Simple Counter To Track Form Ussage?

Apr 19, 2011

I would like to know how I can read a number from a text file then multiply that figure by one and write that back to the original text file, I'm trying to make a counter to keep track of how many times my forms are executed. The information will then be used to determine the success of my apps with in our company.

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Get Form To Display A Simple Digital Counter?

Apr 8, 2009

How do I get my form to display a simple digital counter? I have a "record" function on my program:

Private Sub Button13_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button13.Click
mciSendString("open new Type waveaudio Alias recsound", "", 0, 0)
mciSendString("record recsound", "", 0, 0)
End Sub

I want to have a simple digital counter display while the program is recording. That way the user can know how long the audio is so far while recording. Then when the user is done recording, the timer will stop.

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Pass A Counter From One Form To Next?

Mar 24, 2010

I am a new 2005 user and new to this forum.i need to know how u can pass a counter from one form to the developing a computer based test and questions are on different forms so i need to know how the mark for a test can be maintained and added to from one form to the next.

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Place A Time/counter On The Form That Shows?

Jul 2, 2011

I've got a project that generates a sql query and returns the results. I want to place a time/counter on the form that shows how long it takes to return the query from the server. Basically to count up in seconds from 0 while that sub is executing. Would threading be the best way to do this or is there another way that I'm missing?

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Keep Track Clicks On Button In Another Form?

Dec 3, 2009

I'm working on a project which has 4 combo boxes.Each of them has a drop down list of numbers from 0 to 9.

How do I validate if each combo box is selected with one number when I click on a button?

Is validating a checkbox the same way as validating combo box?

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VS 2008 Error "The Requested Performance Counter Is Not A Custom Counter"

May 20, 2010

I have this code sample from a book I'm reading which looks to be incorrect:

Imports System.Diagnostics
Sub Main
Dim pc As New PerformanceCounter("PerfApp", "Clicks", False) 'excepiton here
counterLabel.Content = pc.NextValue().ToString()
End Sub

There excepion message I get is: The requested Performance Counter is not a custom counter, it has to be initialized as ReadOnly. I looked for a property to see if I can set it but couldn't find one.

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Forms :: "Counter" On Form Quits Counting When Form Loses Focus?

Mar 15, 2009

Most of my experience in Visual Basic programming is in VBA. I'm currently trying to build a VB.NET Windows application that basically consists of a form that has one button and one label. When the button is clicked, the label should serve as a "counter" that counts from 0 to infinity until the user closes the window with the "x" button. I do this by putting a loop with a sleep statement in the onclick sub. The loop iterates the integer that is displayed in the label and does a "Me.Refresh".The problem is when the window loses focus. When it loses focus (when I click off of it), the counter stops. Even when I click back on it, the counter doesn't resume.

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Adding Simple Excel Like Form To A Windows Form

Aug 7, 2009

Can anyone tell me how to add a Excel like form to a Windows form so I can add and remove rows/colloms and do simple calculation. It would be nice to have tabs along the top.

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Simple Form With A Usercontrol

Aug 25, 2010

Description of problem: I have a simple form with a usercontrol on it. There is a drop down box with a list of departments in it and a button, this is all in the usercontrol. I pick a department then press the button to view the employees in a listview for the department picked. All worked fine until I moved the code for drop down and button into the usercontrol from the form.

The data is taken from oracle database express 10G edition and I am using a cursor package (CP) and I pass parameters from the code to the oracle procedure within the CP. One of these parameters is the selected department from the drop down list (which I have picked) and my code does not seem to be picking up this parameter, it keps saying that the bold bit of code below is nothing:

myCmd.Parameters.Add(New OracleParameter("n_dept", OracleDbType.Varchar2)).Value = usr1.cmbDepartments.SelectedItem

Everything else seems to be fine. Because it is not picking up the selected item then the (no data by the looks of it) is false and it just falls out without populating any employees for that dept in the listview.

Does anyone care to take a stab at suggesting what might be wrong? Why won't it pick up the selected item in the user control I have just picked it in?

View 11 Replies

Looping About Simple Login Form?

