Regex - Use The "myListBox.contains()" Method To Identify If A Substring Is Contained In One Of The Listbox Items?

Jan 24, 2011

I have a listbox containing a collection of strings (phrases) and would like to know if one of these phrases contains a substring. For example... myListBox contains the following strings stored in the items collection:


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Use Regex To Identify Only One Contained Character?

May 9, 2012

I have a form like this

And its code :

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If TextBox1.Text.Contains(" ") Then


Now what code should I use when I click the button, if TextBox1 contains 2 SPACE characters, it will split into 3 parts, but if it contains only one SPACE, it'll split into 2 parts ?

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Calling A Method When The Method Name Is Contained In A String?

Oct 5, 2011

Let's say I have a page Test.aspx along with test.aspx.vb.Test.aspx.vb contains a class name "TestClass". In that class I have method1(), method2() and method3()I need to be able to call one of those methods, but I can't hard code it, the method to be executed comes from a string.

I can't do
Select Case StringContainingTheNameOfTheDesiredMethod
Case "Method1"


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VS 2010 Using Regex To Identify This String?

Apr 10, 2012

I'm trying to figure out how to use regex to grab the information between the double quotation marks, it will always be in this format:

Client: ("COMMAND", "DATA(if it exists)", "ARG1(if it exists)", "ARG2(if it exists)", "ARG3(if it exists)")
It will ALWAYS have the "COMMAND" string there no matter what, and when the "DATA" string


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RegEx, Finding And Replacing A Certain Substring?

Jan 27, 2009

I've got a string which could or could not contain the substring "/announce". I would like to replace this part of the string with "/scrape" if its far nothing tricky. But heres the thing: I only want to replace it if the '/' in it is the last occurring in the string. Heres what I mean:

Heres a scenario where I want the replace to happen:

would become:

And heres another scenario where the '/' in announce is not the last '/' occuring in the string, so I dont want to replace it:


I hope that made sense. Not sure if there is a way to handle this by only using RegEx

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C# - Using Regex To Match Any Character Until A Substring Is Reached?

Jul 18, 2011

I'd like to be able to match a specific sequence of characters, starting with a particular substring and ending with a particular substring. My positive lookahead regex works if there is only one instance to match on a line, but not if there should be multiple matches on a line. I understand this is because (.+) captures up everything until the last positive lookahead expression is found. It'd be nice if it would capture everything until the first expression is found.

Here is my regex attempt:


Sample input:

@@FOO[abc~~hi]@@ @@FOO[def~~hey]@@

Desired output: 2 matches, with 2 matching groups each (abc, hi) and (def, hey).

Actual output: 1 match with 2 groups (abc~~hi]@@ @@FOO[def, hey)

Is there a way to get the desired output?

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Regex - Extract SubString Based On Regular Expression Match

Apr 26, 2012

Quick RegExp problem (i hope). I need to identify a sub string from any string based on a regular expression. For Example, take the following strings:


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How To Identify The 'method Caller'

Jan 6, 2009

I have 2 buttons that will open the same form. but depends on which button is calling, the operation will be different. How can I identify that this form is called from button 1 or 2.Also, if we want to have a password in the stand alone application, should we use shared property?

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Listbox Items Colour - Two Types Of Items Populating In A Listbox (checked Listbox)

Apr 28, 2009

I am using VB.NET (version 2008). I have two types of items populating in a listbox (checked listbox). For example: lets say one is type "A" and other is "Type B". Their names maybe same so if the user sees those items in listbox then he won;t be able to determine their type until he click on them and checks out its properties. I wanted that I add each item to listbox and colour them so that blue for example means type "A" is there and red means the other. So this way I will be able to know at a glance that how many item of what type is present. I guess it may not be possible to do that in a standard checkedlistbox. I am also using component factory's krypton controls which enhance the gui of an application. But I dunno if I can progress using that.

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Substring And The IndexOf Method?

Oct 7, 2011

My assignment in Visual Basic 2010 is to build a order form that has two text boxes, one for the name and the other for the address. And we're suppose to use the IndexOf method on the address. I understand that IndexOf returns the position of a character and the number of characters. What would be the purpose of using the IndexOf method on the address in this instance? I don't understand what I would be searching for when the user types in it's address that's going to be numbers and string characters. I think I understand what the IndexOf method does, somewhat, but why and what would I use it to achieve?

