Trying To Pass Data Between Form

Mar 10, 2010

trynig to pass data between form in first form [code]the problem is when i select "Yes" next form is not showing .i tried directly to run the last form. but its not added in the startup form list.i am getting error form2 is an type under windowsapplication1 and cannot be used as expression in application design.vb.

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How To Pass Reference Data To New Form

Dec 5, 2011

I need to pass a reference of a class instance to a new form; the newform obtains data from the user to be added to the class instance. How might I do this? Is there a way to pass it as a parameter via the ShowDialog call?

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Pass Data To Form Created Through ContextMenuStrip

Jan 26, 2011

I have a form that holds dynamically created pictureboxes. I have a ContextMenuStrip that is opened when the user right-clicks an individual picturebox that allows them to change the Tag of that specific image. When they click the "Change Tag" item from the ContextMenuStrip, a new form is brought up allowing them to change the Tag in a Textbox.

My problem is, I can't figure out how to pass the specific picturebox's (that was right-clicked) Tag into the new form so that the user can edit it and set when they click the "set" button. (Named "Button1" below)

Here's what I have so far:

Form 1:

Private Sub ChangeURLToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ChangeURLToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim myItem As ToolStripMenuItem = DirectCast(sender, ToolStripMenuItem)


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How To Pass Form Object To Data Class For Update

Mar 11, 2009

I am converting some VB6 code which passed an unknown form object to a class, which then used the passed form object to reference the calling form and direct the data from the class as follows:
The Called Class in the class clsGetRecord
Public Function Execute(ByRef FRMForm as form) as booleanFRMForm.List1.Additem(SomeData)....Execute = SomeBool End Function
The clsGetRecord is used by many different forms which receive data all have objects called List1 as: The Calling Form for the form
frmThisFormPrivate function() as booleanDim objRecord as new clsGetRecordbRet = objRecord.Execute(frmThisForm)
The passed form object which will receive dataEnd function. Is there any simple way to do this since the calling form object is unknown at design time?

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Pass Data From One Page To Another In Window Form With Database Value?

Jun 25, 2010

How to pass data from one page to another page in window form with database value?

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Pass Value [ Data Grid View Click ] To Another Form?

Sep 2, 2011

I'm currently working on a form with a data grid that is bind to my database [ materials table ]

basically, the data grid is being used as inventory view of the materials

what i would like to do is when the user clicks/double clicks the data entry in the datagrid

the data would be pass to another form [ i would be using this as my edit/update and delete data ] [code]....

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Pass Data To Dialog - Manipulate And Pass Back?

Jan 15, 2010

Just started VB programming this week and have found a wealth of information about what I'm trying to do. Problem is, some of it is more complete than others.Here's what I'm trying to do:In Form1 (my main form), I want to instantiate a class that contains a couple of properties (speed setpoint and position setpoint). When I click a button, I want to pass this data to Form2 and populate two textboxes on Form2 with the properties of this object. I want to manipulate the property values on Form2 and click an OK button which closes the dialog and returns the manipulated data, updating the property values of the object. Here's the algorithm I'm following:1) On Form1, instantiate the class2) On Form1's "Pass Data" button click event handler, instantiate a Form2 object and invoke the ShowDialog method, passing the object as a parameter.

3) On Form2, overload the ShowDialog method to accept the object as a parameter and modify the method so that it returns the manipulated class data.4) On Form2, in the ShowDialog method, populate the textboxes with the class data that was passed in.Here's where I get stuck. If I press the OK button on Form2 (DialogResult.OK), it returns me to Form1, but what hook do I have in Form1 to receive the manipulated class data that the ShowDialog method is returning?Here's an example of what I'm thinking about:

Public Class Form1
Dim clsController1 As New MotionController


I'm sure it's probably a very elementary question, but every explanation I've found seems to be incomplete.

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Pass Data From Datagridview To Textbox And Append New Data To The Next Line?

Sep 13, 2010

I am trying to click on certain rows in a datagridview and have the information in the rows sent to a textbox. It does not append each row to the textbox though, which is what I want it to do. it just replaces it with the row I click on. What's wrong with my code. I have tried cell click too.

Private Sub dgProducts_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles dgProducts.Click
Dim i As Integer


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Pass Data From VB 2008 Project To Data Fields Set In Word?

Dec 10, 2009

I�d like to pass data from my VB 2008 project to data fields set in Word. Can it be done and if so

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Forms :: Pass Value From One Form To Another Form In .net Windows Form?

Jan 22, 2011

how to pass value from one form into another form...? for example if i have 1 mdiform and 2 form (form1, and form2) for load form1 i'm using system.reflection.assembly here is the code for load form1 :

Imports System.Reflection
Private Asm As Assembly
Private FrmNama As Form
Public Function GetForm(ByVal FormName As String) As Form


after form1 load i call form2 from form1 and from form2 i want pass value, here is the code from form2 to pass value into form1 :

form1.textbox1.text = textform2.text

why value from form2 can't fill into textbox1 in form1?

View 15 Replies

VS 2005 Pass A Value From An Independent Form To A Child Form?

Nov 24, 2009

how to pass a value from an Independent form to a Child form...

here whis is the data from..

the indenpendent data is selected from the datagridview by just double clicking the cell the selected data will pass into the combox of child form (Note: this is combobox not textbox)...

i'm done with textbox it work fine..


Independent form when user duble click the datagridview

Private BoxToUpdate As TextBox
Public Sub Start(ByRef DescItem As TextBox)
' Me.Close()


how could i able the value into combobox from independent form into child form...

