Splitting System.IO.File.ReadAllLines Data

May 17, 2010

In this readalllines part because my data is saved differently now it used to be like this


But now i saved it in a single and more understandable line like this


And i have afew ideas like using the split function and stuff to read the months but can i use the "|" and "," in the line at the same time? the first 3 section of the line is for user to know the year, month and day of the starting date of the chinese lunar year. and the following 1,30 is the first month with 30days.


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File.readalllines - Program To Handle Only A Medium Chunk Of Data At A Time?

Feb 27, 2012

Say I have a 5 GB file. I want to split it in the following way.

First 100 MB is on the file

The rest go some reserve file

I do not want to use readalllines kind of function because it's too slow for large files.

I do not want to read the whole file to the memory. I want the program to handle only a medium chunk of data at a time.

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Convert One File Into Ten By Splitting Data?

Jul 27, 2010

I have a file that has > 10 rows. I want to create 9 files that each contains equal number or rows, with the 10th file containing that equal number plus any left over.[code]...

How can I take oDataList and parse it into 10 files without having to loop through each file and oDataList to write line by line?

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Splitting Data Read From A Text File?

Jan 10, 2012

I am exporting a directory list from a FTP directory to a text file, I would like any suggestions how best to read and split the information detailed on each row in the text file as information isn't Tab Delimited (which i have code for if it was) and the number of spaces between each attribute is different. Below is a snippet of the text file, the main two I require is the File Size and the Filename.

-rw-rw-r-- 1 user_mb www 80520 Jan 10 12:16 GIFT20-000.jpg
-rw-rw-r-- 1 system www 81119 Jan 10 12:16 GIFT25-000.jpg
-rw-rw-r-- 1 system www 80852 Jan 10 12:16 GIFT50-000.jpg

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How To Use EOF With IO.File.ReadAllLines

Oct 28, 2009

I am using "For Each S As String In IO.File.ReadAllLines(filetoUse)" to read a file. how acn use EOF with IO.File?

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VS 2008 File.ReadAllLines?

Aug 21, 2009

Im trying to use File.ReadAllLines to read a DLL that has plain text. (the DLL is basically a text file)

Dim NewFile As New StreamWriter(Application.StartupPath & "NewFile.DLL")
File.ReadAllLines(Application.StartupPath & "NewFile.DLL")
I get 1 error, and I have a few questions


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IO.File.ReadAllLines ANSI Characters (ASCII > 127)?

Feb 14, 2012

I'm using IO.File.ReadAllLines(FileName) to read all lines from text file to array of strings at once. Problem is, text lines include ANSI characters above ASCII value 127 (Scandinavian letters e.g. " (Ascii 196), (Ascii 246) and (Ascii 233). Array is build up nicely, but all chars above ascii value 127 are not shown right. How can I use ANSI character set with .ReadAllLines to correct this problem? In VB6 with "Open Filename For Input As #1 / Line Input #1, txtLine" there wasn't any problem. OBS: This is already solved, found the answer by myself:

Dim myEncoding As Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(1252) ' Windows-1252
Dim strLibrary As String() = IO.File.ReadAllLines(FileName, myEncoding)
Problem was to find right character set, which was Windows-1251 (ISO-8859-1)


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Random Word From File (IO.File.ReadAllLines)

Feb 23, 2011

Returns whole lines, the odd occasion a word. any thing obvious wrong?

Private _word As String()
Private _i As New Random
Private Sub btnGetNewhangManWord_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _


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VS 2008 Use File.ReadAllLines To Read A DLL That Has Plain Text

Oct 18, 2009

Im trying to use File.ReadAllLines to read a DLL that has plain text. (the DLL is basically a text file) [code] The process cannot access the file '****DebugNewFile.DLL' because it is being used by another process.How do I use readalllines to find text? How do I use readalllines to only search a part of the text file?

