Reinstall And Write Over Previous Dataset From A Click Once App? 

Apr 18, 2012

How do you reinstall and write over the previous dataset from a click once app? I assume that in a purchased version there are some added features with deployment and install. I am needing to delete the previous dataset when I uninstall. Currently,I am getting the first dataset AFTER I reinstall which leaves me with the mistakes and reason for reinstall not being fixed.

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Generate 'Previous' And 'Next' Button With Dataset

Sep 13, 2011

I had created two button for the previous and next function. I think my logic is correct and the programming did not have any error but still, i failed to navigate through the data.[code]The problems are when i hit the next or previous button, it did not jump to the respective record and it keep on showing the 'end of record' or 'beginning of record' as programmed.

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Get The Last Record And Click Next Or Previous

Nov 17, 2009

I have the following code which is linked to a previous and next button, however I need to have a loop so that if a next button doesn't exist then it does nothing as it currently ends the program with an error when it gets to the last record and I click next or previous.


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Use Function WriteAllBytes To Write To The End Of Code Of Previous Program?

Dec 24, 2009

How to use function WriteAllBytes, to write to the end of code of previous program, so it wouldn't overwrite it?

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Concurrency - Restore A Dataset To The Previous State Before Updating The Database With A Data Adapter?

Dec 10, 2009

How do you restore a dataset to the previous state before updating the database with a data adapter? I have a concurrency update problem that I believe to be caused by this. The update fails during the update and a rollback command is issued using a SQLTransaction object. However, now the rowstates of the rows that did not have errors have been changed to unchanged. So this record is no longer availible to be inserted into the database. When I updated the value that could not be null and then test the second update which runs just as the first does then I get a concurrency error. The update code is below:


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Previous Button Is Click The BindingSource Position?

Feb 24, 2009

I would like to make data binding using BindingSource whereby whenever either Next Button or Previous Button is click the BindingSource position will change to display the data at that position.

I know that if I want use a loop of the BindingSource I could do somthing like vb code below but I am not sure if of binding it seperately. I usually bind it through the properties but this I cant because is an image column which I want to bind and I have to us memorystream to display it to reduce memory usage, so I asign it to arrPic so that whenever the BindingSource position changes the image column will be asign to arrPic.

Dim MyRow as DataRowView
For Each MyRow In dtView
'only use non-repeating names
CurrentPicture = Trim(CStr((MyRow("FileName"))))
If CurrentPicture <> LastName Then


The BindingSource filter the picturenames and add to a listbox. One name may contain about 4 or more pictures so when you select a name from the listbox the bindingsource populate only the pictures have the selected name and you can navigate forward and backwards.All what I want is how to bind a column to a textbox or picturebox by code. I know if it is a dataset I can declare a datarow and bind anything to the columns.

View 1 Replies - Show The Previous Page Data As It Is On Button Click?

Mar 16, 2011

I have 2 webforms default.aspx and default1.aspx.In default.aspx I have a button on button click event it redirects to default1.aspx?sno=1

then on default1.aspx I have a button back. On back button click the user is redirected to previous page default.aspx.How can I do this?

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Give Focus To Previous Control After Click Of Button?

Jun 3, 2010

I have a form with few text boxes and other control on it like button etc. On click of a button on form i do some validation (like x = 2) if yes then it gives warning message and i want to give the focus back to the previous control (the control which was having focus before clicking button). I tried following on click of button

dim prevcntrl as control = asctivecontrol
if x = 2 then
Magbox("not valid")
activecontrol = prevcntrl


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DataGridView On A Form That Is Being Populated From A SQL Table Dataset By Giving Criteria From A Previous Form?

Apr 8, 2009

I have a DataGridView on a form that is being populated from a SQL table dataset by giving criteria from a previous form. I have 6 columns in the dataset, of which the last column should be combo box column containing items "Done" and "Pending". How do I make this bound column to a combo box column and display the value as well as the alternate item too in the combo box?

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IDE :: In Datagridview, Read Only=True When Add A Row, It Is Copying Previous Row Data To New Row And Blank The Previous Row?

Jul 16, 2011

In Datagridview, Set as DatagridView1.ReadOnly=True,


When i tried to add a Row, it is copying previous Row data to new row,and also blank the previous row, why?Like Insert Row, Why...?

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How To Reinstall The Files

May 27, 2012

I have vb 2010 express with reg number 2KQT8-HV27P-GTTV9-2WBVV-M7X96 Being an idiot, I somehow managed to unstall "Help"


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Keep Application Settings Intact Even If Reinstall?

Jun 6, 2012

I developed an application, which has the ability to save custom settings in application settings variables. The user saves his setings and it works perfectly. The problem is when i update the application to new version. I will be uninstalling the old version and install the new version. At this time all the user settings are set to default. How can i make my application to not distrub the user settings and keep them intact. Is there any alternate. PBL (Visual Studio 2010 Professional, Win 7 64 bit Ultimate)

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Repair / Reinstall MDAC 6.1 In Windows7?

Apr 26, 2010

I received "method '~' of object '~' failed" error while my VB6 program trying to bind data from database to my Janus GridEX component. This happen to my client's pc running on Windows7 Home Premium with MDAC6.1. I do not have this problem in my Windows7 Professional with MDAC6.1. Search through the web and most of experts suggest it might be caused by to reinstall / repair MDAC6.1?

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Repeated OS Reinstall For Application Testing?

