Way To Force Calculations To Round Up Currency Values To Nearest Whole Pence / Cent
Jan 23, 2009
I'm trying to find a way to force my calculations to round up currency values to the nearest whole pence/cent.By default, rounding will round to the nearest pence/cent, whether this is up or down.I need it to always round up regardless.[code]My client's back office system rounds in this manner which is rather peculiar to say the least, however the prices on his website need to match and to to this they need to be rounded up.The built in ASP.NET Math.Round function only offers the regular rounding(and banker's rounding) and not an option to force rounding up or down.
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Nov 15, 2011
getting a formula round off to the next highest .25.example:
I can't use the Round function because if I have 2.26 then it will round off to 2.25 which is unacceptable.I have been using the Ceiling function but it rounds it off to the nearest highest integer. Which can add an almost extra kg,lb to my formulas.
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Jul 29, 2011
how can i always round a double up?
2.3 = 3
2.5 = 3
2.8 = 3
i always want to round up to the nearest whole number
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Dec 22, 2010
Is there any prebuilt items to roundup a number to set fraction size or do I need to build a routine to do this? If I have to build this any thoughts on the way to go about it? I was thinking I need to strip the decimal places and then compare them to a dataset of numbers a make a choice?
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Nov 21, 2011
Decimal number in my textbox I need to round to the nearest even number. Is there any idea how to do it?
View 21 Replies
May 13, 2009
How can I make it so that decimal numbers round up or down to the nearest integer?
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May 14, 2011
I'm creating a maths program and when it comes to division it's giving me .34216 as answeres which isn't what I want.I was thinking declaring the textbox the answer appears in as a single.It's not working out though and it's still using decimal points.I was told by my teacher to declare it as an integer so I tried that too, it's not working out also. I figured based on the code, I would be declaring array3() as the single or integer since that's the textbox the answer will be output into. [code]
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Apr 22, 2009
I am working in excel trying to setup a function involving multiplying a cell by a set number and then having the result round to the nearest 10. Here's the beginning of my function statement fx=e3*1.026. say the result is 8654, I need it to round to 8650. Also if it comes back 8655, I need it to round to 8660. I have about 2,000 records I need to do this to so I was hoping that one formula or statement could be used for all my data.
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Nov 9, 2009
I was using this old method of creating a bunch of rectangles when I need to get the location of a certain point within a grid so I could draw images on the grid. The thing is, I don't want to use rectangles, I want to be able to just round the location as if I were using rectangles. I need it to be able to round the point (66,70) to (50,50) so if you can imagine a grid and the mouse position being within that square in the grid, I need to get the location of the upper left corner of that square.
View 5 Replies
Feb 28, 2009
i used this code to assign the brand dbs to a value of 200
[code]Private Sub xModelComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles xModelComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged
If xModelComboBox.Text = "DBS" Then
View 5 Replies
Jul 22, 2011
Im creating an application that allows me to enter a product with a cost. I want all the costs to be saved in an array and then calculate the total cost and display it in a label. I looked for hours in my textbook and cant seem to get this part.
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Feb 24, 2009
I am really hissed off with this control. Does anyone know how I use this control for currency values. I want to set the text to say 1.15 meaning 1 pound 15 pence and the mask control to show 1.15. If I enter 1.1 I want it to format to 2 decimal places 1.10.
View 1 Replies
Mar 22, 2011
I am trying to put together a simple form with prices assigned to Radio buttons and check boxes.
I started by creating a simple form with four Windows Form control, two check boxes and two radio buttons, there is also a NumberUpDown Control for quantity but I have not added that yet.
Basically the user make selections, the price is calculated with total and subtotal and displayed on a label.
I am trying to start as basic as possible then work my way up to more complex calculations as I progress.
Here is my Screw up version: :)
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
View 4 Replies
Nov 1, 2010
I have a project to work with an existing Access 2007 DB table using Access Currency data type fields. I've tried many, many, many variations on what I'm doing, including using a command parameter or using this scheme and trying dOLEc in my command string (as shown below).
Dim dOLEc As Long = Decimal.ToOACurrency(dQ)
It all works fine (db connects, inserts record OK, closes connection) until I introduce any currency variable (WMoney is my example below). Then it returns Syntax Err 5 in INSERT INTO statement. Current VB string for the execute non-query command is:
Dim sdbcommandString As String
Dim dQ As Decimal = 8950.13
'control test--no currency field--works perfectly every time
sdbcommandString = "INSERT INTO Workers (WFullname,WRay)VALUES('George D. Jones','abcdefg');"
'but add the currency data type to it and it bombs
sdbcommandString = "INSERT INTO Workers (WFullname,WRay,WMoney)VALUES('George D. ZZZZZ','abcdefg'," & dQ & ");"
As I said, though perhaps not too clearly, I've also tried variations on this theme:
sdbcommandString = "INSERT INTO Workers (WFullname,WRay,WMoney)VALUES('George D. ZZZZZ','abcdefg'," & dOLEc & ");"
In all cases, I use the same code to connect to my db and use
OLEdbConnection1.ConnectionString = sDBConnString
OLEcommand = New OleDbCommand(sdbcommandString, OLEdbConnection1)
And I've tried it using variations on this theme where :
sdbcommandString = "INSERT INTO Workers (WFullname,WRay,WMoney)VALUES('George D. ZZZZZ','abcdefg',?);"
OLEdbConnection1.ConnectionString = sDBConnString
I need to use to make it work with a currency field?
