Vb And Sql - Debug System To Desktop Its Running

Aug 11, 2011

i make a system when i debug my system to my desktop its running..then when i try to debug my system into my laptop its not woriking..i thnk my problem is the sql databse.

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Lock Desktop When Running The System?

Apr 22, 2009

i'm using visual studio 2003 - vb to write one printing system.... then i set my system to auto startup now i want lock the desktop when my system is running untill user key in the correct password and username..... now my printing system was done just only the lock desktop code i totally don't know how to start it....

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Can't Debug-run Copy Of An App While Original App Is Running

Nov 28, 2010

I made a copy of a VB application project, to make a copy of it for testing.

But when I debug the test copy while the orginal is still running (debugging from Visual Studio), focus changes to the original's main form, and the test copy does not run.

If I try to single step the test copy, same thing, focus changes to original, and test copy does not even step.

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Debug Programs That Run On VBNet2008 Still Running?

Jul 21, 2009

I have a small program on the menu written in VB6 retrieve data from Acess run very fast and now want to switch to VBNet2008. VBNet2008 conversion is still normal, but when running the menu does not appear that waiting in line, then click on the menu bar of this menu appears, but not the font is in Unicode data is available. Expect you to help debug programs that run on VBNet2008 still running good access Menu fast as running on VB6. Also supported is Unicode font on VBNet2008 does not function for unicode font. Attach program with VB6 and VB2008.


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Apr 14, 2011

I have several VB.NET Windows Form applications connecting tp several Network databases. When I build, update and test my apps, I want them to connect to a testing database as opposed to connecting to the production databases when the app is released.Right now, I change a setting in my coding before releasing the app, but I would like this to be automatic, to prevent any testing data in the Production database and vice versa.I found this piece of coding on the web, but it doesn't seem to ever be in DEBUG mode and by DEBUG mode I mean when I click the "Start Debugging" button or the F5 key. [code]

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VS 2005 : Running Program In Debug Mode?

Oct 14, 2010

i am using visual studio 2005 on win 7 with office 2007.i have developed win application. i am using microsoft activex spreadsheet component in my program. so it automatically creates reference to AxInterop.OWC11.dll But when i run program in debug mode (open program and click RUN in toolbar it works) it works. But if i run directly .exe (go to bin release doubleclick .exe) it gives error at loading point of that component. It says "Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory has been corrupted." An unhandled exception occurrs.AxInterop.OWC11.dll is in release directory.Is this office 2007 error or Win 7 ?

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VS 2008 #If DEBUG Evaluates TRUE Running Exe

Oct 25, 2009

I'm using VB2008 SP1 Express. My app downloads a file from a FTP and compare inside it the registered values,but some users have problems when validating the key,finnaly I found that the following code evaluates TRUE


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While Loop - When Running The Debug The Program Crashes

Mar 15, 2012

I've been having a bit of a problem using the while function.

Here is my code (Simplified):
Dim RandomNumber3 As Random
Dim RandomOutput3 As Integer


When running the debug, the program crashes, and when I step into the program, I find that this While statement becomes an infinite loop. This is a program that uses random number generators to assign a value to something, and this while statement is necessary so that there is never two of the same values showing (RandomOutput, RandomOutput2 & RandomOutput) Have to be different to one another.

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Works Perfectly When Running In Debug, But Not On Server?

Mar 9, 2011

for some reason this works perfectly, when i do it in debug mode it adds the tasks to stagingtable, and then transfers none duplicates to the regular table. However, when i upload it to the server it does not work.

Using bcp As SqlBulkCopy = New SqlBulkCopy(connstring)
bcp.ColumnMappings.Add(0, 1)
bcp.ColumnMappings.Add(1, 2)


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Getting The 403 Forbidden Error While Running A VS 2010 In Debug Mode

Jun 30, 2011

I'm getting the 403 Forbidden error while running a VS 2010 in debug mode. It gives me this error as it tries to read thru an XML File. See attachment. This is a web app and it's reading an XML file that retrieves the DB/Server information. It's not the Web.Config file but just a regular xml file. This file is read by every application in our system. Not sure why it suddenly started doing this. I've created the virtual directory on our IIS Server and set permissions on the C:inetpubwwwrootAppName directory of my C: drive where the app resides.

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Pass Parameters When Running App To Toggle Debug Mode On / Off

Dec 18, 2009

I have an app that runs silently everytime the user logs in. But I want to be able to pass it a parameter to make it print to the console. I use a conditional if statement to do this now, but I would have to recompile the project to set it to false or true.

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Controls Keep Moving Down On A Winform Panel After Running (in Debug Mode)?

Aug 8, 2011

I have a winform with a main panel that is anchored top, left; dock: fill, and set to a specific size to contain another panel of content that we want to scroll through. The other panel along with a few other controls are on the main panel. Now, for some reason, after running the application the controls will be shifted down (never horizontally) some random amount. Now, the "random amount" may in fact be the last position of the scroll bar or something, but either way, it is unintended functionality. I have resorted to automatically resetting the locations of these controls on the main form in the constructor?

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IDE :: Very Slow Debug Stepping With Vista 64 Running Vb 10 Express On Hp Pavillion Notebook

Mar 31, 2011

My HP dv6 - 1030US notebook has 4 gb of ram, and a Fujitsu MHZ2320BH G2 hard rive with 166 GB. free. running vista 64 SP2 and all current kb's installed. My problem is trying to test Vb 10 express with this unit. I am an ex vb 6.0 guy(beginner level) and still put small # of apps together for my remodeling company.


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C# - Detect If .NET Assembly Is Running From Website Or From A Desktop Machine?

Jul 6, 2010

I just want to write code inside my assembly to detect whether it is running on a "desktop machine", or inside the context of an ASP.NET application. This is crucial guys, (licensing purposes), and I don't want to get fired because I did a mistake.So, please, be direct and if you please give me some code snippet.