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Using The SubString Method Next Line Of Code Is Not Being Executed?

Apr 19, 2009

I'm totally baffled why my next line of code is not being read after I use the .SubString method.

First, I read a webpage using WebBrowser.DocumentText

Dim TextString As String = WebBrowser2.DocumentText 'Converts page to html text

Second, I search for the string "Price"


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VS 2008 Proper Syntax To Identify A Text Document For SAVEAS Method?

Dec 10, 2009

Using Excel Automation classes I am seeking to save an Excel file as a delimited text file. The examples given in the MSDN library refer to versions older than Express 2008 with (apparently) different syntax options for FileFormat.Based on the snippet shown, I get a COM exception error (800A03EC). Other variations produce the same error.

Am I improperly applying the Automation features?
Imports System.IO
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop


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Use Substring On Array Items?

Feb 10, 2010

Il want to work with the array items from a split. The split works, after the split ill want a substring becouse I need only the first 8 numbers of the items. And i want to be sure its a number. Ill upload the file.

Private Sub MaakLijstMetWoordenDieBeginnenMetToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MaakLijstMetWoordenDieBeginnenMetToolStripMenuItem.Click


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Accessing Public Properties Of An Object Contained In A Listbox?

May 8, 2011

I have to make a VB project for one of my college Co-Sci classes. However, I am having issues doing what I think is logically possible. Part of our project entails creating a user defined class, then create a form that then instantiates an instance of the object type. After that we are to list the item in a listbox. That is all well and good and works fine.

What I need help with is looping through each object in the listbox, getting some data from the object, then moving to the next.

I have been trying something similar to c++. For example, an object contained in a c++ array can be accessed like this:


How would someone do something similar to that for objects contained in a VB listbox? I imagine it starts something like this:


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VS 2005 - Editing Item In ListBox With SubString

Jan 12, 2012

I got error on ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString.Substring(26, 5)). I would like to show only the
In the inputbox. How do I code that and save it again in listbox
0001200031022225555555 00030
Item in listbox
0001200031022225555555 00020

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
If ListBox1.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Dim NewString As String = InputBox("Item:", "Edit Item", ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString.Substring(26, 5))
[Code] .....

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Check Array Items "this Is Item One" Contained In A String (page Source)?

Apr 16, 2011

basically i have Three messages in an array Private MyArry() As String = {"This is Message one", "This is Message Two", "This is Message Three"}

I want to compare it agasint a string which is a web sites page source.If it contains one of three messages return true.

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C# - Prepend A Substring If The Source String Does Not Begin With The Same Substring?

Oct 10, 2011

I'm trying to create a valid RegEx replacement pattern for correctly formatting specific .XML file names. Specifically, if a file name does not begin with a prefix, let's say, ACE_. If the XML file name and extension does not begin with ACE_, prepend the string ACE_ to the file name.For example, if my input source string is the following:


I would like to execute a single RegEx Replacement that would result in the string being:


Conversely, if the string already begins with ACE_, I would like it to remain unchanged. Also,how can I include the pattern ".xml" to ensure that the string pattern for the file name and extension ends with ".xml" in the same matching pattern for the RegEx Replacement pattern? As for the match, I have some luck with the following:


Which indicates there is a match for the pattern if the input string is ACE_Widgets.xml and no match if the string is Widgets.xml
The RegEx pattern would suffice, but if you need to know the language in which I'd like to use the replacement pattern is in .NET 4.0 in either C# or VB.NET.

The following posting is close to what Im looking for, but with the inclusion of the *ix directory path prefix, and the use of preg_replace() in PHP, I'm having a bit of a struggle getting it to work with what I need to do:

Regular Expression: How to replace a string that does NOT start with something?

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[2008] Richtextbox Substring - Select A Substring With 2 Criteria?

Feb 3, 2009

How will I select a substring with 2 criteria? I have a Richtextbox where I select a number after a : with this code; For Each line As String In Richtextbox1.Lines Dim equalsPos As Integer = line.IndexOf(":") + 1 txtFound.AppendText(line.Substring(equalsPos, line.Length - equalsPos)) Next This is working ok, but the whole line.length is appended for number2. The line ex. Some text:my number some text-my number2. I want my number appended to txtFound, and my number2 appended to txtFound2. With my code only number2 can be appended correct.

