Winforms - How To Get The Executing User

Jun 27, 2012

I have a .Net 2.0 Windows Forms application which needs to be run as a specific user (right click, run as).I need to be able to check which user has launched it and stop if it is not the specific user.All the examples I have found show the logged in user.How can I access the application executing username?

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Attach A PDF File In VB Application And Make The User To Download While Executing?

Aug 22, 2011

How do we embed / attach a pdf file (100 page file) in one of our form and the users should be allowed to download the same while executing /using this tool.

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Block User Written Text In Combobox While Executing The Program?

Oct 16, 2010

'i have written the following code:

Sub Combo_Mth_KeyPress(ByVal
sender As


'even thogh it seems to clear the text and select default text yet user written 'keyword appears in the text area of combobox?

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VS 2008 : Executing DOS/Command Line Commands With User Prompts?

May 25, 2010

I'm trying to create a program that does the following:Executes the following command line string (wmic /node:computername bios get serialnumber)Prompts user for the "node" entry Displays the resulting serial number in a dialog box I'm a bit of a noob at this (I haven't coded anything in VB since early 2000s) so I'm at a bit of a loss where to start. I plan on including some functions to submit the node entry and the resulting serial number to a database in the future for archiving as well.

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.net - Create New User In Winforms Using HDI Membership Provider?

Jan 1, 2012

I have a website with login and register forms using custom HDI Membership provider where Users can login or register new account.

Now I have a desktop software and trying to have two forms for login and register where my users can able to login or register for user convenience and not by going to the website and make them register online.So, I have these to know in order to go further.

1) Can I use HDI membership provider as I have used it in my web application?As previously I have done and I faced many problems and still didn't get clarified here

2) If No, how do I make use in order to make use the same HDI Membership.Finally I need to use the same database for my desktop software as well as my web application with all the possibilities (i.e. I need to validate each parameter of my membership class).I am able to register the user but it is not using the Membership and I'm unable to know why it is not picking up the membership provider from the app.config file.

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Catch After A User Control Has Been Shown In .net, Winforms?

Nov 23, 2009

as the title says, I'm looking for an event to catch after a user control has been shown.

At the moment, I have to set a do-once variable and catch the Invalidated event.

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Way In .NET Winforms To Have User Entered Time Frame?

Mar 18, 2010

Does anyone know of a good way to have a user enter an amount of time (hours and minutes) using winforms controls? At the moment I have two numeric up downs, one for time and one for minutes that I then parse to create a timespan. The only other idea I have is a text box that a user can enter a "00:00" time in, and validate the input. Both of these ways seem a bit bad (in UI terms) though.

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Winforms - Use Custom Roles For User Access?

Sep 2, 2009

I have a winforms (VB 2008) based app that I'm developing and I want to use custom roles for user access.Application Layout:I have a Main form that opens a login form when certain actions occur.The Login form intern uses an authentication class that I've created, to authenticate users and set access rights.On my Applications settings page, I have Authentication Mode set to Application-defined because I cannot use Windows Authentication in the environment where this will be deployed.

The application uses a MS SQL 2005 db and the 3 tables I'm using in the authentication process are the User_Account , User_Roles and User_Access tables. The combination of an account in the User_Account and the roles within the User_Roles table are the bases for the User_Access table. Using the User_Access table is how I assign access to the various functions within the application

Authentication Method:To authenticate a user, I'm using the "My.User.CurrentPrincipal" (Code below) method. The My.User object works great and allows the use of "My.User.Name" property throughout the app when referring to the currently authenticated user.

Access Method:In order to set the current users access levels I'm using a function within my Authentication class and passing in My.User.Name as a variable. The function uses a Dataset Table Adaptor and a Select Case statement inside a For loop to assign all the access levels for the user (Function code below).

My Problem:This method of assigning access rights to a user does work but it's not persistent throughout the application as the My.User object is.I would like to find a way to create custom roles through the My.User object using its .IsInRole property. I would like to have these roles dynamically created using my User_Roles table.This would allow the custom roles to be used throughout my application using the My.User.IsInRole ("MyRole")syntax ...similar to how I'm currently able to use My.User.Name.Unfortunately the only roles I can currently validate against are the built in Windows
type accounts (Adminisrator ...ect.).

'User Authentication example:
If Authenticate.CheckPassword(tbxUserName.Text, strPassword) Then
My.User.CurrentPrincipal = New GenericPrincipal(New GenericIdentity(tbxUserName.Text), Nothing)[code].....

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Add Right Click Context Menu On Winforms User Control?

Feb 14, 2011

What I hope is relevant code below, I would like the User to be able to Right click when hovering over the PictureBox container of a User Control and pop up a menu which allows a User to check or uncheck an item in the context menu. How can I acheive that?