View 6 Replies
Jul 2, 2009
In the discussion in this thread: [URL] it was reveiled to me that vb.net, using double, could only calculate values up to 18 digits after decimal.... so I started thinking and came up with this class
Public Class LargeNumber
Private pNumber As String
Public Sub New()
I want to split the string into a series of doubles.... and than combine them into a large number.... The size of each double component should be 18 digits on a 32 bit computer... so that I will have room to add the last carrier...
View 3 Replies
Aug 14, 2009
I've got a spreadsheetgear form but when I change its values and do some calculations on differed tabs. I want to be able to save all the data and tabs at it curent state so when I open the application it is at the saved state. I'm not worried about the values before I saved.
View 3 Replies
Feb 13, 2010
What is the most appropriate data type for storing currency values in VB.NET?
View 1 Replies
Jan 26, 2010
I have completed all the code for a loan calculator, but am unsuccessful in displaying decimal variables in string as "currency". I have added the .toString("c2") statement and only get one array to display in currency, then the second array does not round properly. Is there a convert function that will work? Here's my code:
Public Class frmLoanCalc
'Ken Schoening
'Loan Calculator
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Mar 4, 2009
I am working on a Windows application written in VB with Visual Studio 2005. I have a number of fields where the user needs to enter currency amounts. I am using a MaskedTextBox with the following currency mask. msktxtAssessedVal.Mask = "$ #######.99"
The problem that I am having is that when the users type in the value, the cursor always starts at the leftmost position and appears to force as many digits as the mask. The typical data values can vary anywhere between 9,999,999.99 and 20,000.00. If the users do NOT have a value that has 7 digits left of the decimal point, they need to move the cursor to the correct position before they start typing in the value. These users are used to quickly typing in their data, then tabbing to the next field so the current behavior is not acceptable. We previously used a ComponentOne MaskedTextbox, however, their controls now are no longer free and the boss will not pay!!!
Does anyone know if there is a way for the maskedtextbox or any text control to detect where the user types the decimal and format the data accordningly?
View 2 Replies
Apr 24, 2011
I am trying to create a currency converter that will convert currency. I have a text box to enter the amount and 2 combo boxes to choose which currency you are converting from and to.
I am using a webservice site XML that contains the conversions.
The problem is I cannot get the display to work properly.
View 4 Replies
Apr 27, 2010
With the following problem which I want to round up the "TotalVolume" and "AvgHL" with 2 decimal places. However, my ListView2 is still showing as the following example.
ID --------- Average H/L ----------- Average Volume
12 --------- 1.230000 ----------- 4251.230000
17 --------- 0.560000 --------- 12345.560000
23 --------- 0.320000 --------- 2345.010000
54 --------- 1.230000 --------- 122.550000
Dim conn As SqlConnection
conn = New SqlConnection(Source)
View 6 Replies
Jan 23, 2012
how to make the provider of sql server 2005.because I have install sql server on 2005 .and I want prepare the sql with visual BASIC 2008 for the dmarch
View 6 Replies
Mar 23, 2012
I need code that would take the input from textbox "Txtkbb" and divide it in half then round to the nearest 25 and store it in value "KbbValue"
View 4 Replies
Jan 9, 2008
I have written a program to return the colour of a pixel from an image. The problem I have is I need to return the colour name. Of course not all colours returned will be one of the pre-defined colours (knowncolours), so my question is, is there a way to find the nearest knowncolour which matches the colour of the pixel?
I have looked at GetNearestColour but am confused by its function. It just seems to return the same colour as the parameter passed into it.
View 11 Replies
Jul 6, 2009
For example, how would I get the # "220" from the number "229". Or the number "300" from "309"? The only way I've found to do this is using string stuff, but I'm afraid of the overhead for strings?
View 15 Replies
Jul 9, 2010
How do I go about rounding up to the nearest (Unit 10) ie Codes Below
IfVal(TimeHalfFareTextBox.Text = $/£ 0.05)
Then roundup
to $/£ 0.10. Or it might be .....
View 6 Replies
Oct 27, 2011
I use Mschart to produce charts. What I am trying to get is the nearest data point by where I click on the chart. The problem is that I can't find any connection between the HitTest values and the data point x/y values.Say, I clicked on the following point:
Dim result As HitTestResult = Chart.HitTest(e.X, e.Y)I have now values of X and Y where I clicked. How to associate it with the data point values?
What I want to achieve is to double-click on the chart which would find the nearest data point (x,y as integer) and knowing these values I would be able to recalculate other values based upon where the user needs it and double-clicks.
View 1 Replies
May 4, 2009
i got a function that search for database data, is it possible that i make it search the nearest words or keywords? which mean if d name is TEST, n i key in TE then it will show those name wit TEST TESS TSST? [Code]
View 2 Replies
May 24, 2011
[code]How can I validate that if 387 mod 2 <> 0 then it should display the nearest double. In this example, it should display 386 which is nearest to 387 and can be fully divide by 2.
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Jan 25, 2009
i'm building an image library and one of the things i want to do is compare the most common color in a given image to a set of established colors in rgb format the way i'll probably do this is create 3 arrays for the average r,g and b of each given image, and then compare them to my established values for r,g and b that i want to match to so if my first image has the average values of 255, 125 and 5 for r,g and b..what would be the best way to do a nearest match against my pre-established colors? (about 32 in total)
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