Run Windows Application It Says That There Is An Inner Exception?

Mar 6, 2012

When I try to run my windows application it says that there is an inner exception problem and I have no clue what this means,

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Windows - Vista Exception In Application "Exception Processing Message"?

Apr 5, 2012

Background : I have built a VB .NET application on the 4.0 Framework, part of the primary functionality is the built in AxWMPLib.AxWindowsMediaPlayer which allows us to pass a file path as a URL to the player and then play it through the built in media player. My Development Platform is VS 2010 Pro on Windows 7.

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Catch An Exception And Throw A New Exception Which Wraps The First Exception As An Inner Exception

May 8, 2009

It is possible to catch an exception and throw a new exception which wraps the first exception as an inner exception: [URL] Also, if I call a function and it throws a certain error, but I catch it, will the calling code's catch handler execute? If so, and it is of a higher exception type, is this not wrapping the exception? eg I can throw exception ex of type IndexOutOfRange, log it but rethrow, catch a higher up exception and do something, or I can throw a new exception and wrap an inner exception like:

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Out Of Memory Exception - Can't Create Windows Handle

Nov 26, 2011

I have searched other forums, google, etc. and have not find a solution. I am creating a VB.NET application using Visual Studio 2010. My application runs fine inside the IDE. Outside of the IDE, it crashes immediately with an OOM exception. I have compiled the program in both VS 2010 and VS2008. The outcome is always the same. I increased my Desktop heap to 12288 meg from 3072 meg thinking that was the issue, but the outcome is the case. Although the increase does improve my response in the IDE. The error is also being reported as related to mscorlib.dll; and my version is for 2.0 framework is 2.0.50727 and for 4.0 framework is 4.0.30319. I am running Windows XP/SP3.

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Send Email - Windows 7 (64 Bit) - Getting An ActiveX Exception On The CreateObject?

Mar 26, 2012

I am sending email via Office as per the example below.I am seeing an ActiveX exception on the CreateObject if office is already running (see below). If I close office prior to the CreateObject call, all works as planned.


' Start Outlook.

' If it is already running, you'll use the same instance...

Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

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Windows - Find Out Where In User Code An Internal .Net Exception Originated?

Feb 27, 2010

I am currently working on an existing Windows Forms application (, and am busy reworking the exception handling mechanism.Currently, a lot of methods in the code are just surrounded with try/catch block that catches a generic exception and then calls a utility method that just shows the user a messagebox informing him of the error, and then logging it.So in a lot of cases no corrective action is taken and the exception is just logged. I know this probably isn't the best way but that's they way we're gonna have to do it for the near future.Anyway, I wanted to do this in a more generic way, so I hooked up Application.ThreadException and AppDomain.UnhandledException.

This seems to work well, except for one inconvenience. Whenever an error gets thrown from the .net runtime itself, or a 3rd party control, the stacktrace begins there where the exception is thrown in the framework-methods or 3rd party methods (obviously!)But it would be handier if I had an easy way of finding out exactly where these exceptions cross the boundary into my code. I would like an easy way of determining (in Application.ThreadException) where in my own code an exception originated. am aware this information is contained in the Exception.StackTrace property, but I would like an easy way to get to this specific information seeing as the stacktrace property is one huge string.

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Access Denied To The Path While Writing A File In Windows 7 Using Windows Application?

Jul 4, 2011

I am having a windows application. That downloads files from server and write into the local directory. It works fine. When we try the same appliication in Windows 7. IT shows an error Access to the path denied (While writing to the local directory).

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VB 2010 Application Works On Windows 7 Machine But Will Not Work On Other Windows 7 Machines?

Jan 22, 2011

I have developed a VB 2010 express application that works on my windows 7 machine, but when I deploy it to other windows 7 machines the application will not run at all. I created an msi script to install the software on other machines and it includes the .NET 4.0 framework an all of my application dll's and such. Any idea what might be he problem?

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Windows Media Player Not Working On Windows XP Using Visual Studio Application?

Aug 8, 2011

I have embedded the WMP control in my Visual Studio 2010 app which works on windows 7 (Framework 4.0), but installing the app on winXP, I get the following error:

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Interop.WMPLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
File name: 'Interop.WMPLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'


WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftFusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.

Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging.To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftFusion!EnableLog].

I guess this is a reference issue, but I have added references to WMP libraries (axinterop.wmplib.dll and interop.wmplib.dll). The WMP works on the XP machine, but not when called from my application.I have searched the web now for 5 days and changed references, and reinstalled the media player on the XP machine, but nothing works.

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Application Exit Without Exception?

Jan 25, 2012

My application exits sometime without any exception. I am using loop in separate thread to read HID device.

Private Sub USBListenServer()
If (readHandle IsNot Nothing) AndAlso (Not readHandle.IsInvalid) Then


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Com Exception For Excel.Application?

Jan 2, 2012

Com exception for Excel.Application?

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Form Controls Changes From The Windows 7 Format To Older Formats On Runtime While Running .net Windows Application

May 15, 2012

I have seen this happen before but am not sure how I resolved it in the past. On runtime the controls of my form change from the windows 7/vista format to an older version format as shown in the attached image.

How to display the controls in the format on the left (new windows format)

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C# - Windows Form + Database (Sql Server)+ Windows Mobile Application?

