Subtracting From Predefined Time Value?

Feb 2, 2009

I have a predefine time value of we'll say 1:30 PM. Im wanting to start a process at 5 minutes till 1:30 which would be 1:25. So this is what Ive tried

Dim MyTime As System.DateTime
MyTime = TimeString
MyTime = MyTime.AddMinutes (-5)


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Subtracting One Time From Another?

Apr 9, 2010

i have a variable [ Dim mytime = "12:30:00 AM" ]

i want to subtract mytime from TimeOfDay and i also want to get the difference as a integer value... how should i do that..

i have added the following code

Dim mytime = DateTime.Parse("1:16:00 AM")
Dim result = TimeOfDay - mytime
dim finalresult = result.Seconds

but it is giving me negative values

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Subtracting Time From Date Object?

Jul 15, 2011

I'm subtracting hours from a date object like so:


However It doesnt seem to affect the day of the object. My question is this, when subtracting hours from the object does it subtract it from the global date? I.e make "May 7, 2011 1:00:00 AM" into "May 6, 2011 6:00:00 PM" when subtracting 7 hours or does it just affect the hours of the object?

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Make An Application To Play Movies Etc At Predefined Time?

Mar 23, 2010

i want to make an application to play movies etc at predefined time. i want to add the facility of overlaying graphics also.

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Add And Subtracting Numbers

Nov 19, 2009

I have a project creating a calculator. I have the "add" function working but have no idea how to do subtract. My professor said once we know add we can do the rest.

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Subtracting One Date From Another

Oct 16, 2009

I have a form with 3 txtboxes. The user has to enter their date of birth in the 3 boxes in the form

-DD in the first box
-MM in the second and
-YYYY in the third

I then need to get todays date and take their date of birth from todays date so that I can output to 3 labels the length of time they have been alive in years,months and days.I assume I will need to use timespan? in some way but I am not sure how , or is there perhaps a better way?

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Subtracting Times In Vb?

Apr 25, 2012

i want to subtract 18 years from a vb date object here's the code example:

Dim someVar
DirectCast(pcontrol, DateTimePicker).Value = Date.Now.Subtract(someVar)

someVar value is ?

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Count Down From Now To Predefined Timespan?

Apr 16, 2012

I would like to be able to (on button click) start a countdown (in minute intervals, that also updates every minute) from the current time to a timespan that already exists.I read somewhere there are a few different timers, I need a solution that I can use in windows phone 7 as well as in a windows forms application.I'm aware there are a lot of existing questions, I just can't seem to find one that does this exact thing if someone could point me in the right direction even?

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Subtracting Days From A Given Date?

Feb 11, 2012

I have a DateTimePicker (dtBBDate) and a textbox(txtDBBDate) object in my form....but what i want when user change the date of dtBBDate my text box should show show the date 10 days minus from that selected date i.e. if user select 10 may text box should show me 1st may?

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Subtracting Two Dates In 2005?

May 15, 2011

i have employee startdate and enddate, i want to subtract them, then determine whether the employee is active during this period or having one day or two days off or not working after the period finish.

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Subtracting Two Hh:mm:ss Times Only Shows 00:00:00?

Jul 15, 2011

I am trying to create a basic tracker where and person clicks on button1 to display the start time in textbox1, button2 displays the stop time in textbox2 and texbox3 displays the difference between stop / start time. Textbox3 keeps showing 00:00:00 and not the difference between textbox2 / textbox1. I am having difficultly getting the format for the final textbox. I have look at Elasped Time and Parse, but without sucess. I have displayed the code below -

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Subtracting Two List Of Files?

Jan 5, 2011




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Types - Subtracting From A UInt?

Jan 7, 2012

I've got a function which needs to take a UInt as a parameter. I'm using the .Net Micro Framework

As a simple example, I'd like to do something like:
Dim x As UInteger
For x = 0 To 100


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VS 2010 Subtracting 10% From Label1

May 24, 2012

lets say i have a label with $50 in it. How do i subtract 10% from the $50 in label1?

I Though it would be label1.text -= 1% but apprently not

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[2008] Subtracting A Decimal?

Mar 25, 2009

[2008] subtracting a decimal

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Add Data To Predefined Unbound Datagridview?

Mar 7, 2010

I have an unbound datagridview with three columns already setup. I load data into a dataset. I bind the dataset to the datagridview. My issue is that new columns for the dataset is added to my datagridview. I would like to place the datainto the predefined columns. I have tried this:

index As


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Convert String To Predefined Variable Name?

Nov 9, 2011

I'm programming a basic slot machine in Visual basic, and want to use a for loop to randomly choose the image for each slot, display the image in each slot, and change the slotName variable (so I can check later on which symbols are in the slots) for each slot. The problem I'm finding with a for loop is that the variables and objects for each slot have different names (slot1Name, slot2Name, slot3Name, lblSlot1, lblSlot2, lblSlot3, etc). Is there any way I could have could something like:
currentSlotName = "slot" & i & "Name"

This is the code at the moment, this code is repeated (with different variable and object names), for each of the 3 slots, which is pretty inefficient.
' Randomise numbers and assign images to slots based on random numbers, if the hold isn't on
' Slot 1
If Not held1 Then
slot1Value = Int(Rnd() * numbersGenerated + 0.5)
Select Case slot1Value
[Code] .....