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IO.File.ReadAllLines - Text Lines Include ANSI Characters

Feb 15, 2012

I'm using IO.File.ReadAllLines(FileName) to read all lines from text file to array of strings at once. Problem is, text lines include ANSI characters above ASCII value 127 (Scandinavian letters e.g. "Ä" (Ascii 196), "ö" (Ascii 246) and "é" (Ascii 233). Array is build up nicely, but all chars above ascii value 127 are not shown right. How can I use ANSI character set with .ReadAllLines to correct this problem? In VB6 with "Open Filename For Input As #1 / Line Input #1, txtLine" there wasn't any problem.

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Use ReadAllLines Method To Read A File And Print A Line Containing A Particular String?

Jun 29, 2010

I have a text file (CSV) approx 100k lines (8Mb). I want to search the entire file for a particular string eg, "apple" and for all lines containing the string to be printed in a text box. have successfully done this using streamReader to parse the CSV and check each element against the search word eg. apple. This has proven to be very very slow and I have read that the "ReadAllLines" method is much faster.

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Max File Size For File.ReadAllLines?

Mar 31, 2010

I need to read and process a text file. My processing would be easier if I could use the File.ReadAllLines method but I'm not sure what is the maximum size of the file that could be read with this method without reading by chunks. I understand that the file size depends on the computer memory. But are still there any recommendations for an average machine?

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Splitting Text Strings - Take Data Input From A Textbox

Jan 19, 2012

i need to take data input from a textbox such as this


i also need the times ignored, I know there is a way and probally a word for it, but im still new to vb.

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VS 2010 : Error - A First Chance Exception Of Type 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException' Occurred In System.Data.dll

Sep 2, 2011

I've spent a substantial amount of time trying to figure this out, but I keep getting the same error

A first chance exception of type 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException' occurred in System.Data.dll
A first chance exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in project1.exe

This happens when I try to use the DataReader.my code is

Public Function Identification() As List(Of Integer)
Dim returnIndex As New List(Of Integer)
Dim dbCount As String = "SELECT Bookingid FROM bookdetail WHERE Date =" & getCurrentTimeString() & " 12:00:00 a.m."
Dim count As Integer = 0


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Splitting File Names?

Mar 16, 2011

I do have this Textbox1 which contains the file name.Now in Textbox2 I want only a certain part of the file name to appear.

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A First Chance Exception Of Type 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException' Occurred In System.Data.dll

Sep 4, 2011

i need to clear this error

A first chance exception of type 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException' occurred in System.Data.dll

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A First Chance Exception Of Type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' Occurred In System.Data.dll

Jan 22, 2009

I am just trying to get the system to open a database and I get this error:

A first chance exception of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' occurred in System.Data.dll

here's the entire code of the main form
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient


the error is generated at the open method note* this same code works fine in another computer, the main difference is that this one has a 64 bit OS.

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Error:'System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection' Cannot Be Converted To 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection'

Jan 26, 2009

i am trying to connect to an MS Access database and I am getting an erro message on the following line of

searchtable_command = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(searchtable_string, testsearch_connection)
Error:'System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection' cannot be converted to 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection'.

Here my connection string:

Dim testsearch_connection As New Odbc.OdbcConnection("Provider=MSDASQL;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=C:CesarAccessdatabase.mdb;Uid=admin;Pwd=;")

What am I missing?

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Splitting And Trimming Text File?

Mar 16, 2011

splitting and trimming text file

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Splitting Delimited Text File?

Jul 20, 2011

I've got a problem reading in a Tab-Delimited text file. There's an extra tab in one of the fields its reading it thats not a delimiter, and it's throwing off me reading the file into a table. This specific file does have quotations around that field though.

What would be the best way to take that tab out before splitting the row by vbTab?

Im reading each line in the text field like this, splitting on vbTab. X is a string array

text = x(J).Split(vbTab)

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Splitting File And Adding To A New List?

Mar 22, 2011

Im trying to load data from a file into three parallel lists, each piece of data is a different data type. Using a split at the "comma", im having trouble trying to load each piece of data in each list. These parallel lists can be like this:


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VS 2005 Splitting An Excel File

May 3, 2011

I have an excel file which I attached for ref. My intention is to copy the rows which start with the string "sarah" in column A & paste them to a new excel file, save it; copy the rows which start with the string "mike" in column A & paste them to a new excel file, save it.

