Stop An Array Value From Changing When A Random Output Is Generated Using VB 2008?

Nov 28, 2009

I am generating an array of random numbers for for a class project (simple yahtzee game)I am comparing the output of the array and displaying a picture of each matching dice in a picture box.I would like to use check boxes to select a position of the array so it cannot be changed until the check boxes are clearedWhen the check box is checked, the value of the position in the array should not change.

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Largest Number In Random Generated Array?

Nov 2, 2009

For my assignment I have to tell the largest and smallest number in a label, and the numbers are generated randomly in this code:

Dim intNumbers(14) As String
Dim intCounter As Integer
Private Sub btnGenerate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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VS 2008 Random Number Generated Is The Same Almost Everytime?

Jul 26, 2010

I've got a global random type variable, let's call it rRandom.In my code, I generate a random number like below:

Dim iRandom As Integer = rRandom.Next(0, x)

9 out of 10 times iRandom is 0, the other time it was 1. The code isn't on a timer, it happens when I do something (say clicking a button), so the frequency of the code being called is about 2-3 seconds, I say this because I've had similar issues when generating random numbers really fast in a timer, or with a for loop IIRC.X is a variable that, presently, starts at 3, and will decrease until 0, in which it'll return back to 3. Obviously, if X is 0, iRandom will be 0, but it shouldn't be 0 all the time.I'm declaring the variable globally because I remember, again, having similar issues using local variables, idk whether I should be or not.

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VS 2008 Random Number Generator - Store Generated Numbers?

Nov 23, 2010

Right so my generator is working, but I now want to take the numbers that it generates and add them to a list of generated numbers. So you can monitor what numbers have been generated. then ideally a way to exclude these numbers from being generated again.


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Converting A User Generated List Box To An Array And Then Generating A User Defined Number Of Random Strings And Placing It In A Textbox?

Apr 28, 2007

I'm converting a user generated list box to an array and then generating a user defined number of random strings and placing it in a textbox.The code I have works fine as it will generate the number of random strings the user wants, except sometimes a line is blank at the top of the list but is counted as a string.

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VS 2008 Variable Changing - How To Stop It

Feb 18, 2010

The following procedures sorts a listview column based on what the tag is, 'Numeric', 'String' or 'Date'. When you click on the column header the sort procedure kicks in. On the first click it will sort ascending and on the second click it will sort descending.

My problem is that when I click a second time it won't sort descending but re-sorts ascending again.It appears when the sortorder is passed to the ListViewColumnSorter.vb classes it changes back to ascending even though it's called as descending. I've bolded the offending variables using a Numeric search.Now here's the really iritaing thing, I have exactly the same code in another application and it works perfectly?

Private Sub lvwResults_ColumnClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ColumnClickEventArgs) Handles lvwResults.ColumnClick
SortMyListView(Me.lvwResults, e.Column, , True)


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Add These Lines To The Output Generated?

Feb 17, 2011

Below is the code by which i should get the attached image, as shown in the attachment.Take a new form and name it as FormLemonbore and on this form add a picture box and name it as PctBrgSpecif Add the below lines of code in to the form


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.net - Redirecting Standard Output When Generated?

Dec 18, 2010

I am trying to redirect the output of a c program which generates output in the console. I can redirect the output once the process exits. But is there the way to redirect the output as and when there is some output in the shell window? I require this to make it understandable that the program is running and since different steps of the c code may take, say 10-15 minutes to run.

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IDE Output Path For Generated Executable

Jun 24, 2011

I am trying to update an application that was developed a couple of months ago on VB of Visual Studio 2005. The "Build output path:" for the project is pointing to a folder in which I collected a few executables related to my activity, BinDir/. It is just next to the project's folder ProjName/ on my disk. Contrary to the past, when I build my project now, the .exe is created in the ProjName/obj/Debug folder, instead of being directed to the BinDir/Debug folder. In the IDE's Output tab (while building), the path of the generated executable appears correctly, but in reality it is located somewhere else. I tried again and now it seems like the executable is created in both places. The obj/ version is just redundant now.

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Duplicate Random Generated Numbers?

Mar 7, 2012

I have a code that generates random code using a set of letters. One for a random pin and another for a random code. I can loop the generation of my codes depending on the input. When I try to generate 1 to 3 set of codes it works fine. but if it's 4 and above. I always get a duplicate set of random numbers. I don't what wrong. My code for generating my codes are in and be passed to a stored procedure for inventory.

Button event:
Protected Sub genCodeBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles genCodeBtn.Click
connection = accDB.databaseConnect()


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Random Number Generated Between 0-10 - Cant Get To Loop

Feb 21, 2010

I am using some arrays that are pre-filled and I am having a random number generated between 0-10. That random number will then go in to all 5 arrays and pull the item from that location. I think try to take the sentence that is generated into another string. Once that is complete I then go through the final array to pull all the sentences and concatenate them together.

