How To Control For Currency Values

Feb 24, 2009

I am really hissed off with this control. Does anyone know how I use this control for currency values. I want to set the text to say 1.15 meaning 1 pound 15 pence and the mask control to show 1.15. If I enter 1.1 I want it to format to 2 decimal places 1.10.

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Getting Currency Values Into Access DB Records?

Nov 1, 2010

I have a project to work with an existing Access 2007 DB table using Access Currency data type fields. I've tried many, many, many variations on what I'm doing, including using a command parameter or using this scheme and trying dOLEc in my command string (as shown below).

Dim dOLEc As Long = Decimal.ToOACurrency(dQ)

It all works fine (db connects, inserts record OK, closes connection) until I introduce any currency variable (WMoney is my example below). Then it returns Syntax Err 5 in INSERT INTO statement. Current VB string for the execute non-query command is:

Dim sdbcommandString As String
Dim dQ As Decimal = 8950.13
'control test--no currency field--works perfectly every time
sdbcommandString = "INSERT INTO Workers (WFullname,WRay)VALUES('George D. Jones','abcdefg');"

'but add the currency data type to it and it bombs

sdbcommandString = "INSERT INTO Workers (WFullname,WRay,WMoney)VALUES('George D. ZZZZZ','abcdefg'," & dQ & ");"

As I said, though perhaps not too clearly, I've also tried variations on this theme:

sdbcommandString = "INSERT INTO Workers (WFullname,WRay,WMoney)VALUES('George D. ZZZZZ','abcdefg'," & dOLEc & ");"

In all cases, I use the same code to connect to my db and use

OLEdbConnection1.ConnectionString = sDBConnString
OLEcommand = New OleDbCommand(sdbcommandString, OLEdbConnection1)

And I've tried it using variations on this theme where :

sdbcommandString = "INSERT INTO Workers (WFullname,WRay,WMoney)VALUES('George D. ZZZZZ','abcdefg',?);"
OLEdbConnection1.ConnectionString = sDBConnString


I need to use to make it work with a currency field?

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.NET Best Data Type For Storing Currency Values?

Feb 13, 2010

What is the most appropriate data type for storing currency values in VB.NET?

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Display Currency Values In Textbox Populated By An Array

Jan 26, 2010

I have completed all the code for a loan calculator, but am unsuccessful in displaying decimal variables in string as "currency". I have added the .toString("c2") statement and only get one array to display in currency, then the second array does not round properly. Is there a convert function that will work? Here's my code:

Public Class frmLoanCalc
'Ken Schoening
'Loan Calculator


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Interface And Graphics :: Handle Varying Currency Values In Maskedtextbox

Mar 4, 2009

I am working on a Windows application written in VB with Visual Studio 2005. I have a number of fields where the user needs to enter currency amounts. I am using a MaskedTextBox with the following currency mask. msktxtAssessedVal.Mask = "$ #######.99"

The problem that I am having is that when the users type in the value, the cursor always starts at the leftmost position and appears to force as many digits as the mask. The typical data values can vary anywhere between 9,999,999.99 and 20,000.00. If the users do NOT have a value that has 7 digits left of the decimal point, they need to move the cursor to the correct position before they start typing in the value. These users are used to quickly typing in their data, then tabbing to the next field so the current behavior is not acceptable. We previously used a ComponentOne MaskedTextbox, however, their controls now are no longer free and the boss will not pay!!!

Does anyone know if there is a way for the maskedtextbox or any text control to detect where the user types the decimal and format the data accordningly?

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Way To Force Calculations To Round Up Currency Values To Nearest Whole Pence / Cent

Jan 23, 2009

I'm trying to find a way to force my calculations to round up currency values to the nearest whole pence/cent.By default, rounding will round to the nearest pence/cent, whether this is up or down.I need it to always round up regardless.[code]My client's back office system rounds in this manner which is rather peculiar to say the least, however the prices on his website need to match and to to this they need to be rounded up.The built in ASP.NET Math.Round function only offers the regular rounding(and banker's rounding) and not an option to force rounding up or down.

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Create A Custom Currency Control Text Box?

