Possible To Search For Highest Total Stat Value In Vehicle List?
May 16, 2010
I am now trying to add a feature that was requested, mainly the ability to click a button or label, and have a messagebox pop up with the Vehicle with the HIGHEST total stats in the Vehicle list. What I need to know is:
1. If it's even possible to search for the highest total stat value in the Vehicle list?
2. If it IS possible, how difficult would it be?
[code] I've searched my a** off the past 2 days before coming here, hoping to be able to find an answer without bothering anyone here, but things just didn't go as planned...
View 28 Replies
Feb 25, 2011
I know how to get Total, Average, Highest and Lower number from using input boxes and so on, but how do you get them from within a listbox?I kno the format of the code, I'm just lost in how to get them from a listbox...I just need a few hints.
View 7 Replies
Oct 6, 2011
I'm using VB.NET with the MySQLConnector, I have an ID column with differents values, i.e:
I want to select all the values that start with "3" and then, select the MAX of them, in this case, "306"
View 1 Replies
Jun 3, 2012
my list box consist the person's name and his score that get from another button.. and I wan to search for the highest score only in another button... what codes should I code in??
this code is for add the details into list box
"Dim name As String = txtname.Text.ToString
Dim total As String = lbltotal.Text.ToString
Dim x As Integer
Dim duplicate As Boolean = False
how can I search from the list box to find the highest number onli?
View 5 Replies
Oct 19, 2009
I am trying to write some Linq to SQL that will bring me back a list of rows containing a single instance of BaseQuestionIDs but I want the row with the highest version, so, from the following table of data:
Id CreatedDate Version BaseQuestionID
2 2009-10-07 13:47:27.687 1 2
3 2009-10-07 13:49:35.010 1 3
4 2009-10-09 16:03:45.973 1 5
I want to return:
Id CreatedDate Version BaseQuestionID
2 2009-10-07 13:47:27.687 1 2
3 2009-10-07 13:49:35.010 1 3
I have tried a variety of things, but have not nailed it yet. I am working in vb.net?
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May 10, 2011
Create a program where the user can find the highest number and the smallest number from a list of values It needs to operate as follows: Enter a value (number) in the TextBox and click on a button [Add to list]. Once this is done, the program analyzes if the number is the highest entered or the smallest. To view which is the smallest and largest, a second button [highest and lowest] will populate fields (texboxes) with highest and lowest numbers. I've attached an image of what the program should look like.
View 4 Replies
Jun 15, 2010
How can I sort data in a sorted list using values instead of keys from highest to lowest?[code]...
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May 3, 2009
I want to know if it is possible that the data grid view (DGV) rows dont stat at the top of the DGV, but start at the bottom. When I select de DGV it comes by default with the first row at the top, just below the column header, when I add a new row, it comes below the first row. But I want the first row at the bottom. And if I want to add a new row, it will come above the first row.
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Oct 14, 2009
I work for a company that produces accident reconstruction software. We have a vehicle dynamics program that realistically simulates the motion of a vehicle (position and rotation of car and steer angle of individual wheels, etc).
All the positions of the car are stored into an array called AMTN. The vehicle dynamics program can calculate positions at time steps finer than .005 secs (200 FPS).
I need to represent this data in real time, and so far I have not been able to accomplish this. I have tried doing this in Excel/VBA, VB6, and am currently trying to do it in VB.NET.
I have used a whole plethora of timers and counters as well as different methods of drawing lines on graphics linked to images linked to picture boxes, etc. My animation program writes/clears the screen correctly, but there is clearly some sort of lag in either the timer or writing method. I have scaled it down to 25 FPS and there is still a lag.
Here is an example of what I am trying to do with each tick of the timer:
Sub Timer1_Tick1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
With each tick of the timer, the graphic is cleared, lines representing each side of the car are drawn onto the graphic, and the picturebox is then assigned to the image, which is linked to the graphic. This is just like how your asteroids program works.
Do I need to change my method? Should I use sprites? Or would it be better for me to create images/bitmaps of the animation beforehand and simply flip through them with a timer?
I'm thinking that creating the images beforehand might work because I do not have to calculate the vehicle's position as it is predetermined by my AMTN matrix.
if there is a more efficient way of displaying my vehicle on the screen that would allow for greater FPS, etc.