Currently I've only been able to get 1 sentence to print out of 5...a fresh pair of eyes would prob see where I am going wrong...I've been at this for awhile and wouldn't mind some advice to where I am going wrong.

Public Class MainForm

Private Sub MainForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

End Sub


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Same Random Number Generated When Run In Test Fixture Setup?

Feb 26, 2009

I am trying to generate a random number during testing using NUnit, but it keeps generating the same number. I am using the following function for this purpose.

dim dCount As Integer = Math.Floor((High - Low + 1) * Rnd() + Low)
dim divName As String = "abc" & dCount

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Create A List Box Of 25 Randomly Generated 0s Or 1s - When Put The Loop In, It Only Repeats The Same Random Number?

Mar 25, 2012

Beginning VB 2010, had a project that requires us to create a list box of 25 randomly generated 0s or 1s. Problem is when I put the loop in, it only repeats the same random number, not different one each loop. What am I doing wrong?This is the code I have so far...Code in Question:

'Declare new random object
Dim RandomGenerator As New Random
intRandomNumber = RandomGenerator.Next(0, 2)[code]......

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VS 2008 - Use Regex Or An Array To Display Some Output From An Arithmetic Input?

Sep 19, 2009

I've to make a program that reads an arithmetical sentence from a textbox, e.g 12.3*34+4*5-3 and then on another textbox identify and display what is the content of the first textbox, for example taking the last ex:

If I have this input:


The output should look like this:

<operator> *
<number> 34
<operator> +


This program should only read this operators like (+,-,*,/).I'm have in mind 2 ways of doing it, one with regex and the other taking the first sentence, put it on an array, then trim it, and somehow get the values of the array and identify if it is a number or a decimal number and if it's an operator and then display it.

The difficult part or the part that i can't conceptualize is how to implement it with regex (it should be easier with a regex format than storing it on a array).I write a bit of code, I used an array to store and then to print the numbers and I used the split function to separate the math operator, but I dunno how to print the operators and the tags.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim Sentencia As String = TextBox1.Text Dim i As Integer Dim arryTextBox() As String TextBox2.Clear() arryTextBox = Sentencia.Split("+", "-", "*", "/") For i = 0 To UBound(arryTextBox) Dim Array As String = arryTextBox(i)


Btw, I also have the code to validate the input on the textbox ::wink::

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Stop Duplication In Random Numbers?

Jan 29, 2009

I'm trying to create a 'lottery machine', I've included the code i've been using below. I've got 7text boxes, ad numbers are between 1-49. I need to stop the duplication and to sort them in ascending order (1-49), i've tired a bubble sort but that hasn't worked, and a 'if, while' process, but i think it might be wrong! I know its a little pushy but i could do with this being sorted before 3pm friday 29 january 2009! I would be so greatful if anyone can even point me in the right direction as i am new to visual basic.


My code:

Public Class Form1
'version 27/01/2009
Dim Timer2Count As Integer


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Stop Timer At A Random Time?

Dec 12, 2011

I'm working on a reaction time program where I'll be testing... well, reaction time of a user. For this program I'll need a timer to stop at a random time interval, say somewhere between 3 and 10 seconds. Anyone know of a technique to do this. I've done some research and it seems there are a bunch of different ways of generating a random number just not sure how to assign that number to a timer.

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Stop The Changing Of Colours When Disable A Control

Jun 17, 2011

is there an easy way to stop the changing of colours when you disable a control. i want the controls to look normal just not do anything if you try to use them would have thought there is a global setting or something??

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VS 2010 Stop Changing Cursor In Process?

Apr 9, 2011

I created 3 web browsers (the web browsers is not visible) thet refresh themselves all 2 secondsbut now the cursor change to "AppString" and return to "default"now In every 2 seconds it happening again.

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How To Stop Output Of Code From Placing A Page Break After It Finds Selection

Jan 6, 2011

Can someone tell me how to stop the output of this code from placing a page break after it finds the selection.It's placing a blank page at the beginning and end of every printout.I suspect it has to do with the insert.break method, but cannot figure out what needs to be changed. [code]

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Stop Arrow Keys From Changing Selection In ListBox?

Oct 16, 2011

How can the Arrow keys be stoped from changing the selection in a ListBox? Hendri Bissolati

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Stop Users From Changing Date To Extend Trial?

Aug 8, 2011

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If My.Settings.registered = True Then


This is my code for a trial application. The code is pretty basic but what i couldn't figure out was how i would be able to prevent users from changing the date to extend the trial ("error" i would be getting).