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Me.Width Subtracting Out Windows Side Bar

Mar 9, 2011

Me.Width is what i am having issues with. I can adjust the width to work on my system but the bar is a different amount of pixels on different versions of windows. I was wondering if there was a function that would give u the amount of pixels the side bar is. I was considering writing some code so look for a color change but people can change the color so i do not think it would work very well. Also the program allows you to draw in a picture box so that would make it hard to get it to work correctly.

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Moving A PictureBox To Predefined Locations?

Jan 22, 2011

I'm working on a little board game we play here in Jamaica just to see how it would look and as a sort of challenge for myself while on vacation. I'm however stuck on how to make my markers (PictureBoxes - two per player) move along the board.So heres my problem; I have 40 slots where the picturebox can be moved to (eg picturebox1.Top = 324, picturebox1.left=243). Now moving to these slots are determined by the roll of a pair of dice. How can I assign a variable preferably an integer for each slot so when the dice is rolled I can just do a little addition as to where the markers can be moved?

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Predefined Text In Textbox Error?

Apr 18, 2011

I have a program with three Textboxes that have numbers typed in as text. I have them dimensioned. When I try to use them it gives me an error "Cannot convert a String to a Double". I have tried to use a=CDBL(textbox1.text) but that did not fix it. Is there a solution to this problem?

Sub Test()
Dim a,b,c


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Private / Public - Subtracting Variables

Mar 11, 2010

I am a little new to .NET Developing, and have learned a great deal recently, but I'm stuck with something. I come from an ASP Background, I'm trying to subtract 2 variables, but they don't seem to 'see' one another.


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Write The DS Into A Txt Fie With Predefined Field Lengths?

Jul 30, 2009

I want to write the DS into a txt fie with predefined field lengths.

Code:Dim ds As New Data.DataSetda.SelectCommand = New SqlCommand da.SelectCommand.Connection = conn da.SelectCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * from Samp1" da.Fill(ds, "S1")


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Create A File And Fill It Until A Predefined Size Value?

Jun 5, 2011

There is some way to open a file and fill it with randon information until it reach a determined value?

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Select Predefined Items From A String In Checkedlistbox?

Jan 25, 2012

Is there an approach to preselect the items in checkedlistbox on formload.

1) I have a form with checkedlistbox

2) items in checkedlistbox are "One" "Two" "Three" "Four"

3) i have a string str="One,Two"

at formload i want these items in the checkedlistbox to be selected.

is there a way other than selecting these item by looping through the items in listedcheckedbox.

i.e., as we can get the selected items by using ".checkeditems" property

i need a way to select the items of checkedlistbox from a string or array in single statement without looping.

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VS 2008 Communicating With A VB6 App And A App - Display Predefined Forms

Dec 2, 2009

I have a need to be able to communicate with a VB6 application (I have the source code) whilst it is running. I just need to get it to display some predefined forms. Any tips on how I could achieve it. I was thinking along the lines of using Sockets.

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Add A Print Option So That The Info Can Be Printed On A Predefined Layout?

Oct 19, 2011

I have made a simple data entry program, and I need to add a print option so that the info can be printed on a predefined layout. Is there a tutorial on how to do that? I know in MS Access is a form design. but I do not see such a function in VB 2008 Express Edition?

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Datacolumn Expression Subtracting Dates And Taking To Datagridview?

Dec 3, 2009

datacolumn expression subtracting dates and taking to datagridview

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Dynamically Direct A Particular Control's Event To Use A Predefined Method?

Nov 15, 2009

Is it possible to dynamically direct a particular control's event to use a predefined method.For example.I have a form which I dynamically add controls to, let's say, TextBox1,TextBox2 and TextBox3 and a module which as 3 routines, Method1, Method2, Method3. When I dynamically add my controls, eg TextBox4, I want to choose which of the 3 methods I want mapped to which event.
Dim objTextBox1 as new TextBox
dim NameOfRoutine$="Module.Method2"

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Dynamically Entering Values In A Predefined Email Body In Mvc 3?

Oct 11, 2011

I am writing a mvc 3 application and part of its function is to send out confirmation emails along with an assortment of other emails.. I have the body's for the different types of emails stored in a database table.. Getting the values out of the table and dropping them in a email body using System.Net.Mail isnt a problem at all... What I need to do is somehow put somekind of variable marker in the body which is in the database table and then somehow parse the body text when its dropped into the email body to find the variable marker and put the correct value in it's spot..Code snippet of what I have so far is below:

Keep in mind that this will be a rather large body and there are a few places values will have to be dropped in.. I was thinking of having it use something like this:

Long mail body ^^Name^^ has been approved for classes starting on ^^Date^^ at the ^^Place^^ located in ^^Location^^..

When the code loades the text from the body when ever it comes across a variable marked with ^^ it would put the correct information in its place...

Dim _content As email = db.emails.Where(Function(f) f.ref_name = "Confirmation")
Dim _body As String = _content.email_body.ToString
Dim SmtpServer As New SmtpClient()


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Financial Calculations - Strange Result When Subtracting Numbers

Mar 17, 2011

Do a simple thing first... open VB.NET, then open your Immediate Window. And type the following:
? -199037.52 + 198571.0
Its a simple mathematical sum which should return the answer as -466.52, but instead it shows -466.51999999998952. My project which is mainly about financial calculations has gone all screwed up because of these two numbers. All the amounts in my project are based on Double type numbers. Since this calculation is showing a strangest kind of a result, all my program code has gone haywire.

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