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C# - Saving Class Library User Settings In Winforms .Net 3.5 SP1?

Jul 8, 2010

A while back, I wrote my own settings provider because I was having problems persisting settings in a class library. (Note - I had no problems persisting settings from an application).Today, I just did a test of persisting class library settings and it worked, without my custom provider.The test is:

(1) Create a class library

(2) Add a setting - 'Name'

(3) Add a class with a public shared property 'Name' that reads and writes to the setting 'Name'.

(4) Create an application that references the class library, and use the shared property to read and write the 'Name' setting.

I'm sure that before the 'Name' setting would persist while the application was open but after I closed it and re-opened it, the setting would revert to the default.This is not happening now and I'd like to be sure that I was being an idiot before and not an idiot now.

ETA: I've noticed that the first time I create a test app, change the setting, close, and reopen, the setting is not persisted. Subsequently it is. May be I gave up after one try before. Any ideas why it's not persisted the first time?

ETA2: As an example, I have a class library called 'MyLibrary' and a test application called 'MyApp'. I do the steps 1-4 above, and below are the contents of the user.config file found at C:Documents and SettingsUser NameLocal SettingsApplication DataMyAppMyApp.vshost.exe_Url_vi5gjcooahbdm2ma3dcay0mkexu2suul1.0.0.0. Note: I did not touch the settings in MyApp;-

<sectionGroup name="userSettings" type="System.Configuration.UserSettingsGroup, System, Version=, Culture=neutral >
<section name="MyLibrary.My.MySettings" type="System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, allowExeDefinition="MachineToLocalUser" requirePermission="false" />


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Changing Dock Property In Winforms User Control

May 5, 2011

I'm trying to create a button that will hide the panel that I have docked at the centre of my user control. [code]This works to an extent. However, when the bottomPanel is set to Fill it seems to fill the entire control, and not just up to toolStrip1. Can anyone tell me why this is happening, and how to correct it?

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Bind A WinForms TreeView Control To Some User-defined Objects?

Oct 16, 2011

I'm trying to bind a WinForms TreeView control to some user-defined objects. In particular, I'd like to bind aTreeNode.Text property to myObject.Name. My strategy is to create xTreeNode, a subclass of TreeNode, add a DataBindings collection, and expose its Text property. This would allow me to write some code like this:

Dim oBinding as Binding
Dim bs as New BindingSource
bs.DataSource = myObj


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WinForms - Creating Virtual Directory Programmatically As Unprivileged User

Feb 2, 2010

I'm trying to write an application that will allow a non-administrator user to create virtual directories in IIS6. I've tried numerous different ways of impersonating a administrative account but nothing seems to work to create the virtual directory.

Here's some of what I've tried:
dim sDirPath as string = "IIS://remotehost/W3svc/1/root"
Dim de As DirectoryEntry = New DirectoryEntry()
de.Path = sDirPath
de.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationTypes.Secure
de.Username = tbxUsername.Text
[Code] .....

what is the correct way to impersonate another user in winforms application that will allow me to create the virtual directory without the user that's running the application being an administrator on the web server? I know this can be done, IIS manager allows you to use "connect as" checkbox to do it.

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Check In WinForms App When User Exists Belongs To Active Directory Group?

Aug 3, 2009

I am developing a WinForms Application and have to check if a user belongs to an Active Directory Group.

I tried this snippet of code but i always get the error "object not referenced ..." at line[code]...

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Sql Server - Winforms Dropdownbox Data Load : Allow The User To Select The State First?

Nov 1, 2010

I have a VB2005 winforms application that will loads city data from my database table. This is to ensure that the user enters the correct city spelling, in order to receive an accurate quote. Currently, there are about 150K cities that are being loaded to the dropdown listbox on page load. It takes about 30-40 seconds for that page to load. My initial thought was to allow the user to select the state first. Then load the city values. But the user has the option of going back and requesting a quote for a different city / state.

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Label Backgrond Flicking On A WinForms User Control Has Background Image Enabled?

Mar 16, 2010

I am working on a windows form project and having some problem with UserControl Double Buffering.I created a usercontrol and has a background image, then on top of it I have few radio buttons and labels. Radio buttons and labels are all having transparent background as color.However, when I show and hide the User control, I can see the flickering on those labels and radio buttons that has transparent background.And I tried

Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer _
Or ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint _
Or ControlStyles.UserPaint _


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Winforms Saving Images To SQL Server Without Creating A File On The User's Hard Drive?

Jun 22, 2011

This is my first attempt at creating a Winforms application, and I have been developing in the .Net Framework (Silverlight, ASP.Net, WPF) for about 6 months. So, my appologies if this is a newbie question.

