Simple Encryption In C# And VB Returns Different Results

Dec 9, 2011

I have an application that encrypts data which is written in VB. There is another application that uses the same data. Encryption code is the same but it returns different result in some cases. [Code]

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Simple Encryption / Decryption Program Does Not Process

Aug 13, 2009

This is for a simple encryption / decryption program. However when I run this the program does nothing and doesnt respond. Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim decryptedtext As String
Dim encryptedtext As String
Dim k As Int16


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VS 2008 Append Bits For A Very Simple Encryption?

Sep 22, 2010

This seems like it would be so simple and fast, but I cannot figure out how to accomplish it in VB since there aren't many bit functions. I want to take a file and append 5 junk bits at the beginning and 3 junk bits at the end. In essence, just add 1 byte to the file, but in the process offset all the current bits so the file is no longer readable.

I just need a very simple encryption/decryption, but it needs to be very fast as well. I try XORing the bytes, but it gets slow with just a 1MB file. Some of the files are going to be close to 10MB.

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GetCurPos Returns Different Results?

Oct 28, 2010

Why this api in does not return right results. in my pc the X,Y results are ndefined.

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Module Module1


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VS 2010 - File Saving - Simple Pseudo-encryption Program That Changes Each Character Into Another

Apr 22, 2011

I recently made a simple pseudo-encryption program that changes each character into another. It is capable of encrypting and decrypting a string. This can also be done to any text file as well. The characters range from ASCII 32-254 (This on it's own may be an issue because of #127 being DEL).

Because I believed my own coding may be at fault, I attempted this with Triple Des with identical results.For Triple Des, the requirements for en/decryption was:

Encrypt: String to Byte
Decrypt: Byte to String

And to change them either direction, I used UTF8. I also attempted ASCII and UTF32, but I don't know what I should do. I am considering dropping this but I want to learn problems like this because I am currently in college and haven't started my core classes for programming yet and want the head start.

The point where I have come into a problem is attempting to do this to another file type like an image. I looked at the results from encrypting then decrypting and the results were similar, but it seems file encoding must be the culprit.

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Xpath Query On An XML Returns 0 Results

Nov 13, 2011

I've converted an html to XML and now i want to get all the child nodes nested
within a DIV element with a specific attribute (class="itemInfo").

Because the html that the XML is based on changes from time to time i want to use a more "safe" relative root,[code...]

Problem is that i always get 0 nodes ...I'm sure that something is wrong with my Xpath syntax, just don't know what it is. Here is my code'[code...]

View 7 Replies

Check If WQL __InstanceCreation Query Returns Results?

Apr 20, 2012

how can write code that can check if __InstanceCreation query has returned rows or not. I'm using this code to check for the creation of a file

Private Function CheckForFileCreation() As Boolean
Dim query1 As New WqlEventQuery( _


so I need to know if the query returned > 0 rows, if it did then the function will return true, if the query returned 0 rows then the function should return false. Sorry I am a complete noob with WMI and WQL

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VS 2010 : Xpath Query On A XML Returns 0 Results?

Nov 13, 2011

I've converted an html to XML and now i want to get all the child nodes nested within a DIV element with a specific attribute (class="itemInfo").Because the html that the XML is based on changes from time to time i want to use a more "safe" relative root,
(something like : "//div[@class='itemInfo']").Problem is that i always get 0 nodes ...

Dim doc As New System.Xml.XmlDocument()
Dim root As System.Xml.XmlElement = doc.DocumentElement


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Why Encoding.Default.GetBytes() Returns Different Results In C#

May 29, 2009

We recently came across some sample code from a vendor for hashing a secret key for a web service call, their sample was in VB.NET which we converted to C#. This caused the hashing to produce different input. It turns out the way they were generating the key for the encryption was by converting a char array to a string and back to a byte array. This led me to the discovery that VB.NET and C#'s default encoder work differently with some characters.

Console.Write(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(new char[] { (char)149 })[0]);

Dim b As Char() = {Chr(149)}

The C# output is 63, while VB is the correct byte value of 149.if you use any other value, like 145, etc, the output matches.Walking through the debugging, both VB and C# default encoder is SBCSCodePageEncoding.I have corrected the sample code by directly initializing a byte array, which it should have been in the first place, but I still want to know why the encoder, which should not be language specific, appears to be just that.

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Query Performed Returns Results In Reverse For Some Options?

