Put The Value "Da" To All The Cells Of The CurrentRow?

Apr 17, 2011

I want to put the value "Da" to all the Cells of the CurrentRow where the "Cell(5).Value=SOMETHING" and the "ColumnHeaderText=SOMETHING" it's found.

For Each rand As DataGridViewRow In Me.dgv_lista_repere.Rows
For Each coloana As DataGridViewColumn In dgv_lista_repere.Columns


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Datagridview.CurrentRow.IsNewRow Is Not Working?

Aug 21, 2010

I can't understand is it VB 2008 bug or I am doing something wrong.But code like:

if datagridview1.CurrentRow.IsNewRow=true then msgbox "That is new row!"

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Datagridview.CurrentRow.IsNewRow Not Working

Aug 20, 2010

I want to delete rows in datagridview by clicking button. Have found on some sites code like:


But if CurrentCell is on new row and I click to delete row - it's deleting that row that is standing before current selected cell. It means that dgv.CurrentRow.IsNewRow is not showing is realy currentRow new or not! But why? Old VB version? I am using VB Professional 2008

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DataGridView: Getting CurrentRow Number After Row Selection?

Jul 9, 2007

I have an inconsistency in behaviour when I try to get the CurrentRow after a row has been selected.

If I select the first row in a DataGridView object using the mouse, the DataGridView1.SelectionChanged event fires, and DataGridView1.CurrentRow is the newly selected row (Row 0).

If I select the first row via code however ie. DataGridView1.CurrentCell = DataGridView.Rows(0).Cells(0) then the DataGridView1.SelectionChanged also fires, but CurrentRow is the old row, not the new row.

In fact CurrentRow doesn't get updated until AFTER the SelectionChanged event has fired if you force the row change in the code, but is updated BEFORE SelectionChanged if you do the row change via the mouse or keyboard.

how to check if its the first row if I've moved to the first row using CurrentCell ?

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Getting The Row Number Of The Dataset By Using Datagridview's Currentrow Property

Jan 11, 2012

I have a datagridview that is bounded to a dataset and when i select an item to the datagridview to delete, I get the correct item. But when i sorted the datagridview to some field, it return a different item. Here is my code:


Edit: i try this line but it brings up an error.

Dim xID As String = sec_role_module.CurrentRow.Cells("nID").Value.ToString

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VS 2005 DatagridView CurrentRow Index After Record Deleted?

Apr 1, 2009

i have a bound datagrid that allows users to delete & edit records within the grid using 2 buttons. delete deletes the record from the datatable. edit takes the cell values and places them in controls outside of teh datagridview for teh user to update, they then click an update button (outside datagridview) which updates the datarow

i delete a record using the dt.Rows[e.RowIndex].Delete method so that i can use the Rowstate property to do a final update on all records the problem arises when i delete a record then go to edit a record the CurrentRow index is incorrect as it still see's the deleted record.

if i delete the first record in the grid, then go to edit the next record (which is now rowIndex 0) i get an error saying unable to update deleted row contents

i then tried to use the defaultView property of the datatable when updating the row - which will update the row on screen but when i go to do the final update it see the modified row as its original deleted rowstate.

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IDE :: How To Deal With Cells Excel Cells That Update Info Via The Web

Jul 5, 2009

My main goal is to have an excel spreadsheet that automatically plots the overall success of my stock portfolio over time (% change over time). I've been able to incorporate stock data into my spreadsheet by linking it to the web, but the trouble is the spreadsheet will keep no history of what the previous stock values were, so I can't graph how things change over time. This sounds like it might be too complicated to be built in to excel, so I was wondering if anyone knew how to program this in Visual Basic. Maybe something like this.... If refresh then new cell plus new time stamp. Another possibility would be to have a whole bunch of cells that refresh only once but at longer and longer intervals, e.g.,


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VS 2010 Connect The Cells Of One Of Its Columns To Cells In Some Other DataTables?

Mar 31, 2011

I have a DataTable and want to connect the cells of one of its columns to cells in some other DataTables.

For example:

DataTable1.Rows(0).Item(2) is connected to DataTable2.Rows(4).Item(6)
DataTable1.Rows(1).Item(2) is connected to DataTable4.Rows(2).Item(3)
DataTable1.Rows(2).Item(2) is connected to DataTable3.Rows(11).Item(4)

How can I do this?

