Possible To Escape Without Using Double Curly Braces

Aug 18, 2010

I am facing an issue with my code the thing is i want to escape { in the string.format function Of course one way to escape it is to use {{ (2 curly braces)Is there any other way possible to escape without using the double curly braces.

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Escape Double Quotes In As A Parameter To An NUnit TestCase?

Oct 11, 2011

I tried writing the following TestCase for an NUnit test written in VB.net:

<TestCase("FirstNode", "<node id="FirstNode">")>
Public Sub GetNode_GivenSomeNodeId_ReturnCorrectNode(ByVal nodeId as String,
ByVal expectedXml as String)


The xml-node passed as the second parameter to the testcase is not valid however, as this clearly is not the correct way to escape double quotes. I'm sure I can find a workaround in order to check that the method under test returns the expected XML-node, but I'm curious:

Is there some clever way to pass a string such as this, containing double quotes, as a parameter to an NUnit test?

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How To Jump To Next Statement From For Or For Each (like Braces But In Vb) In Visual Studio 2008

Feb 17, 2010

Does anyone know the keyboard shortcut to jump from the start of a For / For Each (or If, While, etc.) block to the end of it in visual studio if you're using vb.net? I found the following which I thought would work but doesn't : Go to Matching Brace in Visual Studio?

Following the comment there I checked Tools/Options/Environment/Keyboard for the Edit.GotoBrace command which is mapped to Ctrl + å in Swedish.Vb.net doesn't use braces per se, but in the following example:

For Each Foo in Bar
Do lots of stuff

I would have thought that the same command should jump me from the For Each to the "Next" but it doesn't do anything. Is there another command (or should that command work but something is broken locally?)

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Build A Regex To Detect Words Not Adjacent To Or Enclosed In Braces?

Jan 1, 2012

I am stuck in a problem with an application. I have following lines of text :1) hi {my|your|his} name is {stacker|monster|overflow}2) hi {my|your|his} job can be to {stacker|monster|overflow}3) hi {my|your|his} car {stacker|monster|overflow}What I want :on the click of a button select and replace those words which do not have { or } just before or after the word i.e. in line 1 or 3 we do not have any such word. In line 2 we have "can" and "be".

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Curly Brackets In URL Will Not Pass Through Validation

May 17, 2010

I have this url, [URL]. I need the {zip}, because in my code, when this page opens, I replace the {zip} with a zipcode say 10001. But in aspx, when i put validation for that txtbox, it wont let the {} pass through. This is the validation -
ValidationExpression="http://([w-]+.)+[w-]+(/[w- ./?%&=]*)?"
How can I get the curly brackets in sql server? Which is my db in backend.

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Ignore Curly Brackets In Regex Expression

Nov 14, 2011

I am trying to build an application which does the following :

1) write some text in a richtextbox

2) when user clicks a button, the app will replace the text with another text in {} braces.

what I want is that the next time, the regex searches for any text it should exclude those which are present in {}. for eg : my world is good world and a happy world and will be a better world for everyone. first pass - change word "world"


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Regex - Extract Text From Within First Curly Brackets?

Jan 31, 2012

I have strings that look like this {/CSDC} CHOC SHELL DIP COLOR {17}

I need to extract the value in the first swirly brackets. In the above example it would be

/CSDC So far i have this code which is not working


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VS 2008 Parsing C-style (curly Brace) Text

Apr 17, 2009

I need my application to do some fairly simple C-style curly brace text parsing. The text style is similar to C or C# in that it uses curly braces to define blocks of code.[code]As you can see it also uses C-style comments (//) and can (actually always will) use nested blocks, but only up to one level of nesting is allowed. As you can also see, the code does not have to be formatted neatly. There can be spaces before any opening or closing brace and it will still be valid.The text however is not similar to C or C# in a few ways:

- it does not need a semicolon ; after each 'statement' (abc, def)
- the block names will always consists of one single word except for the possibility of comments behind that word.
- the event names may contain more words
- the block and event names do not end in parentheses ()

I am telling you this because I have a C and C# parser which I can use (it came with the text editor control I am using) but it does not recognize the language I need as valid C or C#, because the block names do not end in parentheses, and the commands are not ended by semicolons. Therefore it keeps doing things wrong (it should automatically outline the text, auto indent it, smart format it etc) because it is expecting C syntax exactly, and it sees my language as loads of syntax errors (missing semicolons etc).So, I need a way to parse the language manually, and it needs to be pretty fast too. Some of the things I need include:

- Getting an entire block (including nested blocks) just from the block name (identifier?).
- Getting all block names (nearly had this working with the help you guys gave me but not completely there yet).
- Getting all event names in a specified block.
- Getting an entire block (or just the block name) just from the current cursor position (if the cursor position is somewhere in block2 I should be able to identify that and return 'block2').
- Probably more...