Apr 6, 2010

I am trying to perform a query on an Access 2007 Database Using Visual Basic 2008. My database has a table tblStudents contains a field named Gender with Male/Female options. In VB 2008 I set up a form with a Combo box where the user can select either Male or Female to perform a query and navigate through the returned results. When i choose the 1st option in the Combo box the results are returned in the order. However when i choose the 2nd option in the combo box, i get the results in reverse order which i still could not find the reason why it does that. Here is my Code for the query and the Execute Query Button:

Private Sub DisplayGenderData(ByVal gender As String)
connUsers.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:StudentRecords.accdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=testing;"
' Open the connection.


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VS 2010 Reading Remote Registry With WMI Returns No Results

Feb 9, 2012

I am trying to read the HKEY_USERS hive of a remote machine with this Class

Imports System.Management
Imports System.Management.Instrumentation
Public Enum RegHive As UInteger


The value of sSubKeyName is the user's SID + "" + Network (e.g. S-1-5-21-1606980848-2025429265-839522115-560021Network). Now under that key are various subkeys containing mapped drive letters. But it never returns anything.

Strangely, if I use the OpenRemoteBaseKey method it works BUT I don't want to use that because using WMI lets me specify alternate credentials and OpenRemoteBaseKey doesn't

View 1 Replies - LDAP User Attribute Request Returns Unusual Results?

May 31, 2012

I'm struggling to return user details from AD using LDAP, after i have authenticated that the user exists. I am using a simple auth method as follows:

Function AuthenticateUser(path As String, user As String, pass As String) As Boolean
Dim de As New DirectoryEntry(path, user, pass, AuthenticationTypes.Secure)
Dim ds As DirectorySearcher = New DirectorySearcher(de)
Dim result As SearchResult = ds.FindOne()


the problem is that "distinguishedName" returns "DC=our-domain,DC=co,DC=uk" and "name" returns just "our-domain", not the name of the user that has just been auth'ed

Note: the displayName.text outputs are purely for debug purposes.I have tried various combos of requests but nothing seems to return USER details. ETA: to the security police: this is all within a https connection, I'm not sending passwords about in plain text!

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Raw A Simple Line Chart Representing Sql Query Data Results?

Nov 13, 2009

how to draw a simple line chart representing sql query data results?

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Establish A Connection To MySQL Via VB & Display Simple Query Results On A Form?

Dec 12, 2010

I have a project in Visual Studio 2008 and there is a working data connection to a MySQL database. In other words, I can query the db directly from Visual Studio and it will display the results.

I've tried a couple of approaches that I found online for writing a connection string and accessing the db, but no luck yet.

All I'm trying to do is code a button to query the db and then reset the text property of a label/textbox to display the results based upon another label/textbox value.

The pseudo-code I am imagining is something like this:

Private Sub query_submit_button_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles query_submit_button.Click
result_textbox.Text = SELECT field FROM table WHERE otherfield = key_textbox.Text
End Sub

I didn't see any related questions posted on SO - forgive me if I missed one that already exists and this is a dupe.

What is the correct way to accomplish this?

Using MySQL 5.1

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Why Do Simple Math Operations On Floating Point Return Unexpected (inaccurate) Results In .Net And Python

Oct 20, 2009

x = 4.2 - 0.1 gives 4.1000000000000005
python gives 4.1000000000000005
Excel gives 4.1
Google calc gives 4.1

What is the reason this happens?

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.net Encryption Result Does Not Match The Xcode Encryption Result Given The Same Input Parameters?

Jun 21, 2011

I have set up a method in and in xcode for encrypting a string using as far as i can tell the same parameters for an AES encryption.I've looked all over the place but cannot find information on whether they use the same encryption algorithm and settings.

this is the code:

Dim encryptAES As New AesCryptoServiceProvider()
Dim encoding As New UTF8Encoding()
Dim encryptor As ICryptoTransform
encryptAES.Key = encoding.GetBytes("12345678901234567890123456789032")
encryptAES.IV = encoding.GetBytes("1234567890123416")
encryptAES.Mode = CipherMode.CBC


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Show The Final Results Instead Of The Results Real-time

Sep 28, 2010

I have a form that allows users to select file and then it reads the contents, parses the data and then executes a sql insert statement to add it to a database. What I am having issues with is showing real-time results. Currently, I have the import operation take place on the import form within the OnLoad event. The problem with this is it only shows the final results instead of the results real-time. Is there anyway to do this without creating a seperate thread and delegates?

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Post A Simple Code Using VB That Start Building Simple Games?

Jun 10, 2011

Is there anyone can post a simple code using vb,that start building a simple games ?

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Make A Simple Browser With Some Simple Addon's?