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VS 2008 Pass A Variable From One Form To Another Form's Timer In VB?

Jun 10, 2011

I have one form, which the user enters upto 5 websites then clicks go - I have on the second form, the one with the webbrowser. timer which checks if the web browser is busy then either a green light or black image will be shown along side the assocaited input box on the first form. I am finding it impossible to feed variables into the clock through ByVal, like I would a subroutine or function.


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Create Pass Value From 1 Form To A Database In Another Form?

Sep 20, 2011

i had no idea how to pass a value from one form to a database in another form...i was using the vb 2008...

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Pass Value From Independent Form To Child Form?

Jun 3, 2009

how could i pass the value from Independent form to a child my declaration from MDIParent form i declared child form as frmSMRP then in the frmSMRP i have declare one new form as form1

here is my code below.declaring child form under MDIParent form


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VS 2008 Pass Variable From Form To Form?

Aug 26, 2009

Is it possible to pass a variable set in one form to another?

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Pass Data Between VB6 App And .Net App?

Jan 27, 2012

I need to pass data between a vb6 app and a .net app. This data will either be written or read every second. It is about 30 fields. Both apps reside on the same machine. I am currently passing this data via the registry and it works great but it makes me a little nervous. I would do it with a text file but I am worried about data loss.

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Pass A Value From One Form To Another?

Sep 15, 2009

Assuming that I have a datagridview or a listview populated by value (form 1), then here I have a command button to edit (form 2, details in text boxes) a selected record from the grid or listview, now, the edit process is done, how can I then, pass these values to datagridview from the other form (form 1) and update or refresh the grid then close the form 2 as if it is not been opened?

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Pass Value From A Form To Another?

Apr 27, 2009

I have a problem with passing the value from a Form that "user should choose a start date and end date" to a Form that display the result in a Crystal Report Form[code]...

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Pass Value From One Form To Another?

Feb 23, 2009

How to pass a textbox value in one form to a variable in another form. i want to store "UserName"(textbox value) from the "UserAccount" Table to a variable in the "invoice" form.

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Pass A Value From One Form To Another Already Open Form?

Mar 17, 2009

I have one form Form1, which opens another form Form2 from within one of its procedures.Now Form2 needs to do some processing of data, and populate a list. The user selects a value in this listthe value back to the already open Form1 (not to a new instance of Form1). How do I accomplish this?I think I will need to define and raise events for this, but I don't know how to go about it.

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Pass The Value From Current Form To Another Form

Sep 3, 2009

"how to pass the value from current form to another form"

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Pass Values Form To Form?

Sep 11, 2010

I know this has been asked, but can someone look this over. I have been going over and over this for about 3 days now. In my main form(frmBuildings) I pass a value to frmCustomerInformation like this.[code]...

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Pass Variables From Form To Form?

May 27, 2009

When working with a collection of forms that the user must step through, is it better to pass the data foward when creating a new instance of that form, or is it better to call a function from the previous form? I have some code written that calls the previous routine, and it looks ugly, and I can't quite think of a reason why it was done that way. The only reason I could come up with was if the data was large, and there was a good chance that the user wouldn't use the data except in a special case.

View 7 Replies - Pass Data From Dropdownlist?

Apr 28, 2011

I have been trying to pass selected data from two dropdownlist (page1.aspx) to (page2.aspx) I am not having any luck as it seems the data is not being passed when selected. Please help, this doesn't seem that difficult, but I can not get it work. On (page2.aspx) the data from the dropdownlists will be passed to a stored procedure and all results will be in a gridview.

Here is my code:

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlState" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" DataTextField="ST_Code" DataValueField="ST_Code" />


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Pass Data Between Forms?

Oct 3, 2011

Is this way a "right" way to pass data between two forms?[code]...

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Pass Data Between WPF Windows?

Apr 13, 2011

I have some code that works in winforms, but not in WPF apparently, the code is as follows: This is set globally:

Private Property avar As Object
Public main As MainWindow
Public charchoice As Char

And then in the Window Loaded sub, this is placed:

charchoice = main.charchoice

Thing is, the next window doesn't pick up this variable, so how can I make it recognise and use it?

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Pass Data From Other Class?

Apr 7, 2011

I'm still trying to develop p2p chat application from this thread. I have 2 applications, server and client. A client has: Form1.vb, BB_Client.vb, and RTS_SocketClient.vb. Dataflow is Form1 creates new object of BB_Client, BB_Client calls RTS_SocketClient.[code]...

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Pass Data Out Of An Object?

Dec 17, 2010

I have this [code]...

1. Create a global SQL instance and call .Write from within .ReadData

2. Create a new SQL instance within .ReadData and call .Write

3. Pass the data back to the code above and call .Write from the main code i.e. [code]...

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Pass Data To A Message Box?

Nov 19, 2009

I have a form for end user (EU) to search for a certain code to check if it is an active code or not, i have the search bit working but i want to be able to have a message box saying "the code (code) is an active (product) code!"

So far i have:
Sub UpdateGrid(ByVal sqlStr As String)
Dim var As String


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Pass Data To Different Application?

Feb 3, 2009

I'm sure this is possible but I've got no clue of what I'm looking for to even start to learn this. Basically I want to create a form that can load data from one software application and feed it to another.

Is it possible to change settings in other forms by another piece of software like if there was a flag = True and I wanted to change it to flag = False or instead of loading Dim processorID As String = String.Empty I can input Dim processorID As String = 1234

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