Pass Content To Specific Record In XML Using LINQ?
Nov 14, 2009
I am using the following line of LINQ to drill down into an element. Is it possible to expands this code to drill further down so that I can add content to the <population> element in "Test2". I want to be able to do somthing like element.SetValue(1000000). However I need to expand the code below so that I can pass the entire query results into the variable called "element"'
Dim eles = From c In doc.Descendants("File") _
Where c.Attribute("Name").Value = "Test2" _
Select c
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Jun 20, 2009
loop through a textbox control content and extract specific content from it
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Sep 9, 2009
i have line like this
46N93 P594 40898, 35899 39MIL;
PHY2_P2_CONFIG0 P2767 34205, 33537 39MIL;
18N879 P141 120461, 49324 39MIL;
PMC3_270_ETH1_D0+ P3021 8061, 44624 50MIL;
but before that i must check the MIL value. If it is 39MIL i should write T5 first followed by the value from all 39MIL than if have 50MIL it should write T10 followed by all the value from 50MIL my output file will be like this
40898 35899
34205 33537
120461 49324
I try this code to split
Dim tfLines() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("C:file.txt")
Dim sf As New System.IO.StreamWriter(drill, True)
For I As Integer = 0 To tfLines.Length - 1
But i can not get the exect value that i want?
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Sep 6, 2010
how to count the content of a specific directory?And how do you delete an old file (ex. say your old program that create a back-up. But it has already created many back-ups and now it takes to much of the space in your hardisk.)
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Mar 11, 2010
I'm working on a self motivated project; basically I want to be able to navigate to a website, for example,there I want to be able to able to record my actions - for example:
Step 1) Right Click & save on celebrity photo
Step 2) highlight & save the photo's description
Step 3) Click on Next link and repeat
View 1 Replies
Dec 7, 2011
I am wondering how to open a specific program with the textbox contents. Here is my situation: I want the text in the textbox to be saved to a html file and then open that html file in a specific browser.
View 5 Replies
Nov 11, 2011
I created this code to export from DGV to Excel and it worked with me. I tried to print the data from DGV to specific cells in worksheet but I don't know.
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May 15, 2009
I want to read the text file. But i do not want to read the whole file. i just want to read the content below the specific word. For example:
I want to ask whether the above code is correct and also how should i read only the content below the word "Top".
View 39 Replies
Sep 8, 2011
How to read a string in another string where between Starting Index and first-encountered Ending IndexI have one giant file which contains info for each customers and they seperated the customers info with Starting and Ending Indexes and I need to get a specific customer info to display.
Dim oFile As New FileInfo(sFileName)
Dim sFileContent As String = oFile.OpenText().ReadToEnd()
Dim iStartIndex As Integer = sFileContent.IndexOf(roNotification.StartByte)
View 2 Replies
Aug 31, 2011
how to count the content of a specific directory?And how do you delete an old file (ex. say your old program that create a back-up. But it has already created many back-ups and now it takes to much of the space in your hardisk.)
View 1 Replies
Mar 4, 2011
I have some .doc binary files stored in my database and i would like to now search them all (without converting them to .doc) to see which one contains the word "hello" for instance.
Is there any way to do this search in the binary file?
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Mar 11, 2011
I've created a Setup project (in VB.Net 2008 Standard Edition) and I need to deploy some .rtf files in a specific folder for the user to edit. I've added these files to the project as content files but the Setup project installs them in Program File/MyApp along with the exe. As these rtf files need to be found easily by the user I need to specify a different folder on the hard drive. These are not mdb or xls files so are not used by the app itself. All the user needs to do is find them manually loading them into MS Word for editing. I don't need to load MS Word from the app, but I do need to deploy them so the user has access to them. How do I edit the file path so it does not bury them in Common Files or the User App Data or app folder itself? Ideally, since these are rtf files they could go in My Documents. (The app itself will work whether or not these files exist elsewhere.)
View 5 Replies
Mar 22, 2009
I'm working on a .NET application (VB 2008) that gets all of its data from a web-based Django application.I'm using Linq-to-XML and Linq-to-objects in the app.One API call is giving me XML data in the following format that I am loading into an XDocument.
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Jan 19, 2011
i have a problem on how to pass all viewable datarow from datagridview and insert into a database using vb ??
View 17 Replies
Aug 27, 2011
The code below is used in a Linq to SQL solution, and is in the Load event of a form. It works fine to display an ordered list of people's names, and set the value member to that person's ID. However, I'm going to be using these 'people' comboboxes a lot, so I'd like to put a sub into my Utility code there is only one line in the form's Load event.
I want to call something like: Call ComboboBoxPeople(cbo, tblTurnbackMain, ReportedByID)
The sub would begin like: Public Sub ComboboxPeople(cbo as Combobox, tbl as 'sometype', fld as 'someothertype')
What can I use as the parameter types for tbl and fld?
