Sorting Dates In A Text File

May 10, 2011

how would it be possible to sort a text file?i have a file named "Alarms.txt" and I am using a streamwriter to save the date and time of the alarm into the file.What I want to do is everytime I insert a date and time, the text file sorts itself this is what the data inside the text file looks like (unsorted)

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Icomparer And Sorting By File Dates?

Feb 18, 2010

I'm using Visual Studio .Net 2008 on Vista. The goal of my program is to watch a directory, get file information, then sort them by thier date, and produce a updated text file. I can't seem to get my code to generate a list of files sorted by date. The code does produce a general list of files, however presently ordered in the directory. I also tried an alternate way of sorting the files by date by creating a string, removing the date using substring, then comparing the file dates using datetime.parse but it produces a exception error. My first method using the structure follows:


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VS 2010 Sorting Datagridview By Dates Returned In Column?

Feb 3, 2012

I am using vb.net2010.

I am currently writing a bit of software for myself and need guidance.

I have a datagridview on a form with a date column. (column0)

I am trying to sort this by date desending but it will only sort by the day (dd) and not the whole date (dd/mm/yyyy) which leaves the months unsorted.

(example of output):
#1 - 01/03/2012
#2 - 02/01/2010
#3 - 03/02/2011


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Dll File For Comparing Two Text Box Dates?

Feb 25, 2010

iwant to create an dll file for comparing two text box dates,, since in my project comparing dates is very necessry for every form,,so iwant to create an dll file,, here iam created an dll file but it was not working, here iam working with with here my code os given below,

Imports System
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Namespace datecompare


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Reading Bunch Of Text File With Different Dates

Jul 31, 2009

Trying see why this isnt working. I am need to read a bunch of text file with different dates on the end sample is "impactstats_D_0731.txt

Dim oWrite As StreamWriter
Dim line As String
Dim spath As String
Dim readFile As System.IO.TextReader = New _
StreamReader("C:\Documents and Settings\Stats_Report\impactstats_D_*.txt")
line = readFile.ReadToEnd

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Sorting A Text File In VB 2008?

May 4, 2009

Ok so I know that you can sort by using a bunch of different sorting algorithms but I just am not sure how to start this off. I have written this code and just want to know if you can even sort this.

The program takes the users information in from text boxes from another part of the program and writes the information into a text file. So when the user clicks on this button it will display all the people that have entered in their names. I want to sort their last names alphabetticaly.

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnListCustomers.Click


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Sorting After Reading Text File?

Jul 1, 2009

I would like to sort out the repeating lines after reading the text file.

For example i would like to sort:

LIBRARY [2009/6/15 15:02:14, 2009/6/15 15:02:14] temp.gds
UNITS 0.001 1e-009


How do i continue from here to sort the textfile to get what i want?

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Sorting Text File By Column?

Dec 9, 2011

how to sort .txt file by first column and the second column the first row is the header



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Sorting Values In A Text File?

Jun 6, 2012

I know similiar question have been asked but they are a little different so here I go. Basically I have a game in which the user enters their name and they get a score. This name and score then get recorded when they end the game as follows:

Dim userdataSW As New StreamWriter("E:GameScores.txt", True)
strline = frmVictory.TempPlayerName & "," & frmVictory.TempPlayerScore

What I then need to do is sort these values in the text file from largest to smallest (based on the number not the name but I still want the name to be assosiated with that score) so I can have the top 10 scores appear in a hall of fame type thing.

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Bank App - Sorting Info In Text File

Mar 4, 2010

I am doing an assignment for my intermediate programming class. It is due tonight at 730. Anyways, I am almost finished, but I have run into a snag. I have this "bank application" and we are storing the info in a text file. However, whenever there is a deposit or withdrawal, the "accounts.txt" file is to be updated. All of the new account info is being written to a "Temp.txt" file and eventually will be renamed to the new "Accounts.txt" file. The problem I'm having is that it isn't writing non-updated account info to the temp file and I don't know how to make it do that while keeping the accounts in order and not rewriting the same account info more than once.

Here is the code for the entire project so far:
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnProcess_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnProcess.Click
[Code] .....

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Sorting And Summarizing Text File Data

Apr 15, 2009

I have been trying to create an application that will read in the contents of a text file, sort the contents, add together any similar Client-Matter codes (based on the first two field values) and then create a new text file with the summarized results. [code]The first two fields can be treated as one field for sorting purposes. The two 403049,000017 lines would add together the last field, and use the most recent date in the newly created file.For some reason, I can not get the new file with the results created. I added messageboxes throughout the code to see where I am going wrong - they tell me where the program is going. They seem to point to me that everything is working but still, no export file.[code]

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Sorting Data From .text File In Listview?