Sep 10, 2006

I was trying to create a custom currency control text box, but I am getting an error that I don't understand.I am getting the following error message when I use it with databinding:"Object of type 'System.EventHandler' cannot be converted to type


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Currency Calculator - Rich Text Editor Control?

Mar 1, 2011

Does anyone know of a good rich text editor control? I am looking for something that can take either, plain text, rtf and html. I want to be able to edit the text. It would AWSOME if it can convert rtf to html and html to rtf. I have tried the C1 and that was bad. It does not read rtf and does not convert anything. And it was really slow.

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Create A Currency Converter That Will Convert Currency?

Apr 24, 2011

I am trying to create a currency converter that will convert currency. I have a text box to enter the amount and 2 combo boxes to choose which currency you are converting from and to.

I am using a webservice site XML that contains the conversions.

The problem is I cannot get the display to work properly.

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Control Mouse Through X And Y Values?

Jun 21, 2010

i am getting x and y values through AR marker.I want to control windows mouse pointer through that x and y values in c++. controlling mouse with simple x and y values.

View 1 Replies Control Loses Its Property Values?

Jun 3, 2009

I'm writing a custom user control for my site, for storing datetimes. It has two properties:

Private _includeTime As Boolean
Private _value As DateTime = Nothing
Public Property IncludeTime() As Boolean


I call my custom control in this way:

<my:DateTimeInput runat="server" includetime="true" ID="txtWhen" />

This sets the includetime property correctly.In my backend code I also do this on page_load:

txtWhen.SelectedDateTime = now

When I step through with the debugger, I see that the property gets set, BUT when the page_load of the control itself loads, the property value is reset to nothing!

The page_load of the control:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
lbltime.Visible = IncludeTime
If SelectedDateTime().CompareTo(Nothing) > 0 Then


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Autofill Values Using Webbrowser Control?

Jun 25, 2009

so i use a webbrowser control to navigate the page as follows [URL]..if i press the button on my form window the textbox value which i give on form is automatically filled into webpage textbox.due to password error the same page be loaded again but now when i press the button again which is in formwindow the textboxvalue which i give on form is not fill into webpage textbox

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Comparing Values - Associated With The NumericUpDown Control

Apr 26, 2011

I have 10 values to compare against each other for duplicates and would like a recommendation to do this most efficiently. The values are associated with the NumericUpDown control. I'm using VS and VB 2010.

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Control A Textbox From Listbox Values?

Jul 3, 2012

I Know how to Search in a Listbox[code]...

While user enters character "w" then "w" should appear in the textbox.Now if user enters character "h" then "wh" should appear in the textbox .Now suppose user enters character "e" Then "wh" should remain with a beep means "e" should not be written in the textbox.

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Get Values Of Table In WebBrowser Control?

Apr 15, 2012

I have loaded a page in my webBrowser control, the page has a table, please see attached for screenshot and partial page source code. I want to load specific column of that table to datagridview, how can I do that?

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How To Save Form Control Values

Nov 20, 2009

I have a form with a couple of multi-line text boxes, a couple of radio buttons, and a couple of check boxes. When the form is closed I need to save the values of the textboxes, radiobuttons and checkboxes so their values will be retained next time the form is open. I've done this in VB6 on form open and form close, but I cannot get the same module to work in .NET

Here was what I used in 6.0 to save:
Sub SaveFormState(ByVal SourceForm As Form)
Dim A As Long ' general purpose
Dim B As Long
Dim C As Long
Dim FileName As String ' where to save to
[Code] .....

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How To Use DomainUpDown As Spinner To Control Values

Apr 11, 2010

I want to control domainUpDown as spinner to control value from 0 to 800 so that if i hit its upper arrow it adds 1 into current value...

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How To Use Listview Control - Update Values

Jun 22, 2010

i have some problem with the listview control i dont know how to use it


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Iterate Through The Values Of Combo Box Control

Jun 12, 2012

Am using a combo box with no of phone numbers .I want to get the phone no one by one in a variable. Now am using the below code to get the combobox values. But still now am getting the following error message System.Data.DataRowView. Please help me to fix this error. am new for[code]

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Save And Load Control Values?

