Read Clob Data Into Richtextbox?

Jan 21, 2010

I use a richtextbox control on a windows form for users enter formatted text into it and store it in an oracle table clob field. I use clob because data can be longer than a varchar2 field could store. There is no problem when I write it down to database (I write its rtf value using bind variables and OracleClient.OracleParameter) but when I want to read it back to the richtextbox there is nothing in the richtextbox control.

I checked database turns the data as I wrote it down. But the control displays nothing.

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.net - Converting CLOB To A Usable String

Oct 8, 2011

I'm writing a tool the retrieves data from an Oracle database. The majority of the fields are VARCHAR2, but there's one particular field I want to retrieve that is a CLOB. I'm trying to convert the text in this CLOB to a string that I can then run a regex against it to isolate a certain bit of information and then display that information in the program's console. Unfortunately, I can't seem to figure out how to convert this CLOB into a usable string. I've tried a lot of different things, but what I've got at the moment is:


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2008 Insert Clob Field In Oracle Database?

May 31, 2011

i am developing a 2008 application. I use oledb to connect to oracle is there any way to insert a clob field in oracle from 2008 ?

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Add File To Clob Column Goes With Transaction Much Longer Then Without (Oracle)?

May 5, 2009

I want to add from a file into a clob column in oracle 9.6.1 (8 mb). When i add the file within a transaction then it goes much longer (10x longer) then when i add it whitout transaction. Why i have to wait so long with transaction object?

Here i have prepared an example code. the first code is without transaction and the second code with transaction. The first code is much faster then the second.

I have the problem only when i want to add the file in a clob column. When i want to add it in a blob column, then i don't have any problem.[code]...

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Read A PDF File Into A RichTextbox?

Apr 12, 2010

So I just asked the question for Word Docx files [URL].. How about pdfs? Can I read a pdf file into richtextbox?

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Read A Txt File Into A Richtextbox

Jan 15, 2008

I am trying to read a txt file into a richtextbox and been doing some research and from what I read this should work, but I get a error saying that the file format is not valid. I thought that the richtextbox control can read txt files as well as rtf files automatically. The file I am trying to read is saved in Notepad as a txt file. I can open the file if it is rtf, but not if it is a txt. Any Ideas why it wouldn't work? I am also attaching the textfile I am trying to use. Here is what I got so far.


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Read Last Line Of Richtextbox?

Apr 24, 2010

I want to get only the last line of richtextbox. i tried this but it returns every thing in the richtextbox


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How To Read Comma Delimited Numbers In RichTextBox

Feb 26, 2010

I know how to read comma delimited from a file but I do not know how to read these vales from a richtextbox.

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Read A Word.Docx File Into A Richtextbox?

Apr 12, 2010

I am not sure if this is a dumb question or not? Is there a way that we can read a .docx file and put it into a richtextbox? If so how? I have tried.LoadFile and it throws an exception saying invalid format? I tried reading the file from a stream and that also doesn't work?

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RegEx Slows Down If Text Not Read From RichTextBox?

Aug 22, 2011

I found a strange issue with the combination of RichTextBox and RegEx.If I load a text file into a RichTextBox and use

Dim matches As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(RichTextBox1.Text, "^H(.+ ){10}
", RegexOptions.Multiline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)

then the RegEx will run blazing fast.OTOH if I load the text from a file straight into a string and feed this string with RegEx.Matches using

Dim FullText As String = New StreamReader("c:TempTextFile.txt", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, True).ReadToEnd
Dim matches As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(FullText, "^H(.+ ){10}
", RegexOptions.Multiline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)

then the regex will run for ages.Now obviously the RichTextBox does something to the text. I found that loading the text into the RichTextBox will eliminate the first 4 bytes of the text (is that the byte order mark?). However, trimming those 4 characters with SubString won't solve the problem. RichTextBox does some other processing that I'm unaware of.I'm using RegEx both on client and server side (client can load text files into a RichTextBox to test and setup various RegEx's and the server will process text files according to these previously setup RegEx's). Needless to say that a regex will run blazing fast on the text file loaded into a RichTextBox, while the very same RegEx ran through the very same text file will seem to lock up the server side service.My question: what kind of text processing does the RichTextBox do and how can I mimic the behavior in a server-side process?

