Prevent Textbox To Be Not Accepting Numbers In First

Feb 20, 2012

How to prevent textbox to be not accepting numbers in first

5 digits

Only characters in first 5 digits and other digits accept

numbers and characters

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Prevent Numbers Being Entered In A Textbox?

Mar 11, 2012

I have a textbox where the user enters their name, however it is possible to enter numbers in textbox, i was wondering if there is a pre existing function that only allows alphabetical characters to be entered?

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Numbers Only In A Text, But Accepting Decimal Points

Sep 28, 2009

I've found plenty of examples of accepting numbers only in a text box, but the code won't allow decimal points. This is crucial because I'm dealing with US currency.

01.' Force numbers only in a text box
02.' place this in the 'Keypress' event of a text box


How can I change the IF statement to accept the ascii code of decimal points? Then... how can I make sure the user doesn't enter 354.5.3535.5.0 as a number? Is there some sort of built in library in VB that has a pattern matching for US currency or do I have to write it myself?

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Program To Randomly Select Numbers For A Bingo Caller - Prevent Reversed Numbers Being Selected

Mar 6, 2011

I have just about completed a .NET project to write a program to randomly select numbers for a Bingo caller. Over the last month or so Ive learned a lot about .NET but heres something that I consider to be odd and maybe one of you guys can offer an opinion.

One of the features of calling Bingo in a small local club is that callers often use little sayings to accompany certain numbers, I expect youve all heard of (say) All the sixes, clickety click for 66 or 5 and 9 the Brighton line for 59 etc. My little program gives an option to incorporate these with a prompt for the caller that can be edited outside of the program. One of these conventional sayings is used when a number is reversed 12 followed by 21 or 45 followed by 54 for example, when the caller might call (say) 1 and 2, one dozen, number 12 And the other way round 2 and 1, twenty one.

So, I programmed in a bit of code to detect this and to over-ride whatever might otherwise have been the quote with And the other way round and set about testing it. Ive been through literally dozens of full 90 calls watching for the occurrence of a reversed number, spent a few hours doing it, and not once has it occurred which is to say the least, unusual.

So, Im wondering about the Rand Function, could it be that it isnt possible for a reversed number to be selected? Just so you know, I randomly pre-select the order of all 90 numbers, I fill each of the 90 elements of an array with a random number first checking that the number selected hasnt already been stored, if it has, I just get the next random number (and check that too of course), but I cant see how that could prevent reversed numbers being selected, especially in light of the fact that frequently it's not the 'next' number that's used.

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Textbox Not Accepting Backspace Key

Aug 10, 2009

I have built an addin for outlook that has a usercontrol shimmed into the interface. Everything works wonderfully EXCEPT for one textbox on one subpanel of the control. I have tried everything I can think of, but have not been able to resolve the issue:

The textbox *(A regular System.Windows.Forms.Textbox) functions as you would expect in any application with one exception. It will NOT accept the backspace key. So much so that the KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp events will not even fire when I press the backspace key. There does not seem to be any parameter suppressing it, and the control has focus. What is even stranger is that it works completely fine if you hold down the shift key while pressing the backspace key.


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Runtime Added Textbox Not Accepting User Input

Dec 23, 2009

I have a form, with lables and textboxes added at runtime. The labels and textboxes are added properly on form load and display as expected. The form allows tabing into each of the textboxes, but the textbox does not allow user input.

Is this a problem with the way I show the form to the user? >> this particular form is called ( from a different form -- If I test this form directly, without being called from a different form, it allows user input in the textboxes. Is it because of the properties I used to create the textbox? >> properties used were - .name, .size, .location, .tag

View 5 Replies - Prevent Numbers From Showing In Exponent Notation?

Oct 21, 2009

I've got an app that sometimes stores some decently small numbers, such as 0.000023425. These numbers get loaded up in TextBox controls for users to edit.

Dim number As Double = 0.000023425
someTextBox.Text = number.ToString() ' Shows "2.3425E-05"

As mentioned, the text that shows is 2.3425E-05, which isn't exactly intuitive for the user to see, plus I have numbers even more precise (out to 19 decimal places). I would like the output to be fixed point. Of course I could easily and cleanly do:

number.ToString("F20") ' Shows "0.00002342500000000000"

But then there's an annoying number of zeros left over. So, to fix that, I could do:

number.ToString("#,##0.####################") ' Shows "0.000023425"

Which is what I want, but is there any better way to do it than to have that giant ugly format string there? So, ok, it's not that ugly, but surely there's a different way, right? My goal is to show the raw value being stored in the DB in a friendly way, and I would rather not have to force a format on the number at all.I found that changing the underlying datatype to Decimal solves the issue.

Dim number As Decimal = 0.000023425
someTextBox.Text = number.ToString() ' Shows "0.000023425" instead of "2.3425E-05"

So it sounds like Doubles aren't precise enough to be displayed normally?