EDIT v 2.0: What about using in the assembly:

[assembly: "AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.RequestRefuge, Unrestricted=true)]"

to prevent the execution on the web?

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Determine When Application Is Running From Remote Desktop Session?

Oct 27, 2009

Is there a way to determine if the application is running from an RDP session or not? Our staff has VPN access and use Microsoft's RDP Client to connect to their computers at the office. They mostly interract with software we've written. I'd like to identify those people that use our applications via RDP as opposed to being physically at their computer.

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Event Type Clr20r3 P3 4a5c12c0 System.net.sockets.socket Exception And Application Crash On Some System While Running Well On Others

Aug 3, 2009

Event type clr20r3 p3 4a5c12c0 system.net.sockets.socket Exception and Application crash on some system. while running well on others. i go thorugh many forms and search a lot on google but not able to resolve the issue.


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Is Storing Image File In Database Good In Desktop Application Running In Network?

Oct 21, 2009

I recently came across a problem for image file storage in network.I have developed a desktop application. It runs in network. It has central database system. Users log in from their own computer in the network and do their job.Till now the database actions are going fine no problem. Users shares data from same database server.

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Storing Image File In Database Good In Desktop Application Running In Network?

Aug 5, 2010

I recently came across a problem for image file storage in network.I have developed a desktop application. It runs in network. It has central database system. Users log in from their own computer in the network and do their job.Till now the database actions are going fine no problem. Users shares data from same database server.

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Windows Service Running Under A Network Account Is Calling An EXE And Running It Under System Account?

Aug 27, 2010

We have a windows service running under a network account that calls and runs an ActiveX exe. The exe is running under the local system account, not the network account of the service.

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C# - TextWriterTraceListener Not Working As Expected When Adding To System.Diagnostics.Debug.Listeners

Jul 29, 2011

Full Program: Option Strict On : Option Explicit On Module Module1


After I ran it, I had a file a.txt in my debug folder but the size is 0 bytes (and when i open it is empty of course) Shouldn't the output had "asd" in it ?

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C# - Why Does The 0x00 Character Make System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine Not Write A New Line

Jul 29, 2011

Dim hex = "41"
Dim text As New System.Text.StringBuilder
For i As Integer = 0 To hex.Length - 2 Step 2
text.Append(Chr(Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(i, 2), 16)))


but yet this fails.. (the output isn't itself in a new line) what's the explanation for that?From what I know, doesn't System.Diagnostics.Debug.Writeline does something which looks like this:


so regardless of my input it should always have a newline char even if there is a terminating 00 char in my input?

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Running Application Can Know Name Or Other Info Of Desktop-shortcut That Started Application?

Apr 9, 2011

Let's say 10 desktop shortcuts, all with different names/icons, point to and can start the same exe application from the same directory. Is there any means for the application to know the distinct name of the shortcut that was doubled_clicked. Also is there any means for a running application to know if it was started by command line, by a double_click on the exe, by a double_click on a shortcut that points to it, or by another process' call?

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Shortcut On Desktop Takes To Application Folder Not Running The Application?

Oct 21, 2010

I am trying to use Setup project. Want my setup to create a desktop shortcut with my application.I donot understand how to do it. Clicked on User's desktop, I created Shortcut to User's desktop, changed the properties Target and Working Folder as 'Application Folder'But it does not connect with MyApplication.exe When I ran the setup and tested Desktop short cut, it took me to the folder where application was installed, instead of running the application.How to make the application run using this shortcut?

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.net - VB 2010 Express: Debug.WriteLine Optimized Away Completely In Debug Version?

Aug 31, 2011

Simple question that does not seem to be covered: If I use a lot of Debug.WriteLine statements in my code, will they be completely absent in my production version?

I mean: Is the compiler smart enough to not emit any code for those calls? Or would I have to surround them by #if DEBUG..#end if directives?

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Application Not Running On Client System

Jun 21, 2010

I have developed a vb.net database application(desktop application with sql 2005).I managed to create setup files(.msi) which is running on my pc.but when i install this application on my client system the application is running but all database operations fails.

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Running Application Before System Start Up?

Aug 8, 2011

From my understanding, it is possible to have programs run before system start-up (e.g. Login screen) with a Windows Service. I'm using VS2010 and VB.net. I need to be able to start a server with my program that can be managed from the login screen. Is this possible? If so, how would I do it?

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Running GetProcesses In System Tray?

Feb 16, 2011

VB Project using VS2010.tell me if this will find running processes on the task bar and the system tray

procs = Process.GetProcesses()
For Each proc In procs
if proc.MainWindowTitle = WindowTitle then
Return True
End If

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Application Stops Running When Sent To System Tray

Apr 29, 2009

It's using send keys to click a link which works fine for me. but as soon as i drop it to tray it stops ? then continues when restored.

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Determine Which Operating System The User Is Currently Running?

Nov 12, 2010

I'm trying to get an application to determine which operating system the user is currently running and use that to decide what to do. For example, a user uses the program and they're using Windows 7. I want it to know that and use predetermined variables throughout the program for Windows 7. Likewise if they're using Vista or XP/Macintosh.

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Getting Code To Detect The Operating System Running?

Mar 15, 2009

I need code to fit for an 'if then' statement based on an operating system. So let's say I am running windows XP, the program detects it, and with a simple if then' statement it opens form2, if i was running vista, it would open form1. So basically i need something like: If (WindowXP current OS) then form2.open, If (windowsvista currrent OS) then form1.openOf course, the above statement won't work because I need code to support the detection of the O.S.Note: I just need code for just these two O.S'es, also I don't care if its Windows XP SP1 2, or 3, just as long as it's an XP.

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