Setting Up VB Express With Sql Managment Studio?

Jul 22, 2009

I went ahead and made a fresh database and a fresh VB app to make this as easy as possible. I'm running what i believe to be the most up to date software, both 2008 express editions. I want to add a data source in VB to connect to my database in the Sql management studio. I click add connection data source = Micro. SQL Server compact 3.5 I navigate to the DB file Then I get an error "you do not have permission to open this file."

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Open Visual Studio Express Files With Normal Visual Studio?

Apr 11, 2011

Is it possible to open visual studio express files with normal visual studio?

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Database Withowt Sql Managment?

Apr 20, 2012

i have problem in vs2011 betai have database file and i attach it to vs2011 but when i open the connection this error appeared

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Events - EventHandler Managment In .NET?

Aug 19, 2009

I am right now in an project using VB.NET and needs to translate this C# code into VB.NET

oldCommand.CanExecuteChanged -= commandReference.CanExecuteChanged;
newCommand.CanExecuteChanged += commandReference.CanExecuteChanged;

For me it seems like the an event hooking up on an another event?But I have tried everything to translate this into VB.NET code?I have found out that EventHandler management in VB.NET is far from as good it is in C# as many other things.


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Time Managment Codes?

Nov 18, 2009

I have created a button its function to get the date and write it in a text box , and the month in anther text box while the year will be in four text box each digit will be in 1 text box

for example:-
(25/12/2009) }


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Creating A Password Managment Tool And For The Storage?

Nov 26, 2009

I am creating a password managment tool and for the storage I will be using a text file, I want to encrypt so I decided I will use the Rijndael cypher. I have found source code which does this to a file:

http:www.codeproje...ncryptFile.aspx. It is well explained but I am but still struggling to understand parts as I never looked at cryptography at all before.

Private Function CreateKey(ByVal strPassword As String) As Byte()
'Convert strPassword to an array and store in chrData.
Dim chrData() As Char = strPassword.ToCharArray
'Use intLength to get strPassword size.


This assigns all of bytekey with half of the hash from byteresult. Am I correct? If not why not just use SHA256 instead of SHA512 as you are only using half of the hash. If somebody could explain this to me this would be great. Already confused and this is just creating the key, then the IV needs to be created(not sure what an Initialization vector does) then the encrypt/decrypt function. I think I will struggle understanding this but I am going to try.

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IDE :: Setting Tab Order In Visual Basic 2010 Express?

Apr 15, 2010

Is there an easy way to set the tab order for controls on a form in Visual Basic 2010 Express? I saw some references to a "View / Tab Order" menu item, but I don't see anything like this in the View menu when I am designing a form.

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Reset Visual Studio To Default Setting And Even Uninstalled Firefox

Jan 21, 2011

Whenever I name a new project, a file download window comes up. I tried to reset visual studio to default setting and even uninstalled firefox. I'm trying to get visual studio to behave like it use to. url....

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Set Watches Variables In Studio Express?

Feb 20, 2012

In Visual Studio Express 2010 using Visual Basic 2010 how does one set watches on variables so that one can check values whilst a program is being de-bugged.?

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C# - Class Name And Method Name Dropdown List Is Missing (visual Studio Setting)

Sep 17, 2009

Does anyone know how to get my class name and method name dropdown lists again? It's the dropdown lists that are usually above the code. It's just a setting but i can't seem to find it. I don't want to reset my setting btw. I shouldn't have to.

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.net - Finding A Mac Alternative To Visual Studio Express?

Oct 29, 2010

I use a Mac for all my other work like design work and coding in Dreamweaver but would like to know if there is an alternative to Visual Studio Express so that I can do all my stuff on the mac too.

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.net - Using LINQ With Express Version Of Visual Studio?

May 28, 2009

Is it possible to use LINQ in the express version of visual studio? I am planning on refactoring my project to use LINQ, but I am the only person in my group that has a copy of visual studio pro. Will that cause any problems if someone using the express version has to modified my code?EditI realize that the graphical tools are not available in the express version, so my question does not pertain to those. I am more interested in the actual code, which I assume will work

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Cannot Open A New Project In Studio 2010 Express

Jun 9, 2011

When creating a new project I get an messages stating "Access to the path 'C:userscontrollerAppDatalocal emporaryProjectsMazeMy ProjectAssemblyInfo.vb' is denied.

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Informes En Visual Studio 2010 Express?

Aug 18, 2011

Estoy trabajando con visual studio 2010 express, que alternativa tengo de crear informes, ya que no viene con crystal report ni puedo descargarlo al parecer porque no es compatible.