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Ake All Of The Cells 'blank'?

Mar 29, 2010

I have a dataridview control whcih is NOT bound.

Is there a simple way to make all of the cells 'blank'?

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Asp.net - Add The Gridview Cells Using .net?

Jan 26, 2011

My Gridview has following Fields

ID Product Price ($)
1 Pencil 1
2 Pen 1
3 Rubber 2

I want to calculate the total price of price fields in Gridview Footer ...ie..

Total Price = 4

How to do it using VB.NET ?

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Subtract Cells In VBA?

May 13, 2012

I wonder how I can subtract cells in VBA? I want to use an For-loop that subtract column "B" with column "C". I want it to take all the values in kolumn "B" minus ( - ) all values in column "C" in the whole range.

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Add 2 Cells Values In Datagridview?

Nov 13, 2008

i would like to know the syntax for this.i wanna add the values of 2 cells and then i will display their total in textbox.i have been trying to use datagridview.rows.cells but i cant just use it to add to cells values.

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Asp.net - Different Kinds Of Cells In The Same Column?

Sep 21, 2011

I need to render a datagrid with different kinds of cells in the same column. For example, I have a datagrid with a column "name" and a colmun "value". Depending on the "type" of my record, I would have different cells in the column "value" like a combobox or a simple textfield. and I don't really see how to do that programmatically... I don't know if the datagrid is the best choice. I'm using asp.net/vb.net with framework 3.5

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C# - How To Push Only The Updated Cells Using RDA

Feb 24, 2012

In my inventory mobile application , i use RDA.using the mobile device ,i update only the Barcode of a particular Item which is in the Item Master(.sdf file). then I push the tables to the SQL Server.there is a web application handles all the other functionality , including Item Master Changes.for and eg.

(1) I pull the Item master to the Mobile Device.
(2)change the Item Name from the Web application.(NOT FROM DEVICE)
(3)Update Bar code from the Device
(4)push table from mobile Device to SQL Server.

In this situation Old Item Name is replaced.My need is only to update the Barcode.

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Changing Text In DGV Cells?

Sep 19, 2009

i have an access i need to change some data on.

So i made a new .net project with a gridview, Refresh Button, and Save button. The Gridview is filled by records where the Mobile Number for each record begins with "7" Theres about 7000 total that it brings back.

I want to loop through each Cell and add a "0" to the beginging of each of these mobile numbers, then user can hit save (user will only be me i guess!)

how can i change the text in the cell to do this? i thought this would be easy but for some reason i cant figure out how to change the cell values!

heres my code thus far:

Public Class FrmMain
Private Sub FrmMain_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Clearing A Range Of Cells In A Row?

Apr 28, 2012

is there a way to select a range of cells in a worksheet and clear the data in them?i DO NOT want the WHOLE ROW to be deleted, only a few selected cells (they are all adjacent to each other)and i don't think the ActiveSheet.ranges method works as:

1) the coordinates of the cells in the row to be cleared are determined logically by a VBA sub, i know how to get the coordinates, just dunno how to delete the row

2) this needs to be applied in different areas of the worksheet AND across OTHER worksheets as well.

I'm quite sure I have the logic needed to find the coordinates just need to know how to clear the cells if there is a way to do it that is similar to ActiveSheet.cells ( row, column ) then it would be best from my understanding the ranges method only takes in letter and number formats in strings... i need something that takes in number and number?

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Compare Cells In Datagridview?

Jun 12, 2012

i wanna compare my cells in datagridview. I have a datagridview with n columns and n rows. I have my datagridview row value as Time . I need to compare all the row cell values with one particular time.

Here you go with an example.

if my dgv is filled with time values such as 3:42:10 AM 4:43:17 PM etc..I need to compare all the cell values to 5:00:00 PM. greater than condition. I need to highlight only the values which are greater than 5:00:00 PM but less than 3:30:00 AM.

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Comparing Two Cells In A Datagridview?

