Way Of Creating Database And Accessing Its Tables Using Tools Available In IDE

Sep 24, 2011

I was reading from a book, and there's a way of creating database and accessing its tables using tools available in IDE. i-e DataSet, BindingSource, TableAdapter, BindingNavigator. Is this the correct way of using database or through the code??

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Creating Tables And Entering Info Database?

Jan 18, 2010

i am creating a booking system for my A2 project but i cant create tables or field in the database and enter information in them. I have created a ms access database in vb but after that im stuck. The database must be created in vb programatically as i get more marks for complex code.

here's my code

Imports ADOX
Module Module1
Sub Main()


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Asp.net - Creating A Table And Binding To Repeater Dynamically From Two Database Tables?

Nov 1, 2011

I am working on a CMS system for my business, and need to be able to generate notifications dynamically into a control panel. Please note, I am using .NET 2.0, coding with VB and my data is all held on a MySQL database.This is pretty simple for most aspects, but as the whole thing is dynamic some things are proving more difficult.I have a set of tags which are dynamically generated with a repeater as follows:

<asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="locationRepeater">
<p id='locationNotification' title="<%# Container.DataItem %>" runat='server'>


The data is really, really, simple, all I need to be able to do is query a table on my MySQL database for COUNT of ID WHERE locationName = Container.DataItem during each loop of the repeater... but I don't know how to do this.I'm thinking maybe I have to do this first, create a table in memory somehow, but I am afraid I have no idea how to achieve this.

Has anyone got any examples of a similar thing, it's kind of binding to a repeater from two datasources... each task is very simple, but I don't know how to put it all together!

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.net - Accessing Tables From Different .mdb Files?

Feb 1, 2010

I need to show a grid of saved projects (compare "orders") in a datagrid, where the projects are saved in an Access 2000 database with a similar schema as follows:

ID Name Country_ID Plant_Type
1 'Test' 1 1
2 'Second' 2 2

Let's call the file "Projects.mdb". This is then showed in the datagrid as:

ID Name Country Plant Type
1 'Test' 'Germany' 'Free Range'
2 'Second' 'France' 'Inclined Roof'

where the countries and "Plant Types" are fetched from a different table in a different .mdb file (also Access 2000, call it "Language.mdb", although there is a lot of different background data in it), depending on the current user's language preference. It is unfortunately not an alternative to merge these .mdb's into one file.

To be able to show the datagrid I have so far linked the tables from "Language.mdb" into "Projects.mdb", but this screws up when the project is being installed on another computer with the .msi file i created (we'd like to have this easily packaged and installed), as the "Language.mdb" doesn't exist on the linked path on the target computer (Basically the problem here).
I can come up with the following solutions:

Force all users to install on the same path, so that the links will work (undesirable)Use connection strings in the query as shown here on MSDN (still trying this out, but I need to work on the details)make a post-install script that relinks the tables according to the correct path.

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Accessing Access Data Tables With VB 2010 Express

Sep 5, 2011

I have written lots of code with the ADO Library in VB Excel and previous versions of Visual Basic. With the dissappearance of the recordset object, how do we perform data manipulation with an attached Access Database? It seems things could be a lot easier, and less complicated by now, however, the best methods appear to currently remain ellusive.


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Accessing Access Data Tables With VB2010 Express?

Jan 16, 2009

I have written lots of code with the ADO Library in VB Excel and previous versions of Visual Basic. With the dissappearance of the recordset object, how do we perform data manipulation with an attached Access Database? It seems things could be a lot easier, and less complicated by now, however, the best methods appe

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Web Browser Tools - Add Controls, Ie Like In Fire Fox Tools/Options?

Jun 9, 2009

is there a section on how to add controls, Ie like in fire fox Tools/Options

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Accessing Word Tables Created In Word Templates / Accessing Existing Bookmarks In Word Templates?

Jun 30, 2010

Basically in visual basic 6 I could access word tables in existing templates with the code owordactivedoc.tables(1).select() where owordactivedoc refers to the active word document and tables(1) refers to the first table in the template.Trying the same code in VB 2003 just leads to errors. Secondly how do I access bookmarks or alternatively word variables.Furthermore how do one deploy web.services. For example the current program I am building is for another computer. Simply copying the web service to Inetpubwwwroot dont work because it is not picked up by the Internet Information Services program. I have to create the web service in vb2003 on the other computer change msconfig manually. Copy and paste the existing service vb file in the created folder replacing the empty vb file.

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Timeout Using SQLite - Create A Database And Several Tables - To Populate The Tables With Data From Arrays

Jul 25, 2012

I am using VS2008 and SQLite. I have created a database and several tables and am attempting to populate the tables with data from arrays.

The following code (example) works fine but stops after it inserts 30 to 50 records. I am running the VB code in debug mode and when it stops, I press pause to see where it is. It stops on "SQLcommand.ExecuteNonQuery()" and when I press continue (F5) it will insert another 30 to 50 records.

I do not get an error message. Is this a timeout issue? How do I keep the loop running to the end of the array?