Mar 9, 2012

I'm using Visual Basic Express 2008 and I need to upload and sort two data text files (notepad) in a listview box. It doesn't have to be a listview box I chose that because it has nice options for columns. Anyway I've got the code set up to open the dialog box and allow the upload of multiple files. I've also got it set up to show separate columns, movie titles and box office amounts, titles in one file box office amount in the other. What I nee sorting the data once it's uploaded so the movie titles show in one column and the box office amounts show in another. Currently everything is showing in the left most column. I'd like to be able to represent the data seperately also so I can format the dollar amounts into currency. Here's what I've got so far:

Private Sub LoadButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LoadButton.Click
Dim DialogBoxResults As System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog


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Sorting Text File Based On Column?

Oct 5, 2009

I have lines like this

1.0 30 Blue (2 15.50 27.0) [2 15.48 24.1] 96111 19775 100493 19608
1.0 30 Blue (2 16.00 25.0) [2 15.26 23.7] 99111 23275 101123 18112
1.0 30 Blue (2 15.12 22.0) [2 14.97 17.9] 103611 17087 109706 16065
1.0 30 Blue (2 15.50 21.0) [2 15.15 21.4] 105111 19775 104509 17325
1.0 30 Blue (2 15.00 23.0) [2 15.23 17.9] 102111 16275 109706 17876

I want to sort the column that i higlighted in accending order.This is my code so far:

Dim FileContents() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines(wirebot50)
For Y As Integer = 0 To FileContents.GetUpperBound(0)
If Not FileContents(Y).Trim = "" Then


But this does not sorting anything. What is the wrong in the above code. And if i want to sort in decending order how to modify the code?

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Sorting Text File - Output Should Write 560001002001 At First

Jul 28, 2011

I've this txt file (almost 60 MiB)


Every line starts with 56000 then the first key, the the second key and the rest of the line. I tried to use SORT, that's included with Windows. It does a pretty nice job, but i need to have my own function in case SORT is not available. The output should write 560001002001 at first.

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Sorting Text File Line According To Colour Column?

Oct 13, 2009

I have line like this in text file

( Pin ) [ Probe ] Length = in.
| From | To | From | To
Length|Ga|Color |(b r c )|(b r c )| X Y | X Y


i want to sort the above column inorder that, all the line contain Twst will come first then blue, red and finaly black. This is my code so far

Sub coloursort()
Dim lines() As String = File.ReadAllLines(TextBox1.Text)
For Y As Integer = 0 To lines.GetUpperBound(0)


But the above code replace the line with 1,2,3,4 or 5. According to select case statement. How to modify the above code so that it sort the lines?

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Reading A Simple Text File, Splitting And Sorting The Contents Using Vb

Oct 27, 2011

I have managed to access and read a specific file line by line. If I wanted to split information by a comma or space and then sort alphabetically or numerically, how would I go about this procedure? Would I create a loop within the reading loop to parse the information?

Dim file As String = "C:Users est.txt"
Dim Line As String
If System.IO.File.Exists(file) = True Then


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Sorting "dd-mm-yyyy" Dates From A Listbox Item With Other Information?

Apr 22, 2011

With this code provided by a contributor from this forum ive been able to sort listbox items acording to date from older date to newer date, heres the

Dim dates() As Date = Array.ConvertAll(ListBox2.Items.Cast(Of String).ToArray, Function(s) Date.ParseExact(s, "dd-MM-yyyy", Nothing))


How could i use that code to work these out based on only partial checking, what i mean with this is, to sort only by the first date or, to sort by the second date, i rather have it sorted by the first date before the arrow because that is the alarm, the after the arrow date is just the event date information.

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VS 2008 File Handling - Create A '.txt' File And Then Fill In The Dates And Times When The Program Is Opened

Oct 25, 2009

I want my program to be able to create a '.txt' file when it is run for the first time, with the date and time the program was accessed, and to be able to add new 'logs' of program history every time it is accessed. What i mean is that i want my program to be able to create a '.txt' file, and then fill in the dates and times when the program is opened.

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Get All Dates From A String/piece Of Text?

Feb 28, 2010

I'm stuck on an issue I think is actually pretty simple but I just can't get it sorted.

I have a string containing (a lot of) text, and in that text there are dates. Like 2/28/2010 or 11/12/2007 or whatever.There are multiple dates in that text.

How do I get the dates from that piece of text into another string so I can put the dates into textboxes?

I'm using VB.NET in Visual Studio 2010 RC,

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Reading And Sorting Text From A .txt?

