Using To Display Data On Fields On Form?

Jan 3, 2011

i have this code which i am using to display data on fields on form.And if i read from the database and the reader has no rows the ballon tool tip should display from some time indication a message.The problem is anytime i select from the database and the if all reader doesn't have rows only the last message of the ballon shows.the rest doesnt.Please what have i done wrong


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VS 2008 - Possible To Display Two Fields Of Data In ComboBox

Dec 20, 2011

Can I display two fields of a data in a combo box. E.g. when I have to select a customer, its name and city should be shown.... Like...
M/s Ananad Traders, Mumbai
M/s Anand Traders, Kolkata and so on.

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C# - MS Word Office Automation - Filling Text Form Fields And Check Box Form Fields And Mail Merge

Sep 3, 2009

experience on how to create an engine using C# (VB.NET is okay too) that is generic enough to handle most cases of MS Word text fields I need to fill with data I'm getting from a database? In short, I'm about to embark on this little Office automation excursion and I'm hoping a little bit of feedback here.

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RecordSet - Form Data Not Reflecting Onto Fields

Jul 13, 2009

I am developing an application on VB2008 with MySql as database. I opened the connection without any errors. I have three fields/columns in my database and on the form. When I am running vb form data is not reflecting on to form fields.

I have written the following code in form load event.
'Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
'Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
'cn = New ADODB.Connection
'cn.ConnectionString = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};" + "SERVER=localhost;" + "DATABASE=in_out;" + "UID=root;" + "PASSWORD=pacvision;" + "OPTION=3;"
'MessageBox.Show("Connection Opened Successfully")
'rs.Open("Select * from deptno", cn.ConnectionString, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenKeyset, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic)

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VB - Constructor - Use To Populate Other Data Fields On The Form

Jun 20, 2011


This tells me "End of Statement" is expected. I'm trying to instantiate a new form, and I'm trying to pass information into the form that I will use to populate other data fields on the form.

I've tried looking up constructors, but I can't find where my is different than other examples.

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TCPClient - Creating Form Fields To Send Data

Jan 4, 2011

I'm using: [URL]. I already have the listener up and running. For the 'client' I'd like to change it to a 'form' program with a text field so i can enter one line of text and then a send button. I know how to drag the field and button over to a form but I'm not sure how to tell the program to use them?

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Text
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
[Code] .....

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Update By Taking Data From Textbox Fields On A Form?

Aug 22, 2011

I am making a booking system. I am using same form for insertion and updation. How can I update by taking the values from the textboxes. For example if the user enters value for just 2 out of 8 fields then How can i update just 2 fields without affecting the rest of the record. I mean to say that if I use a single update query using all the fields then if some textbox is left empty then it will replace the database field value by null or something else.

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Create Word Form Fields With Memo Fields From Access?

May 27, 2012

I'm trying to create a table in Word using data from a table in Access. There are four fields in the access table that I need. 3 fields are text which I can populate the Word without any issues. However the fourth field is a memo with >255 characters.I'm struggling to come up with the proper code to allow me to populate the Word field with the memo data that has more than 255 characters. The code I have so far is listed below. But when it hits the memo field, it crashes on the line I marked with **. I know it's not text, but I've tried many different field types, but nothing has worked so far.[code]...

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Input Several Boxes Of Data On One Form And Display Individual Pieces Of That Data On Several Other Forms

May 22, 2009

I have just started with vb and would like to know if there is a way to input several boxes of data on one form and display individual pieces of that data on several other forms at timed events in the future?

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Combining Multiple Table Data With Different Fields Into A Single Table With All The Fields?

Feb 13, 2012

how to execute this SQL Statement

Given Tables T_Data, T_AllDesc, T_System1, T_System2
Given Fields:
T_Data= f_id, f_Desc, f_CreationDate, f_CreationTime, f_System1, f_System2


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SQL Data Access: VB2008 / VB2010 - WinForms - Create A Datasourse And Drag / Drop Fields Or Tables On A Form To Create A Grid

Oct 22, 2010

I have used VB (versions 2 - 6) through many years; however, I am crash-course training myself into the VB2008 / VB2010 world kicking a screaming. I would like suggestions as to what SQL database access method should I focus more on in my learning process without making me feel that I'm a million years behind. I know I have WinForms where I can create a datasourse and drag / drop fields or tables on a form to create a grid (not really what I'm looking for).

My trouble isn't so much designing the form but in how I access the database. Theres XML, LINQ to SQL, ADO.NET, and many other methods. Not only do I need to grasp these methods quickly but I also need to know what type of projects I should create. What I mean is...I was thinking that I would design a WinForm app; however, I see that there are WPF apps and others to chose from. This is getting deep. I know it depends on the project that I'm working on. My plans are to write an app based off of either an SQL Express 2008 or SQL Server 2008 database. This first app will be standalone for now but may later become multi-user. I know I'm far behind on my learning curve coming from VB6. I have read a bit on VB2005 / 2008 / 2010. I own
both VB2008 and VB2010. I use VB2008 at work. I know ADO.NET is still alive but by what I read online, it's a dying method and is only kept for backward compatibility. XML and LINQ to SQL and other methods are all pretty new to me.

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Data Set Will Not Display In The Form?

Jul 20, 2009

Spend a day trying o find the reason why data grid will not display the data in the form... Simple Data set. Just ONE table with 2 fields (ID,Name). I Drag and drop to the form from Dataset. I can see the data in the dataset but not in the form. Tried with Access and Advantage data bases.

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Display Data From DB In Form?

Jan 28, 2009

I have been programming in VB6 for a while now and am switching over to .net. There are a few basic functions which I just can't get for some reason... I am forced at the moment to use a DAO/ADO connection, and I've been primarily using DAO in vb6, so I thought I'd carry this over to .net... atleast for the time being[code]...