Following is example code.


SQLconnect As New SQLite.SQLiteConnection()

Dim SQLcommand As SQLiteCommand


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Binding Database Tools In .net For Sql Server?

Feb 19, 2009

I am used to using the binding database tools in vb.net for sql server, are there these same tools for using a mysql database?

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Tools To Build A Huge Database?

Dec 18, 2011

I have a past experience with visual Foxpro and SQL. Now, I need to build a database with multiple data files (say 100 files), each data file with millions of records, each record with dozens of fields.Then, each data file is linked with other files by using different fields. Primary data is in English. Then there would be a translation of the English data is in another language. Primary data in English is stored in separate files whereas the translated data is stored in separate data files.

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Tools For LAN Connecting To Access Database To The Other Computer?

Sep 3, 2011

Can you give me some tools for LAN. I have a Program and im using SQL database and i wll access to other Computer. Im Using Visual Basic 2010.

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Created A System Whereby The Database Is Connected To Using The Preset Tools Available?

Jul 2, 2009

I have a connection to an access database, I have used the data sources tool provided because in this particular instance I don't want to do much with it other than display the records (which I can do) and edit them (which I'm haveing some trouble with).I have created a system whereby the database is connected to using the preset tools available like; BindingSource, TableAdapter, BindingNavigator etc.

I also have a button for edit. This doesn't work and I was wondering if anyone could help me with this? I can't really provide any code for this, because I didn't code the connection by hand and the code I have been attempting to use for editting the records in the database doesn't even sort of work.

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Form - Allowing User To Register New Tools With Database?

Oct 9, 2009

I'm trying to make a form that allows users to register new tools with the database. I know how to update the sql server with that information, but there's quite a bit of code that accompanies specific tools (which alter labels on textboxes, etc.) Is it possible to programmatically update the software according to information put into a 'add new tool' form without touching the source code?

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Sqlite Or Mysql Are Great Database Tools For Applications ?

Aug 14, 2010

I'm am wanting to get out of access dbs and into something more solid, ive heard that sqlite or mysql are great database tools for your applications. I am also looking for a database with a GUi to manage the database more easily and links on how to incorporate the database into my projects, etc. So any links,videos, suggestions i'd like to hear them all.

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Creating And Accessing An Environment Folder?

Jun 6, 2011

I have written a data analysis program and I want to keep a list of recently accessed data files. I have kept this list in a text file in the same directory as my .ese file which is installed in a subfolder in my programs folder. But in Windows 7, it is not possible to write to files in the programs folder without assigning privileges to that folder which I found confusing to do. I would rather not subject clients to this process. It seems like a good place might be in one of the user folders. But I have no idea of how to go about establishing a path to such a folder in code. I thought it might be possible to identify an environment path such as %userapps% or some such thing that would work in both Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. I would also like to generate a .log file in the same directory to aid in debugging.

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Accessing And Creating Variables Inside A For Loop?

Oct 15, 2011

I have some variables that are distinct by numbers, like in1, in2...If I have for loop, how would I access those variables, using the counter, and attaching it to the variable?I believe in JAVA, you could just use in+ct... where ct is the counter to access the variable.also how could you make a new variable in the for loop?Initially I had variables declare outside of the for loop. The problem was how to access those variables using the for loop.

var_nm1 = in1.Text
var_nm2 = in2.Text
var_nm3 = in3.Text
Dim nmList(2) As Integer


This is object oriented programming, and I made the textboxes in1, in2, and in3 using the GUI editor. that was so easy.

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Creating A Datatable Using Two Different Tables

Jul 19, 2011

When I create a form using only one table in a database this works fine. However when I create a form that uses at least two tables I am getting an error on my ReceiptsAdapter (or my SQLDataAdapter). It's saying that I am using the incorrect syntax and need the keyword "From." I am assuming that I am getting this error because I am using multiple tables in my SQLCommand statement.

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Receipts


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Creating Relations Between Tables?

Oct 15, 2009

I have created this table using sql but I need to create a relation with another table and I don't know how.

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Creating Tables In Access Using Vb?

Jun 5, 2011

how to store or create a table on my database using vb.net i'm having hard time to create a table on my existing dbase

here my code;

Dim ntable As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim mtable As New DataTable
con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:Documents and SettingsjessprDesktopmydbasesample.accdb"


when i view my access dbase i cant see the table that was created on my code. how can i view that table?

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Creating Tables In Access?

Mar 25, 2010

The following code creates a table in a mdb file.Dim tblName As String = Trim(Me.txbTblName.Text)

Dim Source = Trim(Me.txbLoadDB.Text)
Dim Pass = Trim(Me.txbPassDB.Text)
'Define the connectors
Dim oConn As OleDbConnection


I would like the table name be variable based on the textbox text but the following change creates a syntax error. Why is that?oQuery = "CREATE TABLE '" & tblName & "' ( ID Counter,Name TEXT(50) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY(ID) )"

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Creating Xml From Multiple Tables?

