Write The DS Into A Txt Fie With Predefined Field Lengths?

Jul 30, 2009

I want to write the DS into a txt fie with predefined field lengths.

Code:Dim ds As New Data.DataSetda.SelectCommand = New SqlCommand da.SelectCommand.Connection = conn da.SelectCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * from Samp1" da.Fill(ds, "S1")


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.dat File With Certain Fixed Field Lengths Work Like A SQL Database In VB?

Mar 25, 2009

For a school program, I was assigned to use a .dat file to store and edit information while using VB to be it's front end( to appear in a listbox). I was also given what field length to use per field. I never worked with .dat files, so I have a few questions (all the google-ing Ive done say the same thing: every .dat file is different so you can't play around with them):


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VS 2010 Write To Field Within Mysql From Text Box

Aug 8, 2011

Trying to get a textbox to write the contents to a field within mysql.

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Formatting Decimal Field For Text File Write Out

Mar 25, 2009

I have a VB Application that is loading an Array with Numbers from the Sequel Server that have numbers 315054 no cents and leaving the .00 off even numbers. I need to write out the number to a textfile that has 14 zero's to the left removing the decimal point from the number.

The Number should format and be written out like this:
00000031505400 in the text file.

My coding does this as long as the even number has a decimal point .00 but if the number comes in as 315054 into my array my coding gives an Argument error with the coding below.
SCreditTextBox1 = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right("00000000000000" & Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(_sData(Irow, 7), _sData(Irow, 7, ".") - 1) & _
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(_sData(Irow, 7), 2), 14)
Is there a way to check for no decimal point and then place the number with no .00 as 00000031505400?

The accounting people are entering the numbers into the server this way incorrectly. The .00 is suppose to be entered with it, but not all even numbers are entered this way without .00, just a few, but I need to check the number to see if there are decimals and without decimals do something. Could my coding be re-written to account for not having the .00 and to format the number correctly to avoid the argument error?

I need for any number to format with:
$3,000.00 would appear in server as 3000 or 3000.00 and should write out like this below: I need to check for decimals and without decimals and writeout the format like this below:

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Write A String With Control Characters To An Nvarchar Field In A DB?

Jul 13, 2009

I have a multiline textbox from which I create a single string[code]...

What I'd like to do is write this to a DB as-is by adding wholeThing as a parameter using to SqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue, but all of my painstakingly-inserted newlines go away (or appear to).

I saw this and was hoping I didn't need to concern myself with CHAR(nnn) SQL stuff.

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Allow Multiple Lengths On A Textbox?

Nov 18, 2010

I think this will be better than what I was thinking before.

How can I allow multiple lengths to a textbox.Allow multiple lengths on a textbox?

something like

if Not TextBox1.TextLength = 8 Or 11 Or 14 Or 18 Then msgbox("error")

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Asp.net - Multiple Lengths For Substring?

May 17, 2012

Can a substring have mutiple arguments? I am pulling a substring from a drop down list into my database for records, the string is between 6 and 8 numbers, is it possible to pass more than one argument to make this work?

Sample data:

123456 | Name
1234567 | Name


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.net - Write A Linq To Sql Query To Find Records Where Field Name Can Match One Of Dynamic Number Of Strings?

Mar 21, 2012

I have users check off lab facilities in a UI. I want to use linq to fetch corresponding records for all of the labs that they have checked off. Basically,

Dim myRecs = (From l As EpiData In myDataContext.EPIDatas Where l.facility= _
one of the checked labs

So basically, I need to write a linq query where the "strings" to match are determined at runtime. Is there any way to do this easily? I know that there is a library out there called dynamic LINQ, but (1) it's in C# and I'm writing in VB (2) I'm really just looking for a single, simple solution for this single case.

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Extract The Numbers Which May Be Random Lengths?

Apr 20, 2011

Forgive me but i have a noob question, I cant seem to get my head around.I have a textbox.text string as "111.1, 22.2, 3333.3, 444.44" What I want to is extract the numbers which may be random lengths, but all separated by a comma to

dim i1st number as Integer
dim i2nd number as Integer
dim i3rd number as Integer
dim i4th number as Integer

I know how to search for one instance of a string in a string but taking the 1st part to the comma, then the next comma and so on is confusing me.


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Have To Go To Crazy Lengths To Just Compare Two Dates?

