FROM column of the listview.

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VS 2008 Extracting Specific Information From The Registry?

Nov 1, 2009

I'm trying to get the version of IE and Google Chrome from the registry. I've successfully been able to get IE, but it seems chrome is eluding me.The following code is what I'm trying:
Public Sub ChromeVersion()
Dim SoftwareKey As String = "HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareGoogleUpdateClients{8A69D345-D564-


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VS 2008 Open Form With Specific Information?

Jan 9, 2010

I want to know how you can open a form with specific information as if you are just calling a sub, kinda like how a message box is. Example:

MyForm.Show("The form title")I also want to know how I could apply this to forms that are being created from pre existing forms. Exaple:

vb Dim NewMyForm as New MyForm("Title Text")'Now I want to know for each of these next 2 lines of code, think of them as being different codes all together.NewMyForm.Show() ' orNewMyForm.MdiParent = Form1NewMyForm.Show

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VS 2010 Put More Lines For Specific Information Of Regex?

Nov 6, 2009

How do i can put more lines for specific information of regex?


Once again selected from RuneScape, because here is best code for it.

<tr class="row rowp4">
<td align="center">
<img class="miniimg" src="">


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.net - Grabbing Information From Textbox And Putting It In Label?

Nov 19, 2011

I'm trying to grab information entered in textboxes. I'm trying to grab a name, an age, and a movie title from three separate textboxes, and put them into a single label like this:

"Name" is "age," her favourite film is "movie title."

after clicking the "Show" button.

I know it's a click event for the show button, but I can't quite figure out how to make the concatenated message.

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Pass TEXTBOX Or LABEL Value To Cristal Report Field?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a sales report (crystal reports), and it's launched from the APP, but I need to pass the value of 2 textbox and 2 labels to a sales report fields.

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Taking Specific Data From A Pasted Block Of Information?

Feb 17, 2011

I am wondering how I can select and pull specific bits of data from a block of information a user pastes into a textbox. For example, the information has fixed words and is always in the same format, but the numbers relating to the words may be different. One report might say, for example, Cars: 1.176 and another may say Cars: 863. How do I pull the information about the "cars" from a the block of text with the number value even though it can be different each time?

I must note that there are many many of these scattered throughout the average report and I need to pull the values of each of them in a single click, then paste those values into a different area on the form.

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VS 2010 Store Specific Information About User In A File?

Apr 27, 2012

I need to store specific information about a user in a file of some sort. Something like an old ini file?

I will need to save a file for each customer.



All things point to a database but for several reasons I can't use a database.

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Databind Label To Display A Piece Of Information From Dataset?

Aug 3, 2010

Can I databind label to display a piece of information from dataset?

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