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Is Free Visual Studio Express Good Enough

Apr 7, 2011

I've got .net v4 installed, and the SDK, and I've managed a Hello World msgbox winform .exe app using the free IDE "SharpDevelop", but that doesn't seem to have an Immediate Window which I'm a bit lost without. I also tried MonoDevelop but I couldn't get the Immediate Window there to work, and worse than that, I couldn't even find a way to design forms and plonk down some controls! I think their main interest is C# rather than VB? So it looks like I'm going to have to try the crippled Express Edition from MS - which feels annoyingly limiting from what I've seen - but I'm struggling to understand exactly what missing features would halt me in my tracks.Basically (pun intended, sorry) I'm hoping to see if I can upgrade myself to from some VB6 dabbling a few years ago. From what I've read it seems mostly quite manageable, I can understand the "everything's an object" concept, etc.

But, would I be able to produce useful software, deployable around the office with proper msi installer packages? If not, then I just won't have the motivation to progress beyond a few little experiments. The question is - can I actually do anything worthwhile without risking the waste of a considerable sum of money if I were to shell out for an uncrippled version?

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Visual Studio VB 2010 Express Downloads?

Oct 27, 2010

I'd like a redist package (full single download) instead of the web installer (tiny single download, massive multiple at-runtime downloads). Anybody know where to get one?It never hurts to try. In a worst case scenario, you'll learn from it.

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Install SQL SQL Server Management Studio Express Silently?

Sep 28, 2009

where that i find the commands for make an silent install of SQL Server Management Studio Express.The same thing i did with sql express 2005:

infoSQLExpress.FileName = DirectoryGet + "appsSQLEX05.EXE"
infoSQLExpress.Arguments = "/qb INSTANCENAME=" + txtInstanzname.Text _
+ " ADDLOCAL=SQL_Engine,SQL_Data_Files,Client_Components,Connectivity" _[code]......

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.net - RemoteConnection To SQL Server2008 Express Failed On Visual Studio?

May 27, 2011

After 2 Days of search i still didnt find an answer.

SQL Server 2008 Express installed on RemoteServer
TCP/IP: Enabled on port 1433
Named Pipes: Enabled


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Can Visual Studio Express 2008 Connect To MySQL

Apr 8, 2011

I've installed MySQL .NET connector but it's not shown in data source options to connect in Visual Studio Express Edition.

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Datagridview And BindingNavigator - Visual Studio Express 2010

Feb 23, 2012

Visual Studio Express 2010. Windows Forms Application. New MDF Database. Add a table, put some data in it. Now, from the data sources window drag a DataGridView over to the Form1, drop it. There is no BindingNavigator created with it, so I drag on over there from the toolbox. Run it and the BindingNavigator does nothing. Why/how do I make it talk to the DataGridView?

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IDE :: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express Prerequisites X64?

Sep 22, 2011

When i try to install Visual Basic Express 2010 and Visual C++ Express 2010, I get this error:Setup could not install the following component:Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express Prerequisites x64

I'm on Windows Vista Things I've tried: Deleting contents of %temp% folder


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Possible To Write Projects In The Express Edition Of Visual Studio

Apr 29, 2010

I couldn't find a quick answer on the official pages,is it possible to write VB projects in the express edition of Visual Studio that connect to a SQL Server that is not the included 'Express' server ?

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Scrolling Text / Marquee Visual Studio Express

Nov 5, 2008

i'v found several scrolling text / marque examples on the net .. i'v tested a lot of them .. but some some reason all of them are not smooth .. text is 'blinking' .. anyone knows a good marque control? a paid one is also good (withing budget ) .. i really tried alot of them..

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T4MVC VB With Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition

Nov 28, 2010

I am having trouble using T4MVC VB with Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition.I can reference the T4MVC classes in my controllers, but I cannot access them in my views (where I actually need them).In the view, the following code is overwritten by intellisense as if the class MVC is invalid.[code]Which generates the error message 'Home' is not a member of 'Mvc'. It seems that in the view there is an Mvc namespace hiding the MVC class. This doesn't exist in the controller.After playing with it some more, it seems the classes aren't available in the View no matter what they're named. What decides what classes and namespaces are available in the view? The classes continue to be available in the controller, regardless of naming as well. I presume there has to be some filter or limit on what is available in the views?I was just watching this excellent video from Phil Haack, and it game me a clue.I need to modify the <pages> section in the web.config file. Now the question is, can I get that to use a class that's not in a namespace, as the MVC class is by default, otherwise I'll have to modify the T4 template to put it in a namespace and include that.

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Using A Legacy DLL In New Visual Studio Express (C++ Prefrred) Project?

