Picturebox Control Location On Screen?

Dec 17, 2009

I have a picturebox (pbRows) that I want to always be aligned with the right side of the screen. The form may be wider than this (I have a horizontal scrollbar), but the picturebox always needs to be along the right edge of the screen. Currently I have this code snippet in the form_load subroutine:

Dim rowsX As New Integer rowsX = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width - pbRows.Width pbRows.Location = New Point(rowsX, 25) However, the picturebox is aligned with the right edge of the form (initially hidden off the screen). Am I missing something obvious?

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Image Location (code) Of PictureBox Control

May 16, 2011

I'm inexperienced with windows forms (vb.net), and I have a rather silly question.I'm opening an old project of someone elses, and there's a PictureBox control on the form. The PictureBox has a photo, and I'm trying to find the location of the photo on the computer but can't find it.In ASPX, I can just look at the code behind and find out where the tags are pointing to (for the photo).The only code that exists for my object, with the image property is this: [code]

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Control The Location Where The OpenFileDialog.Show Places The Interface On The Screen?

Nov 15, 2009

How to control the location where the OpenFileDialog.Show places the interface on the screen?

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How To Move PictureBox To Set Location

Oct 18, 2009

I am currently working on a game that I want to add squirrels running around at random for me to kick off the form.
And I set a new location for it, as 5,5, how can iIget the picturebox to move to that coordinate, a few pixels at a time until it gets there, so it looks like my squirrel is running to that location?

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PictureBox BackgroundImage Location?

Oct 26, 2011

Can the background image in a picture box be moved, or located some where else, not the top left corner?I am aware of the layout that can be changed but that is not what I am after.

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Random Location Of A Picturebox?

Dec 1, 2009

I want to load a picturebox and it gets a random location on the screen.How do I do that?

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Fetch AText From Particular Screen Location?

Sep 23, 2009

I am Visual Basic 6 Programmer. I want to write a code in VB6 which will get Text from any position of a Window Form of another active Application and place that text in other text box (cursor will be in that text box) of the same application.

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Location Changed Screen Behavior?

Jan 22, 2012

For those who have programs such as Skype, you may already be familiar with this action. Basically Skype and some other programs have a feature where when you move the form near the screen boundaries it jumps and "locks" into position into the corner of
the screen. To my understanding, Windows 7 seems to have this feature, but it is not as jumpy as Skype is. It seems you have to be within 20 pixels or so for it to work with Windows whereas Skype seems to work if you are near the corner.How would I go about moving the form near the corner and automatically relocating the form to that corner? For example, if I placed my program near the top left corner, how would I relocate the form to (0, 0)?

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Print Screen A Specific Location?

Jan 10, 2009

how can I printscreen a specific location or area in my screen that can be save in gif or jpeg files

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[2005] Multi-Screen Application - Control Each Screen Separately?

Jun 23, 2009

im about to develop a small appliacation for a bet system, which needs 6 screens, each screen will be a touch screen for each client... the application will be running in one computer only just with 6 screens. my question is does anyone knows how to control each screen separately?. somethign that would allow me to output each forms in different screens would work fine.

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Certain Location Click - Code With A Picturebox

Jul 9, 2010

Im in need of somehow a code that with a picturebox, depending on WHERE you click it will do something.
Lets say theres a picture of a face. The eyes are at like x = 12, y = 28 , if the user clicks the picturebox around that area a msgbox will come up saying "Eye" or something, this is just an example



Any way to "convert" this code to vb.net?

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PictureBox Change Location By Arrow Key?

Oct 14, 2009

How to Picturebox Loacation Change My Arrow Key in Form

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Play PictureBox With Recorded Location?

Oct 20, 2009

i m save location in listboxes Like this:

Private Sub Form1_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseMove
End Sub

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VB 2008 Picturebox To Random Location?

Apr 23, 2010

I am a grade 11 student in high school and am struggling with a project in my computer programing class. in the project we are to create a mario game, where you have 2 pictureboxes (the player and the enemy) one picturebox, the player, is moved using the keypad, the goomba isn't moved at all. the object of the game is to 'kill' as many goombas as quick as possible. I need to make the game so that if the boundries of the player intersect witht he boundries of the goomba, the goomba will move to a random location.