Sep 3, 2010

Basically I'm just trying to see if the date/time of files have changed on files.So I've got code something like this:-

Dim fi_source_CreationTime As DateTime = fi.CreationTime
Dim file_info_DateCreated As String = '** LOADED from a file **
If (fi_source_CreationTime = CDate(file_info_DateCreated)) Then


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How To Calculate Angles Of Right Triangle Given Lengths

Apr 5, 2011

I'm working on a Pythagorean Theorem program that calculates the sides and angles of a right triangle. I have the side measurements and all that down, but I can't find the Visual Basic function that will allow me to calculate the angles from the side measurements. I've tried asin and sinh, but both give me the wrong measure.

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Sisplit The Text Into 48 Char Lengths?

May 9, 2011

simple loop code to split a text which is displayed on the text box. All that will need to do is split the text into 48 char lengths.

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Sort Array Of Strings By Their Lengths?

Apr 4, 2012

I have an array of strings such as "blue", "green", "red" and I wish to sort them so the longest string comes first and the shortest last.

Currently I am creating another array with the lengths of each string in the array in the same index positions and using this array as the key array to sort by as can be seen below, but I think this could be optimised into one line perhaps?

Dim colours() As string = {"blue", "green", "red"}
Dim colourslength() As Integer
For i As Integer = 0 To colours.Length - 1


Edit: just realised I defined colours as a list in the example code, it's an array in my actual code.

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Why Is Textbox String Changing Lengths

Feb 26, 2012

I am working on a project that I scroll from one screen to another.

A particular string I have 2 variables that can be changed. If I stay on this screen I can change either variable just as I need

however when I change to another screen then return my string is 1 digit longer and when I wish to edit this string my program fails because the string isn't the expected length.

A portion of my program follows....The Y6 is just a counter. The MA is a conditional control.

ElseIf _
Y6 = 4 _
And MA = True _


Delete 0-27 then determine whats there "NC" or "NO" and simply change it. But again when I leave this particular screen and return my text length is no longer 29 charactors long, it is now 30 charactors.

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Create A Multidimensional Array That Contains Arrays Of Different Lengths?

Jan 1, 2011

Is there any way to create a multidinensional array that contains arrays of different lengths (similar to nesting arrays of different lengths in python).

Because if I were to declare a variable Dim accounts(2,2) As Integer all 1D arrays at each dimension have the same length. Is there any way to create an array so that this is not the case?

e.g The above code would create an array like this:
but would it be possible to create this:

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Finding Min/max Lengths Of Lines In .txt File Without Arrays?

Mar 27, 2012

I am working on a program that opens a .txt file, finds the length of each line in the file, and then outputs the minimum and maximum lengths. For example, assuming this is the .txt file I am opening:



I would like to return something like this:

Minimum length: 6
Maximum length: 9

I cannot use arrays for this assignment. I figured out how to get the maximum length but cannot figure out how to get the minimum. Am I going about this the right way or is there an easier way to do this? Here is what I have thus far:

Dim FileName As String
Dim FileReader As StreamReader
Dim FileLine As String


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Loop Through String And Split Into Equal Lengths

Feb 1, 2008

I have a string which can be of any length. I want to loop tthrough this string and if there 53 characters assign that to Variable1, then loop round again and assign the next 53 characters or less to variable2 etc etc until the end of the string. Ideally I would not want to split words - but that is another problem.....

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C# - Compare Multiple Arraylist Lengths To Find Longest One?

Jan 17, 2012

I have 6 array lists and I would like to know which one is the longest without using a bunch of IF STATEMENTS."if arraylist.count > anotherlist.count Then...." <- Anyway to do this other than this?

Examples in VB.net or C#.Net (4.0) would be helpfull.


DIM longest As integer = the longest arraylist should be stored in this variable.

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Count Down From Now To Predefined Timespan?

Apr 16, 2012

I would like to be able to (on button click) start a countdown (in minute intervals, that also updates every minute) from the current time to a timespan that already exists.I read somewhere there are a few different timers, I need a solution that I can use in windows phone 7 as well as in a windows forms application.I'm aware there are a lot of existing questions, I just can't seem to find one that does this exact thing if someone could point me in the right direction even?

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Subtracting From Predefined Time Value?

Feb 2, 2009

I have a predefine time value of we'll say 1:30 PM. Im wanting to start a process at 5 minutes till 1:30 which would be 1:25. So this is what Ive tried

Dim MyTime As System.DateTime
MyTime = TimeString
MyTime = MyTime.AddMinutes (-5)


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Add Data To Predefined Unbound Datagridview?

Mar 7, 2010

I have an unbound datagridview with three columns already setup. I load data into a dataset. I bind the dataset to the datagridview. My issue is that new columns for the dataset is added to my datagridview. I would like to place the datainto the predefined columns. I have tried this:

index As


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Convert String To Predefined Variable Name?