Aug 24, 2011

I have multiple controls on my form. Text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, etc. Is there a way to move through every control on the form and save it's value, status ? Like whether the radio button is checked, or not. The value of the text box, and save them all to a text file. Then, reload the values saved in the text file in the same sequence. Without doing all this one line at a time.

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Use A WebBrowser Control To Get Values From Websites?

Mar 26, 2010

I need get several values from a HTML Page on a WebBrowser Control. How can I get those values in a TextBox?

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Custom Control Property With DropDown Values

Jun 21, 2010

I have a custom control. I need to add a property, say, Comparison, to the control. The property should be set at design time using a dropdown. The Dropdown will have String values like '=','>','<' etc.
I tried using Enum values and working perfectly but I need to do some extra coding to convert the Enum values to the string I required. It would be great if I can get the values from the dropdown so that I can directly use the selcted value.

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Enter DataGridView Values From Textbox Control

Feb 5, 2011

I am making a program that uses the datagridview control for making the sales invoice and I want to add direct values from textbox control to datagridview. But the problem is I am not getting the row, col index properly and if I use:
dgv.item(0,dgv.rowcount -1).value=textbox1.text
Then the value goes to the 1st col and 1st row. When I use dgv.rows.add() then value goes down to last row of the dgv control.

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Looping Through A Repeater Control To Get Values Of Textbox In

Aug 12, 2011

I am trying to loop through my repeater control and get the textbox values.However, I am getting an error: {"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."}

my code is:

Dim txtField As TextBox
Dim j As Integer = 0
'Confirm if user has entered atleast one quantity
For Each item In rptRequestForm.Items


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Multiply Or Add The Values Of Two Or More Cells In A Datagridview Control In A Row?

Nov 15, 2011

I want to multiply or add the values of two or more cells in a datagridview control in a row and and should also be auto-saved in the database after entering datas in the cell. I am using SQL Server 2008 for my database. do take a look at the screenshot attachment that I made for further details..

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Saving Form Control Values To Reload Later?

Feb 3, 2010

Basically I have a form which is used for a report, when completed it is then mailed to various mailboxes. I would like the option that if the user cannot complete the form, they can save it & reload the values into the form to use later.Some of the boxes will have quite a lot of text, so using the registry is not an option. I have looked at My.Settings but think this is for application settings not user input such as a lot of text - but I could be wrong.I've looked at freefile & got it to work with text boxes saving to a .dat file, but had a problem in that text appeared in the wrong text boxes so I assume the order was different in the load to what it was in the save?

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Set Property Values At Runtime By Control Type?

Feb 21, 2010

I thought I saw how to do this but can't seem to find it now.Is there a way to set the properties of all controls on a Form by Control Type?Meaning, if I have 5 textboxes on a form can I write code like .If page.contol is TextBox then

textbox.forecolor = Blue

Then when the page loads is sets all the textboxes forecolor on the form to Blue.

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VS 2008 Format Values In A Datagridview Control?

Apr 3, 2011

I'm using 2008 and I want to be able to format the way numeric values are displayed in the datagridview control.

My datagridview control is being populated from data stored in sql server 2008, what I am after is for a value to always show 2 decimal places, even if the number is a whole number. e.g. '1500' to display as '1500.00'.

I have already tried using the following commands in my sql statements:


But this doesn't seem to display correctly in the datagridview. for 1500 I get 1500.0000 and 1500

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Create A Control At Runtime From Database Field Values?

Sep 19, 2011

I'm new to programming and would like to know how can i create radio buttons at runtime using the field values in my sql database. Im creating a survey application.(windows forms)in the relational database i have 2 tables one for questions and one for options.

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Create A Dynamic Control And AddHandle WITH Values/Brackets?

Mar 7, 2010

it seems that adding for example a button Dim myButton as New Button and then addHandler to mySub("lol", 255) is not possible. Where mySub is Shared Sub MySub(byRef myString as string, myInteger as Integer)

So: addHandler, addressOf mySub("lol", 255) - returns an error saying it does not work with parentheses or whatever. I somehow see why this might not be possible, so I'm looking for a work-around on this problem.

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