Put Template Into A Class "my Text Goes Here"?

Jun 8, 2011

I am trying to prevent having to copy the same code over and over again so I was reading on classes.From what I understand you can create a class and then create an instance of that class in an object then you can add properties, etc etc I am wanting to put the following code into a class and just change the "Case" tag around to equal whatever tag I need to plug in at run time.

Dim htmle As HtmlElement
For Each htmle In WebBrowser.Document.GetElementsByTagName("Input")
Select Case htmle.Name
Case "vb_login_username"


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Create A Class Template IN VB 2008?

May 3, 2009

create a Class Template for VB so that when I click Add -> Class, in the Add New Items window, that class will be displayed? And also the variables that are needed inside the class. I guess I need a tutorial.

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IDE :: Find The Template For The Intaller Class?

Jun 11, 2009

I am working on Microsoft Visual 9.0. I cant seem to find the template for the Intaller Class.

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VS 2008 : Create Template At Runtime And Save It The Template With Name?

Aug 20, 2011

In VB.NET,I want to create template at runtime and save it the template with name. for ex : Administrator design a page with 5 fields like using firstname, lastname, dob,nationality and job. He want to assign this page to the user with some restriction like user1 need to enter the all the fields and save it the forms as user1profile, but user2 need to enter only firstname and lastname and save it as user2profile.(in features, he can remove the fields from the form).

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C# - Using Types In A T4 Template That Exist In The Same Project As The Template?

Aug 4, 2010

I'm working on my first T4 code generation tool to add some Stored Procedure helper code to my project. I've created custom types (e.g. StoredProcedure and StoredProcedureParameter to help with my code generation and have included the assembly and namespace references in my code:

<#@ template debug="false" hostspecific="false" language="VB" #>
<#@ output extension=".generated.vb" #>
<#@ assembly name="$(TargetPath)" #>
<#@ import namespace="StoredProcCodeGenerator" #>

This allows me to use my custom types in my T4 template code. However, because my custom types exist in the same project as the T4 template code, I can't recompile my project once I run the template code without restarting Visual Studio. This isn't very much fun.

I read a great article that addresses this exact issue by using the T4 Toolbox, but it's not working. Either I'm implementing the VolatileAssembly directive wrong or the T4 toolbox simply didn't get installed. I'm not sure that the toolbox got installed correctly (I'm using VS 2010 on Win XP).

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Save TextBox Text To HTML Template?

Sep 24, 2009

I have the code I need to save the contents of a text box to a text file using the WriteAllText command, and I can view the text file contents using the StreamReader command.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to saving the contents of a TextBox into a html template?

I'd like to have the html file with formatting (H1, H2, table, tr, td etc.) already embedded in the head tags - this I can do already, and will save this html file as the template that the data will be added to.

I will be scanning the computer for system information - OS, Make, model etc and want to have this added to the template in the table layout.

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Asp.net - Change The Text Of Linkbutton Inside Datalist Item Template Field On Linkbutton Click Event?

Feb 17, 2011

I have a linkbutton inside datalist1 item template field, i want when user click on linkbutton then its text would be "enable" and if the linkbutton text is "enable" and panel1 will be visible then again on linkbutton click event linkbutton text would be "disable"and panel1 will be hidden...

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VS 2010 Created New Class And Require Text-box Field Within A Sub In New Class

May 9, 2012

can someone please help me with a textbox? I have created a new class and require this textbox field within a sub in the new class but i get Error1 'TextBox1' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.I have tried MyClass.TextBox1 = Form1.TextBox1 but I get declaration expected.

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Word Interop: Setting Doc.Bookmarks("BookmarkName").Range.Text Causes Watermark And Other Elements Of Template To Disappear From Document

Apr 28, 2011

I am automating Word from VB.Net.I open a document by:

Dim msWord as Word.Application = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Dim doc As Word.Document = msWord.Documents.Add(Template:=Path)

where path points to a template file I created with a header and a watermark. The template has some bookmarks which I want to dynamically set to some appropriate text values:

doc.Bookmarks("DocumentTitle").Range.Text = "The Joy of Office Automation"

If I comment out that line, the document opens in Word with the watermark, etc, in place. If I let that line execute, it inserts the text as appropriate, but the watermark and other things disappear from the document. You can actually see it flash briefly, and then disappear.FWIW, this is Office Word 2007, and I am opening a .Dot (Word 97-2003) template. The Bookmark.Range.Text I am setting is in the document header.

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Class C Inherits Class D Is Class D A Superclass Or Parent Of Class C?

Dec 16, 2009

If Class X is within the scope of Class Y, is X a subclass of Y?If Class A is a sub Class of B, then is Class B considered a super class of A?if Class C inherits Class D is Class D a superclass or parent of Class C?if Class E extends Class F then we can consider Class E a child of F?if Class G inherits Class H and is within the scope of Class I then who is the parent of Class G? Classes that inherits Class J and classes that are within Class J are all sub classes of Class J?

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Get The Text From A Class?

Jun 30, 2011

my point is to get the text from a class or something, see on image above

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Form Inheritance - Error1Base Class 'MenuStrip' Specified For Class 'Lesson2' Cannot Be Different From The Base Class

Apr 15, 2010

I have put this code in the global form Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form. And then in the form that will inherit this from the global Inherits MenuStrip. "MenuStrip" is what the global form is called. But keep getting this error: Error1Base class 'MenuStrip' specified for class 'Lesson2' cannot be different from the base class 'System.Windows.Forms.Form' of one of its other partial types.

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Which VB Template To Use

Aug 8, 2011

I am just starting out on VB so this is a very elementary question. If I want parse a file and store results in a csv format, which template do I use? Console Application? Empty Project?

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Checking Text Value Of A Class?

