Reload An Update Panel Onclient Side Using Javascript?

May 27, 2009

I have a gridview button that I programmatically created and I want to load an update panel on the client side with the sent data. I have a hidden value field that gets its data on the click of the gridview button and the dropdownlist in my updatepanel depends on that value.

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Refresh Update Panel Partially Onclient Side?

May 28, 2009

i have a dynamically created gridview button that fires off a modal popup when clicked. I do this onclientside like so:

function openModal(btnId, v) {
// __doPostBack('<%=DropDownList1.ClientID %>', '');


View 1 Replies - Change Javascript To Update Panel

Apr 2, 2012

I have JavaScript that works excellently but I need to change it to Update Panel and I can't get it to still work properly. What I want it to do is if it selects 1 in the first dropdown, pick c in the second dropdown. I am using vb.


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Execute Javascript From Inside Update Panel On Every Refresh?

Mar 24, 2011

I have an aspx page which is made of 3 user controls (ascx). I have an update panel wrapping the 3 user controls like this:

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanelWrapper" runat="server">
<uc1:UserControl1 ID="UserControl1" runat="server" />


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C# - Send An Object From Client-side Javascript To Server-side Code Via ASP.NET?

May 23, 2011

Can I send an object from client-side javascript to server-side code via ASP.NET ?

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Javascript - Format Data (client-side) For (server-side)

Jul 13, 2011

Using the following script:

$("#some_button").click(function() {

var changed = [];


I need to send back the id, the old value from _1 and the new value from _0 back to the server. What is the best way to format this data so I can easily extract the data from the server side so I can easily email someone for example to let them know which textboxes have changed, what the old values were, and what the new values are

At the serverside level, I am using .NET-3.5 (VB). I know how to send the data bacl. and how to email the data, I just wanted to know how to best format the data at clientside before sending it back. I could have upto 50 sets of id, old, and new values to send back. Sorry for not making that clear earlier.


How can I modify the script above to generate this?

"id": "name_0",
"new": "text",


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Javascript - Response Object Not Returning Excel Stream In Update Panel?

Oct 11, 2010

I am generating an Excel file upon a click of a button in an update panel. It is throwing a parsing error.If I keep the button outside the update panel it is working fine. Why isn't it working in the update Panel?

Response.ContentType = "application/"
String.Format("attachment;filename={0}", filename))[code].....

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C# - Stop AJAX Update Taking Place In One Update Panel From Another Update Panel?

Sep 5, 2010

We have two update panels on our webpage. Now first update panel is having button cancel. While second update panel is having a file upload control.Now if the user uploads a file that is going to upload in about 2 mins, and in between, say after 30 seconds the user clicks the cancel button, the upload taking place in update panel 2 should stop.

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Javascript - Register A Client-side Event Listener On A Server-side Event?

Dec 28, 2011

Ultimately, what I want to accomplish is an AJAX-based messaging system. I already have a database table for messages, and an ASPX to add new messages (and declare old messages no longer relevant).

The current messaging system simply polls the server every 15 seconds, and re-pulls the current message set.

What I am looking to do is: On $(document).ready(), register an ajax callback function that listens for a server-side event (e.g., MessagesUpdated) On table insert/update, fire MessagesUpdated server-side.

This way, whenever the table is updated (or new records added), any clients listening know that new data is available and can re-poll the server then.

Ideally, I'd also like to make the new data available as an event argument (to minimize re-polling the db).

I can find references to something like this in other languages, but I cannot find any actual code examples to get me started.

Assuming this is possible to do via .Net, can anyone help get me started on this?

I'm using the 2.0 Framework. Also while I added a VB.Net tag, I can read C# reasonably well, so please feel free to post in either language.

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.net - Place Server Side Variable In Javascript Loop?

Dec 29, 2011

I have a Server side variable by the following code

Dim mgps As New Text.StringBuilder
Public ReadOnly Property GPS() As String
Return mgps.ToString
End Get


View 3 Replies - Take .net Server Side Arraylist And Convert To Javascript Array?

Feb 9, 2011

I have an array list on my server side that i want to use on my client side as an array how can i do this.

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C# - Passing Variable From VB Function To Client Side Javascript

Jun 15, 2012

i am using this Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript() to call a javascript function from vb code behind , and this works fine with me My question is how can i send variables from the code behind to the javascript function here is what i have tried so far :


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Get The Javascript Confirm Message Work In Server Side .net?