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Nov 19, 2010
I'm having trouble with VB LINQ syntax. I have a web service that is returning JSON to jQuery and I need the index of the items but can't figure it out. [code]...
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Feb 24, 2011
how will i pass the data from the gridview to detailview to update a record?
im using (VB code) and the entity data model as my data access layer.
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May 8, 2012
I'm just starting out with vb and am working on a single form project.
Basically I'm trying to take information entered in a textbox on the main forum, Appear in a tab control at the bottom of the forum through the use of a button.
As far as I can tell, I need to code the onclick button portion of it but am unsure about how to pass the information to the specific label in the tab control.
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Jan 24, 2010
I am trying to pass a lambda function to Linq's orderby and cannot get it to work.
The relevant code is:
Dim myordering = Function(m) m.Count
If isAlphaOrder Then
myOrdering = Function(m) m.Key 'Order by Alphabet
View 4 Replies
Jan 6, 2011
I`m looking for a way to parse a parameter name like linq does.I want to filter before i download the date from the database.With LINQ the data is already red into a dataset. I only want to select data from the database witch i need. how i can send a property name to a function without using the property name as string and without to use to mutch code inside the function and without creating an instance of the object, etc.
Dim user
As user =
View 13 Replies
Jul 11, 2011
How can I pass stored procedure name dynamically to Linq-to-SQL, and get the result into a datatable.
View 2 Replies
Feb 6, 2010
I have a LINQ query:[code]How can I pass "MyField" to the Sub and make the LINQ "Where" clause work?
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Mar 2, 2009
I have been utilizing Scott Gu's tutorials on LINQ to SQL to try to learn some LINQ. I have been able to view, retrieve, and update records but I am unable to write new records into the database (MSSQL). Scott starts getting into inserting rows in the fourth section of the set of tutorials. As you can see on that page (or may already know), in order to add a record you must do the following (VB.NET)[code]...
View 1 Replies
Aug 1, 2011
I am trying to insert a new record though linq. I am able to update and read data with out any problem, but how to just inset a new record. Here is a start of my function.
Public Function AddAddressInfo(ByVal objdeptGUID As String, ByVal objGEOCode As String, ByVal objArressCommonName As String, ByVal objStreetAddress As String, ByVal objAddressNotes As String, ByVal objIsPublic As Boolean, ByVal objSesionToken As String)
''#Check of Token is good
If CheckToken(objSesionToken, objdeptGUID) = False Then
Return "Error"
End If
[Code] .....
View 1 Replies
Oct 30, 2011
How do I pass parameters of LINQ DataTables through Functions and Subs
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Jun 5, 2010
I have a sqlite table with following fields:
Langauge level hours
German 2 50
French 3 40
English 1 60
I want to loop through the records based on language and other conditions and then pass the current selected record to a different function.So I have the following mixture of actual code and psudo code. I need help with converting the psudo code to actual code, please. I am finding it difficult to do so.
Here is what I have:
Private sub mainp()
Dim oslcConnection As New SQLite.SQLiteConnection
Dim oslcCommand As SQLite.SQLiteCommand
Dim langs() As String = {"German", "French", "English"}
View 3 Replies
May 3, 2012
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim connetionString As String
Dim connection As SqlConnection
How would I access a specific record and put it into a variable to compare against user input?I have a table CASHIERS and part of that table is a BadgeID and a PIN number. What I want to do is when a cashier swipes there badge to logon to a POS.. it searches the DB to see if the cashier exists. Then, once it establishes that they do exist, it pulls their PIN # and prompts them to enter it. It compares the data retrieved from the DB to the data that they entered.
View 5 Replies
Jun 21, 2010
I am using crystal report to make my report. But problem is that I cant use same SQL Command there in report parameter because its different. I am going to show you my code so that you can understand it. I have a report & a form where I have one text box one button & one crystal report viewer. I have imported all fields by using report wizard. Even I have created parameter(name) there. So that user can get specific record by typing it there in the text box. However here is my code for button1:
Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine
Imports CrystalDecisions.Shared
Public Class Form1
It means it will not show student`s ID & name again & again. On the top of the report it will show student`s ID & name for once & depending on ID it will show student`s mark on report. I guess I have to use something like that Select * from result where text1.text = name of the parameter. But problem is that I cant use same command there in formula workshop.
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Sep 7, 2009
i want to create login form in VB.NET i will done a lot of work like inserting data and also retrieving data but i want to know that how can i get specific record from data base and want to match with my input .
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class frmmain
Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter
View 3 Replies
May 16, 2011
I Have A form With With Data source DS1 Is There A Way To Filter The DS1 To Show A Specific Record Parameter Input Textbox
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