Jul 28, 2011

Okay so I am very new to visual basic I am currently using VB 2010 I know that this is not the correct forum but I figured it was the closest to it since there is no VB 2010.Anyways I am making a program for my Dad's company that can keep track of inventory so I need to store the info in a .txt and load it up etc. I currently am using a stream writer to write to the text and I got that down pat I am just having troubles loading it back up and putting the info in specific text boxes aka sorting or parsing? the information. I have looked at several tutorials and the problem is that I just simply don't know what I am looking at I've been tinkering with it for a couple hours now with no luck so I hope you guys could help me out .

Here is my current code. It is kind of useless because I have tried so many methods I thought maybe I could use a ReadAll function have it go to a string and parse from there hoping it would have been easier but it has not worked out for me so far.


^This above is just the output in test.txt and what will eventually need to get sorted into respective text/list boxes .

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Sql - Sorting In Text And Number Column?

May 22, 2012

I have a text and numeric data in a column of excel. data is 1,2,3,A,B,C,D,10,11,12. I want to do sort these by SQL. and i want get data in below order 1,2,3,10,11,12,A,B,C,D.

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VS 2008 Item Sorting Text Box

Jun 4, 2010

I have two rich text box, and a button. I want it so that, if I click on the button, everything on first text box, would be on 2nd text box. BUT, if there's a similar line. It would only show one line, except it would have "x#" where # is the amount of times it's duplicated.



Would be:

Dinosaurs x2

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VS 2008 How To Print All Dates Between These Two Dates In One Listbox

Feb 20, 2010

I have two dates. [code] How to print all dates between these two dates in one listbox, for example: [code]

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Sorting Using Combo Box Text Box & Data Grid

Feb 15, 2011

This is the Kind of sorting I want to select different fields and click the button search to display info in the data grid.Also is not a must that i must fill all field to sort...i might choose 2 or 3 field and do my sorting by clicking the search button. The combo box contains all the fields in my database. (E.g My Screen shot display how it look like)Below is my snap shot of my page i uploaded.Please comment any CODE provided along with the combo box and text box and the search field.

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Text Sorting Listbox And Unbound Datagridview?

Mar 11, 2012

I am trying to sort text (File name and path), by having a listbox with just file name and and a datagridview with two columns filename and path.

The listbox sorts it differently from the datagridview. Mainly this is where there is a ' ie listbox puts "you're" before "you are" where the datagridview puts "you are" before "you're".

I thought I would just sort using datagridview and then read from datagrid and add to a non sorting listbox, but this did not work although the datagridview shows sorted, when you go through and a loop, reading each row to add to listbox they end up the same order they where originally put into the datagridview befrore sorting.

What I want is a sorted list of file names only, which will be obtained from several folders and then when clicked with be able to extract the complete path and filename.

I have code with a listbox and datagridview which works ok if I remove any files with ' in them.

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VS 2010 Sort The Values Of A Listbox With Dates And Concatenated Text?

Apr 2, 2011

I need to sort the values of my listbox to have the latest date on top plus some text. here is the code I'm using:


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Finding And Sorting Text - Variable Stops Updating?

Jun 22, 2012

I have a program that sorts through data and exports to excel. This works fine on a small file but when using a bigger one it runs down then repeats the same line around 1k times then moves on to wrap it up.

Dim lineindex As Integer
Dim first As Integer
Dim currentlinetext As String


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Number Sorting, Lowest To Highest, With Text In Front?

Nov 14, 2009

I'd like to know how to sort an array that has entries with numbers after text.

I have a list of four entries:

Book 1
Book 2
Book 11
Book 12

Using Array.Sort(aBooks) returns

Book 1
Book 11
Book 12
Book 2

Is there a way to have it sort lowest to highest like 1 2 11 12 instead of 1 11 12 2?

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File Sorting Using VB?

Jan 23, 2012

how to sort the files in the directory ?i'll have more than 500 no of files in the below format.

XXX = symbol of the product and the length may varies between 3-6.
<TimeStamp> = date and time

Multiple files for the same XXX are possible with different time stamps.Here are some examples:



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Sorting A CSV File From Within An App

Mar 25, 2009

I have a VB.Net 2005 application in which I access a SQL Server DB to pull data into a Dataset. Within my app, this dataset is read sequentially. Then, a cross reference file is read against the dataset record. If there is a match (based on 2 fields from the dataset record), a field value from the cross reference file is used to replace a certain value in the dataset record. Once a dataset record has been read and is written to a new CSV file. This CSV file contains 5 columns.

I've been requested to now sort this new CSV file using 3 of the 5 columns as the "Sort Key". What would be the fastest way to do this?

I know one way would be to create a new dataset and insert the finished record into this new dataset in the order of the 3 fields (which I'm not sure how to setup).

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