I can't get the goomba to move to a random location, here is my code. I highlited and bolded the part of the code that I am having the prolem with.

Public Class FrmQ4
Dim intLocation As Integer
Dim intCounter As Integer


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Get Screen Location Of RowHeader Cell In DataGridView

Apr 9, 2012

I have several DataGridView's that are located in several different containers. I want to display a small form in a precise location relative to the RowHeader when the user's mouse moves over the row header of the datagridview. How can I get the screen coordinates of the RowHeader? The code below does not display the form in the proper location. I want the top-left corner of the form to be displayed 15 points to the right of the Right property and 15 points below the Bottom property of the RowHeader.


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Setting Form's Screen Location Not Working?

Jan 27, 2010

I'm working on a vb 2010 project where I am playing mpeg movies using the Media Player control.The computer has dual heads (extending windows desktop to other display). My aim is to be able to selectwhich screen to show the video on. I have two forms, the first form (frmControl) has two buttons, Play and Stop.The second form (Player) has the embedded Media Player. Initial tests worked fine (not choosing a screen, but making the player fullscreen and playing a movie). When I add the following code to allow choosing the screen

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Forms :: Picturebox Flickering When Location Changed?

Aug 3, 2010

i am making an RPG game with visual basic...The character is a picture box.The problem is when i move the charactor with the arrow keys it flashes black for a milisecond. I think added animated walking where it slowely moves 32 pixels but not it goes black the whole time... what can i do sto stop it going black everytime it moves?

Old movement
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Right Then
player.Image = My.Resources.mainplayerright
moveto = New Point(playerx + 32, playery)


That code moves the player slowely but causes a big black line to merge then just ends up teleporting the player..How can i get rid of the black flash during movement?

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Get Location Of Mouse Cursor Within Picturebox On Click?

Dec 25, 2009

I need to know how to get the position of the mouse within a picturebox just as you would with e.location, but you can't use e.location with a picturebox and you also can't use Picturebox.Mouseposition which is very unfortunate.

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How To Change Cursor Position To PictureBox Location

Jun 30, 2011

I created a game where you use the mouse to play, it's like the game labirynth. You can't touch the walls or you lose. When I start the level I want the cursor to appear in it's starting position, which is a red picturebox.

Here is the code I used:
Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = New Point(679, 650)
The location where the cursor appears is actually dependent of the resolution of the screen.

For example: with my monitor resolution, the location (679, 650) is right on top of the picturebox i need it to appear on. but if you have a different resolution on your monitor it will appear on a different place. I need to actually make it appear on top of the picturebox.

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Move Form Change Location Of PictureBox?

Jul 25, 2011

I'm new on VB.Net.When I move my Form,it changes my picture location automatically so i can not Get pixel value correctly and it gives me Error.[code]...

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Picture Into Picturebox Based On Pixel Location?

Sep 30, 2009

i have a chart of images.. and i want to load individual images into picturebox from that chart..chart = big image, eg alphabet chart. (yes i am creating a game for my small nephew.. pictures and alphabet) now, i want to show different pieces of images into picture box. like the A box, b Box etc one option is to cut the chart into pieces, save each piece with different filename and load individual filename into picturebox.but i saw somewhere that we can use pixel location to load images into picturebox..as i recall it required two pixel location, 1 was upper left and other was lower right.. and passing that pixel locations would load the rectangular image between those pixel locations into picturebox?

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PictureBox Image Location Returning Null

Jan 5, 2012

In my VB.NET application when I try to get the image location using picturebox.ImageLocation (path), it is returning null. I have to use that path string in filestream's parameter to open it. Since it is returning null, I couldn't open the file (image) in filestream. The following error is coming:
"Path cannot be null"

This is my code:
Dim path As String = Picturebox1.ImageLocation
Dim filestrm As FileStream = New FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)
Dim arry(filestrm.Length - 1) As Byte
filestrm.Read(arry, 0, filestrm.Length)

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[2008] Setting Picturebox Location On Form?