Then I thought, wait a minute, this C-style language is probably the most used language style, so there should be LOADS of examples online... So I started googling but did not find many relevant things.Is there anyone who has any knowledge about simple language parsers? Anyone who can help me do the things I wrote above..? I realize I am asking for a lot, but the language is pretty easy and I cannot imagine that it is extremely hard to parse it quickly. I also don't require any syntax error checking; all I need are the few things above (mainly retrieving the block names and event names).

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VS 2008 Auto-Format Curly Brace Code Too Slow

Apr 30, 2009

I have written a quick 'algorithm' that automatically formats curly brace code in the correct way:[code]It works quite simple, it loops through all the lines and keeps track of the brace count using a counter. The counter will be incremented by 1 if it finds an opening brace, and decremented by 1 if it finds a closing brace.Then, each line is trimmed, and a total of "n" tabs is inserted before the text, where "n" is the brace count as explained above.[code]So my question basically is, how can I avoid having to do the same thing (exchanging lines) twice? I have noticed that the actual exchanging of lines is very slow, so having to do it twice for each closing brace line is simply a very bad design..

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Intercept Single Or Double Mouse Click - Only Execute Double Click Code On Double Click?

Jan 27, 2011

I have a situation where I am handling both single & double mouse click events on a form. In both cases something has to be loaded, however when a double click occurs, I do not wish to execute the code attached to the single click event.Is there a way to intercept the mouse click's and check if double or single and then execute the right event appropriately?

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Flickering - Double Buffered Picturebox - Not Double Buffere - Black Screen With The White Lines

Nov 17, 2010

I have a htpc project that I am working on. The main program loads dll plugins which are basically other win forms. On each of these forms, including the main program, I use a picturebox (a double buffered picturebox) for the background image and then draw everything on it by hand. Whenever I load the form from the dll and show it, I get a weird flicker. It looks like it is the previously used double buffer. Is there any way to clear the background double buffer before the flicker? Or am I going in the wrong direction?

Here's a couple of videos of the problem:

Notice the black screen with the white lines on it or the flash of the desktop after I click "Movies." How do I get rid of that?

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Use A Decimal Instead Of A Double (why Then Do Microsoft Use A Double For Most Math Class Functions)

Aug 15, 2011

For greater accuracy I should use a Decimal instead of a Double ( so I've been told ). Why then have Microsoft chosen to use DOUBLE for most of the functions that return a floating point value in the Math Class?


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VS 2008 : Double Quotes Inside A Double Quote?

Apr 4, 2009

In vb.net, im using objWriter.Write("playerA= "x"")as you can see im using double quotes inside double quotes, how do i skip it so the error doesnt show up?in php you make an "" to skip the string like ("playerA = "x" ")

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Escape Key Words In C#?

Apr 6, 2010

I want to do the equivalent of the following VB in c#

Function([class]) "hello"

This would be the same as this in c#


The problem is that the word class is a key word in the language. But I want to use it as a variable name. In the VB example you can use the [] brackets to 'escape' that key word and allow it to be used as a variable name.

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What's The Escape Character For .NET

Mar 26, 2009

I want to write a code

Dim comm_update As New OleDbCommand("update item set status = "On Loan" where itemid=@itemid")

I know I cannot write "On Loan" as above, but I don't know what's the right way. status is an attribute in my access table.The SQL should update the status to string "On Loan"

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C# - How To Put Escape Before Special Characters

Aug 15, 2010

buildLetter.Append("<style type="text/css">").AppendLine();

Assume the above contents resides in a file. I want to write a snippet that removes any line which has empty string "" and put escape character before the middle quotations. The final output would be:
buildLetter.Append("<style type="text/css">").AppendLine();

The outer " .... " is not considered special chars. The special chars may be single quotation or double quotation. I could run it via find and replace feature of Visual Studio. However, in my case I want it to be written in c# or VB.NET

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C# - String Escape Conversion .net?

Nov 28, 2011

I need to convert this string to the proper form in my vb,net code

if (c == '"') {
} else if (c == '\') {
} else if (c == '/') {


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Can't Escape Empty Textbox?

