i have an application which adds a patient with his/her own picture.. im doing it in vb.net and my database is stored in sql server 2005.. i have my column for saving the picture.. i have already set it to varbinary(max) i want to have a picture box where the picture will be saved, and open file directory to browse for picture.
so far this is my code for add button
Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
da.InsertCommand = New SqlCommand("SET IDENTITY_INSERT Patients ON; INSERT INTO
I am working on a project related to saving an image captured from a scannner in a folder and in the database. The scan performs ok but when I save the image on disk and the path in the database I get the following error
I have a SQL Server database with a Table that has an image varbyte(max) field that I am using to store images. The issue is that when I am trying to insert an image in the field I need to .endEdit the dataSource before the assignment and again afer. If I don't do it before then nothing is stored. This of course only happens with the image, all other fields are updated without need to .endEdit.
I am looking for a way to take an image from an OpenFileDialog and save it into a database as an Image, then use the Image data from the database to display it in a PictureBox and set it in an image list.
i tried to save image into my database, it saves without error but when i tried to check if it saves in mysql, the data about my picture id save, but the image i save return a value of 0.
I've created barcode using barcode.lib downloaded from the net.i've used a picturebox in that picturebox i have created barcode using barcode.lib now i want to save that barcode as image in the database. There's a prblem while saving that image as bytearray in vb.net 2005 it takes null value of that barcode present in picturebox.i'am attaching both images
I was wondering if someone could provide me with some sample code of how to preform this procedure. I have used a code in the past which automatically captures the ENTIRE scren, but I'd like to just capture the form, and not the entire screen. I need the program to capture an image of itself (the form) and save as a BMP file in a specific location.
I have a program in which I have put 68 picture boxes (Containing different images) on the left side of the form and 25 pictureboxes (Which are all empty) on the right side of the form.
I have a form that I am saving as an image. This form has numerous text boxes, labels and some images displayed within it.The background of the form is an image I have created, so I have set the labels to be transparent to ensure that only the text is shown, and not the background colour of the label box.
This works fine in Vista and Windows 7 and saves ok, but on XP half of the image that is saved is just black. Is there some other code that I should be implementing for XP?
I have a patient registration form in my project...in which I have to browse the image of the patient save it in the database and when I need the details of the patient again the uploaded image should also be displayed..
I have a form containing a listbox showing a list of image names. It's bound to the database table. When an image name is clicked it shows the image and imagename in a picturebox and textbox respectively. When no image is selected in the listbox, a new record can be inserted by browsing a new image in the picturebox by an openfiledialog, writing the imagename in the textbox and pressing the OK button. When an image is already selected, the record can be updated by pressing the same OK button. The data is saved into MSSQL Server 2005. Corresponding table fields are Keycode int autono, logoname nvarchar(50), logo image.Now the problem, when I insert a new data with an image everything goes fine but whenever I try to update an existing data with an image it throws an exception- 'A generic error occurred in GDI+.' at the following line- 'pic.Image.Save(ms, pic.Image.RawFormat)'. Surprisingly when I update an existing data without any image in the picturebox no exception is generated. I have crossed checked it and seems that the problem is just at one point- 'Updating the image from the picturebox'. My code to insert/update the data by OK button and to populate it by listbox doubleclick follows:
Code: Private ms As MemoryStream Private arrImage() As Byte Private conn As SqlConnection
I have a form containing a listbox showing a list of image names. It's bound to the database table. When an image name is clicked it shows the image and imagename in a picturebox and textbox respectively. When no image is selected in the listbox, a new record can be inserted by browsing a new image in the picturebox by an openfiledialog, writing the imagename in the textbox and pressing the OK button. When an image is already selected, the record can be updated by pressing the same OK button. The data is saved into MSSQL Server 2005. Corresponding table fields are Keycode int autono, logoname nvarchar(50), logo image.Now the problem, when I insert a new data with an image everything goes fine but whenever I try to update an existing data with an image it throws an exception- 'A generic error occurred in GDI+.' at the following line- 'pic.Image.Save(ms, pic.Image.RawFormat)'. Surprisingly when I update an existing data without any image in the picturebox no exception is generated. I have crossed checked it and seems that the problem is just at one point-
I have a form containing a listbox showing a list of image names. It's bound to the database table. When an image name is clicked it shows the image and imagename in a picturebox and textbox respectively. When no image is selected in the listbox, a new record can be inserted by browsing a new image in the picturebox by an openfiledialog, writing the imagename in the textbox and pressing the OK button. When an image is already selected, the record can be updated by pressing the same OK button. The data is saved into MSSQL Server 2005. Corresponding table fields are Keycode int autono, logoname nvarchar(50), logo image.Now the problem, when I insert a new data with an image everything goes fine but whenever I try to update an existing data with an image it throws an exception- 'A generic error occurred in GDI+.' at the following line- 'pic.Image.Save(ms, pic.Image.RawFormat)'. Surprisingly when I update an existing data without any image in the picturebox no exception is generated. I have crossed checked it and seems that the problem is just at one point- 'Updating the image from the picturebox'.My code to insert/update the data by OK button and to populate it by listbox doubleclick follows:
I have a Form with a TextBox, and a Save button that saves the text as a .rcp (txt) file. Now I want to add a button that browse for an image that accompany that txt file, and load it into a Picture Box. When I click to Save the txt file, I want it automatically to also save the loaded image With the txt file as the same name as the txt file, without needing to save the image and text separately.