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Display Text Which Were Read From .xml Database As Color, Italic, Bold, Etc In Richtextbox?

Nov 18, 2010

I need to display my text which were read from .xml database as color, italic, bold, etc. in richtextbox, how do i make a code to do that,The reading and displaying is fine, but when certain word like again is read it should display in italic, and whenever a word like over is read it should be display in bold or underline etc.I use 2003 and .xml for the database.

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Format Text Read From Line Of Streamreader Input Before Appending To Richtextbox?

Jan 1, 2010

I am reading text from a file (*.TXT) 1 line at a time using streamreader. As I read that input, I am looking for specific starting and ending character strings ("<" and ">") . When I find those strings, I would like to select the characters between those string and have it set to BOLD and BLUE before appending that input line to the contents of a richtextbox.The only way I have found to do this is to first append the input line to the richtextbox then use the richtextbox.selection (color and font) methods to change the text.

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Comm Port Read Hangs When Attempting To Read Data?

Apr 18, 2010

I;m attempting to write code to read several NMEA ports and format the data for archive. When I execute the following code:

Using Commportno As IO.Ports.SerialPort = _
Dim Incoming As String = Commportno.ReadLine()

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HSD 32 Bit Data Bus To Serial Converter Via A Microcontroller - Data Sniffer To Read The Data Bus (32Bit)

Sep 3, 2008

Im working on a HSD 32 bit data bus to serial converter via a microcontroller. Now first I want to make a sort of data sniffer to read the data bus (32Bit) .All on the controller side is working and the stream of bytes are coming in via RS232 as 4 bytes in HEX like FD,A5,45,8B . I already converted the bytes in Dec and ASCII to determine what is passed true the bus and how fast and stuff.. Now that is all correct and working very well if the LSB (least significant bit) of the 32 data bus is Data line 0 and the MSB (most significant bit) is Data line 31 but if that is not the case I need to invert the 32Bits (like as I would invert the connector on the bus) . How do I best do this using the 4 bytes I send from the micro controller.


(MSB) 01001000 01100101 01101100 01110000 (LSB)
HEX= 48 65 6C 70
DEC= 72,101,108,112

I need to invert it with a button to:

(MSB) 00001110 00110110 10100110 00010010 (LSB)
HEX= 0E 36 A6 12
DEC= 14,54,166,18
ASCII= (SO) 6 : (DC2)

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Read Data (read Only) From Excel Files?

May 27, 2011

I want to read data (read only) from excel files

I use this connection string

Con_BarCode = New ADODB.Connection
With Con_BarCode
.ConnectionString = "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm,


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Read XML File - Read The Data From ?

Feb 13, 2010

I have a fairly simple XML file that I just want to read the data from.

It has 3 levels, root, main section and items. There are no attributes. I want to go to the first main section by name, then read in all the items. The items all are named the same. I've seen this done before, so it should be ok. No writing will be done. Basically this is a static data file

File looks similar to the following:


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Data From Testbox To Richtextbox

Apr 14, 2009

I have a text box, in which the user types some numbers. I want the numbers that are typed in to be diplayed in the richtextbox next to it. I got it to work, except for it types on a new line every number I press. Say i want to type in 1.0, as soon as I type 1 it displays in the richtextbox, then I type "1." and it displays "1." on the next line of the textbox, then I finnaly type the last number "1.0" and it displays all three numbers on the next line. I want to be able to type everything first and then have it display in the richtextbox.

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Loading Data To Richtextbox?