Nov 9, 2011

I'm programming a basic slot machine in Visual basic, and want to use a for loop to randomly choose the image for each slot, display the image in each slot, and change the slotName variable (so I can check later on which symbols are in the slots) for each slot. The problem I'm finding with a for loop is that the variables and objects for each slot have different names (slot1Name, slot2Name, slot3Name, lblSlot1, lblSlot2, lblSlot3, etc). Is there any way I could have could something like:
currentSlotName = "slot" & i & "Name"

This is the code at the moment, this code is repeated (with different variable and object names), for each of the 3 slots, which is pretty inefficient.
' Randomise numbers and assign images to slots based on random numbers, if the hold isn't on
' Slot 1
If Not held1 Then
slot1Value = Int(Rnd() * numbersGenerated + 0.5)
Select Case slot1Value
[Code] .....

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Moving A PictureBox To Predefined Locations?

Jan 22, 2011

I'm working on a little board game we play here in Jamaica just to see how it would look and as a sort of challenge for myself while on vacation. I'm however stuck on how to make my markers (PictureBoxes - two per player) move along the board.So heres my problem; I have 40 slots where the picturebox can be moved to (eg picturebox1.Top = 324, picturebox1.left=243). Now moving to these slots are determined by the roll of a pair of dice. How can I assign a variable preferably an integer for each slot so when the dice is rolled I can just do a little addition as to where the markers can be moved?

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Predefined Text In Textbox Error?

Apr 18, 2011

I have a program with three Textboxes that have numbers typed in as text. I have them dimensioned. When I try to use them it gives me an error "Cannot convert a String to a Double". I have tried to use a=CDBL(textbox1.text) but that did not fix it. Is there a solution to this problem?

Sub Test()
Dim a,b,c


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Create A File And Fill It Until A Predefined Size Value?

Jun 5, 2011

There is some way to open a file and fill it with randon information until it reach a determined value?

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Select Predefined Items From A String In Checkedlistbox?

Jan 25, 2012

Is there an approach to preselect the items in checkedlistbox on formload.

1) I have a form with checkedlistbox

2) items in checkedlistbox are "One" "Two" "Three" "Four"

3) i have a string str="One,Two"

at formload i want these items in the checkedlistbox to be selected.

is there a way other than selecting these item by looping through the items in listedcheckedbox.

i.e., as we can get the selected items by using ".checkeditems" property

i need a way to select the items of checkedlistbox from a string or array in single statement without looping.

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VS 2008 Communicating With A VB6 App And A App - Display Predefined Forms

Dec 2, 2009

I have a need to be able to communicate with a VB6 application (I have the source code) whilst it is running. I just need to get it to display some predefined forms. Any tips on how I could achieve it. I was thinking along the lines of using Sockets.

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Add A Print Option So That The Info Can Be Printed On A Predefined Layout?

Oct 19, 2011

I have made a simple data entry program, and I need to add a print option so that the info can be printed on a predefined layout. Is there a tutorial on how to do that? I know in MS Access is a form design. but I do not see such a function in VB 2008 Express Edition?

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Dynamically Direct A Particular Control's Event To Use A Predefined Method?

Nov 15, 2009

Is it possible to dynamically direct a particular control's event to use a predefined method.For example.I have a form which I dynamically add controls to, let's say, TextBox1,TextBox2 and TextBox3 and a module which as 3 routines, Method1, Method2, Method3. When I dynamically add my controls, eg TextBox4, I want to choose which of the 3 methods I want mapped to which event.
Dim objTextBox1 as new TextBox
dim NameOfRoutine$="Module.Method2"

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Dynamically Entering Values In A Predefined Email Body In Mvc 3?

Oct 11, 2011

I am writing a mvc 3 application and part of its function is to send out confirmation emails along with an assortment of other emails.. I have the body's for the different types of emails stored in a database table.. Getting the values out of the table and dropping them in a email body using System.Net.Mail isnt a problem at all... What I need to do is somehow put somekind of variable marker in the body which is in the database table and then somehow parse the body text when its dropped into the email body to find the variable marker and put the correct value in it's spot..Code snippet of what I have so far is below:

Keep in mind that this will be a rather large body and there are a few places values will have to be dropped in.. I was thinking of having it use something like this:

Long mail body ^^Name^^ has been approved for classes starting on ^^Date^^ at the ^^Place^^ located in ^^Location^^..

When the code loades the text from the body when ever it comes across a variable marked with ^^ it would put the correct information in its place...

Dim _content As email = db.emails.Where(Function(f) f.ref_name = "Confirmation")
Dim _body As String = _content.email_body.ToString
Dim SmtpServer As New SmtpClient()


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