View 2 Replies
May 17, 2011
i think i have a similar problem with this post..
View 3 Replies
Feb 11, 2009
[font=Arial] i whoud like to develop vehical reservation system project what can i do for that?
View 1 Replies
Oct 17, 2009
I'm trying to add all of the totals within a list box, which would then be displayed in a label.[code]
View 3 Replies
Jun 7, 2010
How do I code the total cost to give me a pound sign with the total cost at the moment when the total comes up for an example it gives me 3.6 when I need it to show £3.60 here is the code I have so far. [code]
View 2 Replies
May 5, 2010
i want to search item A (from a list of X items) in list B but i want to get the item not found example Search ITEM A in LIST B if not found then return a print....if found continue with ITEM B..and so on.
View 5 Replies
Mar 5, 2011
If i had a structure and a list of the structure like this [code]Using Linq, how would i get the total sum of the saleprice from the list but the solddate has to be within 2 given dates.
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May 10, 2011
I'm trying to create an invoice program in VS2005. I can make the database and insert and save all data regardingthe customer and the vehicle,but cant figure out how to create an input control where random items"car parts" could be inserted and saved. It would
View 4 Replies
Oct 6, 2010
The pay rates for the project are:
a. Level 1 - $10.00
b. Level 2 - $12.00
c. Level 3 - $14.00
d. Level 4 - $16.00
e. Benefit Deduction Rate - 0.10
f. Overtime Factor - 1.5
For ease of program maintenance, all of the above rates and factors must be stored in module level constants. All references to pay rates in the program must refer to the module level constants.
When the Calculate button is clicked:
a. The value in the Hours text box must be validated to insure that it is numeric value greater than zero.
1. If the value is not valid, a message box must appear as shown below and the user must be offered the option to continue processing or quit the program.
2. If the user chooses to continue processing, the focus must be set to the Hours text box.
3. If the user chooses to quit, the program must close immediately.
b. If the value is valid, the program must calculate and display the total pay in the Total Pay label.
1. The pay rate is determined by which Job Grade radio button is checked.
2. For hours less than or equal to 40, the total pay is the hours times the pay rate.
3. For hours greater than 40, the total pay is 40 hours times the pay rate plus the hours in excess of 40 hours times the pay rate times the Overtime Factor.
4. If the Full Time radio button is selected, the total pay must be reduced by the Benefit Deduction Rate.
5. The value displayed in the Total Pay label must be formatted with a dollar sign and with two decimal
6. The focus must be set to the Hours text box.
Why i get an error when i try to run this code
Also the message box, both yes and no close the program.....
View 10 Replies
Oct 28, 2008
I am working with VB 2008. I want to be able to run this program say in N: and it will show me in an excel sheet the following:
Folder Path Size(GB) Count of Files
N:Clients 0.53 308
where clients contains subfolders and files and the size is the total of all those files within each folder and the count is the total within each folder also.
This works fine as it is but i have to select one by one the top level folders and some of them are huge so it takes forever to give me an answer.
1) I would like to see in my spreadsheet the following by only select the network drive n:
Folder Path Size(GB) Count of Files
N:Clients 0.53 308
N:Software 10.7 15430
N:Billing 0.98 105
2) I would also like to know if this is the faster method.
3) I tried adding a progress bar so that the user can have an idea of how much this will take but i had to remove because it was not working.
4) I would like to see the folder name, size of folder and count of files in the listview.
Here is the code:
Imports Microsoft
Imports Microsoft.Win32
Imports Microsoft.Win32.Registry
Imports System.Collections
View 5 Replies
Nov 30, 2008
i make a class and when i call on form then that error occurs "ExecuteNonQuery requires an open and available connection, the connection Current stat is close "
Class Code isImports System.Data.SqlClientImports System.DataImports System.StringPublic Class DatabaseKits Dim Cn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection Public Function BuildConnection() As Boolean Try Cn.ConnectionString = "Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=True;Trusted_Connection=Yes;database=BizAimsPro2008;server=Server-2k3s" BuildConnection =
View 3 Replies
Jun 8, 2011
I am using visual basic 2008 amd creatomg a datagrodview format like below [code] Now I wnat to get total balance in total column after less discount in percentage with ENTER EVENT proceedure and get the whole total column balance in a textbox i.e Net BalanceTextBox. Please tell me how to calculate discount in percent % and get total in total column and also tell me how to move cursor in next cell instead of bottom row in datagridview.