Feb 17, 2010

Public Class Form1
Private Sub cmdLogIN_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdLogIN.Click
Dim count As Integer
count = 0


so this is the problem our professor gave us. the user given a chance to log-in correctly 3 times, assuming that a user log-in his/her password incorrectly there will be a loop, counting its no. of attempts. and if it exceeds to 3, there will be a msgbox assuming "you log-in incorrectly 3 times" etc. here in my code it counts but the msgbox ("try again") shows 3 times.

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No Data In Simple Windows App Form?

May 6, 2009

New to Visual Studio 8 running on Vista with Office 2007.Attempting to create first simple form with data grid using Nwind.mdb Customers table. Data source is created and using Preview data actually shows the data contained in the table.After dragging the DataGridView onto the new Form1 no data appears in the grid when the form is run.

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Simple Data Collection Web Form In .NET?

Jun 11, 2011

I am planning to create a webpage to collect simple information.

Name, email, phone number, college name and also their markes in each subject
test1 85779090pass


When the user enter their informationa and press the SUBMIT button it should be saved into the server.

Note: I want to use grid view to gather the exam details, is it possible?

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Simple Form-Database Connection?

Sep 18, 2009

Need to create a form and connect the form the database on the click of a button. I have created the forms and data tables (Attached).Also want to know how can i open a form on double clicking an entry in the list box.

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Simple Login Form And Welcome Message

Aug 19, 2009

Im wanting to display a Login message after my user Logs in. The Database has a column called AName where the users display name is stored. I have:
[code]to let them login. At this point I want to grab the value in AName and display Welcome 'AName'

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VS 2008 SIMPLE Login Form

May 20, 2010

I haven't used VS in awhile and now I need to use it and I forgot it all. Anyways, I need to know how to create SIMPLE and easy login form nothing special. I just need it for a school project for a sample type game. I want to show a login screen for it, and I forgot how to make one. I'm using the premade login screen that they provide. On the add module part.[code]

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VS 2008 Simple Search Form?

May 5, 2009

First (and definitely not last) post here. I need help with creating a search page for an application. All that needs to be done is create a search that gets the results from a database that was created. Can someone point me in the right direction of a good tutorial? I can't seem to find one.

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Simple Form - DateDiff Error Message ?

Sep 3, 2009

While a fairly simple form it has had its problems. The latest is an error message (see below) that I do not understand and hence cannot correct. I have looked at the other postings, but did not see one that would apply.


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Post A Simple Code Using VB That Start Building Simple Games?

Jun 10, 2011

Is there anyone can post a simple code using vb,that start building a simple games ?

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Access Database - How To Create Simple Insert Form

Jun 21, 2010

I have an issue with my access database when creating a simple insert form on visual. When I load the form into the browsers and add the data, it says it has worked but when I look in the database the information has not been added.

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Building A Simple Form Which Allows The User To Update The Data On It?

Apr 23, 2009

I am building a simple form wicht allows the user to update the data on it.I use this

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb[code].....

View 8 Replies

Get Simple Lasso Like Free Form Selection Tool?

Oct 2, 2009

Just need to be able to Draw with the mouse the area that needs to be cut out or modified. Basically like the Photoshop's Lasso tool.

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Simple Data Entry Form In Via Relational Table?

Mar 21, 2012

I am creating data entry form in I have three tables 1.orders,2. orderdetails 3.productOrderid- Primary key for Order table and foreign key for Orderdetail table.In Dataentry form , I need when I load form , value of orderid from ordertable should automatically load in orderid colum of ordertable.

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VS 2010 : Roadblock With Simple Multiple Choice Form?

Apr 3, 2012

I am trying to create a simple program that delivers True/False questions from a text file and then displays the mark to the student, but I'm running into trouble.I created two forms. The first contains a listbox which is populated with the possible test choices (taken from a .txt file containing only 2 choices). I wrote this code for the listbox

Private Sub frmTest_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Populates listbox with test names from TESTS.txt
Dim sr As IO.StreamReader = IO.File.OpenText("TESTS.txt")


After the test is chosen, the user presses BEGIN. At this point I have my actual Question form pop up, and the first form is hidden. I tried to begin with an If-Then statement which will open the appropriate .txt based on the selection from the first form.