Feb 14, 2009

i need a picturebox to, when an event has happened to either revert back to its original place.or set a location for it to go after the event has taken place.ive tried lots of different code but its not working?

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Transparent Picturebox As Grid For A Plotting Control (another Picturebox)?

Jan 31, 2011

I need to plot some analog values read from the serial port.I plot them in a picturebox starting from left. When I reach the end of the control at the right side I shift all values to the left of a point and I plot the new point at the right, (I have some flickering but it could be acceptable). This is my plotting control.My problem is that I have to clear the control (picturebox) in order to plot the shifted graph, but the method Clear of the Graphics class clears everything inside the picturebox, even my grid.How can i make always visible a grid "in" my picturebox?

1.a transparent image with a grid over the PB? (the clear method cannot remove it)

2.an image with a grid below the picturebox that must be with a transparent background to make visible the grid?

3.multiple layers on the same picturebox?

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Check The Picturebox Location When Move Them Anywhere In Winform Using With Splitcontainer?

Aug 14, 2011

How do I check the picturebox location when I move them anywhere in my winform using with splitcontainer?

Something is like this?

Private Sub PictureBox1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Click
Dim x As Integer


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VS 2010 Changing Control Parent Property Changes Control Location Position?

Feb 16, 2011

I'm trying to make a program with transparent labels over pictureboxes and when I set the label Parent to the PictureBox the position of the label changes.

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Image Location - When Select An Item In The Listbox, A Picturebox Shows The Preview Of That Certain Product?

May 9, 2012

I'm trying to build a project where I have a set of products in a listbox. When you select an item in the listbox, a picturebox shows the preview of that certain product.I practically finished the entire project as well as the picture part; however, I realized that the way I set up the coding, I used image locations from my hard drive meaning that someone can't view them on another computer.This is a portion of my coding:

[highlight="Dim PicSelection As String
PicSelection = ListBox1.SelectedItem
Select Case PicSelection[code].....

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VS 2010 Auto Update Application Via A File Location Path & Pausing Splash Screen?

Jan 8, 2011

1. Just looking for some general help on how to auto update my application via a file location path (e.g. I have a HTML file containing the current file version and the .exe file to download)

What I need is to read in the HTML file version - DONE Check file version vs HTML file stream input - DONE Replace current .exe file with new .exe file - HAVING ISSUES WITH THIS

I know I have to close the application and then replace the old exe file with the new exe file then restart the application but looking for the best/safest way this can be done

2. Basically what I want is during my Splash screen which runs for 5 seconds I want to check if a network drive is mapped.

if not, pause splash screen ask user for address of drive, map drive then un-pause splash screen and continue with load how do I check if a network drive is mapped? and how do I pause the splash screen?

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Stop PictureBox Moving On Screen At Certain Point

Mar 14, 2011

I have a picturebox that is moving across the screen. At the moment I want it too stop at a certain point until a button that is called next is pressed. I then want the picture box to carry on moving across the screen (The total number of times I want this to happen is 5)

Dim nextcommand As Integer = 7
Dim rewindcommand As Integer = 7
Dim x As Integer = 144
Dim y As Integer = 44
Private Sub NextButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles NextButton.Click
[Code] .....

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Print Screen Paste To PictureBox And Save To File?

Mar 18, 2011

I am new to VB and having an issue with Print Screen. I'm trying to take a screen shot, show it in a picBox and then save the image to a file. Eventually, I want to add a timer and have the webcam open on screen so that I can take a set of pictures and save them to the hard drive (a very simple "security" cam).What's happening is when I click on my "Start" button the screen shot always seems capture the last screen event (ie: if I move the dialog from left to right and click "Start" the dialog is still showing on left side of screen shot). Not sure what's going on with this. I tried variations to update (picBox.Refresh(), .Update(), and .Show()) without any change. It's as if two clicks are required to make a capture.Also, I'm trying to save the image that's been captured and can't seem to get that working.


Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Public Class Form1


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