Sep 24, 2009

I'm using 2005. Here is my code:

<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/SwapnaMaster.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="SwapnaTestPage.aspx.vb" Inherits="SwapnaTestPage" title="Untitled Page" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server" >
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function myfunction()


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Javascript - Get A Disabled Textbox Value By Clientid Server Side

Dec 19, 2011

I guess in simpler terms what I am trying to do is get the post value of a disabled textbox to use in a SQL insert statement when the form is posted. I need to get the value of a text box that is disabled with javascript. Ultimately I will use the value as a parameter of a SQL insert statement. I have read that I need to get the value by doing something like this:


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Javascript :: Generating/registering Client-side Scripts On ASP?

Aug 6, 2010

I am currently in the process of converting old "Web 1.0" code to meet current standardsIs there a better way to generate and append a client-side script other than appending a plethora of lines to a StringBuilder and then registering it to the page via ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), "startUpScript", strScript)?Is there any other way (besides putting all of this into a global .js file) that this example can be improved? If including this into the main .js file is the "best practice" alternative, then why?

Dim lsbScript As New Text.StringBuilder
lsbScript.Append("<script language=""javascript>""" & vbCrLf)


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Place Server Side Variable In Javascript Loop?

Dec 29, 2011

I have a Server side variable by the following code

Dim mgps As New Text.StringBuilder
Public ReadOnly Property GPS() As String

and replace the store_locations with GPS but my map become empty.

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Javascript - Server Side Read Label Client Change

Jun 3, 2012

I've got a bunch if labels that are changed as a user inputs data into a form of mine. The Labels are changes with js on the client side. I then after all the submission are in put use a vb script to pull the string values from these labels. The problem is the vb net part is not reading the new values of these labels. Anyway I can get it to read the new values? I have over 40 labels.


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Interface And Graphics :: Add Control Panel To Side Of Form

Jul 12, 2011

I've got an app that I want to have an MDI with. It functions fine, but there needs to be a control panel off to the side of it to drive the child documents' creation. I have two problems with this.

First, if I add the control panel to the side of the form, it just overlays the MDI portion of the form and the children will spawn behind it. I can more or less manage the positions of these children, but the problem comes when I want to minimize the children, they minimize behind the control panel and I don't know how to move them. So I need to shrink the area they can move around in. I've read in places that you can use the splitter object, but that never seems to cooperate with me and only wants to move to the extreme left or right of the parent form. How can I reduce the area the children get to interact with? I've tried creating a MDI Panel, but VS has a fit with that.

Second, I've got a datagridview holding the data that will spawn the child forms. This is working well, but even though I've set the rows to be not resizeable, I can still make them grow or shrink during run-time (not programmatically). How do I stop this?

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Making A Panel Side Out When Mouse_hover And In When Mouse Leave?

Aug 29, 2009

I need help making a panel side out when mouse_hover and in when mouse leave.

I have a a button on there. And when i go to click the button the panel goes back to, width 3.

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Grid View Checkbox And Javascript Not Informing Server Side Code

May 6, 2011

I've got a gridview and inside of the grid view I have a check box at the header of the grid view like so: [Code] This gives me a nice little check box at the top of the grid view, the event OnCheckedChanged calls a function called SelectAllRows that looks like this: [Code] So if I click this header checkbox it checks all of the items in the gridview, and if I uncheck it, it unchecks all the items in the gridview. This works fine...but what doesn't seem to work is if the page loads up and I check the grid view header checkbox to true and it selects all the items in the gridview, then i click a button such as a DELETE button that calls some server side code. That code simply loops through the grid view and checks if the checkbox has been checked, if it is it calls code to delete an item.

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Call Server Side Method From Javascript But Get Errors When Setting EnablePageMethods To True?

Mar 25, 2011

I am currently adding keyboard shortcuts to our web application, so from JavaScript.So far, it has consisted mostly in triggering the click events of buttons already exposed in the user-interface.Now, I would like to add another one which redirects to another page.The new page URL needs to be generated based on elements from the source page query string.Basically, I have a date in the query string and I want to generate a new URL for the next day.

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Javascript - Calling A Server Side Function In The Java Script Of On Click Event Of A Div ASP.NET?