Jan 6, 2011

I'm trying to track down the cause of an annoying interface bug in an app that was ecently upgraded from VS2003 to VS2008 (the bug did not exist pre-migration).What happens is this :1) User clicks in textbox containing a date.2) User clears date3) User tries to move to another field, but can't. No error messages appear - it's as if the validation failed.Further info :1) The textbox's Text property is bound to a dataview which uses a datatable as its source. The bound field is a nullable datetime field with no constraints or default.2) The Validating event fires and the CancelEventArgs property is not set to Cancel. The Validated, LostFocus and Leave events all fire as well, going LostFocus > Leave > Validating3) I can't see any code changes relating to the control or the datasource with a couple of exceptions. The first is that this :

Me.txtRangeEnd.DataBindings.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.Binding("Text", Me.dvClientNos, "RangeEnd"))
has now changed to this :


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Correct Way To Escape Characters

Jan 30, 2009

I have a couple of strings (in Ms-Word) which I copy and paste into variables in visual studo. Ms-Word uses high ansi characters for double quotes ("x"). I need the same in my app too. There seems to be no easy way to do this.

1. Visual Studio converts them to simple double quotes ("x") if I let it format the line automatically (auto-indent/auto-format).

2. If I turn autoformatting off and put those characters, I can see the correct characters in the code in Visual Studio editor. But when program is run the behave same as the simple double quotes. They are treated as simple double quotes and converts to simple double quotes in the output.

The only way I could find out is to use Chr() etc. functions to concatenate the character codes at appropriate places. But that's tedious on large strings. I want something to escape these characters appropriately (just like we can put two double quotes to escape the simple double quote character). [code]

1. What is the correct way to escape these characters? I don't need string concatenation; I need it in one string (like x="abc").

2. Are there any other characters also which visual studio messes up?

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Escape Character In Program?

Sep 18, 2009

For displaying the character & in a button as text, i am using &&

I would like to display the string % in another one button but the &% does not work.

So how can i display the char %

By using this btn5.Text = "%" the percentage symbol is not displayed at all!

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Use The Escape Key To Close The Application?

Jan 6, 2012

I am using VB2010. I am trying to use the escape key to close the application I have made. While the webbrowser is selected the shortcut doesn't work.

So far I have used the following code:

Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Form, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Escape Then


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Way To Escape Root Namespace

Aug 21, 2009

[code]How do I do this in VB, while having a root namespace in the application, is this possible?

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Vb6 Double Versus .Net Double Data Type?

Aug 11, 2010

When i use VB6 i get the following outputs

961.605 * 100 = 96161
936.495 * 100 = 93650
929.295 * 100 = 92929

NOW..... When i do the above in vb.net 2005 i get the following

961.605 * 100 = 96160
936.495 * 100 = 93650
929.295 * 100 = 92930

How can i get the same output as the VB results. And i have tired it ! Type conversions, math functions, everything i can think of to get the same VB6 output !

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.net - Escape The # Character In A String Literal?

Dec 10, 2009

If I needed to escape a double quote character within a string literal I'd use two consecutive double quotes as follows:

Dim name = "Chuck ""Iceman"" Liddell"

However, it doesn't seem like consecutive # works the same way. The compiler is expecting a compiler directive to follow the # character, even when its enclosed in double quotes. How can tell the compiler that I want a # character in my string?

EDIT: as a few of the answers below point out, # is not a reserved character. I closed my solution in Visual Studio and re-opened it and no longer got the compiler squiggles warning me.

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Escape A String (add Slashes) In Program?

Aug 11, 2009

How do I escape form data in VB.net? I have various lines like this[code]...

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Escape Reserved Keywords In Sql Statement?

Dec 13, 2010

I'm trying to execute an sql statement in vb.net to an Access database, I am escaping the reserverd word using square brackets []. This has worked in all my SELECT statements within the program.

The reserved word is level

But the SQL statement below fails saying

Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.

If I directly copy the statement and execute this in Access it works fine

datalayer.getDataTable(String.Format("INSERT INTO users (username, password, [level]) VALUES ({0}, {1}, {2})", username, password, level))

The above statement works if I remove [level] and replace this with another column name.

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How To Exit Form Using Escape Button

Aug 16, 2011

How to exit a form using escape button in vb.net 2005. I need to show a msg box with yes or no conditions only.... Now I am using this code for exit a form..
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Escape Then
End If

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Javascript - How To Escape '" Characters

Jul 5, 2011

all i have the following code <%= Replace(FindAndReplace(objDR.Item("LENTAB_NAME") ),"'","'") %> in this we are replacing the ' character with ', which is working fine. but when i tried to enter values like '"" then it is giving scripting error as


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Print Escape Sequences In Program?

Jan 9, 2012

I see that print methods have changed in for vb.net 2010. I have looked up and down the internet and have found many examples for earlier versions of vb, but these can not be used in 2010.

I can not use graphics.drawstring / printdocument method because I need to send escape sequences.

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Using Escape Character To Replace & With &amp; In A Xml File?

Jan 23, 2012

I am trying to replace an & in the name of a service in an xml document.

The & is causing an error. Is there anyway i can write some piece of code which will escape "&" as " & a m p ;"?

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