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Crystal Report Cannot Display Fields

Mar 6, 2012

I want to ask how to display the fields in Crystal report from different tables. I have this line of code:


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Display All Fields Of A Row From MS Access To A Listbox In .Net?

Mar 17, 2012

I'm trying to pull all records and fields from a MS Access table. My fields are: numOne, operator, numTwo and result. I'd like to display those fields in a listbox as the following output: 1(numOne) +-/*(operator) 2(numTwo) = 3(result) or simply 1 + 2 = 3. I was able to get some coding going. The problem that I have is that I'm not finding a way to add the fields on the same line, since I can find the right syntax to have all fields added together.

Dim ConnString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:UsersLeo DaCostaDesktopAPUVB AdvancedDaCosta Weeks 5-6MathOp.accdb"
Dim mySelectQuery As String = "SELECT * FROM MathOp"
Dim myConnection As New OleDbConnection(ConnString)


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Display The Sql Table Fields In Combobox?

Sep 24, 2011

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Dim con As New SqlConnection
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand


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Display Data Dynamically On A Form?

May 24, 2011

I have some data stored in my database on msaccess. Now I want that upon login, all the data are loaded dynamically on my vb form. that is. the labels are created automatically and corresponding data displayed by its side.

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Calculate Two Fields And Display A Column In Datagridview?

Mar 26, 2012

i am created a form with DataGridView Binding with ItemStock Table

Table Name is ItemStock
Table fields Names are


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Sum / Difference Of Fields In Column And Display In DataGridView

Aug 29, 2011

i am doing a small project for my business and i got stuck with this 2 weeks ago and still no progress.I have an access db table "store" that has columns: (filldate,brand,model,plateno,mileage,litres) where i am storing these info each time a car in my company fills gas. For example (8/25/ 2011,Renault,Megane,5487844,3943,20).What i want to do now is to display in a datagrid the total consumption of gas (litres) with the kilometers driven (mileage) between 2 dates.

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Display The Data From The Databas In Textboxes On Form?

Dec 23, 2009

Using the following code, I can display the data from the databas in textboxes on my form.Using the binding navigator, I can move through the records.Public Class Form1


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Display The Incoming Data On A Textbox On A Form?

Feb 9, 2011

I am receiving RS-232 data from serialPort1.Readbyte and want to display the incoming data on a textbox on a form. This causes a "...cross thread..." error.

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Launch A Form To Display Specific Data?

Jun 22, 2010

I have an Employee form that displays data about the employee, on that form I have a button that launches an Employee Job form that shows data about the employee job.

My question is how do I show the relevant data on the Employee Jobs form when I click the Button on the Employee form?

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Display Data In Tabular Form For A Text File?

Dec 26, 2009

code that can display data in tabular form for a text file. vb 2005

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Display Data In The List Box From The Query In Windows Form

Jan 24, 2012

It's simple question. I am confused since I am new to and windows form. I would like to display combining of one column (lastname+firstname) in the list box control from the query. My code display something.


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Query Access Database And Display Data On New Form?

Sep 6, 2010

I have a program in which I want to have the user enter two percentages and display the data matching the criteria on a new form. The query would be:

Select *
From Corrosion
Where corrpct1 >= {column in database} OR
corrpct2 >= {column in database}

The way I currently have it written is to display only one row of data. I need to display any number of rows that meet this criteria. My current code is:

Private Sub btnDetails_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDetails.Click
Dim form As New frmDetails()


1. How can I do my query to incorporate the user entered criteria (in the where statement)?

2. How can I display ALL of the data instead of just one line?

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Sql Server - Unable To Display SQL Database Data On VB Form?

Sep 26, 2011

I am facing a problem displaying the records of my table on the visual basic form I have created.

This is my code :

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
myconnection = New SqlConnection("server=HOME-PCSQLEXPRESS;uid=sa;pwd=123;database=college")


Note: my database name is "college" , table name is "demo3" . Table contains 2 columns namely name and roll no. How to display the data in those columns on the visual basic form that I have created ?

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TreeView Control To Display Data In Windows Form

Mar 12, 2010

I'd like to use a TreeView control to display database data in a windows form with VB2008. All the information what I found is related to a website design, but I'm working on a database program (sql2005), where I'd like the user to see the structure what he/she make up with a TreeView like control. Just something like that when you explore your hard disk. How can I do that?

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Saving Replicated Data - Current Data Saved To Appear In Page Within All The Relevant Fields?

Jun 2, 2010

What I am trying tot achieve is the following:User inputs data in one form that saves to the dataset table no problems. On an edit screen I want the current data saved to appear in this page within all the relevant fields but when saving I want this data to add to the dataset table as an additional line of data so the transaction records are kept.I want to add a new datarow regardless of it saving one change or all 7 changes that are possble.

e.g. Line 1 - user inputs 7 cells of data Line 2 - user amends 2 cells of data Line 3 - user amends 1 cell of data an so on. Unfortunately the terminology for certain items above may not be correct as I am still new to this programming and still on a massive learning curve.At the moment I do not have the code for what I am trying to achieve as I really dont know where to start with it.I am currently able to save the data and have it appear in the "edit" panel however only the cells changed are saved an it overwirtes the initial input.


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Display Data From Database In A Form(in Textbox) After Listview_double Click

Jun 6, 2011

i'm doing a searching form, here is my code

Dim con As New OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand
Dim rd As OleDbDataReader


then after that i'm double click the 1 of the row in listview and 1 form popup with all data in database.

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Pass Data From VB 2008 Project To Data Fields Set In Word?

Dec 10, 2009

I�d like to pass data from my VB 2008 project to data fields set in Word. Can it be done and if so

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