Private Sub frmQuestion_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Opens appropriate test based on selection
If frmTest.txtChosenTest.Text = CStr(frmTest.lstTest.Items(0)) Then


This is where I get completely bottle necked though. I've been staring at the screen/textbook for 5 hours now and I don't understand how to write the code that will take my questions from the (now open) text file, separate the question from the answer, and put the question and question number in the appropriate text boxes. The format of the question .txt's are simple. One question per line, with the answer following, separated by a comma. For example, Midterm.txt might look like this


If I were to design a form for this problem let's say it would look like this:I am currently stuck at this part though. How do I populate the two read-only text boxes with the question number/question, and then cycle through the questions from the .txt while also keeping the user's score?

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Windows Form - Missing Something Simple - Object Databinding?

Nov 26, 2011

I am missing something simple. I know how to bind datagrids and webforms, but this is my first time trying to bind to an object list of T in a windows form. (I am use to using datasets with datatables and im trying to get away from doing that).I have a simple object list that gets populated on the form load. However if I click a button to add a dummy record the datagridview does not display the new record added. The bindingNavigator (if clicked nextrecord) and "debug stops" all show that the new record I just added to the object list is there.

Even adding the datasource object in the watch list shows the new records are there. They are just not displaying.

I cannot seem to figure out as to why the new record is not being displayed in the datagridview when I can see the record got clearly added to the datasource.


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Running An VB Form The C# Code Even Simple Exit, Message Box Not Working?

Feb 22, 2012

for the any of the button in vb the c# code which is written is not working at all after running a form example: exit, message box even these also not working give me solution

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Start Windows Form Project Using Simple Text Editor?

Jul 12, 2011

I want to start a Windows Forms Project (VB.NET) using a simple text editor like notepad. I'm not interested in creating a button and other controls from scratch, I just want to know how to create a form, initializing controls without using the to use command-line to compile the whole project?

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VS 2010 Adding A Simple Sql Stored Procedure To A Windows Form?

Feb 1, 2012

on a new project - windows form app i would like to bring a simple stored procedure from a server ( with credentials ) with one parameter.

the stored procedure is on the : "SERVER" "database" "sa" "sa" and it looks like this:




also if i could select the client name from a drop down list would be verry nice. the select for the name is : "select name from clients"

The results could be exported into excel or a screen. ( after selecting the client in the form , another button for export )

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Establish A Connection To MySQL Via VB & Display Simple Query Results On A Form?

Dec 12, 2010

I have a project in Visual Studio 2008 and there is a working data connection to a MySQL database. In other words, I can query the db directly from Visual Studio and it will display the results.

I've tried a couple of approaches that I found online for writing a connection string and accessing the db, but no luck yet.

All I'm trying to do is code a button to query the db and then reset the text property of a label/textbox to display the results based upon another label/textbox value.

The pseudo-code I am imagining is something like this:

Private Sub query_submit_button_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles query_submit_button.Click
result_textbox.Text = SELECT field FROM table WHERE otherfield = key_textbox.Text
End Sub

I didn't see any related questions posted on SO - forgive me if I missed one that already exists and this is a dupe.

What is the correct way to accomplish this?

Using MySQL 5.1

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Make A Simple Browser With Some Simple Addon's?

Dec 9, 2011

Trying to make a simple browser with some simple addon's. What Ive done is setup a menu(forum) for the user to enter their email providers web address and it will save it in a xml file. When they click on the email link, it should load the email xml iformation and place that info in the tb_html.text and navigate. I keep getting a null exception and im not sure what going on here. Here is the code:

Private Sub btn_Email_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_Email.Click
'Load Action
Dim SavedEmailObj As Storage


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Windows Form Multiplication Test Loop, Math And Cath Very Simple Program?

Nov 26, 2010

I think for you my problem is very simple..I have done the same program in console mode without problem, now i try into windows form...

I generate by random 2 number A&B I multiply them and I will compare it with the result in my textbox3

if it the same as the computer has calculated il will show you congratulation, however i will say try again

I have a problem to calculate the sum, A&B are well generated but nothing in Calc Result

When Calc was working when I write nothing in the textbox3 and i click on Verify it show the msgbox congratulation.I'm looking just for this step, I've fixed the other issues And another things When It's right I would like to random another number for A&B after closing the msgbox, how can I processd ?


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