I have this code for my save button: Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click SaveFileDialog1.CreatePrompt = True SaveFileDialog1.OverwritePrompt = True ' Set the file name to myText.txt, set the type filter [Code] .....
I hoping to find a current and simple way to do this. I'm using VWD Express 2008 and SQL Express 2008.I'm able to get the client's path to the image file using an asp:FileUpload control on the web form.
How do I upload the client's image file and display it in the web form's image control?How do I save it to the sqlserver? The image table is already set up with a "Image" data type column. Can the image be saved to the database as simply as other data types?
find a current and simple way to do this. I'm using VWD Express 2008 and SQL Express 2008.I'm able to get the client's path to the image file using an asp:FileUpload control on the web form.How do I upload the client's image file and display it in the web form's image control?How do I save it to the sqlserver? The image table is already set up with a "Image" data type column. Can the image be saved to the database as simply as other data types?
So my program is supposed to lookup the image name from a database and display it in the form. Here's the
name = rs.Fields("image").Value.ToString If Not IsDBNull(rs.Fields("image").Value) Then If rs.Fields("image").Value = "" Then Else PictureBox2.Image = Image.FromFile("\MY.IP.ADDRESS.HEREwwwrootimagesproducts" & name & "") End If
Now here is the problem: If the database returns the image name but the image cannot be found in the path specified, the app crashes. Is there a way to write an If statement to check if the image file exists in the directory specified?
I have a picturebox on a form and I am trying to upload a image to database. My question is how to fit a image into a picturebox even though the size of image is bigger or smaller than that. If It is bigger than the picturebox, then how to get a scrollbar.
Below is my code. Private Sub Button_Browse_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button_Browse.Click With OpenFileDialog .Title = "Choose a image" .InitialDirectory = My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyDocuments [Code] .....
My Problem is that I am trying to view the database in Vb (windows form) but the image does not appear.All I can see is a small red cross where the image should be.I have tried both Datagrid view and Detail View.
I have the following code that gets a jpg image from sql which works fine.What i would now like to do is save this image as a file on my pc in a temp folder that i can use in a report. i would like to change the name of this image to the sheltercode.below is the code that i use to get the image from the sql table and populate into a picture box on my form. conn.Open() [code]
How To on a database driven login form. I'll include the Administration Backend to go along with it soon. Dial-Up users should not use this thread, it is image heavy
I use some code to successfully resize and save images - but I want to save the image to 800x800 px size on a canvas of 900x900px so it has a white border type thing around it.
I am using the following code style.. i want to code my program the way i have since i started with programming in vb.net. [code] please help me on how to save image on SQL 7.. using the following code style.. i am suing vb.net 2003. [code]
I am having two buttons and an Image Control.Now When I click 1st button I am trying to load an Image as shown below.
Dim openPicker As New FileOpenPicker openPicker.ViewMode = PickerViewMode.Thumbnail openPicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.PicturesLibrary[code].....
Now when I Click 2nd button I need to save that Image after some modifications to the same image to pictures Library.This is what I am trying to do and getting confused how to get the Image which is already loaded in the image control and save it.
Dim fileSavePicker As New FileSavePicker() fileSavePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("PNG", New String() {".png"}) fileSavePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("JPG", New String() {".jpg"})[code]......
I'm trying to find a way for saving an image to a exact size of w1024 h768 I have found a few things that allow me to save it to a percent of the images size but not to an exact size, which is how I need it.