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Fast Copying By Splitting File Into Several Parts?

Dec 31, 2010

Is it possible to split a file into like 10 parts, and using multithreading copy it faster and then put it all back together? Will the speed increase or will it stay the same?

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Putting Up Conditionals For Splitting A Text File?

Apr 27, 2009

I have I text tab delimited file. in every line of that file at the same position in every row of the file I will have a bit that I would want to compare against 23 values (I will call them criteria). So if on every row the string I need matches one of tjhese values then that row will be written in File1.Txt if that value doesn`t match any of the criteria the whole row will be sent to File2.txt.

So far managed to get the original file written in the same format in a newly created file.

how to get the functionality I described working but am stuck with correct syntax.

Here is what I have so far:

Dim fs As New FileStream("C:Original.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
RichTextBox1.Text = ""
Dim d As New StreamReader(fs)


Now I will need to declare every single row in RichTextBox1 as String then will have to get the bit I need will have to declare that as well(I will need from every row the string taht is between characters 96 and 104), also where do I keep the 23 criteraia values.

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Splitting A CSV File Line Array Using Regex

Jan 5, 2011

I used to do a bit of coding in early versions of VB years ago but moved on to things like RPG400, CL and SQL on an AS/400 box. As I am no longer in this career, I havent touched an AS/400 for a while either.

I am currently working on a visual basic console application in Visual Studio 2005 which takes various csv files from an osCommerce web shop, processes them and writes the data to TAS Books accounts software with the aid of the Infoplex COM module.

I have 2 functions, one reads each line of a csv file into an array, and the second function uses Regex to split the lines array into the various fields before they are added to a structure.

There are something like 5000 records (lines) in the csv file, one example is as follows;


My problem is that due to the formatting of the product description in the example csv line above, it fails the Regex match and therefore fails to read.

I know this is because my pattern is wrong, but I'm not sure how to solve it, I think all I really need is for Regex to split the line by the "," between each element, this might be a little difficult because some of the descriptions contain both , and " but never one after the other.

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Splitting/parsing The Csv File So That It Will Display With No Comma's

Feb 4, 2011

So, for my computing project I have to import csv files (got that bit working, got it opening up and displaying in a text box) and search through it to find criteria that I want.

Anyways, I am having trouble splitting/parsing the csv file so that it will display with no comma's (in a kind of tabbed form) e.g. at the moment it displays as


But I want it to display it like


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Thread Performance Text File Splitting

Oct 14, 2009

Thread Performance text file splitting

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VS 2010 Splitting And Trimming Text File?

Apr 15, 2009

I have a large tab delimited text file to process each day (usually around 25 mb) consisting of usually well over 100,000 lines. The file is actually made up of about 9 or 10 reports separated by "END OF REPORT". I'm wanting to write each individual report to it's own text file. Some values may have trailing spaces or even contain nothing but spaces, so I am wanting to trim those to only the data, or be left with null. Ultimately each report will be imported into sql server tables. The code I have below runs successfully to completionwithout error although each text file is empty. The script is also extremely slow and seems to use quite a bit of memory. The arguments are ad

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Splitting A Text File And Placing Lines In Comboboxes?

Oct 20, 2011

Im trying to read a text file line by line and place each line in a separate Combobox. right now with my code i can only get it to print lines in separate message boxes.

The text file (test2.txt) contains


if i replace the MsgBox code with Combobox1.text = (strArr(count)) i get nothing.

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Splitting Delimited Text File Into Array And Variables

Nov 16, 2009

I have a delimited text file, let's call it models.txt and it's delimited by a comma with carriage returns.


I'm trying to input this into an array and then a combo box using:

dim item as integer
dim array() as string
dim ifile as integer


What I want to do is to display the right part of the delimited text (Z920081, Z920082, etc) in the combo box. But when you select the item in the combo box, I want it to use the left part of the delimited text (21, 22, 59, 120, etc) as a variable for other use.

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