Oct 14, 2010

RichTextBox1.LoadFile("c:pic.jpg", RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText)It seems like it loads the data correctly, but the data is all wrong. I know this because when I use a packer sniffer, the data of the file that I sent is different when I sent the file manually.ou can also try RichTextBox1.SaveFile("c:pic.jpg", RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText) after the picture of the data has been loaded and the picture becomes corrupted (won't show any picture anymore)

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DB/Reporting :: Storing RichTextBox Data In SQL?

Jan 22, 2011

What SQL Server data type should be used to store RichTextBox text? The reason I ask is because the BOL indicates not to use text or ntext anymore because these data types will be excluded from future versions of SQL Server.

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Using A RichTextBox To Allow User Data Input?

Apr 16, 2009

I am using a RichTextBox to allow user data input.I need to allow a user to select all, and change the font value of the text within the RichTextBox.

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VS 2008 Reading All Data Into RichTextBox?

Aug 30, 2009

I am using this

Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim da As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter


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Write Data From DataGridView To RichTextBox?

May 4, 2012

How to write data From DataGridView to RichTextBox

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Read Data Of A SQLite Database File And Chart Data Using Basic Bars, Pies, Lines?

Feb 24, 2010

I'm only getting started with VB.Net, using VB Express 2008.Using the System.Data.SQLite wrapper, I need to read data off a SQLite database file, and chart data using basic bars, pies, lines, etc. Nothing fancy.

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Password Loop Textbox - Code Works To Read The Entry Data And To Recognise The Correct Data, And The Incorrect

Apr 16, 2012


That code works to read the entry data and to recognise the correct data, and the incorrect. However, even if entry is correct, the error msgbox will appear (x times of how many records there are in file), despite being navigated to the menu. Anyway that the Else isn't triggered when data is correct. Also for it to appear just one instead of (x times of how many records there are in file.)

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.net - Coding Not Working And Trying To Show Data In Richtextbox

May 25, 2012

I have spent hours trying to fix this problem I have, basically I want to only display column 1 from my text file in my rich text box. Each column is seperated by a space (" ") When I run the following coding it shows all columns.


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Filtering Control Characters Out Of Data Sent To A RichTextBox?

Oct 24, 2010

I have some code which displays data in a hexadecimal format, so each line of the display looks like this ...

000000 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx cccccccccccccccc

... where the left six characters are an offset and each xx represents one character and the string of cs on the right are the actual characters.

I've learned that I have to keep control characters out of that string of cs or the display gets messed up. I've been using this code and it works fine (when it's not commented out). (binbuf is a Byte array)

'Select Case Convert.ToInt32(binbuf(i)) < 128
' Case True 'traditional ASCII character
' If Convert.ToChar(binbuf(i)) <> " "c Then


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HtmlElementCollection Moving Collected Data To Richtextbox

Jun 14, 2010

I have this app that can now control my browser but after I use the htmlcollection of links how can I put that stored information into a richtextbox?[code]

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Saving Data From A Custom Designed Richtextbox?

Oct 18, 2009

I have encountered a problem at the end of my project. I basically have a really nice RichTextBox control which I have made with help from others, which supports images, text colors, text higlighting, text size, background colors, etc. My problem has come when I try to save the data from the file - it loses text color, formatting, images etc. Is there any format in which I can retain the formatting or should I make my own file type with all the data embeded in a HTML-ish sort of structure, eg:


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VS 2008 - How To Copy / Paste Data In RichTextBox

Oct 26, 2009

I've made a Rich Text Box in VS 2008, how ever when I try to actually paste data in to it, either by right clicking it or by using the short cut CTRL + V, nothing will actually paste in to the RTB.

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VS 2008 Displaying Data On A New Line In RichTextBox

Oct 6, 2009

I am using VB2008 Express. In my program I have a loop that is updating variables. As these variables are updated, the updated information must be displayed in the RichTextBox. Everything works fine and I can display my first line of data, but then the next time the second line of data overwrites the first line. I would like each update to be on a new line, so I need to force a new line in my code. Here is the code for part of the loop so far.[code]

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