Jul 17, 2010

I have 3 tables: Customer, OrderHeader and OrderDetail. Customer and OrderHeader joined by CustomerId, OrderHeader and OrderDetail joined by OrderId.how to create an xml file that combines these 3 tables together having the following structure using ADO.net?


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Creating Tables In Word Programmatically?

Sep 21, 2009

I am generating tables and writing them to word on the fly. I do not know how many tables there will be each time i write the data to word and the problem I am having is the second table is written inside the first cell of my first table. If there was a third table it is put inside the first cell of my second table.Is there a way to move the cursor out of the table? I have tried creating a new range with each table also but the same thing happens.I have also tried things like tbl.Range.InsertParagraphAfter()The closest I came was using the Relocate method, but this only worked for two tables.

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Creating Temporary Tables In MSAccess DB?

Feb 25, 2012

I'm almost ascertain there's a better way to do this but for right now I'll go with this. This is using WinForms, NOT on a webpage.

In Visual Basic 2010, I would like to create a form that uses a datagrid view pulling rows from a temporary table made at run time. When the "Submit" button of that form is clicked, the rows from the temporary table will be copied into the regular table. (This is being done as there is no ID# available until AFTER the form is submitted. The ID# is needed because the rows made in the temporary, as well as the entire form, will be associated with THAT number.)

how can I dynamically create a temporary table in MSAccess OR how can I use a datagrid without associating it with a table?

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DB/Reporting :: Creating Crystal Report From Two Tables?

Dec 20, 2011

I am trying to load a crystal report from two tables but it seems that is not working.Here is the code to load the crystal report:

Private Sub InvoiceLoad(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Looping Through Access Tables And Creating Separate Spreadsheets For Each Table?

Aug 15, 2011

I have produced some VBA in Access that creates a spreadsheet.I have also created an SQL query that retrieves records from an Access table.I have 48 tables (each table for a specific institution centre).I have created another bit of VBA code that creates a spreadsheet and loads the records from the query in to the spreadsheet.Each centre has a unique Sequence Number (Indent Number)At the moment though, all I can do is import one table (records for one institution) in to a spreadsheet. I want to end up with calling the function and having an output of 48 spreadsheets being saved to my desktop, each spreadsheet containing records of a different center.I have thought about putting a loop in, but not sure how I would quite go about it.

Here is my code to create the spreadsheet:

Public Sub ExcelExport(lngIndentNumber As Long, strFolder As String, strCrit As String, strReport As String)
', ctlLabel As Label,
DoCmd.SetWarnings False


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Sql Server - Join Tables Based On A Column Without Creating Records For Every Combination

Mar 20, 2012

I have two tables as follows:

Customer | Product
A | Car
A | Bike
A | Boat


If I use a normal JOIN then I get a list of friends for every separate product. I just want the two lists once.

The output lists with '-' need not be table cells, they can be <ul>s.

How can I achieve this? I would like to bind to ASP.net GridView. Should I try to do it all in one query, or use multiple queries and somehow add them both to the same Grid?

Each row actually forms part of a long report. Essentially each row of the report contains Customer ID, a bunch of other fields which match one-to-one with Customer ID, then the two lists for each Customer ID I described. Perhaps I can use a separate query for each list, then manually add each list to the grid on RowDataBound or similar?

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Creating Xml File From Master Detail Access Tables With Two Key Columns In Each Table In Vb 2005

Sep 10, 2009

I'm getting this error 'column' argument cannot be null. Parameter name: column at the bold character instruction. Also I would like to know how to relate two tables with two key columns in each table

Dim connection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(strTextoConn)
Dim EnPartesdataSet As DataSet = New DataSet("Enpartes")
Dim strsql As String


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Make A Database Fill It With Tables And Then Fill Tables

Aug 14, 2009

I am trying to make a database, fill it with tables and then fill the tables. I am having problems connecting to the server and am really not sure why. I have posted this thread in two areas of this site because I was not sure what was the best area to put it in. [code]

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Accessing A Database With A Datatable?

Mar 18, 2010

I am currently working on a project for school. I have the project all laid out in my mind and everything but there is one thing that stops me. I can not access the data from the database itself ...

(detailed info)

I am using an AMD Athlon x64 bit processor with a windows vista 64 bit operating system. I am writing the program on visual basic 2008 express edition. When I open up the visual basic 2008 express edition and create a new project the first thing I do is go to the view menu and activate my database explorer. I connect to the database in question through the database explorer. The database I am connecting to is an access 2007 database (ive opened up the access 2007 files and they do open and display information properly, in otherwords, they do work) I then put in a listbox and use the following lines of code in a form load event to both A) create the datatable and B) automatically fill the listbox with the database info.

Dim dt As New DataTable()
Dim connStr As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _


When I test the program the listbox does not fill up with any information from the MEGACITIES access 2007 database. Ive tried connecting to the database by establishing a connection through the datasources window. Ive tried establishing a connection to the database through both the database explorer and data sources window. No matter what I try I can not get that information accessed.

Im almost confident that this has to do with my processor being 64 bit.

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