Dec 9, 2011

Trying to make a simple browser with some simple addon's. What Ive done is setup a menu(forum) for the user to enter their email providers web address and it will save it in a xml file. When they click on the email link, it should load the email xml iformation and place that info in the tb_html.text and navigate. I keep getting a null exception and im not sure what going on here. Here is the code:

Private Sub btn_Email_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_Email.Click
'Load Action
Dim SavedEmailObj As Storage


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Null Check Always Returns Null, If Removed Returns Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Jun 24, 2010

I have some code which gets child items for a menu via the GetChildren function which takes a list of menuData: Dim builtMenu As New List(Of MenuData)(_rawData.FindAll(Function(item) item.GroupingID = 0))

For Each menuData As MenuData In builtMenu
If menuData.Children IsNot Nothing Then
End If

If I check if menudata.children isnot nothing, it always is nothing because the GetChildren function is yet to run (providing the child items, which do exist). If I remove this check and just have this code:

Dim builtMenu As New List(Of MenuData)(_rawData.FindAll(Function(item) item.GroupingID = 0))

For Each menuData As MenuData In builtMenu

Then I am presented with a Object reference not set to an instance of an object error on menuData.Children.AddRange(GetChildren(menuData))

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Program - Results For The Quit Command Input Of -999 But Rather Just To Quit Without The Results?

Jul 22, 2009

How can I make this program not to give me the results for the quit command input of -999 but rather just to quit without the results?

Sub Main()

Dim TempIncelsius As Double
Dim TempInput As Double
Dim Formula As Double


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.Net Using RSA Encryption?

Mar 25, 2012

is there anyway that I can convert this to use RSA encryption?

Imports System.Text
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.IO
Public Class ClsEncryption


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Encryption App Using Xor .net?

Jan 28, 2011

I have been trying to create an app that will do xor encryption. I have tried a few different functions but none of them seem to give me what I want. I need it to put the coded text into a 7 bit ascii string. For example if the key was a - 1100001 and the text to be encrypted was s - 1110011 then it would return 0010010 as the encryption. One of the pieces of code I tried to use

Public Function XOREncryption(ByVal CodeKey As String, ByVal DataIn As String) As String
Dim lonDataPtr As Long
Dim strDataOut As String
Dim temp As Integer


This returns a hex digit though which will not work for what I want.

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IDE :: Dll Encryption?

Sep 3, 2009

have made a library for my project by combining 3 libraries (using ilmerge).

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Raw RSA Encryption With VB

Nov 15, 2011

I am attempting to create a program that can do raw RSA encryption (performing the encryption without using 'Encrypt' and 'Decrypt') of a user's message that can contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and [,.;:'"()]. I've attached a screen shot of the application form.

Basically, the user will pick from a list of prime numbers from the first box and input them into p and q. They will type their message in the designated textbox and then hit <encrypt> which will encrypt using p and q and then show the encrypted message below. I'll leave out the Key box since that deals with the math behind the encryption.

The part I am stuck on right now is assigning a number to each one of the characters so that it can be encrypted. These numbers need to remain the same so that the message can be decrypted as well.

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.xml Encryption For Protection?

Nov 23, 2010

i have this .xml file read and display at runtime by vb.net2003. the .xml file is the database which contain various data and its not for adding more data or edited by user so i need to protect the file so that my code can read and display those data. can anyone know how to protect the file.

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AES Encryption / Decryption

Feb 1, 2012

Here is some code that works well for strings:


modifying these functions to encrypt/decrypt byte arrays rather than strings. Also, to have the functions return the encrypted/decrypted byte array, rather than a string.

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Barclays Encryption (VB To C#)?

Oct 12, 2011

I am trying to implement the encryption script from Barclays payment gateway, however it's in VB and the rest of our site is in c#.

The script is

Public Class Example
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
#Region " Web Form Designer Generated Code "


How am I able to either run this VB in my C# aspx page? Or do I need to convert it to use c#?? In my aspx page, I have the first line

<%@ Page Language="C#" ContentType="text/html" ResponseEncoding="utf-8" CodeBehind="encryption.cs" %>

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Encryption Of Txt Files

Jun 2, 2009

my program takes a txt file and encrypts it successfully but it returns the wrong thing when decryting.[code]

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Getting AES-Encryption Work In .NET?

Sep 23, 2010

I have a problem with an encryption made in AdobeFlex and which I need to translate to VB.NET.The core is a AES Encryption, but I tried several ways and code and the encrypted strings weren't the same The original Flex Sourcecode is:

private function encryptAES(arg1:String, arg2:String, arg3:String="aes128-cfb8", arg4:String="None"):String
var loc1:*=com.hurlant.util.Hex.toArray(com.hurlant.util.Hex.fromString(arg2));


My question is how to get the code work in VB.NET

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