Jan 20, 2010

So although we have plenty of keys from our subscription, to minimize tracking and confusion we just want to use2 or them over and over as we install, test, extended test, wipe and reload. Eventually we would have to recycle any way. Much of this will be scripted /automated and we were wondering what kind of problems we will run into for the activation cycle (human intervention required, phone call, etc.) Mostly working on Win7 (all versions) but still need to do some Vista and even XP.

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Back To The Previous Page On Click Of Custom Back Button?

Aug 25, 2010

I am using an image button and on click of it i want to go to visited page.Now i am using - Response.Redirect(Request.UrlReferrer.ToString()),It is going to previous page, but when i am in a page of some user details where the link is looks like - users.aspx?userid=25 and i visit some other page and click back(image button) i want to see the same userdetail page. How to track that.

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How Dataset Write New Row To Database?

Jul 13, 2010

My Visual Basic 2008 can insert a new row to a dataset, but the dataset does not insert new rows into the actual Access 2007 database. The database remains unchanged and there are no error messages. How can the dataset write the new row to the database? [code]

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VS 2010 DataSet Append Write?

Mar 4, 2011

I am using a dataset control on a form to store and read data from XML files. So far I use the following to write info.

Dim drow As Data.DataRow = DataSet1.Tables("item").NewRow
drow("path") = strFilePath
drow("id") = strCreationDate


The problem is I need to APPEND data to the same file. What I do now results in the same file being overwritten. I am dealing with large amounts of data, so I would love a way to append to the file without the need to re-read it with each save.code lines 1-4 are in a loop so that at one time, they add a few hundred rows to the DataSet. After that loop is when the save takes place. However, I want to run that loop again and again every so often to update that same file.

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Write Dataset Back To Database

Jul 27, 2011

I loaded a dataset (just one table) from the database. Then I modified f.e. the rows from 5 to the end and add 4 new rows. Now, I would like to write back the dataset into the database.

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C# - Write XML File Foreach Datarows In Dataset?

Jul 29, 2011

How to write xml foreach datarow in dataset? I have dataset with 5 record in table, i want write to xml file with 5 xml file. in one xml file have one record.

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Write Textbox.text To Dataset Then To Xml File

Feb 2, 2010

I found several examples on how to write to dataset, but most of them involve a ds.fill(..) from a data connection and I need a simpler solution. Basically I want to create an xml file from the values entered in a few textbox. I tried different methods but can't make it work. What is the best way to accomplish this? One method I used was to fill the textboxes from an xml, but now how do I write it back to the xml once the user has changed the data in the textbox?


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VS 2010 Navigate To DataSet Record On Click?

Aug 31, 2011

I have a treeview populated with nodes, each of which, corresponds to a particular record in a DataSet.The desired behaviour, is... when a node is clicked inside the TreeView, if there's a record in the DataSet with with the same ID value as the name of the clicked node, then jump to that record.

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Write To A File Using Button Click In VB?

Sep 22, 2009

button click write the username, computer name, date, and time.

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ADO.NET 3.5: Write DataSet / Table To Excel 2007 .xlsx Spreadsheet (ping Paul Clement)

Sep 19, 2011

I am attempting to write the entire contents of an ADO.NET DataSet to an Excel 2007 spreadsheet and, while having partial success, I am unable to dump the contents of the DataSet into the .xlsx file. "Partial success" meaning that I can generate the spreadsheet(s) ok, but cannot get the DataAdapter.Update to work.


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Click Button Then Write To Text File?

Aug 14, 2009

im creating a high score table. Although i dont know how to write to a text file.What i did first was i created a text file in vb's resources and thats about it.What i want the program to do is:when a user clicks e.g. Button1. then the programs gets the score from textbox1.text (currentscore) and textbox2.text (out of)

then saves it to the text file.I tried the following

Dim oFile As System.IO.File
Dim oWrite As System.IO.StreamWriter

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Using StreamWriter To Write New Line On Every Button Click

Jun 28, 2010

I have the following code, which I run everytime I want to add a new line to my text file, but it is deleting the previous data in the text file every time I do it.

Dim stFilePath As String = "C:file.txt"
If File.Exists(stFilePath) Then
End If
Dim ioFile As New StreamWriter(stFilePath)
ioFile.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", DateTime.Now, "test message")

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Double Click On A Label For A Text Box And Write A Value Into The .tag Property?

Apr 1, 2012

i would like to be able to double click on a label for a text box and write a value into the .tag property and then change the color surrounding the label.for example.. if the user double click the default label..(which looks like the stardard label) then I would write a "1" to the tag property for that label, and at the same time, change the line color surrounding the label to red(maybe even changing the thinkness of the line).

when the user would double click the label again.. I was see that it was already selected and change the setting back to the default.

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Write A Loop That Only Lets The User Only Click A Button 10x?

Jun 7, 2012

So basically i need to make a loop that only lets the user click it ten times then gives the answer to them.i was gonna use a DO loop that looks like this so far.

Dim counter as integer
counter = 0
Do until counter = 10

and after that i'm kinda lost on what to do, i know that its needs to be if you click btnenter 10 times give the right answer and then your done.

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Write Separate Codes For Every Button Click Event?

Nov 11, 2010

I have 50 buttons on my form and have to write code for click of all that buttons. So my question is do I have to write separate codes for every button click event:


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Add Records Through DataSet Detail And Click Save It Temporarily Shows On DataGridView?

Apr 5, 2011

I don't know why it is not saved to the table. Here is my code.

Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As _
System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click


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Forms :: Write A Program For A List Box Having 10 Items In That Just By A Single Click On One Of The Item?

Dec 6, 2011

how to write a program for a list box having 10 items in that just by a single click on one of the item it should be written on the button if a list is containing notepad than by clicking on the button it should open the notepad?

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