Apr 11, 2012

I have web page with four grid views. Each grid is hidden under a div tag. Whenever user clicks on div the data grid corresponding to the div is shown. I have binded data to the grid views at the page load only, since the data size is huge I cannot load the data binding at the page as the time taking to page load is huge. I was thinking a way that grid view gets data loaded only when user clicks on the corresponding div tag

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Javascript - Client And Server Side - Make The Rows Not To Be Deleted Once The Page Is Refreshed?

Sep 7, 2011

The problem im having is that I have a table that when a user click on a button it adds a row to the table via javascript, which works fine. The problem is that if a user need to update other data the user click another button which refreshes the page and all rows the user created in the table are deleted. My question is what can I do to make the rows not to be deleted once the page is refreshed? I know some might think, just not refresh the page, but there is to much data that has to be displayed and a new query has to be generated to grab the data.


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C# - DataGridView WinForms Auto Reload/Update/Refresh?

Feb 16, 2012

I have a windows form with a DataGridView control.I bound it into an attached DB file (.mdf).I perform insertion by generating a dynamic Insert statement. I then pump this sql statement into a SqlCommand object and perform ExecuteNonQuery() method. All of these is performed by handling a Button click event. The button and the gridview is located on the same form.

Public Sub InsertRow(ByVal param1 As String, ByVal param2 As String, ByVal param3 As String)
Dim strConn As String = (the connection string)
Dim sqlConn As New SqlConnection(strConn)


After the code execution, the DataGridView is not updating (remains intact). I have to exit the form and reload it to have the updated gridview.For certain reasons, I can't use DataTable object.But I would like to have this gridview updated everytime I run the insertion.

View 5 Replies - Make Update Panel Not Update Whole Page?

Oct 16, 2011

I have an update panel that has a table in it with 4 images. Every few seconds a new image is shown. All this works but when the image changes the whole page is refreshed. I am using Visual Studio 2008 and VB.Net 3.5.I only want the images in the updatepanel to refresh. How can I do that?

UpdatePanel Code:
<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="upImgSwitch" UpdateMode="Always">
<table height="200px" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


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.net - Get The ClientID Of Nested Panel Control In Masterpage Using Javascript?

Oct 27, 2010

This is the control structure


I am using setTimeout to display the panel after x minutes.

How do I get the ClientID of the panel?The line of javascript needed is something like:

setTimeout(displayExtendSession('<%= ExtendSession.ClientID %>', 600000);


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C# - Update Panel Doesn't Seem To Update?

Oct 20, 2009

I have a button inside of a gridview's template field. Onclick i want to the button to open up a modal popup while force updating the updatepanel and formview inside the modal popup because the formview's datasource depends on a hidden field in which i am setting after click also.


View 1 Replies - JavaScript Update Field In Another UserControl?

Dec 20, 2010

I try to explain better. I have one user control in page, and inside this have UC2 (modal pop up). And I try to achieve this: When I close UC2(modal) i try to update some fields on UC1. And this works fine for one(I have UC2(modal) and on button Save OnClientClick="SaveInfoCI()"), and in UC1 on top of page

function SaveInfoCI() {
= document.getElementById("<%=UC2.GetClientID%>").value; }

but because i reuse this control in another place i want to update another field. Basically now i Have 3 JS function that update 3 fields. And I try when I click save in UC2(modal) I must execute one of this 3 javascript f, to update right field. I don't want to have 3 same UC with only difference in OnClientClick="SaveInfoCI().

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Javascript - Jeditable To Update Database?

Sep 14, 2011

I need the jeditable plugin to update the ProductName in the database when it gets edited. As of right now the ProductName only updates on the page. I didn't install this plugin so I'm not familiar with how it works or the code behind it all. I am just looking for some help, I understand that the code might look funky, but I didn't write any of this.


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.net - Error. Update Panel?

Jan 2, 2012

I am getting the below stated error in javascript. This error occurs when i try to cal update panel on button click Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The message received from the server could not be parsed. Common causes for this error are when the response is modified by calls to Response.Write(), response filters, HttpModules, or server trace is enabled.Details: Error parsing near 'Panel|UpdatePanel1| <div id="up'.

Here is the UpdatePanel code:


I am not able to understand why this error is coming? Can anyone help me sort out this issue?

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