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Prevent User From Entering Numbers Or Other Characters Such As $%

Nov 22, 2009

i want to prevent users from entering numbers and other characters such as (_,"*&^$#).... into my textbox-u know what i mean! I want my textbox to accept only alphabets. I have written a function that is able to check the numbers but i don't know how to check whether the text contains those special characters. Here is my code for the numbers. i'm sure, just as i'm able to check the numbers. i'll be able to check for those characters.

Public Function ValidateText(ByVal GetString As String) As Boolean
Dim Count As Integer = GetString.Length
Dim i As Integer


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Prevent Users Entering Letters Instead Of Numbers?

Mar 26, 2009

The app uses several forms to let the user enter information. In each form the info is entered into textboxes and dealt with elsewhere when the "Enter" button is clicked. A lot if the info entered is used in calculations and so must not contain alpha characters, only numbers. What is the best way of examining each entry and identifying any that are not numbers, so that I can ask the user for a correction with a MsgBox?Prevent Users Entering Letters Instead of Numbers?

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Limit Textbox Input To Numbers And Range Of Numbers

Apr 4, 2012

i have one more issues, and hope is the last for now. How can I limit a textboxe's input to only numerical with certain range of values (eg -10 to 10) and with that happening while I type in the values?

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Inputting Numbers Into A Textbox And Formating The Numbers?

Jul 30, 2009

I just D/L VB express 8, and I'm trying to learn how to use it. what I'm trying to do is write some code that:takes a number into a text box (textbox1.text)do some simple calculations with that number when I press a button (button1)display the results in a second text box 9textbox2.textThe first problem I am having:The numbers are in the "milli" range, meaning to the power of negative three, so 10^-3 = 0.01 I do not want to enter 10^-3 or any other exponent into the textbox, I am simply entering in 10 because all my units will be in milli. I've tried using exponent and scientific notation but it doesn't calculate correctly. I've done a "work around" to get it to do what I want, but there has to be a simpler way to achieve the above results without. for example, the user enters 10 into the textbox, the button multiplies 10^-3 *30, as a crude example, and stroes that value (say, B=10^-3*30) and B is DIM B as Double.

Problem number two:Error checking. I need to validate that only numbers can be entered into the textbox, or else the program will display an error message (messagebox). I can achieve this to some degree with sample code from here and other places, but, some of the code does not take into account that some numbers have decimal places (I have foud code that does, and it does work), but if a users enters, say the letter "E", it crashes the program. If the user enters "10.3Z", it crashes the program. I cannot seem to code for the last case, a mixture of numbers and letters to get an error message box.

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Add To TextBox, Prevent Scrolling?

Mar 25, 2009

I have a textbox to which text is continuously appended (every second new status data at the end).I would like to act it as follows:- When the cursor is positioned at the end: Stay at the end, scroll the textbox (text disappearing at the top).- When the cursor is positioned somewhere else (not at the end): Stay exactly there, don't move the cursor, don't scroll, don't change the top line of the textbox.This seems to be surprisingly difficult (tried quite several ways).This is how far i came:

Private Sub addToTextBox(ByVal daStrg As String)
Dim posAtEnd As Boolean, selPos As Long, selLng As Long
If myTextBoxForm.txBox.SelectionStart = myTextBoxForm.txBox.TextLength Then


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Forms :: Prevent Colon In Textbox?

Aug 18, 2010

The below code allows me to prevent a textbox to only allow numerics, backspace. I would also like to have the textbox to accept ":", but struggling to find the correct way to do this. Could anyone advise? Below code is in the Keypress event.

If Not Char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) Then
If Not e.KeyChar = vbBack Then
End If
End If

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Prevent Mouseclick In Multiline Textbox?

Jul 8, 2011

I have spent the last hours trying to make an easy fix for this. Setting it to enabled=false is no good in this case. What I was looking for is a way to prevent the user to place the cursor in a multiline textbox. This is a read only textbox, and the user can't type anything in it, but for some reason he can still place the cursor in it, that is what I try to prevent.

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Prevent User From Using Certain Chars In Textbox

Apr 29, 2010

I have a Textbox in which the user types in a name for a folder to be created. However, Windows does not allow the followin chars:


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Make Validations For Textbox Allow Numbers Only Or Textbox Allow Letters Only?

Sep 9, 2010

How to make validations for textbox allow numbers only or textbox allow letters only?

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Prevent A Textbox From Receiving User Input?

May 5, 2010

Preferably without turning the "Enabled" property to false, because I still need to output text from it.

I made a custom control in which there is a textbox but I want it used only as an output control, for showing text and stuff. Problem is that as soon as my form opens up the focus is turned to the textbox and I cannot catch my keyboard events on the form anymore(since the other controls are pictureboxes). I need a way to make this box "unclickable" or any way in which it is impossible to attribute the focus.[url]...