View 2 Replies
Apr 22, 2011
I have 3 columns in a unbound datagridview, "length" "height" and "Total". Total = length x width and the final total in TextBox outside of the Grid. I found question simalar in this forum and tried the code but i am getting errors.The following is the code i am using
Class Form1
Dim UnboundColumn[code]...
View 5 Replies
Oct 5, 2009
how to add data from one list box to data from another list box to get a total. My application has to have three list boxes. One list box contains a list of workshops a user can take. Another contains a list of locations the user chooses from to take the workshops at. When the user clicks an Add Workshop button, the application should add the total cost of the selected workshop at the selected location in the third list box. My problem is that each workshop last a different amount of days and each location charges a per day fee. I'm not really sure how to add all of this information together to come up with the total workshop cost. I think I should use a Do While loop. Another problem is that after the total cost of the workshop is added the user should be able to click a total cost button and get the total cost for all workshops they have selected.
View 16 Replies
May 14, 2012
I have a checkbox list containing the entries from my database. I also have a search bar at the top of the page. How can I search for a checkbox using the search bar. What I am doing now is not returning anything to screen, it just remains at the same screen. My checkbox list id is check1 and my search bar id is search. So on click of my search button I run the following code:
View 1 Replies
Jul 18, 2012
I have a question on searching a List(Of CLass). I am not sure how it is labeled List<OF T> or List(Of Class) However you label it here is the Class EXT.[code]As you can see from the SearchForExtension Sub I have 4 different ways to search for the extension. The index is used to select the searched for row in the DataGridView.
View 2 Replies
Mar 10, 2010
I have been practicing making small programs in a feeble attempt to learn something, but have hit a brick wall. I can not find out how to accomplish the seemingly simple task of searching a list box(containing names of music files) based off the parameters entered in a text box.
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Nov 21, 2009
I'm new to forums as well as new to VB 2008. I'm in process of making a order calculator which will total any values you selected in combo boxes/checkboxes and then display it in a selected area. There are 3 things that I want to achieve: 1. Be able to add another total to an existing total (currently I'm able to see only one total when I hit "Calculate" button)2. Display how many orders I have made so far (new total counts as one order)3. Be able to add up checkboxes selected to an overall total. (when I try to add up one checkbox with another it seems to be stuck on 1.5 pounds which I assigned for each "side order")
View 4 Replies
Jun 21, 2010
I am in a beginning stage vb user.I need to create a program, if I entered the "product code" in a text box / search box, it wants to display its full details from database, such as Product code, product name, description and picture.
so, can any one tell me how am I wanna start this?I dont need complete codes, I need advices and the facts that I need to consider, i like to try it my own.
View 12 Replies
Aug 29, 2009
I have a ComboBox with around 50 google search engines world wide list that looks like tihs
and so on and so on
I have 50 of them
Now the thing I want my ComboBox to do is this, if I select lets say google.co.uk I want my resaults to be searched on google.co.uk if I select .de only list from .de should be searched how can I achive this ?
My list is allready coming back from [URL] but dont know how to doit so that if I select other google it will search there isntead of [URL]
View 25 Replies
Aug 29, 2011
How on specific behaviour can be created in a custom class. I want to be able to create a custom class (a kind of list) where I can access the items by their index (this is the easy part), but also by a string that would describe them. Here is an example:
MyClass(1).SomeProperty = "NewValue"
MyClass("Item1").SomeProperty = "NewValue"
You can see this kind of behaviour in dataset for example where you can select a table by its name or by its index like this :
How can I create a custom class that will behave like this?
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Mar 19, 2012
I have a MyList (List Of Longs) in which I need the check a specific relation between any two members of that list, if the relation-check returns true I need to delete checked member.I was used to do something like that with 2 For Next Loops, is there a better way. Would it even work that way with Lists?What is happening when an Item is removed from the List that has not been called by the outer For-Next yet? [code]
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