Basically what I am doing right now is taking the drawings of a stylus-based input, and storing them into an image field in a SQL Server database. Then, in another form, I go and get that image out of the database, and load it into a picture box. It works, but it is rather "sloppy" how it got there.When the user clicks save, it stores that image into a temporary folder, then converts it to a byte array and throws it into the database that way. Then, it deletes the file from the temporary folder. When retrieving it, it pulls it out of the database in a byte array, then converts it to an image in a temporary folder, thus displaying it on the form.

Is there a way that I can just bypass the storing of the file onto the user's harddrive both times, and go from byte array to picturebox?

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VS 2010 Stop A Block Of Code Executing When User Clicks "Stop"?

Mar 1, 2011

I have a START and STOP button and when the user clicks "start" the program does a whole bunch of calculations and all. However, I noticed that when I was testing the program I clicked STOP the program continues to execute stuff.

My START code is basically a while loop that iteratively does some calculations.

So I just put a boolean variable as the while condition and when user clicks stop its set to false and when user clicks start its set to true. However, when I click stop, the condition is set to false yes but it still executes all the code until the condition is re-evaluated my question is how can I get out of the while loop when user instantly clicks "stop"?

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C# - .NET WinForms - Listen To Events For System LogOff - User Locked - Hibernate Started And System Resumed?

Feb 11, 2010

I want to listen to events in my windows forms .NET application for the following system wide events :


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IDE :: Set Project Default For Winforms Projects S/ Default Modifier For Controls Added To Winforms Is Private

May 28, 2010

Is it possible to set a project default for VB.NET winforms projects so that the default Modifier for controls added to winforms is Private (not Friend)?I know there's a "modifiers" property in the properties window so I can set it for each individual control however I would like to change the project so from now on myself and other developers have to specifically decide to change from friend to private. (Which I would strongly discourage them from doing).I believe there is no way of doing this, but on another forum a while ago someone mentioned it would be possible with an add-in (but didn't name the add-in or where to get it).

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Do Until Loop Not Executing?

Nov 16, 2010

y question is I have a program that is used to add inputs to an array when the OK button is clicked. My problem is that the after the first click of the OK button the Do while loop does not execute again for a 2nd click.lling out my hair. Here is the code.

Public Class InputValue
Public Shared InputArray(0 To 9) As Integer


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Executing A DLL From SQL Server?

Feb 3, 2010

we want to write a DLL using VB.NET 2008 using .Net 3.5 that performs an HTTP request we then want to call the DLL From SQL Server 2005 (in a trigger) and pass the DLL some variables and get a return value.Where im at in the process.I have created the DLL 'HTTPDLL.dll'


Imports System
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Text


Perhaps i am calling it incorrectly but i havent been able to get it to work (always return 'invalid class string')

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Executing A FOR Loop?

Feb 1, 2011

Just trying to run a basic program where the user is prompted to enter five names, one at a time. I'm prompted one time. After entering one name I get the following error "Unhandled exception: System.NullReferenceException:Object reference not set to an instance of an object"

Here's the

Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim SortedList
For SortedList = 1 To 5


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Executing An External App?

Oct 1, 2010

im working in a windows app that execute another apps.. writing the name of the app in a text box (i.e firefox.exe) and click enter to run it im using >> (System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(app_name.Text)) to run apps it works fine with me .. but it didnt with some apps like when I write for example ares.exe it says:Win32Exciption was unhandled :The system cannot find the file specified

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Executing SQL From Code ?

Jun 22, 2010

I am running SQL 2005 Standard Server. I am using Visual Studio 2010 for development.

Let me just say that what I have below works, I would just like to have some constructive critisism.


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Name Of Currently Executing Method?

Dec 28, 2009

how to get the name of the currently executing method? I was thinking it was somewhere under My.Application, but I can't find it...

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Sql - ExecuteNonQuery Not Executing - .net?

Oct 8, 2009

I'm trying to execute a SQL command, but I just can't find out why this is not working.This is how I defined the "execute" function in my class named "clsSQL":


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Sub Routine Not Executing?

Feb 4, 2011

I have the following code:

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data
Public Class Main[code]...

and the sub Exceptionquery is not working. I can verify this because it is supposed to create a new table called scratchpad3. what I may be missing in that sub routine that isn't allowing it to work?

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Two If Statements - Why One Not Executing

Jun 27, 2012

I have two if statements and my project sees one and not the other. Here is the code:
If (IsPostBack) Then
End If
Dim savePath As String = "Images "
If (fileUpload.HasFile) Then
[Code] .....
When I trace my code I find it goes to the second if and then go to end if without running the code inside the conditional.

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VS 2008 Why Sub Executing Twice

Jul 31, 2009

I have a sub in which I call different subs, depending on a value I pass through. It works fine for all but the last one. It executes the sub I call but then comes back to the first sub and runs the second one again


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