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Prevent Automatic Selection On Textbox Focus

Apr 16, 2010

When you use a tab key to select a textbox, all text in it is automatically selected. What's the easiest way to prevent this from happening? (Setting the selection to none in Enter or GotFocus events doesn't work)

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Prevent Enter Key Making Space In The Textbox?

May 27, 2011

I am making a chat program, that sends the message by pressing enter key. But when im pressing enter in the textbox im getting extra blank space. Is there any chances to remove this blank space from the textbox by using single code

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Prevent Validating/Validated Event From Firing In Custom Textbox?

Oct 28, 2009

I have a custom text box component (inherits from that I created in (2005) that handles the input of numeric data. It works well.

I would like to suppress the validating and validated events from firing if the number hasn't changed. If a user is tabbing through the form and tabs from the text box, the validating/validated events are fired.

I was thinking that the text box could cache the value and compare it to what is listed in the text property. If they are different, then I would want the validating/validate events to fire. If they are the same, nothing is fired.

I can't seem to figure out how to suppress the event. I have tried overriding the OnValidating event. That didn't work.


Here is the custom text box class. The idea is that I want to cache the value of the text box on the validate event. Once the value is cached, the next time the user tabs through the box, the validating event will check to see if the _Cache is different from the .Text. If so that is when I would like to raise the validating event to the parent form (as well as the validated event). If the _cache is the same, then I don't want to raise the event to the form. Essentially the text box will work the same as a regular text box except that the validating and validated method are only raised to the form when the text has changed.

Public Class CustomTextBox
#Region "Class Level Variables"
Private _FirstClickCompleted As Boolean = False 'used to indicate that all of the text should be highlighted when the user box is clicked - only when the control has had focus shifted to it


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Textbox - Make It So Textbox Can Only Have Numbers In It?

Apr 18, 2009

how can i make it so my textbox can only have numbers in it

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Allow Only Numbers In A Textbox?

Oct 29, 2006

is there a way to allow only numbers in a textbox?

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Numbers Only In Textbox?

May 30, 2009

I have textbox and it has keypress event , I want users to allow only numbers

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Only Numbers In The Textbox?

Oct 24, 2010

I have a textbox where the user inputs the employee number, but it must only accept numbers.

I have coded some lines in the textbox's TextChanged event and almost have it. but when I adjust it to eliminate other characters it triggers itself (recursive). that is not a big problem since the second time does nothing but I dont like the unprofessional way its handled.

But the real problem is that I cant get it to stay "blank" when the user erases all my code always puts "0" on the texbox.

Another thing is that when a non-numeric key is pressed, after the code dismissis it, the cursor goes to the start of the textbox messing up the input.

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Textbox Must Contain 4 Numbers?

Dec 29, 2010

I've made a textbox which MUST contain 4 numbers. If there are 3 numbers (or less) you'll get an error or something. I already changed the tabindex to 4.

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Textbox Numbers Only?

Mar 11, 2010

I want to make a routine named "NumberOnly Private Sub TextBox4_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox4.KeyPressNumbersonlyEnd subAll textboxes must accept numbers data on which I call this routine

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Abstract One By One Numbers From The Textbox

Sep 29, 2009

I am doing a project on abstract the numbers that i get from the datagridview to append it on the other textbox. Ok I elaborate more. I have 2 form which is form1 and form2. For the form1, the view is 2 textbox and a 'To' button. when click on the 'To' button, it is direct to form2 which is the datagridview. After selecting the selected numbers, it will display the numbers on the form1 of the one of the textbox. but the problem is I want to abstract one by one of the numbers and append it on the other textbox of the form1.

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Abstract One By One Of The Numbers From The Textbox?

Sep 29, 2009

I am doing a project on abstract the numbers that i get from the datagridview to append it on the other textbox. Ok I elaborate more. I have 2 form which is form1 and form2. For the form1, the view is 2 textbox and a 'To' button. when click on the 'To' button, it is direct to form2 which is the datagridview. After selecting the selected numbers, it will display the numbers on the form1 of the one of the textbox. but the problem is I want to abstract one by one of the numbers and append it on the other textbox of the form1.

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Adding Numbers In Textbox?

Jun 21, 2010

ok the problem is that when a button is click I want it to add 1 (+1) to a textbox. This process will keep on going on till I tell it not to...How would I just keep a running total of whats happening in the textbox...What I mean to say is that if I pressed the button 10 times, instead of it showing:111111111 I want it to automatically add the numbers up to show 10 instead.

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Allow Only Letters And Numbers In TextBox?

Oct 10, 2010

How can I allow only letters A-Z (both lowercase and capital) and numbers 0-9 to be entered into a TextBox control? Also spaces are not allowed either.Goldfish64

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