Apr 29, 2010

I'm current in college and working on some computing coursework and putting the finishing touches on it when i stumbled across a bit of a problem.I'm trying to compare two cells in a database and i use datagridview to display the database in my form. The database is created by sql commands within my actual program if that makes any difference. What i have created for my coursework is a program that manages the stock and such for a small music shop and in the stock table im trying to compare values in two different collumns, but in the same rows. I need it to display a message box in the event that the value in the one cell is less than the other, which is basically checking if the stock for a certain CD has fallen below the reorder level.

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Compute Cells Using DataGridView?

Jan 30, 2012

I have 3 column Qty,Price and Amount and i need to compute the amount per line using DataGridView, what are the possible events I may use?

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Count Cells In Datagridview?

May 29, 2010

I am usinb VB 2010 How can I count the number of cells in a row.

My datagridview currently holds 10 numbers in each of 3 rows

The number of cells grows and I would like to be able to count how many cells are filled

All cells must contain a number

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DataGridView Filling Cells?

Jan 11, 2010

I'm trying to fill a DGV from a (List Of).. This is my code. It's not working & I don't know why..

Public AllBooks As New List(Of Book)
Public dgvInventory As New DataGridView
Private Sub BookDetails_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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DataGridView Skip Cells?

Jan 6, 2011

I have a datagridview and I want to click on it BAD to jump to 4 cell, but to walkwith the arrows is normal, I did this because the KeyDown / UP does not work becausethe cells are in Edit Mode:

Private Sub DataGridView1_EditingControlShowing (ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs) HandlesdgvContactos.EditingControlShowing
Dim EditingTxtBox The TextBox = CType (e.Control, TextBox)


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Disable Cells In VB Datagrid?

Aug 10, 2011

1. How can i disable a cell of datagrid in vb.net

2. How can i show current date in datagrid cell

i have used this peace of code on form load event


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Edit Cells In Datagridview?

Oct 20, 2009

I'm completely newbie and I have been trying to solve a problem that is strongly related to what you guys had discussed here .

I have a datagridview (datagridview1) on my form and it is not linked to any database. I'm only trying to programatically enter values into the rows of the grid by values that my program generates.

For example if the value that my program generates is x, y, z then I would like to say something like[code]...

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Excel Cells May Contain A Number Ex '100'

Jul 29, 2010

I have this code below looping through excel cells and drawing borders... the problem is that these excel cells may contain a number ex. "100", some have text like "hello" and some cells contain a zero the code is supposed to loop through until it finds a BLANK cell with nothing in it.however it stops at the first cell containing a 0. [code]

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Get Coordinate Of Any Cells In Datagridview?

Jul 24, 2009

Get coordinate of any cells in datagridview?

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Get Empty Cells In Datagrid?

Nov 19, 2009

Im using this code to populate a datagridview:

Private Sub PopGrid(ByVal Filename As String)
Dim ConnectionString As String = "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};READONLY=FALSE;DriverId=790;Dbq=" & Filename & ";"
Dim Con As New OdbcConnection(ConnectionString)


But when i look at the grid, there is alot of empty cells that is NOT empty in the excelsheet.

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How To Compare Cells From Datagrid

Feb 26, 2009

I'm trying to write an alarm clock application. When the program runs, a clock is displayed along with an 'Alarms' button. If the user presses the 'Alarms' button a new form opens with a datagrid with 2 colums, 'Time' + 'Message'. What I want to do is have the user enter a time and a message. The tick event should check the times entered in the datagrid, and when it reaches a time entered, the appropiate message is displayed.The problem I am having is how do I extract data from the cells of the datagrid. I want to compare it with the current time but am unsure how to do it. I've attached my sample code so far which just declares a time on the main form and shows message when time is reached.[code]

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How To Merge Cells In DataGridView

Sep 13, 2008

Is the following grid layout possible with DataGridView in VB.net? Kind of similar to html table layout. I'm adding data cell by cell. However I'm not sure on how to get the layout for Group A & Group B Cells.
| Item11 | Item12 | Item13 |
| Item21 | Item22 | Item23 |
GroupA |-----------------------------------------|
| Item31 | Item32 | Item33 |
| Item41 | Item42 | Item43 |
| Item51 | Item52 | Item53 |
GroupB | Item61 | Item62 | Item63 |
|Item71 | Item72 | Item73 |

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Leave The Cells On Enter?

Feb 20, 2010


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