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Highlight The Text Using With Regex Method?

Jan 5, 2010

I was wondering that if it possible to highlight the full text from the webpage using with regex match method and input the text in the label??

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How To Highlight String Using With Regex Method

Jan 2, 2010

I am working on my project using with regex method, but I have difficulty to get the proper strings in each line which it doesn't work in the right way. However I want to use a different way, like find the regex value then highlight the full text from one line, copy and paste the full text to input them in the label text. For e.g:


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Change Password With Formview And Regex Method?

Oct 18, 2011

I am using a Formview for Change Password funciton in my project. It works OK with update and validations.I am now trying to add code for Strong Password as follows:

Private Sub FormView1_ItemUpdating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.FormViewUpdateEventArgs) Handles FormView1.ItemUpdating
Dim password As String = CType(FormView1.FindControl("PasswordTextBox"), TextBox).Text
Dim score As PasswordScore = PasswordAdvisor.CheckStrength(password)


In the class, the Match.Success always returns "False" and also, irrespective of the validity of the password entered, it gets updated in the database. Is there any way to control the Update function of Formview, so that the password is updated only if it is valid?

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Regex - Regular Expressions - Escape Method?

Jul 4, 2011

Is there a way to escape all metacharacters in a string with the exception of "*"?

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Listbox Remove Parts Of Items Containing And Blank Items?

Mar 27, 2012

So I want it to remove any text in the list box that has a "Job" in it and just replace it with a blank nothing.

Like if the listbox looked like this


then it would change it to this


I also would like a way of removing any blank items from the listbox.


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.net - Clear Listbox Items Except For Searched Items?

Jan 2, 2010

I am using the below code to find all the items in a listbox using 2005. But how can remove the non searched items from the listbox after searching?


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Remove Items From ListBox A Based On Items In B?

Nov 5, 2011

I am trying to remove items from a listbox based on the items on another listbox, this seems simple but apparently[code]...

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VS 2008 Move All Items From Listbox To Another Listbox?

Sep 25, 2011

probs a simple answer but my mind is blank atm. I have this code to move all items from listbox3 to listbox1 but it wont move them unless i select 1, then it moves all items.


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Directory Items TO Listbox Items?

Mar 17, 2009

I'm making an application that does some stuff involving the given subject, so this is very crucial to the completion and efficiency of my application.What I'm in need of today is simple (well, "seems" simple). I have one listbox that I want to populate with directories file's names. I don't mean the files inside the directories, but the names of the folders inside the directory.So, I have "c:empdog", I'd click on my button or whatever and search for the directory and I choose "temp", said listbox would show "dog".

UPDATE: Oh, BTW. It doesn't HAVE to be a listbox, it can be anything (IE: Textbox, Labels, Etc.).

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Display Listbox Items With Multi-extended To Display Items In Label?

Apr 5, 2011

my homework question is to display the selected items from a listbox (multi-extended) in a label. I need to display all the selected names in a label. the simplest most uncluttered way of doing this. This is what I've got but it doesn't work.


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VS 2005 Check Grid Items If Checked ListBox Items Checked?

Aug 21, 2009

Why is this code having the opposite effect? If It's checked in the checkedlistbox it's not check in my view, if it's not check in my checkedlistbox it is checked in the grid.

EDIT: More specifically. The CheckState.Checked is always the opposite. .Checked means it's not checked.

Private Sub CheckedListBox1_ItemCheck(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckEventArgs) Handles CheckedListBox1.ItemCheck


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Best Method - Displaying The Items That The User Has Selected?

Mar 4, 2010

I'm building an online shop, but have run into a problem.When the user click that they want to add a product to their basket, i add the product ID to an array that is held on the session.This all works great and i display how many items they have selected etc..The problem comes when i get to the checkout page.Whats the best way of displaying the items that the user has selected?
should i use a datagridview? if so, how do i pass the array into the SQL in order to get all the data rows that i need?

should i use a repeater? this gives me the same problem as above though.I just cant seem to work out how to get the values fro the array and then run the sql for each ID to get the information to show on the screen.I could loop through the array using each ID as a parameter in the SQL but then where do i put the data? in a dataset? a datatable?

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