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Why Does Changing Solution Platforms Stop Partial Classes From Being Seen

Nov 18, 2010

There is an older version of the software which works fine on all of our deployment platforms, but the version I am trying to push out is working fine on 32-bit desktop installations, but is crashing-and-burning when it attempts to access Crystal Reports and Informix installed DLLs on a 64-bit machine, running terminal server sessions (yeah, I know, could I change anything more about the deployment platform?)One of the suggested avenues of investigation was changing the solution platform from "Any CPU" to x86.On attempting to do this, Visual Studio seems to stop being able to connect the partial classes constructed by XAML objects, with objects declaring that they have no "InitializeComponent" methods, and then failing on down the line until I reach the maximum number of errors.

Oddly, changing the solution platform, and then rebuilding in Expression Blend compiles just fine. Changing the platform back to AnyCPU makes the problem disappear. All projects have compile and debug configurations set to Active. I can't see any reason why simply changing the targeted platform would stop the XAML from generating partial classes Okay, it seems to be that there are some external DLLs to the project, and that those are the cause of what I'd call the first-level compilation failure, as they don't seem to contain any classes once the target platform has switched.In VS2008, this causes the cascading failure of absolutely nothing working at all, as described above, but at one point I somehow managed to import the project to VS2010 with only those errors in place (missing classes, etc.), without the rest of the project imploding.I'm now working on reconstructing those classes from those DLLs, and hopefully will be able to get together a project that will compile on multiple target platforms by the end of the day.

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Create A Program That Produces Random Sentences As Output?

Nov 14, 2010

I'm trying to create a program that produces random sentences as output. With five arrays of strings, one each for nouns, adjectives, verbs, prepositions, and articles. Each array should hold several words for that part of speech. It's supposed to generate sentences by randomly choosing eight words (randomly generating eight array indices) from these arrays, always constructing sentences by using the parts of speech in the following order: article, adjective, noun, verb, preposition, article, adjective, noun.Also, theh code should be properly modularized so that the code to generate each part of speech is not repeated.

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Random Changing Of A Variable In A Class?

Aug 16, 2009

am running VB express (2008 edition). I have a class that holds 2 arrays (1 array represents the digits of the integer side of a number the other holds the decimal digits) I have overloaded all the operators to work with these numbers as if they were one. Each operator has the following format:


whats happening is that the sign of the b variable (and only the b variable) randomly changes. Almost allways at the statement bb=b (bb is in place so when I reach that point I know what the variable had before the calculation). I can watch it change as I step through the code (stepping over the operators) I can watch it change almost allways at the bb=b, but sometimes in other odd places (such as the d=a*yparam statement). I can change the values back to their original and step through the code(stepping into the operator this time) and it will not do it. It NEVER does it when stepping into the operator, only when I dont, and only sometimes. I have spent the last two days working on debugging this one problem, with every other variable in the function it works like it should and I am not sure what to look at next. I know it does you no good without seeing the code but didnt think pasting 8,000 lines of code would go over too well so I would be willing to send the source to anyone

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Random Number Changing Variable?

Apr 14, 2009

have code to generate a new random number as follows (which is 100% working and generating numbers between 0-9:

Dim randomNumber As Integer
Dim randomNumber1 As New Random


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VS 2010 Stop From Changing Focus And Form1 Load Events?

Sep 3, 2011

How do I autoscroll my richtextbox?

Form1_Load events;

How do I make it do this event occasionally? Like maybe every 5 launches, it does the event?

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Rapidly Changing Labels To Random Numbers

Feb 18, 2011

As a brief summary, I have an issue writing a program. A part of the program has a While loop that is supposed to change some labels to random numbers every iteration of the loop. But, instead of all that, the labels just turn blank until the end of the loop is achieved, and only then is the random number written.

While (o < 3000)
r1 = Rnd()
str1 = CStr(r1)
Label1.Text = str1
o = o + 1
End While

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Accomplish Is When The User Presses A Button, "moneyamount" Increases By A Random Number Generated?

Jul 4, 2009

the goal i want to accomplish is when the user presses a button, "moneyamount" increases by a random number generated. the problem i am having is that after the action is finished the script does not seem to save the new value and always starts at zero. here is the script:

Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles dojob1button.Click

Dim moneyamount As Integer = moneyamount + Int(Rnd() * 10)
moneylabel.Text = "$" & moneyamount
End Sub

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Place Dynamically Generated Objects In An Array (or Collection)?

Apr 11, 2011

I created a custom class for a custom object. I instantiate like so[code]...

Now, I have two problems. First, right now this is just overwriting the same object properties, again, and again. I need to somehow dynamically name the object. Then, I need to place these objects in an array so I can iterate through them...

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Repeating Strings Generated, Error In Array Input?

Apr 15, 2009

I have a program that continuously reads in hex values as part of an rfid reader. My question is: How would I write code that detects when this changes? i.e. I have a visual basic textbox that is continuously updated as so:


And it points to the name of my form. This occurs at the "newArray(p) = strangeCardNames" line of code. If anyone else has an idea for how I can either fix this or another method to detect a change and store it in a variable,

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