Take A Stab At .Net Oracle-related?

Apr 2, 2010

If the database is not Oracle, it is MS SQl 2008. My task: if Oracle, add two more parameters when calling a stored proc. Oracle and MSFT stored procs are generated; Oracle ones have 3 extra parameters:

Vret_val out number,
Vparam2 in out number,
Vparam3 in out number,
the rest

(The are not actually named Vparam2 and Vparam3, but this should not matter).So, the code for a helper VB.Net class that calls a stored proc:


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Bulk Insert From Datatable In To Oracle Using Oracle.DataAccess

Mar 4, 2010

I am reading a csv file in to a datatable in vb.net and making a few checks and appending an extra column. I then want to perform a bulk insert using microsofts Oracle.DataAccess (no choice in this) to an Oracle database. what would be the best way to perform this as there is no bulkImport like in SQLserver.

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Visual Basic With Oracle Provider Oledb For Oracle?

Dec 29, 2009

can you tell me,how can i add a provider for oracle(Microsoft Provider oledb for oracle).Actually i had Microsoft ODBC for oracle but i want to add a provider above mention.

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Connect To Oracle Without Oracle Client On Client's PC

Jul 2, 2010

i Use "Imports System.Data.OracleClient .. Private conn As New OracleConnection()" to connect to my Oracle database..but when i put my program to another PC I need install Oracle Client on it...is there some other way how to connect to Oracle DB without installing oracle client to client PC?? (Database is on Server an program is on client´s PCs)

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C# - Related To GridView In ASP.net?

Jan 5, 2012

I have gridview binded from database..

I have following code:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

Now, I have checkBox and drop-down inside the gridView, When user selects some rows from checkboxes and clicks on Update Button, Page_Load event fires and calls BindGrid(); method and selected rows should get hidden. How can I retain checkbox values after the page load event.

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List Of Blogs For Anything Asp.net Related?

Jan 5, 2010

What's your list of blogs for anything asp.net and vb.net related. I know for instance Scott Gu's stuff is the first on the rank for asp.net.I'm trying to compile a list of 'good' stuff that will teach me things as I read, the more I gather the better, this way I'll get several posts a day, as most blogs post only once a week if that.jsut to list some of my favs, scottgu & phill haack... although he talks too much about his baby!

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3 Tier And Related Tables

Dec 14, 2010

I downloaded a 3 tier sample code , but that has no code for related tables, I am trying to complete this.

These are the tables and part of the sample code


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Form1 Related To Form2?

Nov 21, 2011

this looks like to the forum I need. I have a question on somethings. My data is pulled from a local SQL sever express. First, Form1(Customer) has has data. his customer has a vehicle in another form this form is called (Vehicle) form.I have created the customer form in a detailed form and the vehicle form on a grid design.

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Get Related Search From Website?

Mar 3, 2012

Im using wikipedia and want related searches to pop in a listbox that the user can look at as well. If anyone has some insight of where to start that would be awesome. I tried getting the heading of the main searched topic by referencing the titles of the website but that ended quickly with many boundaries.

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How Update Two Related Tables

Dec 11, 2010

i would like to know where is a sample code programmed in 3 tier or n tier to update 2 related tables.

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Program Sort Name Related To Last Name?

May 15, 2010

i need to sort name as in the picture?

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Related Table Won't Save

Apr 13, 2011

The way it works is for each event, there can be multiple 'disciplines'. So I have a disciplines table related to my events table.

I save an event and save a discipline within it, when I open the application again, the event has saved but the discipline hasn't.[code]...

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Update A Datagridview Using Its Related ID?

Apr 6, 2012

I am using vs2005 with access db. I am retrieving a tables data thru datagridview using an access query. The table i am calling is contains "ID" of something and I convert it thru the query and show it as names for the sake of my users.

My problem is how to store again the related "ID" s after they alter the datagridview cells? (i.e:the retrieved table contains only id's of customers and i showned the users as names, after they are editing how can i convert the user name as "ID" because the field is Long Integer foreign key field) Or otherwise how can i show the datagridview partuclar cell value as combobox style?

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class frmdgEdit
Private Sub txtSearch_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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.net - Delete Row From Related Child Table?

Feb 5, 2011

I've created a combobox for navigating orders in a grid view.


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.net - Display Related Data In A Datagridviewtextboxcolumn?

Jan 1, 2011

I have a datagridview bound to a bindingsource. Two of the columns contain values that link to the primary keys in other tables. Instead of displaying the primary key values, I would like to display the name of the item associated with the primary key. In other words, the primary key value may be 3 but I want to display "Furnace 5" in the datagridview instead of 3 (which it is now displaying).

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Adding Related Records In LINQ?

Mar 12, 2009

Processing an XML file with LINQ to add records into a table in a SQL Server database via a data context. As we are adding records we need to assign the parents in various other tables. Most of the time we can find the existing parent and use it but sometimes we will need to create a new parent.Thought we could do this like this:

Dim defaultPub As publication
defaultPub = New publication With {.name = e..Value}
Dim pub = _Data.publications.Where(Function(s) s.name =


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ADO.NET Related Table Concurrency Error?