May 21, 2012

I've got an old legacy application for communicating via serial port to an embedded controller communications bus. that someone else developed.The application is written in VB6, and is structured as two projects - a DLL to handle the connection and communications logic, with an application GUI project.I was hoping to be able to write a new application GUI (in C++ ideally) to use the existing DLL as-is, but I'm having lots of problems working out how to import it.So I'm wondering, is it even going to be possible to use this old DLL into a C++ project as is? or is it possible to import into a C# project? or a VB.NET project? (would prefer not to use VB, but can if I have to)Where I am now: I have the existing compiled executable and DLL, and these run on my system.I also have the project files, and they're all readable in notepad++ but I don't have VB6, and importing the project into visual studio VB.NET 2008 express isn't at all straightforward. Especially not without a working example to dig through and play with first (DLL project may be importable, but has 50+ things indicated as needing changing in the upgrade report. It also seems to be ignoring three .cls files that look very important to my not particularly VB6-savvy eyes... The application project has a message in the upgrade report about something "missing a design time license" and the only project files that actually seem to come into the project explorer for imported project is the project file itself, and the assembly info file.)

Most examples of how to import a DLL into VS C++ assume you have a solution with the DLL project all compiling nicely alongside your project that will use it. Or at least a .DLL and .lib and .h file... I spoke with the original developer of the code (in another city, we don't work directly) and got a .lib to match my .dll, but still have no .h file.I'm usually fine to bash through something new, but without a baseline working example of the project even in VB6 that I can get my understanding from, it makes this very hard. Also a lack of similar questions anywher google can find them on the net makes me wonder if this is something i should be even attempting.I'm working on getting a non-express copy of visual studio if that will make any difference (express worked fine for everything up until now so I never needed anything more) but that will take a number of weeks, most likely.

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Visual Studio Express - Download A File (zip) From The Internet?

Feb 22, 2011

I'm trying to create a simple file downloader (with GUI). I'm pretty new to and I didn't find any usefull information about this in the books I own. All tutorials in the wild are making me more frustrated, since the snippets I use, in most cases, are different classes.What should I use? HttpWebRequest/HttpWebResponse or FileWebRequest/FileWebResponse?How do I save the ResponseStream to a file ?Is it possible to use ResponseStream to define the kind of File (FileInfo) Class to get basic file information (size, extension, etc) is it generally neccessary, if GetResponse().headers gives you most of this info ?

My code, which sucks, because I do not know how to realize the saving....

Private Sub btn_downloader_Click(ByVal sender...) Handles btn_downloader.Click
Dim fileUrl As String = txtBox_url.Text
Dim webUri = New Uri(fileUrl)


but I don't know what the buffer is and what it is for. Should I set some static values or any dynamic which deppends on Stream-data ?

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Add An Existing Folder To Visual Studio 2010 Express Project?

Jan 11, 2012

I'm trying to add a folder and some files within it to a Visual Studio 2010 Express VB.NET project. I have read the answers to questions on this subject here and here. They both say "select folder, right click, and then select Add To Project". But when I right-click in this way, no "Add to Project" option appears. Does anyone know why this is so, and what I can do about it, or alternatively another way of adding a folder to a project?

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C# - Visual Studio 2010 Express Multi-language Solutions?

Dec 1, 2011

I am working on a C# project, which needs a VB.NET Class library.I have added the DLL reference of VB.NET Project into C# project.This works fine, but sometimes I need to debug the VB.NET project or pause the project and check the variable values of my VB.NET Project.Is it possible in Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition?

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Connect A SQL Express 2005 Database To A VB Project In Studio 2008

Feb 9, 2010

I have been learning about working with databases and VB. I have coded the connection string for a MS Access database to my VB project but i cannot establish a connection with my sql mdf database.

The code i used to connect to MS Access is:

<Dim dt As New DataTable()/>
<Dim match As String = ""/>
< Dim connStr As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _


What is the connection code in order to manipulate data from the mdf file. Is it similar to the above code.

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Connecting Visual Studio 2005 To Sql Server 2008 Express

Oct 4, 2009

I have Windows Vista Business on my machine and running visual studio 2005 (Version 8.0.50727.867 (vsvista.050727-8600)) as well as "ENU Service Pack 1 (KB926601)" and "Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition - ENU (KB932232) "I'm trying to connect to SQL server 2008 Express via Visual Basic and I've gone through all the forums to try to resolve my issue and it seems that I have to install " Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 Update for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Support" However, when I try to do this I keep on getting the error "The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service because the programme to be upgraded may be missing, or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the programme.

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