Aug 20, 2011

with this all previously defined earlier, book is another class with a public sub new and all is working perfectly well.However. Within the book class I've a bit of code which sets the author "invalid" if it is wrong (i.e. the name has numbers).How would I then check within myBook for an instance of invalid?i.e. assuming a string that can only be invalid or not if myBook= "invalid" then correctstuff=false

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Get Specific Text From Class?

Apr 6, 2010

How would i get text from a specific class in webbrowser control [code]....

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How To Get Text Inside Class

Nov 23, 2010

If There is a html code element like that: id"xxxxx" Class"yyyyy" name"zzzzz"

Usually, I know how to use the id, to click or fill text.

My question is, what If I know the id=xxxxx, can I get the text from class or name for that id, and the opposite?

I want to be able to save the yyyyy and zzzzz in strings, by knowing the id for the same object.

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Register The Class File - Not Recognizing My Class.Even The Intellisense Is Not Picking Up Te Class

Jul 22, 2011

I have a class (see below)

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class ClientProfile

#Region "Variables"


It is in the file ClientProfile I have placed in both App_Code and also App_Code/Models

In my code behind I have the following


The last word, "ClientProfile" has the scary squiggly red line below it. It is not recognizing my class.Even the Intellisense is not picking up te class. Do I have to register the class file in any way?

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Add Windows CE Template?

Nov 9, 2009

I would like to have windows CE devices available and am unable to see how to select that option.

Under tools > options > device tools - Windows CE device is listed.

I'm new to this and unsure how to do this. I created a project, but it's not right for windows ce and does not deploy.

Do I need a windows ce template or how can it be selected under new project?

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Best Way To Print A Template

Mar 22, 2011

I have been working on a inventory management system for a friend of mine. It has to be able to keep track of incoming and outgoing stock from his business.

I have already got all the programing done, working great! But now it has got to the stage, that I need the program to print out invoices from the program. I have the program extract certain records from an attached database, and will most probably pass them into a variable in the function.

NOW... I have a template of the tax invoice page setup in MS word. I was going to make a macro in word that will automatically fill in all the "static" information, but I was wondering if passing the variables from the main program into the word macro is: 1. possible and 2. the best way of doing this.

I am still a noob when it comes to VB so please excuse the next question, but is there a way to set up a page to be printed including tables, logo, different font styles.. etc within the VB program?

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Excel Without A Template?

Apr 18, 2010

I managed to export my data to an excel file, by using a excel template that I created beforehand. But I'd rather have that the excel file will be create when I press the button instead going to my file.

Dim ApExcel As Object
ApExcel = CreateObject("Excel.application")
ApExcel.Visible = True


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Standard EXE Template ?

Jul 24, 2008

On creating a new project in Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition (Version 9), where you get to choose a template, I can't find Standard EXE anywhere.

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Template For A Web Application?

Nov 21, 2009

I'm making a signup application to go along with a website I'm making with HTML. I've already made one version of it with a WPF Browser application template, but it's not working the way I'd like it to. Is this the template I should be using or should I make it in the generic windows form application?

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What VS Template Should I Use Just For VB Code

Jan 31, 2011

I am using Visual Studio 2008 Express, and I was wonder which Visual Studio Installed Template I should use just to execute VB code? Previously, I generated a project using Window Form template with a button to start, and it has references which made my .exe not to execute in any directory structure. Someone indicated that it must not have other absolute references and I think this was using absolute references? All I need to is to execute VB Code. What template would you suggest? Where do I put the start of the VB program to execute at? Since I don't need a form, there is no on event for me?

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Create A Class Based On Text Box?

Jul 4, 2009

it is possible to create a class based on text box, add some code to its events, say gotfocus event, and visually add this textbox to a form instead of adding it in code. Just like we drag and drop a textbox to a form from toolbox.

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Passing Value To Text Box From Routine In Class

Sep 18, 2009

I'm having a little difficulty Setting the .text value of a Textbox in an MDIChild from a Subby in a standalone class.

I'm at this point:


I know that the data exists because it displays in the Message Box ( MsgBox("first item = " & ds.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("NameLast").ToString())) and the executes fine, but for some reason, I can't get the text boxes in LeadsMod2 (Open as MDIChild) to update.

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VS 2008 Get Text From Class In Webbrowser

Aug 19, 2009

i need to grab text from a class in my webbrowser and idk how to do it here is what it looks like class="Class Id">Text<"/div>

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Asp.net Mvc 2 - .net Syntax For EditorFor Template?

Jul 18, 2010

I'm trying to create my own templated helpers but I got stuck on TextBoxFor syntax. In C# its:

<%= Html.TextBoxFor(model => model) %>

And I cannot figure out (or google it) - how to write that in vb.net?

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Combining Delegate And Template?

Dec 22, 2009

Try5Times will try a function for 5 times.that function can have any number of argument and return a boolean.

If the function return false, try again.

If the function return true, stop.

How to make such function and delegate? Is there a general delegate?

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Custom Form As Template?

Oct 30, 2009

I want to develop an app with custom forms. When I finish to create a custom form, how can I set this form as a template? I want to select this form from the templates, when I add a new form to my project.

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Customize Template For ContextMenu In App

Jun 11, 2011

I've done a lot of work to customize the template for ContextMenu in my app, and it worked great as a "right-click" popup window.To my enormous surprise, when I wanted to add the same ContextMenu to a button to work as a kind of "drop-down" menu, it reverted back to the default template. It is really, really, weird, considering it's the exact same control I'm using, and when I right-click the button the template is the one I customized, but when I left-click it(and open it with ContextMenu.IsOpen = True) it uses the default template? I'm pretty baffled right now, and hope that this isn't one of the (many) quirks with WPF that will require me to write hundreds of lines of XML code to fix something that shouldn't even be an issue in the first place.

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