Mar 17, 2011

i am doing project of Order Accepting system for five star hotels.Scenario is Waiter will accept order using Window Mobile which is Connected to WiFi present in hotel.I want to communicate to database(Sql Server) present on My Machine (Computer present in kitchen) through WiFi and Add order into table present inside database. This should notify my application present on Compter and should print order. After completion of Order Application from kitchen will notify to waiter about completion. My problem is How to Communicate with database present on Remote computer using WiFi from windows Mobile.

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Code Works In A Windows Forms Application, But Not In A Windows Service

Jan 19, 2010

I'm porting code that I wrote for use in a Windows Forms application to a Windows Service, but for some reason, the code that worked in the Windows Forms application is now throwing errors in the Service

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Forms :: Disabling BackGround In Windows Application Same As Windows Cardspace

Sep 24, 2010

I am making a System Tray Application when i minimize my form its hide itself in the tray but whenever i click on the tray icon my form shows now when my form shows up i would like to disable my Background desktop same as CardSpace when its shows up.

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Add Application To Firewall Exception Through Regedit?

Feb 9, 2010

Im trying to add my application to firewall exception through regedit but when i add the sub key it doesnt work.

I dont have to have an installer for a chat program because its only 1 file.

FireWall Dir:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesSharedAccessParametersFirewallPolicyFirewall Rules

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An Unhandled Exception Has Occurred In Application?

Jan 20, 2011

An unhandled exception has occurred in your application??

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Application - Run It From The Exe In The Folder - Unhandled Exception

Feb 28, 2012

I've been using it for three days, and tried to make my own application. Everything was going okay, it ran fine in the debugger and everything worked, so I assumed there would be no problems. But then when I went to run it from the exe in the folder, it shows me this:


System.Threading.ThreadStateException: Current thread must be set to single thread apartment (STA) mode before OLE calls can be made. Ensure that your Main function has STAThreadAttribute marked on it.
at System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserBase.OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e)


I copied what I think to be the most important part of it. I've been searching around, and it says to do something with the main method, but I have no idea what that means.

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JIT- Debugging - Unhandled Exception In My Application ?

Apr 18, 2010

activating just In time (JIT) debugging-- I have a propmt that I have an unhandled exception in my application (??).

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Managing Exception In Multithreaded Application?

Mar 20, 2009

I started throwing exceptions on a multithreaded application, and got a mess.There is a good tutorial on managing exceptions in multithreaded applications?

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System.OutofMemory Exception In Application

Mar 5, 2010

I have a 3.5 web application developed in I am using iTextsharp component to generate PDF document from the page.

I am retreving the PDF documents stored in the db and merging them into one PDF. using the memorystream.

But when I try to merge around 1000 pdfs with each containing 2 pages, I am getting Outofmemory exception.

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Unhandled Exception Has Occurred In Application?

Jan 2, 2011

unhandled exception has occurred in your application

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VS 2008 Application SqlClientPermission Exception?

Oct 15, 2009

I have an application that runs inside my company network in several computers, the application access a SQL Server in another place in the network. I coded the application and everything in my machine worked fine but when put the release version inside the users machines i get an error:Application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy. To grant this application the required permission, contact your system administrator, or use the Microsoft.NET Framework Configuration tool. Request for the permission of type

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Get The Current Windows Explorer Path In .net Windows Application?

Feb 15, 2012

how to get the current windows explorer path in windows application?

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IDE :: Disabling BackGround In Windows Application Same As Windows Cardspace

Mar 23, 2011

I am making a System Tray Application when i minimize my form its hide itself in the tray but whenever i click on the tray icon my form shows now when my form shows up i would like to disable my Background desktop same as CardSpace when its shows up.

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IDE :: Disabling BackGround In Windows Application Same As Windows Cardspace

Sep 24, 2010

I am making a System Tray Application when i minimize my form its hide itself in the tray but whenever i click on the tray icon my form shows now when my form shows up i would like to disable my Background desktop same as CardSpace when its shows up.

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VS 2008 Hide Exe Into Taskmanager In Windows 7 Using Windows Application?

Mar 5, 2012

how to hide exe into taskmanager in windows 7 using windows application?

I want exe is hide into task-manager in windows 7 & windows vista machine using application)

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.net - File Load Exception On Application Startup?

Mar 11, 2010

My application has encountered a problem and needs to close.Of course Microsoft is sorry for the inconvenience, but how am i supposed to debug my app?Which dll fails to load?

The error report contains between others,

How do you handle situations like these?

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Application Exception When I Run It Whitout Admin Account?

May 18, 2009

Im developing an application with Visual Basic 2005 and Oracle Database.It runs perfectly in my developing computer.When I am going to install it in the customer servers, I do it:

1. I install Oracle Database in a dedicated server with Windows 2003.

2. I install the Oracle Client, my application, Oracle Develop Tools for Windows and .NET Framework 2.0 in other dedicated server with Windows 2000.When in this second server, I login in Windows 2000 with "ADMIN" account, the aplication runs 100% perfectly, and oracle database too.

But the problem is : When an user try to connect to the second server without be "ADMIN", (So he's a simple user) the application runs but when it try to connect oracle an exception occurs (in the end of this message I put it).All folders of my application and oracle database have all permisions to all. What can be happen? This is the exception (sorry because its in spanish)[code].....

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C# - .NET Global Exception Handler In Console Application?

Jun 28, 2010

I want to define a global exception handler for unhandled exceptions in my console application. In, one can define one in global.asax, and in windows applications /services, one can define as below

AppDomain currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
currentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(MyExceptionHandler);

But how can I define a global exception handler for a console application ?currentDomain seems not to work (.NET 2.0) ?

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