Jan 28, 2009

I get an error when updating a related table, the main table can be updated but the related gives me a concurrency error but I don't know why. Btw I'm the only one using the program and it's connecting to sql server 2005 express.Inserting works like a charm.My piece of code, I hope you get it. The concurrency error is given on Me._objtblOrderinformatieA.Update(Me.objdtsOrders.orderInformatie)

If MessageBox.Show("Bent u zeker dat u deze record wilt wijzigen?", "Orderbeheer", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) = 6 Then


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Assistance Related To Listview Control

May 6, 2012

I;m trying to make a program that automatically detects files in a folder and display them in my listview control with an checkbox, an image and the name of that certain file located in my directory folder.I've manage so far to make my app to populate my listview from a folder, show the checkbox, and also the image. What i cannot achieve is the following:

1. To show the path in my second Column of the listview;

2. And to run the checked files via a Command Button. [code]

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C# - Related To Dynamically Created Controls?

Feb 14, 2012

I have added Following HTML in the Form:

<asp:Table runat="server" ID="tblFlightDetails">
<asp:TableCell CssClass="ASPTableHeader">
<dx:ASPxLabel runat="server" ID="lblFrom" Text="From" CssClass="LabelFont"></dx:ASPxLabel>


Now from Serverside code I have added 3 rows dynamically.. when ever page gets Postback.. all dynamically added rows get disappear.How can i get the dynamically added rows after postback??

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Converting Text To Related Link?

Mar 2, 2012

Just getting introduced with visual basic so this may be a simple question or something that makes no sense. BUT, Im making a program that searches Wikipedia depending on what the user inputs into the text box. I have what they searched in my web browser save to a listbox. Im wondering if there is a way to turn this into the history, so they can click these texts in the list box and go back to those previous web pages.

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DB/Reporting :: Query On Related Tables?

Nov 15, 2008

I have a simple "two-tables" database (SQL EXpress) and a very simple application (VB 2008 Express). The two tables are customer and order and their structures are:

customer(IDcustomer, LastName, FirstName) IDcustomer=primary key orders(IDord, Number, Description, IDcust)
IDord=primary key the tables are related (IDcustomer-->ID cust)

In VB2008 environment I create a dataset, by means of Data Source Configuration Wizard, which encompass both customer and order tables (xsd file). By opening xsd file I set the relationship in the following manner:

"Both relation and foreign key constraint"
Update Rule = Cascade
Delete Rule = Cascade

In my form I show customer table in detail-mode and orders table in datagridview-mode. Two Fill method are created in the Load event and they work correctly.In "CustomerTableAdapter" I create, with QueryBuilder, a search query (say LastName query) and I write the following code:

Private Sub frmSearch_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.CustomerTableAdapter.FillByLastName(Me.CustomerOrdersDataSet.custom er, "D") 'All Lastnames with first letter = D


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Delete Records From Related Tables

Jun 6, 2011

i have 3 tables in ms access that is patient , NOK,and admission they have related fields, i am using vb 2005. when i delete a record from the patient table i want the related records from the other tables to be deleted.

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Displaying Data Related To A Contact?

Apr 2, 2012

I don't really know how to deal with the next issue So, I've a webbased application developped with ASP.NET MVC3, which is used to remember when an event is relayed to some people.


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Disposing Forms And Their Related Components?

Jan 20, 2009

Class Structures
Public Class SBO_Collection
Private p_sample As SBO_Sample


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Forms :: Error With 2 Related Combobox

Sep 30, 2009

I am facing prblm in selecting compbobox...I have a 2 combobox...cboxSelunits and cboxseldept

In selected index change of Cbxunit i am filling CbxDept.and in selected index change of cboxseldept i need to populate the treeview


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How Are The Lambda Expressions Related To The Delegates

Jul 7, 2010

what are delegates?How are the lambda expressions related to the delegates?

reading the msdn about the delegates is really confusing me ;so i need a start off from here before moving on to the msdn.

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How To Delete Row From Related Child Table

Aug 27, 2010

Is there a way to clear all the textbox and combobox in a form without looping through panels and tabpages, because those textboxes and comboboxes were place in a tabpages and panels.

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Matrice Related Question On Programming

Dec 16, 2011

I really need help on another assignment i have and its to do with matrices. from the code below could anyone tell me where matrice is being used and what its exactly doing? The program is basically moving the shape around and in different positions.i will screen shot the program asap.[code]

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Related Tables Update From Datagridview

Mar 1, 2010

[code]I'm able to display Data from the tables to Datagridview but how do I update two tables from Datagridview?For some reason under Advanced Options Generate Insert, update and delete statements gets unchecked.

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Saving Related Tables And Querying Them?

Nov 9, 2009

I am having a problem saving related tables and querying them. I have both data binding sources on the form and I have both being added, end edit, and both being saved. When I "view all" and click on the related table "crimes" they're not showing with the Inmate that committed them. I have gotten it to do this with a code similar to that below and I am wondering what I'm doing wrong so that the datagridview for crimes will display the correct crimes for the correct inmate. The primary key for inmates is DOC# and the Primary Key for Crimes is "Entry ID"

Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click


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